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EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Attorney General Eric Holder to Announce Historic Clean Air Act Settlement

Release Date: 11/03/2014
Contact Information: Christie St. Clair, [email protected], o: 202-564-280, m: 202-768-5780

Nov. 3, 2014

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Attorney General Eric Holder to Announce Historic Clean Air Act Settlement

WASHINGTON Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and Attorney General Eric Holder will hold a press conference TODAY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. EST to announce an historic Clean Air Act settlement.

Attorney General Eric Holder
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division Sam Hirsch
Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Cynthia Giles

    To announce significant greenhouse gas enforcement case

    TODAY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014 - 10:30 a.m. EST

    Department of Justice
    7th Floor Press Conference Room
    950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
    Washington, D.C.


    NOTE: All media members must have credentials and should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled conference time. Media must enter the department at the visitor’s entrance on Constitution Avenue between Ninth and Tenth Streets. Media begin arriving at 9:30 a.m. EST and cameras must be pre-set by 10 a.m. EST. Press inquiries regarding logistics should be directed to the Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs at 202-514-2007.
