EPA-Approved Nonregulatory Provisions and Quasi-Regulatory Measures in the Arizona SIP
The following document tables contain EPA Approved Nonregulatory Provisions and Quasi-Regulatory Measures in the Arizona State Implementation Plan (SIP). EPA's Pacific Southwest Office maintains these tables and will update them to reflect any changes the official tables codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. To find the status of SIP submittals, visit SIP Status Reports.
EPA-Approved Non-Regulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Measures
[Excluding certain resolutions and statutes, which are listed in tables [2] and [3], respectively] [1]
The State of Arizona Air Pollution Control Implementation Plan
Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) State Implementation Plan Elements (Excluding Part D Elements and Plans)
Name of SIP Provision | Applicable Geographic or Nonattainment Area or Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
Chapter 1 - Introduction | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Appendix G - Policy Statement on Air Pollution Control | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 2 - Legal Authority, excluding section 2.9 (“Jurisdiction over Indian Lands”) | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. See table 1 of subsection (c) and table 3 of subsection (e). Section 2.9 was deleted without replacement at 81 FR 7209 (February 11, 2016). |
Assertion of State Jurisdiction over Apache, Navajo, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai Counties; Assertion of State Jurisdiction over Cochise County; and Assertion of State Jurisdiction over specific sources in Mohave County | Apache, Navajo, Santa Cruz, Yavapai, Cochise, and Mohave Counties | February 3, 1975 | July 31, 1978, 43 FR 33245 | |
Chapter 3 - Air Quality Data | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 4 - Emission Data | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 5 - Air Quality Surveillance Network (February 1980) | State-wide | February 15, 1980 | August 10, 1981, 46 FR 40512 | |
Chapter 6 - Control Strategy | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | SIP elements developed to address CAA requirements in designated nonattainment areas as well as maintenance plans are listed at the end of this table. |
Chapter 7 - Compliance Schedules | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 8 - Emergency Episode Prevention | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Appendix E - Emergency Episode Communications Manual | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 9 - Review of New Sources and Modifications | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Setting Applicability Thresholds, pages 1547-1549 in Appendix A to “State Implementation Plan Revision: New Source Review” adopted on October 29, 2012 | State-wide | Submitted on October 29, 2012, and supplemented on September 6, 2013 and July 2, 2014 | November 2, 2015, 80 FR 67319 | |
Memorandum, “Proposed Final Permits to be Treated as Appealable Agency Actions,” dated February 10, 2015, from Eric Massey, Air Quality Division Director to Balaji Vaidyanathan, Permit Section Manager, submitted on February 23, 2015. | State-wide | Submitted on October 29, 2012, and supplemented on September 6, 2013 and July 2, 2014 | November 2, 2015, 80 FR 67319 | |
“State Implementation Plan Revision: New Source Review - Supplement,” relating to the division of jurisdiction for New Source Review in Arizona, adopted on July 2, 2014 | State-wide | Submitted on October 29, 2012, and supplemented on September 6, 2013 and July 2, 2014 | November 2, 2015, 80 FR 67319 | |
Letter from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, dated June 1, 1988, committing to administer the provisions of the Federal New Source Review regulations consistent with EPA's requirements | State-wide | June 1, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30220; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | The commitments apply to the issuance of, or revision to, permits for any source which is a major stationary source or major modification as defined in 40 CFR, part 51, subpart I.† |
Letter from Maricopa County Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, dated April 28, 1988, committing to administer the New Source Review provisions of their regulations consistent with EPA's requirements | Maricopa County | July 25, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | The commitments apply to the issuance of, or revision to, permits for any source which is a major stationary source or major modification as defined in 40 CFR, part 51, subpart I.† |
Letter from the Pima County Health Department, Office of Environmental Quality, dated April 24, 1988 committing to administer the New Source Review provisions of their regulations consistent with EPA's requirements | Pima County | July 22, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30220; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | The commitments apply to the issuance of, or revision to, permits for any source which is a major stationary source or major modification as defined in 40 CFR, part 51, subpart I.† |
State Implementation Plan Determination of “Good Engineering Practice” Stack Height | Gila County (Hayden Copper Smelter) | September 20, 1979 | January 14, 1983, 48 FR 1717 | Issued by Arizona Department of Health Services. |
Technical Basis of New Source Review Regulations, Pima County, Arizona, February 6, 1980 (AQ-125-a) | Pima County | February 28, 1980 | July 7, 1982, 47 FR 29532 | |
Chapter 10 - Source Surveillance | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 11 - Rules and Regulations | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Also, see tables 1 through 6 in section 40 CFR 52.120(c). |
Chapter 12 - Intergovernmental Cooperation | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Chapter 13 - Resources | State-wide | May 26, 1972 | July 27, 1972, 37 FR 15080 | Submittal letter is dated May 26, 1972; received by EPA on May 30, 1972. |
Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program | State-wide | February 1, 1995 | June 15, 1995, 60 FR 31411 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on February 1, 1995. |
Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program | State-wide | November 13, 1992 | June 15, 1995, 60 FR 31411 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on November 13, 1992. |
A Revised Analysis of Lead Emissions and Ambient-Air Concentrations in Pima County, Arizona | Pima County | September 26, 1980 | June 30, 1982, 47 FR 28374 | |
Arizona Lead SIP Revision | State-wide | April 1, 1980 | June 30, 1982, 47 FR 28374 | |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision to the Arizona Regional Haze Plan for Arizona Public Service Cholla Generating Station | Source-Specific | October 22, 2015 | March 27, 2017, 82 FR 15139 | Revised source-specific BART limits for NOX for Cholla Power Plant adopted October 22, 2015. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision to the Arizona Regional Haze Plan for the Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station, excluding Appendix B | Source-Specific | December 15, 2016 | October 10, 2017, 82 FR 46903 | BART Alternative for Coronado Generating Station adopted December 14, 2016. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan, Revision to the Arizona Regional Haze Plan for Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Incorporated, Apache Generating Station, excluding the appendices | Source-Specific | May 13, 2014 | April 10, 2015, 80 FR 19220 | Submitted on May 13, 2014. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Regional Haze Under Section 308 of the Federal Regional Haze Rule (May 2013), excluding: | Source-Specific | May 3, 2013 | July 30, 2013, 78 FR 46142 | |
(i) Chapter 10, section 10.7 (regarding ASARCO Hayden Smelter (PM10 emissions) and Chemical Lime Company - Nelson Lime Plant); | ||||
(ii) Chapter 11, except subsection 11.3.1(3) (“Focus on SO2 and NOX pollutants”); | ||||
(iii) Appendix D: chapter I, except for the footnotes in tables 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 to the entries for AEPCO [Apache], and the entry in table 1.2 for Freeport-McMoRan Miami Smelter; chapter VI, section C (regarding PM10 emissions from ASARCO Hayden smelter); chapter XII, section C, and chapter XIII, subsection D; and | ||||
(iv) Appendix E. | ||||
Arizona State Implementation Plan, Regional Haze Under Section 308 of the Federal Regional Haze Rule (January 2011), excluding: | Source-Specific | February 28, 2011 | July 30, 2013, 78 FR 46142 | |
(i) Chapter 6: table 6.1; chapter 10: sections 10.4, 10.6 (regarding Unit I4 at the Irvington (Sundt) Generating Station), 10.7, and 10.8; chapter 11; chapter 12: sections 12.7.3 (“Emission Limitation and Schedules of Compliance”) and 12.7.6 (“Enforceability of Arizona's Measures”); and chapter 13: section 13.2.3 (“Arizona and Other State Emission Reductions Obligations”); | ||||
(ii) Appendix D: chapter I; chapter V (regarding Unit I4 at the Irvington (Sundt) Generating Station); chapter VI, sections C and D; chapter VII; chapter IX; chapter X, section E.1; chapter XI, section D; chapter XII, sections B and C; chapter XIII, sections B, C, and D; and chapter XIV, section D; and | ||||
(iii) Appendix E. | ||||
