Air Research
EPA’s Air Research is providing the critical science to support the rules that protect the quality of the air we breathe. This research puts new tools and information in the hands of citizens, communities, and your local air quality managers to reduce air pollution.
Air Monitoring & Emissions
Developing instruments, methods, and techniques to measure and monitor air quality and evaluate emissions.
Air Quality Modeling
Developing, evaluating, and applying atmospheric models to support a wide variety of air quality management needs.
Wildland Fires
Developing tools and information to prevent and reduce the impact of smoke from wildfires and controlled or prescribed burns.
Health Effects from Air Pollution
Investigating the health effects of air pollution to improve public health.
Air & Energy
Evaluating the costs, benefits, and risks associated of energy resources including their impact on health and the environment.
Outreach, Tools & Resources
Decision support tools, models & databases, research funding & grants, outreach, and educational resources.