Nominations to the NEJAC
The nomination process for new members for 2024 has closed.
Any interested person and/or organization may nominate qualified individuals for membership when the nomination period is open. Individuals are encouraged to self-nominate.
EPA’s federal advisory committees have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the American people. All nominations will be fully considered, but applicants need to be aware of the specific representation sought as outlined above. In addition, when the nomination period is open, EPA is seeking nominees/applicants with knowledge in:
- Youth perspectives and youth development
- Cumulative Impacts
- Title VI
- Environmental measures and tools
- Public health/health disparities
- Community sustainability and resiliency
- Green jobs and green infrastructure
- Land use and equitable development
- Emerging inclusion of sub-populations (e.g., unhoused individuals and individuals involved in the criminal justice system)
Other criteria used to evaluate nominees included:
- the background and experience that would help members contribute to the diversity of perspectives on the committee (e.g., geographic, economic, social, cultural, educational background, professional affiliations, and other considerations),
- demonstrated experience with environmental justice and community sustainability issues at the national, state, or local level,
- excellent interpersonal and consensus-building skills,
- ability to volunteer time to attend meetings 4-6 times a year, volunteer time to participate in NEJAC workgroups, participate in virtual and in-person meetings, attend listening sessions with the Administrator or other senior-level officials, develop policy recommendations to the Administrator, and prepare reports and advice letters; and
- the average workload for the members is approximately 20 to 25 hours per month, which represents a rough estimate of the time members spend in virtual calls, reviewing relevant documents, or meeting face-to-face,
- between meetings, members are expected to participate on two (2) or more work groups that may meet up to twice a month via virtual meetings,
- willingness to commit time to the committee and demonstrated ability to work constructively and effectively on committees.
Any interested person and/or organization may nominate qualified individuals for membership when the nomination period is open. If you are nominating someone for membership, please notify the nominee and obtain resume and any other information needed to complete application package. Individuals are encouraged to self-nominate. Nominations can be submitted when the nomination period is open in electronic format following the template attached below. To be considered, all nominations should include:
- A completed NEJAC Membership Nomination Form
- Resume and a short biography describing the professional and educational qualifications of the nominee/applicant, including a list of relevant activities, and any current or previous service on advisory committees.
- A minimum of one (1) and no more than three (3) letters of recommendation are required from a third party supporting the nomination. Letters should describe how the nominee’s experience and knowledge will bring value to the work of the NEJAC.
Please Note: if you are nominating someone for membership, please notify the nominee and obtain resume and any other information needed to complete application package.
For more information please contact, Paula Flores-Gregg, the Designated Federal Officer for the NEJAC at [email protected].