Arizona State Implementation Plan, Regional Haze Under Section 308 of the Federal Regional Haze Rule: Appendix D, Arizona BART - Supplemental Information: | Source-Specific | February 28, 2011 | December 5, 2012, 77 FR 72512 | Certain source-specific Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) limits at three electric generating stations. |
(i) Table 1.1 - NOX BART, entry for AEPCO [Apache], ST1 [Unit 1] only. | ||||
(ii) Table 1.2 - PM10 BART, entries for AEPCO [Apache], APS Cholla Power Plant and SRP Coronado Generating Station. | ||||
(iii) Table 1.3 - SO2 BART, entries for AEPCO, APS Cholla Power Plant and SRP Coronado Generating Station. | ||||
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision: Regional Haze 5-Year Progress Report, excluding Appendix A-Public Process | State-wide | November 12, 2015 | July 11, 2019, 84 FR 33002 | |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2); Implementation of the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards, excluding the appendices | State-wide | October 14, 2011 | August 10, 2015, 80 FR 47859 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on October 14, 2011. |
SIP Revision: Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D), 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (December 3, 2015) | State-wide | December 3, 2015 | May 19, 2016, 81 FR 31513; correcting amendment on June 6, 2016, 81 FR 31679 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 3, 2015. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2); 2008 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, excluding the appendices | State-wide | December 27, 2012 | August 10, 2015, 80 FR 47859 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 27, 2012. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2); Implementation of the 2010 NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, excluding the appendices | State-wide | January 18, 2013 | August 21, 2018, 83 FR 42214 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on January 18, 2013. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2); Implementation of the 2010 SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, excluding the appendices | State-wide | July 23, 2013 | August 21, 2018, 83 FR 42214 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on July 23, 2013. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2); Implementation of the 2008 ozone and 2010 NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, excluding: | State-wide | December 3, 2015 | August 21, 2018, 83 FR 42214 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 3, 2015. |
(i) The submission in Enclosure 1 titled “SIP Revision: Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D) 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards Air Quality Division” dated December 3, 2015; | ||||
(ii) All appendices in Enclosure 1; and Enclosure 2. | ||||
Ordinance No. 1993-128, Section 1, 17.040.190 “Composition” Section 6, 17.24.040 “Reporting for compliance evaluations” | Pima County | December 19, 2013 | August 10, 2015, 80 FR 47859 | Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Pima County, Arizona on September 28, 1993. |
Ordinance 2005-43, Chapter 17.12, Permits and Permit Revisions, section 2, 17.12.040 “Reporting Requirements” | Pima County | December 19, 2013 | August 10, 2015, 80 FR 47859 | Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Pima County, Arizona on April 19, 2005. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2): Implementation of 2006 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 1997 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, September 2009, excluding the appendices | State-wide | October 14, 2009 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on October 14, 2009. |
Final Supplement to the Arizona State Implementation Plan under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2): Implementation of 2006 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 1997 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, August 2012, excluding the appendices | State-wide | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Revision to the Arizona State Implementation Plan Under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) - Regional Transport (May 2007) | Statewide | May 24, 2007 | July 31, 2007, 72 FR 41629 | Interstate Transport SIP adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on May 24, 2007. |
Part D Elements and Plans (Other than for the Metropolitan Phoenix or Tucson Areas)
Name of SIP Provision | Applicable Geographic or Nonattainment Area or Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
SIP Revision: Marginal Ozone Plan for the Yuma Nonattainment Area (dated December 17, 2020), excluding chapter D and appendix C | Yuma 2015 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | December 22, 2020 | April 5, 2022, 87 FR 19629 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 22, 2020. |
Supplemental Information for the Yuma Ozone Marginal Non-Attainment Area State Implementation Plan Emission Inventory (dated June 30, 2021) | Yuma 2015 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | July 1, 2021 | April 5, 2022, 87 FR 19629 | Submitted as a supplement to the SIP Revision: Marginal Ozone Plan for the Yuma Nonattainment Area on July 1, 2021. |
SIP Revision: Hayden Lead Nonattainment Area, excluding Appendix C | Hayden, AZ Lead Nonattainment Area | March 3, 2017 | November 14, 2018, 83 FR 56734 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on March 3, 2017. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision: Hayden Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS. Chapter 3, Chapter 8, Appendix A, and Appendix B | Hayden, AZ Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area | March 9, 2017 | November 10, 2020, 85 FR 71547 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and submitted to the EPA as an attachment to letter dated March 8, 2017. The EPA approved the emissions inventory element and affirmed that the State had met the new source review requirements for the area. The EPA disapproved the attainment demonstration, RACM/RACT, enforceable emission limitations, RFP, and contingency measure elements. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision: Miami Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, excluding Appendix D | Miami, AZ Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area | March 9, 2017 | March 12, 2019, 84 FR 8813 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on March 8, 2017. |
SIP Revision: Ajo PM10 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan (May 3, 2019) (excluding Appendix C) | Ajo PM10 Air Quality Planning Area | May 10, 2019 | August 4, 2020, 85 FR 47032 | Appendix C includes Pima County Code (PCC) Section 17.16.125 and the related public process documentation. PCC Section 17.16.125 was approved in a separate action and is listed in table 7 of 40 CFR 52.120(c). ADEQ's submittal letter date is the same as the date of adoption, May 8, 2019. Submitted electronically on May 10, 2019. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Maintenance Plan for the Ajo Sulfur Dioxide Area (1971 NAAQS), (February 2013), excluding Appendix C, “Overview of Point Source Emissions Limits and Potential to Emit” | Ajo Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | February 22, 2013 | January 9, 2017, 82 FR 2239 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on February 22, 2013. Fulfills requirements for second ten-year maintenance plans. The SIP includes a request to correct the maintenance area boundary. |
Ajo Sulfur Dioxide State Implementation and Maintenance Plan | Ajo Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | June 18, 2002 | November 3, 2003, 68 FR 62239 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on June 18, 2002. |
Bullhead City Moderate Area PM10 Maintenance Plan and Request for Redesignation to Attainment | Bullhead City PM10 Air Quality Planning Area | February 7, 2002 | June 26, 2002, 67 FR 43020 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on February 7, 2002. |
Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area State Implementation and Maintenance Plan, dated November 29, 2001 | Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | December 14, 2001 | February 28, 2006, 71 FR 9941 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 14, 2001. |
Modeling Supplement-Douglas Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) State Implementation and Maintenance Plan | Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | April 2, 2004 | February 28, 2006, 71 FR 9941 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on April 2, 2004. |
Modeling and Emissions Inventory Supplement for the Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area State Implementation and Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request, dated September 2005 | Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | September 16, 2005 | February 28, 2006, 71 FR 9941 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on September 16, 2005. |
Maintenance Plan Renewal, 1971 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Douglas Maintenance Area | Douglas Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | December 14, 2016 | June 8, 2018, 83 FR 26596 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 14, 2016. Fulfills requirements for second 10-year maintenance plan. |
Final Miami Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area State Implementation and Maintenance Plan (June 2002) (revised May 26, 2004), excluding appendix A (“SIP Support Information”), sections A.1 (“Pertinent Sections of the Arizona Administrative Code”) and A.2 (“Information Regarding Revisions to AAC R18-2-715 and R18-2-715.01, `Standards of Performance for Primary Copper Smelters: Site Specific Requirements; Compliance and Monitoring' ”); and appendix D (“SIP Public Hearing Documentation”) | Miami Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | June 26, 2002 | January 24, 2007, 72 FR 3061 | Adopted by ADEQ on June 26, 2002. Incorporates replacement pages for the cover page and pages iii, 2, 3, 4 and 49 enclosed with letter from ADEQ dated June 30, 2004. Includes a letter from Stephen A. Owens, Director, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, dated June 20, 2006, withdrawing a section 107(d)(3)(D) boundary redesignation request included in the Miami Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area State Implementation and Maintenance Plan and requesting a section 110(k)(6) error correction. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Maintenance Plan for the Morenci Sulfur Dioxide Area (1971 NAAQS), (December 2014) | Morenci Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | December 18, 2014 | January 9, 2017, 82 FR 2239 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 18, 2014. Fulfills requirements for second ten-year maintenance plans. |
Morenci Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area State Implementation and Maintenance Plan | Morenci Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | June 21, 2002 | April 26, 2004, 69 FR 22447 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on June 21, 2002. |
Final Update of the Limited Maintenance Plan for the Payson PM10 Maintenance Area (December 2011) | Payson PM10 Air Quality Planning Area | January 23, 2012 | March 19, 2014, 79 FR 15227 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on January 23, 2012. |
Payson Moderate Area PM10 Maintenance Plan and Request for Redesignation to Attainment | Payson PM10 Air Quality Planning Area | March 29, 2002 | June 26, 2002, 67 FR 43013 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on March 29, 2002. |
Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision for the Nogales PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (September 2013), including appendices A and B | Nogales PM2.5 Nonattainment Area | September 6, 2013 | February 9, 2015, 80 FR 6907 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on September 6. 2013. |
FINAL SIP Revision: Nogales PM2.5 Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request (2006 Fine Particulate NAAQS) | Nogales PM2.5. Air Quality Planning Area | April 13, 2021 | August 15, 2022, 87 FR 49997 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and submitted to the EPA as an attachment to letter dated April 7, 2021. |
Final 2012 State Implementation Plan Nogales PM10 Nonattainment Area | Nogales PM10 Nonattainment Area | August 24, 2012 | September 25, 2012, 77 FR 58962 | |
Final Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area, March 2007 | San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area | June 7, 2007 | January 18, 2008, 73 FR 3396 | |
San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Maintenance Plan Renewal, 1971 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards (April 2017) | San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Air Quality Planning Area | April 21, 2017 | December 15, 2017, 82 FR 59520 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on April 21, 2017. Fulfills requirements for second 10-year maintenance plan. |
Limited Maintenance Plan Update for the Bullhead City PM10 Maintenance Area (May 2012) | Bullhead City PM10 Air Quality Planning Area | May 24, 2012 | April 14, 2022, 87 FR 22132 | Enclosure 1 includes Arizona's statutory authority provisions. Enclosure 2 is ADEQ's completeness checklist. Enclosure 4 includes the public process documentation. Submitted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on May 24, 2012. Fulfills requirements for second 10-year maintenance plan. |
Part D Elements and Plans for the Metropolitan Phoenix and Tucson Areas
Name of SIP Provision | Applicable Geographic or Nonattainment Area or Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
MAG 2014 State Implementation Plan Revision for the Removal of Stage II Vapor Recovery Controls in the Maricopa Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area (August 2014), excluding appendix A, exhibit 2 (“Arizona Revised Statutes Listed in Table 1-1”) | Maricopa Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area | September 2, 2014 | November 16, 2015, 80 FR 70689 | Adopted by the Regional Council of the Maricopa Association of Governments on August 27, 2014. |
Final Addendum to the Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Exemption of Motorcycles from Vehicle Emissions Inspections and Maintenance Program Requirements in Area A, October 2009 (December 2010) | Area A - i.e., Phoenix metropolitan area | January 11, 2011 | May 22, 2013, 78 FR 30209 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on January 11, 2011. |
Final Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Exemption of Motorcycles from Vehicle Emissions Inspections and Maintenance Program Requirements in Area A (October 2009), excluding appendices A and C | Area A - i.e., Phoenix metropolitan area | November 6, 2009 | May 22, 2013, 78 FR 30209 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on November 6, 2009. |
September 2006 Supplement to Final Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Basic and Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance Programs, December 2005, excluding appendices | Areas A and B - i.e., Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas | October 3, 2006 | March 30, 2007, 72 FR 15046 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on October 3, 2006. |
Final Arizona State Implementation Plan Revision, Basic and Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance Programs (December 2005), excluding appendices | Areas A and B - i.e., Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas | December 23, 2005 | March 30, 2007, 72 FR 15046 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 23, 2005. |
MAG 2013 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan for the Maricopa County Area, March 2013 | Maricopa County Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Planning Area | April 2, 2013 | March 3, 2016, 81 FR 11120 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on April 2, 2013. |
MAG Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area and Appendices, dated May 2003 | Maricopa County Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Planning Area | June 16, 2003 | March 9, 2005, 70 FR 11553 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on June 16, 2003. |
Revised MAG 1999 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area, dated March 2001 | Maricopa County Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Planning Area | April 18, 2001 | March 9, 2005, 70 FR 11553 | Adopted by the Maricopa Association of Governments on March 28, 2001 and by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on April 18, 2001. March 9, 2005 final rule was corrected at September 6, 2005, 70 FR 52928. |
Addendum to MAG 1987 Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area, July 21, 1988 | Maricopa County | July 22, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | Supplemental information related to the SIP revision of July 18, 1988. Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA. Control and committal measures were restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219. EPA disapproved the attainment demonstration, conformity and contingency portions of the 1988 Addendum at 40 CFR 52.124(a)(1). See 56 FR 5458 (February 11, 1991). |
Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 1987 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Plan for the Maricopa County Area, MAG CO Plan Commitments for Implementation, and Appendix A through E, Exhibit 4, Exhibit D | Maricopa County Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Planning Area | October 5, 1987 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | Adopted on July 10, 1987. Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA. Control and committal measures were restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219. EPA disapproved the attainment demonstration, conformity and contingency portions of the 1987 MAG CO Plan at 40 CFR 52.124(a)(1). See 56 FR 5458 (February 11, 1991). |
Analysis of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) State Implementation Plan (SIP) | Maricopa County portion of Phoenix-Mesa nonattainment area for 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS | June 22, 2017; Supplemented on September 17, 2021 | January 7, 2021, 86 FR 971; and 1/16/2025, 90 FR 4652 | Except for those portions approved on 2/26/2020. The RACT requirement for major sources of NOX was approved on February 7, 2023. |
