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San Francisco Creates New “Green” Project at Mission Bay Community with Stimulus, Private Funding

Release Date: 11/04/2011
Contact Information: Media Contact Information: Mary Simms, [email protected], (415) 947-74270

U.S. EPA, DTSC, San Francisco Redevelopment Agency and Mission Bay Development Group host press conference, tour in San Francisco to Discuss Job Creation and Sustainability

SAN FRANCISCO — On Friday, November 4, senior leadership from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), City and County of San Francisco, and the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency will host a press conference at Mission Bay, the City’s newest community.

The event will feature a tour of Mission Bay to celebrate the completion of Mission Bay Drive and Circle. The Mission Bay Drive and Circle project connects the Mission Bay community with surrounding neighborhoods previously isolated by Interstate-280 and provides underserved residents with direct access to the Bay, new parks and open space, and neighborhood-serving retail. The project is made possible by a Brownfields stimulus grant from California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control, as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s federal stimulus funding. A $760,000 DTSC stimulus grant jump-started the project. The leadership will also tour Park P16, another recently completed Mission Bay park that received a $200,000 DTSC brownfields grant. Park P16 is the newest segment of the Mission Bay Commons Park system. Together, the grants helped create more than 350 construction jobs and leveraged more $16 Million in private funding.


Department of Toxic Substances Control, Director, Debbie Raphael
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld
City and County of San Francisco
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, President, Richard Swig
Mission Bay Development Group, Principal, Seth Hamalian

Press availability and tour
City, State, Federal and business leaders will celebrate the completion of a new grant project, tour Mission Bay neighborhood, and take questions from the media.


Friday, November 4 -- 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Mission Bay Development Visitor Center, 255 Channel Street, San Francisco

Please RSVP in advance with name, contact info to Mary Simms at [email protected] to participate.

Additional Background:
Mission Bay is a successful public private partnership redevelopment project that replaces more than 300 acres of formerly environmentally blighted, underutilized, Bayfront land. The project includes 6,000 residential units (30% affordable), a network of 49 acres of parks, a low-greenhouse gas emitting, transit-oriented urban neighborhood and a new bio-technology/life science/high tech economic hub. The project also hosts a new University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) research campus and hospital. Historically, the site was the home of warehouses and rail yards.

Mission Bay is currently home to over 3,500 residents and is more than 50% complete. It contributes millions of dollars in local taxes annually. When complete, Mission Bay will have a region-wide economic impact measured in the billions of dollars and will revitalize nearly one half-mile of San Francisco Bay shoreline.

Mission Bay Drive and Circle and Park P16 are part of the infrastructure which supports the Mission Bay community. Approximately $350 million in infrastructure has already been invested with approximately the same amount to follow. On an annual basis infrastructure development has employed roughly 1,000 construction workers over the last decade and is estimated to employ over 10,000 people through remaining build-out. Building construction to date is estimated to have employed approximately 17,000 workers and the remaining build-out is anticipated to employ over 20,000.

Following the event photos will be posted to the event media kit online at: