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EPA proposes partial deletion of Rocky Flats Plant site from Superfund List
Release Date: 03/13/2007
Contact Information: Mark Aguilar 303-312-6251; Rob Henneke 303-312-6734; Rich Mylott 303-312-6654
Portion of site will be certified for transfer to Fish and Wildlife Service
(Denver, Colo. - March 13, 2007) The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to delete 25,413 acres of the Rocky Flats Plant Superfund site in Jefferson and Boulder Counties, Colo., from the National Priorities List (NPL). This deletion reflects the completion of all response actions for the offsite and peripheral parcels and will allow the U.S. Department of Energy to transfer the deleted part of the site to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for management as a National Wildlife Refuge.
Areas affected by the proposed deletion include the 4,933-acre Peripheral Operable Unit and the 20,480-acre Operable Unit 3. The Peripheral Operable Unit (formerly known as the Buffer Zone) and Operable Unit 3 (also known as the Offsite Areas) consists of open space, residential development and agricultural lands. A 1997 Record of Decision for Operable Unit 3 and a 2006 Record of Decision for the Peripheral Operable Unit determined that all appropriate response actions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act have been implemented in these areas, and that no further response action by responsible parties is appropriate.
The State of Colorado, through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, concurs with the proposed deletion. The U.S. Department of Energy will be responsible for all future response actions required at the area deleted if future site conditions warrant such actions.
The 1,308-acre Central Operable Unit at Rocky Flats is not being considered for deletion and will remain on the NPL.
- EPA requests public comment on this proposed action. Comments must be received on or before April 12, 2007.
To view the Federal Register notice for this proposed action, please visit and select "EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0011-0005" in the Keyword/ID search box.
Please submit your comments, identified by Docket ID no. EPA-HQ-SFUND-189-0011, by one of the following methods:
· Follow instructions for submitting comments at
· Email: [email protected].
· Fax: 303-312-7150.
· Mail: Rob Henneke, USEPA, 8OC, 1595 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202.
· Hand delivery: Rob Henneke, USEPA, 1595 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202.
Business hours are 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. Special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information.
- Information about the proposed deletion is available for viewing and copying at the following repositories:
- Rocky Flats Reading Room EPA Technical Library, EPA Region 8
Front Range Community College EPA Information Center, 2nd Floor
3705 112th Ave. 1595 Wynkoop St.
Westminster, CO 80033 Denver, C0 80202
M-Th 9 AM - 5 PM, F 10 AM - 5 PM M-F 8 AM - 4 PM
(303) 469-4435 (303) 312-7226
For further information contact:
Rob Henneke, USEPA
Telephone: (303) 312-6734 or 1-800-227-8917 x312-6734,
E-mail: [email protected].
Mark Aguilar, USEPA
Telephone: (303) 312-6251
E-mail: [email protected]

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