Analysis of Reasonably Available Control Technology for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) State Implementation Plan (RACT SIP) | Maricopa County portion of Phoenix-Mesa nonattainment area for 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS | June 22, 2017 | 2/26/2020, 85 FR 10986 | Only those portions of the document beginning with “Gasoline Bulk Plants, Fixed Roof Petroleum Tanks, External Floating Roof Petroleum Tanks, And Gasoline Loading Terminals” on page 33 through the first full paragraph on page 35, and Appendix C: CTG RACT Spreadsheet, the rows beginning with “Gasoline Bulk Plants” on page 60, through “Service Stations - Stage I” on pages 67-69. |
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis, Negative Declaration and Rules Adoption | Pinal County portion of Phoenix-Mesa nonattainment area for 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS | February 3, 2017 | August 9, 2019, 84 FR 39196 | RACT SIP submittal for Apache Junction (Pinal County portion of Phoenix-Mesa ozone nonattainment area). Adopted by the Pinal County Air Quality Control District on November 30, 2016. |
Revision of Rule 322 of the Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Regulations, Appendix 12: RACT Analyses Submitted to the Maricopa County Air Quality Department from the Arizona Public Service and the Salt River Project, only | Maricopa County portion of Phoenix-Mesa nonattainment area for 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Demonstrations for Equipment Under Rule 322, section 104.4, paragraph b | June 30, 2021 | December 30, 2022, 87 FR 80462 | Submitted on June 30, 2021 under a letter dated June 24, 2021, as a part of the SIP revision for Maricopa County Rule 322. Required demonstrations from facilities that operate equipment seeking partial exemption from the rule through compliance with annual heat input limits. |
MAG 2020 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan—Submittal of Marginal Area Requirements for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (dated June 2020), excluding the chapter titled “Emissions Statements—CAA Section 182(a)(3)(B)” | Phoenix-Mesa 2015 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | July 8, 2020 | April 5, 2022, 87 FR 19629 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on July 7, 2020. |
MAG 2017 Eight-Hour Ozone Moderate Area Plan for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (December 2016) and appendices, excluding the contingency measure element | Phoenix-Mesa 2008 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | December 19, 2016 | 85 FR 45537, 7/29/2020 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality by letter dated December 13, 2016. EPA approved all elements except the contingency measure element. |
MAG 2014 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan - Submittal of Marginal Area Requirements for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (June 2014), Sections titled “A Nonattainment Area Preconstruction Permit Program - CAA section 182(a)(2)(C),” “New Source Review - CAA, Title I, Part D,” and “Offset Requirements: 1:1 to 1 (Ratio of Total Emission Reductions of Volatile Organic Compounds to Total Increased Emissions) - CAA Section 182(a)(4)” on pages 8 and 9 | Phoenix-Mesa 2008 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | July 2, 2014 | 85 FR 33571, June 2, 2020 | Other provisions of the MAG 2014 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan - Submittal of Marginal Area Requirements for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (June 2014) were approved on October 16, 2015. |
MAG 2014 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan - Submittal of Marginal Area Requirements for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (June 2014), excluding: | Phoenix-Mesa 2008 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | July 2, 2014 | October 16, 2015, 80 FR 62457 | |
(i) Sections titled “A Nonattainment Area Preconstruction Permit Program - CAA section 182 (a)(2)(C),” “New Source Review - CAA, Title I, Part D,” and “Offset Requirements: 1:1 to 1 (Ratio of Total Emission Reductions of Volatile Organic Compounds to Total Increased Emissions) - CAA Section 182(a)(4)” on pages 8 and 9 and section titled “Meet Transportation Conformity Requirements - CAA Section 176(c)” on pages 10 and 11 | ||||
(ii) Appendices A and B | ||||
MAG Eight-Hour Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (February 2009), excluding the appendices | Phoenix-Mesa 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance area | March 23, 2009 | September 17, 2014, 79 FR 55645 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on March 23, 2009. |
Letter dated June 13, 2007 from Stephen A. Owens, Director, ADEQ to Wayne Nastri, Regional Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX | Phoenix-Mesa 1997 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | June 13, 2007 | June 13, 2012, 77 FR 35285 | Transmittal letter for Eight-Hour Ozone Plan for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (June 2007). |
Eight-Hour Ozone Plan for the Maricopa Nonattainment Area (June 2007), including Appendices, Volumes One and Two | Phoenix-Mesa 1997 8-hour ozone nonattainment area | June 13, 2007 | June 13, 2012, 77 FR 35285 | |
One-Hour Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area, dated March 2004 | Maricopa County 1-Hour Ozone Air Quality Planning Area | April 21, 2004 | June 14, 2005, 70 FR 34362 | Adopted by the Maricopa Association of Governments Regional Council on March 26, 2004 and adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on April 21, 2004. |
Final Serious Area Ozone State Implementation Plan for Maricopa County, dated December 2000 | Maricopa County 1-Hour Ozone Air Quality Planning Area | December 14, 2000 | June 14, 2005, 70 FR 34362 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 14, 2000. |
Letter and enclosures regarding Arizona's Intent to “Opt-out” of the Clean Fuel Fleet Program | Maricopa County 1-Hour Ozone Air Quality Planning Area | December 7, 1998 | June 14, 2005, 70 FR 34362 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 7, 1998. |
2012 Five Percent Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area, and Appendices Volume One and Volume Two | Maricopa County PM-10 Nonattainment Area | May 25, 2012 | June 10, 2014, 79 FR 33107 | Adopted May 23, 2012. |
2012 Five Percent Plan for PM-10 for the Pinal County Township 1 North, Range 8 East Nonattainment Area | Pinal County Township 1 North, Range 8 East Nonattainment Area | May 25, 2012 | June 10, 2014, 79 FR 33107 | Adopted May 25, 2012. |
Nonattainment Area Plan for Total Suspended Particulates, Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | November 8, 1979 | May 5, 1982, 47 FR 19326 | |
Revision to the Nonattainment Area Plan for Carbon Monoxide and Photochemical Oxidants, Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | July 3, 1979 | May 5, 1982, 47 FR 19326 | |
Nonattainment Area Plan for Carbon Monoxide and Photochemical Oxidants, Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | Maricopa County Urban Planning Area | February 23, 1979 | May 5, 1982, 47 FR 19326 | |
Letter supplementing the revised transportation control plan | Phoenix-Tucson Intrastate Air quality Control Region | October 2, 1973 | December 3, 1973, 38 FR 33368 | |
Letter supplementing the revised transportation control plan | Phoenix-Tucson Intrastate Air quality Control Region | September 21, 1973 | December 3, 1973, 38 FR 33368 | |
Revised transportation control plan | Phoenix-Tucson Intrastate Air quality Control Region | September 11, 1973 | December 3, 1973, 38 FR 33368 | EPA approved various transportation control strategies, including certain elements of an inspection program, but disapproved other elements, and approved certain strategies with exception. |
2008 Revision to the Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for the Tucson Air Planning Area (for 2010), excluding appendix D | Tucson Air Planning Area | July 10, 2008 | December 21, 2009, 74 FR 67819 | Adopted by the Pima Association of Governments on June 26, 2008. |
Appendix D (Revised) - Supplement to the Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for the Tucson Air Planning Area (for 2010) | Tucson Air Planning Area | June 22, 2009 | December 21, 2009, 74 FR 67819 | Letter from Arizona Department of Environmental Quality re: Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP), Revised to include supporting documents authorizing the VEIP from 2009 to 2017. Adopted by the Pima Association of Governments on May 28, 2009. |
1996 Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for the Tucson Air Planning Area (as updated August, 1997) | Tucson Air Planning Area | October 6, 1997 | June 8, 2000, 65 FR 36353; corrected March 18, 2004, 69 FR 12802 | Approval includes base year (1994) emissions inventory; contingency plan, including commitments to follow maintenance plan contingency procedures by the Pima Association of Governments and by the member jurisdictions: the town of Oro Valley, Arizona (Resolution No. (R) 96-38, adopted June 5, 1996), the City of South Tucson (Resolution No. 96-16, adopted on June 10, 1996), Pima County (Resolution and Order No. 1996-120, adopted June 18, 1996), the City of Tucson (Resolution No. 17319, adopted June 24, 1996), and the town of Marana, Arizona (Resolution No. 96-55, adopted June 18, 1996). |
