GHGRP Newsletter - Spring 2023

This newsletter was last updated in April 2023.
Reporting Deadline
GHGRP reports for Reporting Year 2022 are due March 31, 2023.
This newsletter provides an overview of recent updates related to GHGRP data and tools, information about upcoming events such as webinars, and other helpful resources for users of GHGRP data.
On this page:
What's New for GHG Reporters?
Reporting Resources for RY2022

Applicability Tool: GHGRP's Applicability Tool was recently updated with a new URL and formatting to help improve the user experience. It is available to both current reporting facilities and new reporting facilities. Facilities can use the Applicability Tool to help them determine if their facility is subject to the GHGRP. Additional compliance assistance resources are also available for GHG reporters.
The GHGRP Applicability Tool was recently updated with a new URL. If you have the old URL bookmark, it will no longer work.
Amendments to the GHGRP
In June 2022, EPA published a proposed rule titled Revisions and Confidentiality Determinations for Data Elements Under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule. This action would amend specific provisions in GHGRP reporting requirements to improve the quality and consistency of data collected. In the spring of 2023, EPA intends to issue a supplemental proposal that will expand on and complement the June 2022 proposal. More information on the projected schedule for this action is available on
For Existing Subpart QQ Reporters: EPA has proposed the Technology Transitions Rule under 40 CFR Part 84 to restrict the use of certain hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

e-GGRT Updates
NOTE: there will be a maintenance window beginning at the close of business on February 13, 2023 which will result in downtime for e-GGRT. This will not impact HAWK, Methane Challenge, and LMOP users, with the exception of user registration.
- e-GGRT password expiration: e-GGRT passwords expire every 90 days. If you have not changed it within 90 days, your e-GGRT password is likely expired, and you will be prompted to change your password. See the GHGRP Help site for more information on how to reset your password.
- Updating DR and ADR: If your facility has experienced a change in staffing, don’t forget to update your Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR). See the GHGRP Help site for more information on how to change the DR or ADR.
- Mergers and acquisitions: If your facility has experienced a change in ownership through a merger or acquisition, consistent with the requirements in 40 CFR 98.4(h) of the GHGRP, the Certificate of Representation (COR) needs to be updated within 90 days after the change in ownership occurs. For more information, please see the GHGRP Help site or contact our GHGRP Help Desk at [email protected].
For more information about the GHGRP, e-GGRT, news, and FAQs, please visit the GHGRP Help site.

Attention HAWK users! A new HAWK feature allows you to export select HAWK data into a pre-populated e-GGRT Subpart OO form (view more details).
Reporting Tips
Subpart D: new in RY2022 - webforms will be pre-populated with heat input data reported to CAMD.
Subpart OO: pre-population of relevant import/export data from HAWK is available.
Subpart OO: don't forget that fluorinated gas production facilities, free-standing fluorinated GHG destruction facilities, and fluorinated GHG importers are required to report the quantity of each fluorinated GHG or fluorinated HTF that they destroy, including the chemical name, CAS, and chemical formula; see the Subpart OO information sheet for more details
GHGRP Data Product Updates
Sector Profiles: The following sector profiles were recently updated with data through RY2021:
- Power Plants
- Petroleum & Natural Gas Systems
- Refineries
- Chemicals
- Waste
- Minerals
Events and Webinars
GHGRP: Introduction to the electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT): EPA reviewed the basics of e-GGRT registration, report preparation, report submission, and the e-GGRT correspondence system.
Connect with Us
Connect with us on Twitter @EPAAir using the hashtags #ghgrp, #ghgreporter, and #ghgdata.
Look for the next newsletter in fall 2023!