GHGRP Newsletter - Fall 2023
This newsletter was last updated in December 2023.

2022 Data Release Webinar
This newsletter provides an overview of recent updates related to GHGRP data and tools, information about upcoming events such as webinars, and other helpful resources for users of GHGRP data.
On this page:
GHGRP Data Product Updates
All GHGRP data products have been updated with 2022 data. This includes:
- National Data Highlights
- Sector Data Highlights, including a new page about emissions sources in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems sector
- State and Tribal Fact Sheet, including more user-friendly changes
- Demographic Data Highlights, including additional demographic indicators from the most recent EJScreen data refresh
GHGRP Data Products Coming Soon
This fall, GHGRP will publish two new interactive StoryMaps to provide map-based overviews of onshore wells that report under GHGRP
- Onshore Wells and GHGRP
- Onshore Wells and Neighboring Communities
GHGRP will also be publishing a new interactive petroleum and natural gas systems data dashboard that helps to visualize data from this key sector.
Stay tuned and look for these announcements on the GHGRP homepage.
Envirofacts and other frequently requested data downloads are also updated with data through 2022.
Sector Profiles: The following sector profiles were recently updated with data through RY2022:
Additional sector profiles will be updated with data through RY2022 on a rolling basis over the coming months.
What's New for GHG Reporters?
Amendments to the GHGRP
Subpart W Proposed Rule
On August 1, 2023, EPA proposed changes to Subpart W to address potential gaps in emissions reported from the petroleum and natural gas systems sector to ensure reporting reflects total emissions of methane and uses empirical data, as well as to improve verification and transparency of collected data.
EPA held a public webinar to solicit input on the proposed rule on August 21, 2023. Comments about the proposed rule were due October 2, 2023. View a fact sheet about this proposed rule (pdf) (97 KB).
Supplemental Proposal for Revisions to GHGRP
On May 22, 2023, EPA issued a supplemental proposal to an initial proposed rule previously issued on June 21, 2022. The supplemental proposal addressed several outstanding issues described in the initial proposal, including updating global warming potential (GWP) data, adding five new subparts, and other revisions across many existing subparts.
More information on the projected schedule for this action is available on View a fact sheet about the supplemental proposal (pdf) (186 KB).
Reporting Tips
Most of the changes under the Subpart W proposed rule would go into effect January 1, 2025, and be required for Reporting Year 2025 reports submitted by March 31, 2026.
Changes under the under the supplemental rule would go into effect January 1, 2025, and be required for Reporting Year 2025 reports submitted by March 31, 2026. The exception to this is for GWP amendments, which would apply to reports for Reporting Year 2024 submitted by March 31, 2025.
Connect with Us
Connect with us on X (formerly known as Twitter) @EPAAir using the hashtags #ghgrp, #ghgreporter, and #ghgdata.
Look for the next newsletter in spring 2024!