GHGRP Newsletter - Fall 2024
This newsletter was last updated in October 2024.

2023 Data Release Webinars
This newsletter provides an overview of recent updates related to GHGRP data and tools, information about upcoming events such as webinars, and other helpful resources for users of GHGRP data.
GHGRP Data and Tool Updates
All GHGRP data products have been updated with 2023 data. This includes:
- FLIGHT: an interactive website with mapping features to identify GHGRP facilities by location, name, industry type, and other criteria.
- National Data Highlights: data visualizations of reported GHG emissions by trends, gas, location, and ranges for the most recent reporting year.
- Sector Data Highlights: sector analyses including estimates of GHGRP coverage, emission trends by state, gas, and process, and more.
- State and Tribal Fact Sheet: interactive tool summarizing GHGRP emissions by state, Tribal land, or EPA region for the current reporting year.
- Demographic Data Highlights: interactive dashboard summarizing GHGRP data and demographic data from EPA’s EJSCREEN tool
Envirofacts and other frequently requested data downloads are also updated with data through 2023.
Sector Profiles: The following sector profiles were recently updated with data through RY2023:
Additional sector profiles will be updated with data through RY2023 on a rolling basis over the coming weeks.
New GHGRP Data Products
This summer, GHGRP published a new dashboard with detailed data reported to Subpart W from different industry segments and emission sources. It includes a summary of data across each segment and source, as well as more detailed overviews of data reported by each emission source. This dashboard was updated with the most recent data to cover 2016 through 2023.
View the GHGRP Oil and Gas Dashboard.
GHGRP Data Products Coming Soon
This fall, GHGRP will publish another new interactive StoryMap to provide map-based overviews of oil and gas facilities that report emissions data to GHGRP. This map will focus on the Local Distribution Companies industry segment.
GHGRP will also be publishing new interactive content related to the waste sector, including a focus on landfills, to visualize data from this key sector and help identify other resources from EPA programs focused on reducing methane emissions from landfills.
Stay tuned and look for these announcements on the GHGRP homepage.
What's New for GHG Reporters?
Amendments to the GHGRP
Revisions to GHGRP
On April 25, 2024, EPA finalized changes to GHGRP. This final rule updates global warming potentials (GWPs), expands the GHGRP to new source categories, and revises the requirements for certain sectors to improve the data collected and program implementation. Under these revisions, facilities currently included in the GHGRP will use the revised GWPs when they submit data on 2024 activities. All other revisions will be included in the data submitted for 2025. As revisions to GHGRP affect the data collected, EPA will provide guidance and information about changes to data, webpages, and other data products.
Read the final rule fact sheet (pdf) (344 KB).
Read the updated GWP fact sheet (pdf) (172 KB).
Learn more about the new RY2025 source categories on their new Resources by Subpart pages that include new subpart Information Sheets and Monitoring Checklists.
- Subpart VV - Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide with Enhanced Oil Recovery Using ISO 27916
- Subpart WW - Coke Calciners
- Subpart XX - Calcium Carbide Producers
- Subpart YY - Caprolactam, Glyoxal, and Glyoxylic Acid Production
- Subpart ZZ - Ceramics Manufacturing
Subpart W Final Rule
On May 6, 2024, EPA finalized changes to Subpart W to strengthen, expand and update methane emissions reporting requirements for petroleum and natural gas systems under subpart W. The final revisions ensure greater transparency and accountability for methane pollution from oil and natural gas facilities by improving the accuracy of annual emissions reporting from these operations. Read the final rule fact sheet (pdf) (176 KB).
EPA issued corrections to this final rule on August 19, 2024. Read the latest rulemaking actions on subpart W.
Reporting Tips
Changes to the GHGRP final rule would go into effect January 1, 2025, and be required for Reporting Year 2025 reports submitted by March 31, 2026. The exception to this is for GWP amendments, which would apply to reports for Reporting Year 2024 submitted by March 31, 2025.
Most of the changes under the Subpart W final rule would go into effect January 1, 2025, and will be required for Reporting Year 2025 reports submitted by March 31, 2026. However, the final rule does allow for the optional earlier use of new calculation methodologies for facilities that prefer to use them to quantify 2024 emissions. This winter, EPA will publish updated forms that incorporate these optional methods.
e-GGRT Updates
e-GGRT now requires multi-factor authentication as of August 16, 2024. e-GGRT users will need to undergo a one-time "migration" by logging into e-GGRT and having e-GGRT connect your account to your account. If you do not have an existing account, the migration process will help you create one. Once you have completed this one-time migration process, the e-GGRT system will rely on the multi-factor authentication process to grant access to e-GGRT.
Request for Information
August 26, 2024: EPA announced a Request for Information on the use of advanced technologies for quantification of methane in the GHGRP. Note that the deadline for comments has been extended by 30 days to November 27, 2024.
Technical Webinar on Revisions to GHGRP Source Categories: EPA recently made several revisions to the requirements for the Use of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment (Subpart DD) and Manufacture of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment (Subpart SS) source categories. In this webinar, EPA will provide technical information about these revisions.
This webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST. Register here.
GHGRP: Reporting Year 2023 Data Release: With the release of Reporting Year 2023 data, EPA will host a webinar showcasing the Facility Level Information on Greenhouse Gases Tool (FLIGHT) and other GHGRP data summaries.
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST. Register here.
GHGRP Oil and Gas 2023 Data Publication Webinar: EPA will host a webinar to demonstrate the data publication tools and searches as they relate to the oil and gas sector (also known as subpart W).
This webinar will be held on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST. Register here.
Technical Webinar on New GHGRP Source Categories: EPA amended the GHGRP to add five new source categories. In this webinar, EPA will provide technical information about the general requirements of the GHGRP as well as specific information for these new source categories.
This webinar was held on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 3:00 PM (EST). Register here.
Connect with Us
Connect with us on X (formerly known as Twitter) @EPAAir using the hashtags #ghgrp, #ghgreporter, and #ghgdata.
Look for the next newsletter in spring 2025!