Climate Change Impacts
The changing climate impacts society and ecosystems in a broad variety of ways. For example, climate change can alter rainfall, influence crop yields, affect human health, cause changes to forests and other ecosystems, and even impact our energy supply. Climate-related impacts are occurring across the country and over many sectors of our economy.
Explore the impacts of climate change on human health, by economic sector, or by state and region.
Sector Impacts
Climate change impacts are felt across sectors such as agriculture, energy, and water.
Health Impacts
Climate change will result in serious health impacts for many Americans. See how certain populations could be at greater risk.
State & Regional Impacts
Regions and states in the United States will experience climate impacts differently based on location.
Climate Change Indicators
Check out more than 50 indicators that show the causes and effects of climate change.
EPA has prepared detailed content about the range of issues we face due to climate change. For general information about climate change, visit our main Climate Change web area. Our Climate Change Science web area provides more technical explanations on the topic.