Commitment in the July 22, 1988 submittal letter to apply the oxygenated fuels program of the July 18, 1988 submittal to Pima County | Pima County | July 22, 1988 | January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | |
1987 Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Revision for the Tucson Air Planning Area | Tucson Air Planning Area | January 6, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30220; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | Adopted on October 21, 1987. Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA. Control and committal measures were restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219. |
Improvement Schedules for Transit System and Rideshare Program in Metropolitan Pima County | Metropolitan Pima County | March 8, 1982 | July 7, 1982, 47 FR 29532 | Adopted on October 21, 1987. |
Metropolitan Pima County Nonattainment Area Plan for TSP | Metropolitan Pima County | March 27, 1979 | July 7, 1982, 47 FR 29532 | |
Metropolitan Pima County Nonattainment Area Plan for CO | Metropolitan Pima County | March 20, 1979 | July 7, 1982, 47 FR 29532 | |
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Pima County, City of Tucson, City of South Tucson, Town of Oro Valley and Town of Marana, April 18, 1988 | Pima County | May 26, 1988 | January 29, 1991 | Related to motor vehicle trip reduction. |
1 Table 1 is divided into three parts: Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) State Implementation Plan Elements (excluding Part D Elements and Plans), Part D Elements and Plans (other than for the Metropolitan Phoenix or Tucson Areas), and Part D Elements and Plans for the Metropolitan Phoenix and Tucson Areas.
† Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir. 1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.
EPA-Approved Resolutions Adopted by Jurisdictions in Maricopa and Pinal Counties To Implement Measures in PM-10 and Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans
Name of SIP Provision | Applicable Geographic or Nonattainment Area | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
Resolution to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Arizona Department of Transportation Plan to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads) | Maricopa County | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Transportation on September 17, 2004. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 8 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Transportation on July 17, 1998. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 24 pages plus index page) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Arizona Department of Transportation on June 20, 1997. |
Resolution No. C-85-05-005-0-00: Resolution to Implement Additional Measures for the Maricopa County, Arizona Serious PM-10 Nonattainment Area (including Exhibit A) | Maricopa County | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on January 19, 2005. |
Resolution to Adopt the Revised MAG 1999 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Nonattainment Area (including Exhibit A, 2 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Maricopa Association of Governments on February 14, 2000. |
Resolution #9701: Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 23 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Regional Public Transportation Authority on June 12, 1997. |
Resolution to Update Control Measure 6 in the Revised MAG 1999 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 2 pages) | Maricopa County | January 8, 2002 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by Maricopa County on December 19, 2001. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1999 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 10 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by Maricopa County on December 15, 1999. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 10 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by Maricopa County on February 17, 1999. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 9 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by Maricopa County on November 19, 1997. |
Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 16 pages) | Maricopa County | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by Maricopa County on June 25, 1997. Transcription error “1A998” in the original. |
Resolution To Improve the Administration of Maricopa County's Fugitive Dust Program and to Foster Interagency Cooperation | Maricopa County | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by Maricopa County on May 14, 1997. |
Resolution No. 04-24: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Apache Junction, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | City of Apache Junction | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 21, 2004. |
Resolution No. 2448-04: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Avondale, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | City of Avondale | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 20, 2004. |
Resolution No. 1949-99; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Avondale, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 7 pages) | City of Avondale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Avondale on February 16, 1999. |
Resolution No. 1711-97; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Avondale, Maricopa County, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 14 pages) | City of Avondale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Avondale on September 15, 1997. |
Resolution No. 58-04: A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Buckeye, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emission from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | Town of Buckeye | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on November 16, 2004. |
Resolution No. 15-97; A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 5 pages) | Town of Buckeye | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Buckeye on October 7, 1997. |
Town of Carefree Resolution No. 98-24; A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Carefree, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 4 pages) | Town of Carefree | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Carefree on September 1, 1998. |
Town of Carefree Resolution No. 97-16; A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Carefree, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 3 pages) | Town of Carefree | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Carefree on September 2, 1997. |
Resolution R98-14; A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cave Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 1 page) | Town of Cave Creek | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Cave Creek on December 8, 1998. |
Resolution R97-28; A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cave Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 4 pages) | Town of Cave Creek | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Cave Creek on September 2, 1997. |
Resolution No. 3782: Resolution to Implement Measures to Reduce Re-entrained Dust Emissions from Identified Paved Roads in Chandler As Part of the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for Air Quality (including Exhibit A and Exhibit B) | City of Chandler | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on October 14, 2004. |
Resolution No. 2929; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chandler, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 9 pages) | City of Chandler | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Chandler on October 8, 1998. |
Resolution No. 2672; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chandler, Arizona To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 16 pages) | City of Chandler | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Chandler on August 14, 1997. |
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chandler, Arizona, Stating the City's Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | City of Chandler | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Chandler on March 27, 1997. |
Resolution No. R04-10-54: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Re-entrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | City of El Mirage | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on October 28, 2004. |
Resolution No. R98-08-22; A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of El Mirage, Arizona, Amending Resolution No. R98-02-04 To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 5 pages) | City of El Mirage | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of El Mirage on August 27, 1998. |
Resolution No. R98-02-04; A Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 5 pages) | City of El Mirage | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of El Mirage on February 12, 1998. |
Resolution No. R97-08-20; Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 8 pages) | City of El Mirage | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of El Mirage on August 28, 1997. |
Resolution No. 2004-63: A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Protocol to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads) | Town of Fountain Hills | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on November 18, 2004. |
Resolution No. 1998-49; Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 7 pages), adopted on October 1, 1998 | Town of Fountain Hills | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Fountain Hills on October 1, 1998. Incorporated materials are pages 4 to 10 of the 11-page resolution package; pages 1 and 2 are cover sheets with no substantive content and page 11 is a summary of measures previously adopted by the Town of Fountain Hills. |
Resolution No. 1997-49; A Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, Adopting the MAG 1997 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area and Committing to Certain Implementation Programs (including Exhibit B, 5 pages and cover) | Town of Fountain Hills | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Fountain Hills on October 2, 1997. |
Resolution No. 2575: A Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Gilbert, Arizona to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Town of Gilbert Protocol for Reducing PM-10 Emissions from “High Dust” Paved Roads) | Town of Gilbert | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on March 29, 2005. |
Resolution No. 1939: A Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Gilbert, Arizona, Expressing its Commitment to Implement Measures in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Attachment A, 5 pages) | Town of Gilbert | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Gilbert on July 21, 1998. Attachment A is referred to as Exhibit A in the text of the Resolution. |
Resolution No. 1864; A Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Gilbert, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Attachment A, 5 pages) | Town of Gilbert | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Gilbert on November 25, 1997. Attachment A is referred to as Exhibit A in the text of the Resolution. |
Resolution No. 1817; A Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona, Authorizing the Implementation of the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and the MAG Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including 15 pages of attached material) | Town of Gilbert | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Gilbert on June 10, 1997. |
A Resolution of the Mayor and the Common Council of the Town of Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona, Providing for the Town's Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County, Arizona, to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | Town of Gilbert | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the Town of Gilbert on April 15, 1997. |
Resolution No. 3796 New Series: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Glendale Targeted Street Sweeping Protocol to Reduce Dust Emissions) | City of Glendale | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 14, 2004. |
Resolution No. 3225 New Series; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 9 pages) | City of Glendale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Glendale on July 28, 1998. |
Resolution No. 3161 New Series; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 6 pages) | City of Glendale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Glendale on October 28, 1997. |
Resolution No. 3123 New Series; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 20 pages) | City of Glendale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Glendale on June 10, 1997. |
A Resolution of the Council of the City of Chandler, Maricopa County, Arizona, Stating Its Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | City of Glendale | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Glendale on March 25, 1997. |
Resolution No. 04-941: A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona, to Authorize the City Manager to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Protocol for Reducing Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads) | City of Goodyear | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on October 25, 2004. |
Resolution No. 98-645; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Attachment III, 7 pages) | City of Goodyear | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Goodyear on July 27, 1998. |
Resolution No. 97-604 Carbon Monoxide Plan; A Resolution of the Council of the City of Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 21 pages) | City of Goodyear | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Goodyear on September 9, 1997. Adoption year not given on the resolution but is understood to be 1997 based on resolution number. |
Resolution No. 8344: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, Stating the City's Intent to Implement Measures to Reduce Particulate Pollution (including Exhibit A) | City of Mesa | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on October 4, 2004. |
Resolution No. 7360; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 8 pages) | City of Mesa | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Mesa on May 3, 1999. |
Resolution No. 7123; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 10 pages) | City of Mesa | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Mesa on December 1, 1997. |
Resolution No. 7061; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 13 pages plus index page) | City of Mesa | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Mesa on June 23, 1997. |
A Resolution of the Mesa City Council Stating the City's Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Particulate Air Pollution and Directing City Staff to Develop a Particulate Pollution Control Ordinance Supported by Adequate Staffing Levels to Address Air Quality | City of Mesa | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Mesa on April 23, 1997. |
Resolution Number 1084: Resolution to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | Town of Paradise Valley | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 23, 2004. |
Resolution Number 945; A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Paradise Valley, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 5 pages) | Town of Paradise Valley | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Paradise Valley on July 23, 1998. |
Resolution Number 913; A Resolution of the Town of Paradise Valley, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 9 pages) | Town of Paradise Valley | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Paradise Valley on October 9, 1997. |
Resolution No. 04-235: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Peoria, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and City of Peoria Targeted Paved Roadways Dust Control Protocol, September 24, 2004) | City of Peoria | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on October 5, 2004. |
Resolution No. 98-107; A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Peoria, Arizona, to Approve and Authorize the Acceptance to Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 7 pages) | City of Peoria | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Peoria on July 21, 1998. |
Resolution No. 97-113; A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Peoria, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area and Directing the Recording of This Resolution with the Maricopa County Recorder and Declaring an Emergency (including Exhibit A, 8 pages plus index page) | City of Peoria | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Peoria on October 21, 1997. |
Resolution No. 97-37; A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Peoria, Arizona, to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibits A, 5 pages, and B, 19 pages) | City of Peoria | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Peoria on June 17, 1997. |
Resolution No. 20114: A Resolution Stating the City's Intent to Implement Measures to Reduce Air Pollution (including Exhibit A, City of Phoenix 2004 Protocol and Implementation Plan for Paved Streets with Potential for Dust Emissions, and Attachment A) | City of Phoenix | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on June 16, 2004. |
Resolution No. 19141; A Resolution Stating the City's Intent to Implement Measures to Reduce Particulate Air Pollution (including Exhibit A, 10 pages) | City of Phoenix | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Phoenix on September 9, 1998. |
Resolution No. 19006; A Resolution Stating the City's Intent to Implement Measures to Reduce Air Pollution (including Exhibit A, 13 pages) | City of Phoenix | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Phoenix on November 19, 1997. |
Resolution No. 18949; A Resolution Stating the City's Intent to Implement Measures to Reduce Air Pollution (including Exhibit A, 19 pages) | City of Phoenix | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Phoenix on July 2, 1997. |
Resolution 1889A Resolution of the Phoenix City Council Stating the City's Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | City of Phoenix | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Phoenix on April 9, 1997. |
Resolution 175-98; A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona to Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 9 pages) | Town of Queen Creek | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Queen Creek on September 16, 1998. |
Resolution 145-97; A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 1 page) | Town of Queen Creek | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Queen Creek on November 5, 1997. |
Resolution 129-97; A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 3 pages) | Town of Queen Creek | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Queen Creek on June 4, 1997. |
Resolution No. 6588: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Scottsdale, Maricopa County Arizona, Authorizing Implementation of Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Attachment #1 - Protocol to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads) | City of Scottsdale | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on December 6, 2004. |
Resolution No. 5100; A Resolution of the City of Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, To Strengthen Particulate Dust Control and Air Pollution Measures in the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 10 pages) | City of Scottsdale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Scottsdale on December 1, 1998. |
Resolution No. 4942; Resolution of the Scottsdale City Council To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 13 pages) | City of Scottsdale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Scottsdale on December 1, 1997. |
Resolution No. 4864; A Resolution of the City of Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area: Stating the Council's Intent to Implement Certain Control Measures Contained in that Plan (including Exhibit A, 21 pages) | City of Scottsdale | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Scottsdale on August 4, 1997. |
A Resolution of the Scottsdale City Council Stating the City's Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | City of Scottsdale | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Scottsdale on March 31, 1997. |
Resolution No. 04-163: A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Surprise, Arizona, to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Protocol) | City of Surprise | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 23, 2004. |
Resolution No. 98-51; A Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 6 pages) | City of Surprise | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Surprise on September 10, 1998. |
Resolution No. 97-67; A Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 3 pages) | City of Surprise | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Surprise on October 23, 1997. |
Resolution No. 97-29; A Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 4 pages) | City of Surprise | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Surprise on June 12, 1997. |
Resolution No. 2004.84: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Tempe, Arizona, to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A and Protocol for Reducing Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads, September 30, 2004) | City of Tempe | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 30, 2004. |
Resolution No. 98.42, Resolution of the Council of the City of Tempe Implementing Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 8 pages) | City of Tempe | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Tempe on September 10, 1998. |
Resolution No. 97.71, Resolution of the Council of the City of Tempe Stating Its Intent to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 6 pages) | City of Tempe | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Tempe on November 13, 1997. |
Resolution No. 97.39; Resolution to Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 18 pages) | City of Tempe | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Tempe on June 12, 1997. |
A Resolution of the Council of the City of Tempe, Arizona, Stating Its Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution | City of Tempe | May 7, 1997 | August 4, 1997, 62 FR 41856 | Adopted by the City of Tempe on March 27, 1997. |
Resolution No. 947: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Tolleson, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A), adopted on September 28, 2004 | City of Tolleson | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on September 28, 2004. |
Resolution No. 808, A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Tolleson, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A) | City of Tolleson | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Tolleson on July 28, 1998. |
Resolution No. 788, A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Tolleson, Maricopa County, Arizona, Implementing Measures in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 12 pages) | City of Tolleson | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the City of Tolleson on June 10, 1997. |
Resolution No. 1308, Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 4 pages) | Town of Wickenburg | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Wickenburg on August 18, 1997. |
Resolution No. 05-01: Resolution to Implement Measures to Reduce Reentrained Dust Emissions from Targeted Paved Roads in the Revised PM-10 State Implementation Plan for the Salt River Area (including Exhibit A) | Town of Youngtown | October 7, 2005 | August 21, 2007, 72 FR 46564 | Adopted on January 20, 2005. |
Resolution No. 98-15: Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1998 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 8 pages) | Town of Youngtown | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Youngtown on August 20, 1998. |
Resolution No 98-05: Resolution Stating Intent to Work Cooperatively with Maricopa County to Control the Generation of Fugitive Dust Pollution (including Exhibit A, 2 pages) | Town of Youngtown | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Youngtown on February 19, 1998. |
Resolution No. 97-15, Resolution To Implement Measures in the MAG 1997 Serious Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa County Area (including Exhibit A, 4 pages) | Town of Youngtown | February 16, 2000 | July 25, 2002, 67 FR 48718 | Adopted by the Town of Youngtown on September 18, 1997. |
EPA-Approved Arizona Statutes - Non-Regulatory
Title 15 (Education)
Chapter 12 (Community Colleges)
Article 3 (Community College District Boards)
State Citation | Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
15-1444 | Powers and duties | March 23, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30220; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | Subsection C only. Senate Bill 1360, section 6.† |
Chapter 13 (Universities and Related Institutions)
Article 2 (Arizona Board of Regents)
State Citation | Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
15-1627 | Control of vehicles and nonpedestrian devices on property of institutions under jurisdiction of board; sanctions; compliance with emissions inspection; definition | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 2.† |
Title 28 (Transportation)
Chapter 2 (Administration)
Article 6 (Unblended Gasoline Shortages)1
State Citation | Title/Subject | State Submittal Date | EPA Approval Date | Explanation |
28-2701 | Definitions | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6.† Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2702 | Department Survey of Availability of Unblended Gasoline | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6.† Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2703 | Determination of Shortage: Declaration | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6.† Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2704 | State Set-aside Volume | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6.† Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2705 | Assignment of Set-aside | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6.† Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2706 | Price | July 18, 1988 | January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6. Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2707 | Application | July 18, 1988 | January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6. Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
28-2708 | Appeals | July 18, 1988 | January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 6. Delayed effective date per section 29 of HB 2206. |
Chapter 7 (Certification of Title and Registration) | ||||
Article 5 (Registration Requirements Generally) | ||||
28-2153 | Registration requirement; exceptions; assessment; violation; classification | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Title 35 (Public Finances) | ||||
Chapter 2 (Handling of Public Funds) | ||||
Article 2 (State Management of Public Monies) | ||||
35-313 | Investment of trust and treasury monies; loan of securities | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Title 36 (Public Health and Safety) | ||||
Chapter 6 | ||||
Article 8 (Air Pollution) | ||||
36-772 | Department of Health Services; Studies | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-775 | Powers and Duties | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.01 | Permits; Exceptions; Applications; Fees | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.02 | Grant or Denial of Applications | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.04 | Permit Nontransferable | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.05 | Expiration of Permit | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.06 | Posting of Permit | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-779.07 | Notice by Building Permit Agencies | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-780 | Classification and Reporting: Production of Records; Confidentiality of Records; Violation; Penalty | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-789 | Unlawful Open Burning; Exceptions; Violation; Penalty | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-789.02 | Defenses | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-790 | Limitations | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-791 | Preservation of Rights | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
