Soil and Sediment Sampling Data
Sampling Locations
EPA collected soil and sediment samples at the derailment site for analysis for extended VOCs (target contaminants of concern list and tentatively identified compounds), semi-volatile organic compounds (target contaminants of concern list and tentatively identified compounds), gasoline range organic compounds, diesel range organic compounds, and oil range organic compounds.
EPA soil sample locations were selected near the derailed train cars that contained hazardous materials. EPA sediment sample locations were selected near surface water sample locations in Sulphur Run.

Note: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is releasing preliminary water, air, and soil sampling results from East Palestine as they become available. Preliminary data should be considered raw, unprocessed information. EPA will post final data as soon as the quality has been assessed and documented.
Download and review soil and sediment sampling data in CSV format:
EPA Lab Results: Soil and Sediment (through 12/04/2024) - East Palestine, OH Response (csv)