AVERT Tutorial: Set Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Impacts
The Set Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Impacts worksheet guides you through the process of creating a load impact profile, which depicts load reductions expected from energy programs.
To do so, you can input your own data, choose to reduce annual electricity load by a constant rate, a percentage of hours, and/or provide a renewable energy proxy.
In this section of the AVERT training, you will learn how to select the best load impact profile for your needs.

Watch the "Set Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Impacts" demonstration.
Note: Videos in this training module were developed using a previous version of AVERT. Many of the features and functionality of the latest version of AVERT are the same as shown here, but a few aspects, including the AVERT region boundaries and electric vehicle and energy storage functionality, differ. EPA plans to update the videos; we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime. For more details about AVERT’s current features and assumptions, see the current AVERT User Manual.