Chapter 14 (Air Pollution) | ||||
Article 1 (State Air Pollution Control) | ||||
36-1704 | Hearing Board | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1707.02 | Grant or Denial of Application | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1707.03 | Appeals to Hearing Board | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1707.04 | Permit Nontransferable; Exception | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1707.05 | Posting of Permit | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1707.06 | Notice by Building Permit Agencies | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1708 | Classification and Reporting; Production of Records: Confidentiality of Records; Violation; Penalty | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1717 | Motor Vehicle and Combustion Engine Emissions; Standards | August 5, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1718 | Limitations | August 5, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1718.01 | Preservation of Rights | August 5, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1720 | Violation; Classification; Agreement Provisions | August 5, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
36-1720.01 | Defenses | July 13, 1981 | June 18, 1982, 47 FR 26382 | |
Title 38 (Public Officers and Employees) | ||||
Chapter 1 (General Provisions) | ||||
Article 1 (Definitions) | ||||
38-101 | Definitions | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Article 8 (Conflict of Interest of Officers and Employees) | ||||
38-501 | Application of article | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-502 | Definitions | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-503 | Conflict of interest; exemptions; employment prohibition | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-504 | Prohibited acts | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-505 | Additional income prohibited for services | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-506 | Remedies | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-507 | Opinions of the attorney general, county attorneys, city or town attorneys and house and senate ethics committee | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-508 | Authority of public officers and employees to act | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-509 | Filing of disclosures | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-510 | Penalties | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
38-511 | Cancellation of political subdivision and state contracts; definition | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Title 41 (State Government) | ||||
Chapter 1 (Executive Officers) | ||||
Article 1 (The Governor) | ||||
41-101.03 | State Employee Ride Sharing Program; Designated State Agency; Fund | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 7. |
Chapter 4 (Department of Administration and Personnel Board) | ||||
Article 7 (Management of State Properties) | ||||
41-796.01 | Adjusted work hours | September 1, 1999 | June 8, 2000, 65 FR 36353 | House Bill 2189, section 3. |
Chapter 15 (Department of Weights and Measures) | ||||
Article 2 (State Administration of Weights and Measures) | ||||
41-2065 | Powers and Duties | June 11, 1991 | March 9, 1992, 57 FR 8268 | House Bill 2181, section 1. |
41-2066 | Enforcement powers of the director and inspectors | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 10.>† |
41-2066(A)(2) | Enforcement powers of the director and inspectors | January 22, 2004 | March 4, 2004, 69 FR 10161 | Included in submittal entitled “Supplement to Cleaner Burning Gasoline Program State Implementation Plan Revision.” |
Title 49 (The Environment) | ||||
Chapter 1 (General Provisions) | ||||
Article 1 (Department of Environmental Quality) | ||||
49-103 | Department employees; legal counsel | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-104, subsections (A)(2), (A)(4), (B)(3), and (B)(5) only | Powers and duties of the department and director | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-104 subsections (A)(3) and (B)(1) only | Powers and duties of the department and director | December 3, 2015 | August 21, 2018, 83 FR 42214 | Arizona Revised Statutes (Thomson Reuters, 2015-16 Cumulative Pocket Part). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on December 3, 2015. |
49-106 | Statewide application of rules | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Chapter 3 (Air Quality) | ||||
Article 1 (General Provisions) | ||||
49-402 | State and county control | October 29, 2012, and supplemented on September 6, 2013 | September 23, 2014, 79 FR 56655 | West's Arizona Revised Statutes, 2012-2013 Compact Edition. |
49-403 | Air Quality Compliance Advisory Committee | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 15.† |
49-404 | State implementation plan | September 1, 1999 | June 8, 2000, 65 FR 36353 | House Bill 2189, section 42. |
49-404 | Department of transportation pilot project on oxygenated fuels, compressed natural gas and liquid propane gas; reports | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 15.† |
49-405 | Attainment area designations | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-405 | Oxygenated Fuel Fleet Studies Reporting Requirements | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 15.>† |
49-406 | Nonattainment area plan | August 11, 1998 | June 8, 2000, 65 FR 36353 | Senate Bill 1427, section 15. |
49-406 | Clean burning reporting requirements; definitions | July 18, 1988 | August 10, 1988, 53 FR 30224; vacated; restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219 | House Bill 2206, section 15.† |
Article 2 (State Air Pollution Control) | ||||
49-421 | Definitions | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-422 | Powers and duties | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-424 | Duties of Department | April 18, 2014 | May 1, 2017, 82 FR 20267 | Submitted on December 21, 2015. |
49-425 | Rules; hearing | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-426, excluding paragraphs D, E.1, F, I, J, and M | Permits; duties of director; exceptions; applications; objections; fees | July 28, 2011, and supplemented on May 16, 2014 | September 23, 2014, 79 FR 56655 | West's Arizona Revised Statutes, 2012-2013 Compact Edition. |
49-433 | Special inspection warrant | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-435 | Hearings on orders of abatement | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-441 | Suspension and revocation of conditional order | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-455, subsections (A) and (B)(2) only | Permit administration fund | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-460 | Violations; production of records | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-461 | Violations; order of abatement | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-462 | Violations; injunctive relief | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-463 | Violations; civil penalties | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-465 | Air pollution emergency | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
Article 3 (County Air Pollution Control) | ||||
49-471 | Definitions | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-473 | Board of supervisors | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-474 | County control boards | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-476.01 | Monitoring | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-478 | Hearing board | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-479 | Rules; hearing | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-480.02 | Appeals of permit actions | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-482 | Appeals to hearing board | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-488 | Special inspection warrant | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-490 | Hearings on orders of abatement | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-495 | Suspension and revocation of conditional order | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-502 | Violation; classification | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-510 | Violations; production of records | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-511 | Violations; order of abatement | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-512 | Violations; injunctive relief | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
49-513 | Violations; civil penalties | August 24, 2012 | November 5, 2012, 77 FR 66398 | Arizona Revised Statutes (West's, 2011-2012 Compact Edition). Adopted by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on August 24, 2012. |
† Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir. 1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.
1 Approved as Chapter 22 (Unblended Gasoline Shortages), Article 1 (General Provisions).