Analysis of National Solid Waste Recycling Programs and Development of Solid Waste Recycling Cost Functions: A Summary of the Literature (1999)
Paper Number: EE-0425C
Document Date: 07/01/1999
Author(s): Schuman, B. Thomas, Bohm, Robert A., Folz, David H.
Subject Area(s):
Solid Waste, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Recycling
Keywords: Economic Analysis, Solid Waste, Recycling, Financial Management
This report summarizes the 1990-95 recycling literature within the following broad subject categories: descriptive data/information on solid waste recycling programs; community/environmental features related to recycling operations; materials processing and marketing; recycling program finances; and decision-making processes. Within these categories, the principal subjects of research, the various research approaches employed, issues and findings, and neglected areas of study are identified and discussed. Citations of some the prominent contributions in each area are noted. The summary is followed by a detailed listing of articles, organized by primary subject matter and author(s). Though beyond the scope of this report, citations for thirty-eight supplemental articles outside the 1990-95 time frame are included as well. The literature review contains articles from both academic and popular press sources. The former provides a comprehensive review for researchers, while the latter supports efforts to assist practitioners who are dealing with solid waste recycling issues on a daily basis.
This paper is part of the Environmental Economics Research Inventory.