Spirit Lake Great Lakes Legacy Act Cleanup Photos 2021
2021 Photos by Week:
- Dec. 13, 2021
- Dec. 6, 2021
- Nov. 29, 2021
- Nov. 22, 2021
- Nov. 15, 2021
- Nov. 8, 2021
- Nov. 1, 2021
- Oct. 25, 2021
- Oct. 18, 2021
- Oct. 11, 2021
- Oct. 4, 2021
- Sept.13 and 27, 2021
- Aug. 30, 2021
- Aug. 16 - Aug. 23, 2021
- Aug. 2 - Aug. 9, 2021
- Earlier work
The purpose of the Spirit Lake Legacy Act Cleanup project is to address chemical constituents of concern, primarily polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, and associated heavy metals including lead, copper and zinc in the Spirit Lake area. The large environmental cleanup includes dredging, capping and monitoring impacted sediment. The cleanup will support the eventual delisting of the St. Louis River AOC and will result in benefits to people and the ecological system. The cleanup operations began in October 2020. They are being performed by contractors to EPA and U.S. Steel.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues. (Feb 7, 2022)
Dredge material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues to be hauled to either the Sediment Processing Area or the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF). (Feb 7, 2022)
The contractor uses an amphibious vehicle to perform a topographic survey in the Shallow Sheltered Bay. (Feb 7, 2022)
The contractor continues construction of an access road along the Weir Pond embankment. (12/6/2021)
The contractor continues construction of temporary access roads in the Shallow Sheltered Bay to prepare for mechanical dredging activities. (12/6/2021)
An aerial view of the Weir Pond, Upland confined disposal facility (CDF) and restored downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (12/6/2021)
Installation of Weir Pond embankment was completed. (11/29/2021)
The contractor began construction of an access road along the Weir Pond embankment by installing a stone sub base. (11/29/2021)
Contractor begins construction of temporary access roads in the Shallow Sheltered Bay to prepare for mechanical dredging activities. (11/29/2021)
Stone facing is placed on the Weir Embankment. (11/22/2021)
An aerial view of the Weir Pond. Restoration activities in the Weir Pond are complete. (11/22/2021)
An aerial view of the Weir Embankment and Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). (11/22/2021)
An aerial view of the Shallow Sheltered Bay. Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay will be performed this winter. (11/22/2021)
Dredging activities in the North Dredge Area are complete for the season and equipment is demobilized. Dredging in the North Dredge Area will resume in the spring. (11/15/2021)
Capping activities in the Weir Pond are complete.. (11/15/2021)
Contractor continues restoration of Weir Pond embankment. Embankment material is excavated to prepare for the installation of stone. (11/15/2021)
An aerial image of the Geotubes® in the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). (11/15/2021)
Dredging activities were completed in the Wire Mill Delta and have moved to the North Dredge Area. (11/8/2021)
Residual cover placement in the Wire Mill Delta was completed. The residual cover is a thin layer of clean sand that ensures the dredge surface is fully remediated and supports recolonization of native species. (11/8/2021)
A kiosk was installed at the Morgan Park Community Center. The kiosk contains an informational poster about the project that will be updated periodically. (11/8/2021)
Water treatment activities continue. (11/8/2021)
Dredging continues in the Wire Mill Delta (11/1/2021)
Residual cover activities began in the Wire Mill Delta. The residual cover is a thin layer of clean sand that ensures the dredge surface is fully remediated and supports recolonization of native species. (11/1/2021)
Contractors prepare for winter site conditions. Berms are constructed around the perimeter of the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) to aid in erosion control and manage water around the CDF. (11/1/2021)
Capping material is loaded into a screener. Contractors continue to work 24 hours a day to complete capping activities. (11/1/2021)
Dredging activities continue in the Wire Mill Delta/ (10/25/2021)
An aerial view of the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF) and Geotubes®. (10/11/2021)
Armor stone is placed along the Weir Pond shoreline. (10/25/2021)
Potential new borrow source is delineated onsite. (10/25/2021)
Water from the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek has been pumped out to allow the contractor to complete stabilization and planting.
