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Oregon Holdings Fined for Filling in Wetlands Near Toledo

Release Date: 11/02/2010
Contact Information: Kären Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA133

CHICAGO (Nov.2, 2010) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has issued a consent agreement and final order to Oregon Holdings IV LLC for filling in about 6.3 acres of wetlands at its development site, 750 Lallendorf Road, Oregon, Ohio, without a permit. The company has agreed to pay a $75,000 penalty.

EPA alleged that in May and June of 2004 Oregon Holdings filled in wetlands adjacent to Johlin Ditch while developing a parcel of land. The waters of Johlin Ditch flow into Lake Erie.

Under the Clean Water Act, a permit is needed before discharging pollutants, including fill material, to waters of the United States, including wetlands. Wetlands play a valuable role in the environment by filtering pollutants, reducing soil erosion, controlling flooding and providing habitat for animals and aquatic life.
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