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MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA Recognizes 19 Universities for Food Waste Reduction

Release Date: 11/13/2012
Contact Information: David Yogi, [email protected], (415) 972-3350

Ceremony at UC Berkeley to announce participation in EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge

SAN FRANCISCO – In celebration of America Recycles Day 2012 (November 15), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will honor 19 California, Nevada, Arizona, and Guam universities for their participation in the EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge. The Food Recovery Challenge is a voluntary program that aims to limit wasted excess food nationwide through donations to charity, reducing consumption, and increasing composting.

An honor ceremony at the University of California, Berkeley, campus will be held on November 15, and will include a tour to follow of the university’s student-led composting network and innovative LeanPath computerized food waste tracking system. The LeanPath system provides real time data to avoid food waste and save money. The tour will provide a behind-the-scenes look at UC Berkeley’s innovative approach to food management.

Media Kit:
Primary Visuals: Walk-through of waste diversion and recycling network
Demonstration of LeanPath food waste tracking system
            Honor ceremony with representatives from state and federal agencies
Who: Jared Blumenfeld, Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Pacific Southwest
        Kyle Pogue, Division Director, State of California Materials Management and Local Assistance
        Gary Wolff, Executive Director, Alameda County Waste Management Authority (
Michael Laux, Associate Director, UC Berkeley Housing & Dining Services
Lisa McNeilly, Director, UC Berkeley Office of Sustainability
What: Tour of waste minimization practices in the dining facility
Demonstration of food waste tracking system
Honor ceremony announcing 19 schools participating in program
When: November 15, 2012, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: UC Berkeley Crossroads Dining Hall
2415 Bowditch Street, Berkeley, CA 94720 (map)

For more information on the Food Recovery Challenge, visit: