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Maui eligible for $900,000 EPA targeted watershed funds
Release Date: 08/20/2007
Contact Information: Marc Mowrey 415-972-3324
Funds go toward purchase of West Maui Mountains Watershed
SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that the county of Maui is one of 16 organizations selected nationwide as finalists eligible to apply for a total of $13.36 million through the EPA’s Targeted Watersheds Grants Program.
The selected organizations will implement a variety of activities to improve the health of their watersheds.
“These award-winning projects demonstrate the dedication and commitment of diverse stakeholders to protect watersheds across America,” said Alexis Strauss, the EPA’s Water Division director for the Pacific Southwest region. “The EPA's seed money will support watershed projects that restore and sustain clean water and healthy ecosystems.”
The county of Maui is eligible for up to $900,000 in EPA funding with up to $9.2 million provided by Maui County and other parties to aquire13,166 acres of the West Maui Mountains Watershed. The purchase will ensure the four main streams that make up Na Wai ‘Eha (“The Four Waters”) are restored so endangered native flora and fauna are protected and can flourish, traditional Hawaiian use of water can be restored, and water resources for the community can be held in the public trust in perpetuity.
The EPA initiated the Targeted Watersheds Grant Program in 2002 to encourage successful community-based approaches to protect and restore the nation's watersheds. Watershed health is important to providing clean, safe water where Americans live, work and play. Since 2003, the EPA has provided more than $40 million through Targeted Watersheds Grants.
This year’s finalist projects include plans to restore and enhance wetland and riparian habitats, support agricultural best-management practices, promote low-impact development, as well as a variety of innovative and incentive-based programs to mitigate toxics and promote financial sustainability.
The organizations invited to apply for the grant money made available today are:
County of Maui - West Maui Watershed, HI
The Sonoran Institute – Santa Cruz River, Ariz.
Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition of New York – Lake Champlain, N.Y.
Clear Creek Watershed Foundation – Upper Clear Creek, Colo.
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes – Jocko River Watershed, Mont.
Ducks Unlimited – Upper Klamath Basin, Ore.
Grand Traverse Band Ottawa & Chippewa Indians – Betsie Platte Otter Watershed, Mich.
Groundwork Yonkers – Saw Mill River Watershed, N.Y.
Heidelberg College – Honey Creek Watershed, OH
Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Marais Des Cygnes Basin, Kan., Mo.
Lewis & Clark County Government – Lake Helena Watershed, Mont.
Nisqually River Foundation – Nisqually River, Wash.
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission – Tri-State Connecticut River Watershed, Vt., N.H., Mass.
Rio Puerco Alliance – Torreon Wash, N.M.
The Elizabeth River Project – Money Point, Va.
Upstate Forever – Saluda-Reedy Watershed, S.C.
More information on the finalists:

View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.