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New Mexivo Trailer Park Owner Pleads Guilty to Dumping Sewage Sludge on Indian Land

Release Date: 10/16/2003
Contact Information:

Luke C. Hester 202-564-7818 / [email protected]

(10/16/03) Ezequel Quintana of Bernalillo, N.M., pleaded guilty to dumping sewage sludge from a septic tank at his trailer park onto Sandia Pueblo land. Dumping sewage sludge on lands presents an infection hazard to individuals who come into contact with the disposal site and presents a contamination hazard to surface waters from run-off. When sentenced, Quintana faces a maximum possible sentence of up to three years in prison and or a fine of up to $250,000. The case was investigated by EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division (Dallas), the FBI and the Sandia Pueblo Police Department. The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Albuquerque.