An aerial view of the confluence of the Weir Pond and the restored upstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (10/18/2021)
Capping activities in the Weir Pond continue. (10/18/2021)
An excavator unloads armor stone for capping operations. (10/18/2021)
Contractors work 24 hours a day to complete Weir Pond capping. (10/18/2021)
Capping operations in the Weir Pond continue. Granular activated carbon (GAC) is loaded into the slinger for placement in the Weir Pond. (10/11/2021)
The slinger is used to place granular activated carbon (GAC) in the Weir Pond. (10/11/2021)
View of the Shallow Sheltered Bay and Spirit Lake shoreline looking north. (10/11/2021)
Dredge material continues to be placed into Geotubes® in the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). (10/11/2021)
Dredging operations continue in the Wire Mill Delta. (10/11/2021)
An aerial view of the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek and the adjacent Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). Contractors continue to hydroseed the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (10/04/2021)
Native grasses have begun sprouting in areas previously hydroseeded along the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (10/04/2021)
An aerial view of capping operations in the Weir Pond. (10/04/2021)
Dredged material is pumped through the Total Clean System to filter out material not suitable for the Geotubes®. (10/04/2021)
Dredging activities in the Wire Mill Delta. (9/27/2021)
Dredging activities in the Weir Pond have been completed. The dredge used in this area was disassembled and removed from the site. (9/27/2021)
Contractors completed stabilizing and seeding the north bank of the Weir Pond. (9/27/2021)
A view of the restored upstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (9/27/2021)
A painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) was found in an area of active construction and relocated to the restored upstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (9/27/2021)
Restoration of the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek continues. (9/13/2021)
Installation of rip rap along the berm between the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF) and the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. (9/13/2021)
Dredging continues in the Weir Pond. (9/13/2021)
An aerial view of the Unnamed Pond. (9/13/2021)
Dredging continues in the Wire Mill Delta. (8/30/2021)
Dredging continues in the Weir Pond. (8/30/2021)
Root wads were installed in the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. The root wads will provide erosion protection as well as habitat for aquatic species. (8/30/2021)
Excavation of the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek continues. (8/16/2021)
A kiosk was installed at the site entrance located at 88th Avenue West and Idaho Street. The kiosk contains an informational poster about the project that will be updated periodically. (8/23/2021)
Dredging in the Wire Mill Delta (8/23/2021)
Dredge material from the Wire Mill Delta is pumped into Geotubes® located in the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). Geotubes® are specially engineered tubular, bag-like filters used to remove water from the dredge material before processing. (8/23/2021)
Contractors began restoring the downstream portion of the Unnamed Creek. Green, erosion control fabric is placed in the new Unnamed Creek channel. (8/23/2021)
Gravel and stone is placed over the erosion control fabric in the new Unnamed Creek channel and top soil is placed in the Unnamed Creek floodplain. (8/23/2021)
An irrigation system was installed in the upstream portion of the Unnamed Creek floodplain to help plants establish. (8/23/2021)
A hydroseeder is used to apply a mixture of grass seed and soil amendments along the restored upstream Unnamed Creek. (8/2/2021)
A smooth drum roller is used to compact soil in the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF) prior to placement of impacted material. (8/4/2021)
Continued excavation and capping of the Unnamed Creek downstream of the Weir Embankment. (8/2/2021)
An amphibious construction vehicle is used to survey Wire Mill Pond before dredging activities begin. (8/4/2021)
Completed placement of high strength fabric over the Upland confined disposal facility (CDF). (8/2/2021)
Impacted sediment is removed from the Unnamed Pond and transported to the sediment processing area. (8/9/2021)
Impacted sediment is mixed with Portland cement at the sediment processing area prior to placement in a confined disposal facility (CDF). (8/9/2021)
Water from the Unnamed Pond is pumped into the water treatment plant. The water is treated and tested to ensure compliance with Minnesota Water Quality Standards before being discharged. (8/9/2021)
After processing, material from the sediment processing area is placed in the confined disposal facility (CDF) and compacted. (8/9/2021)
An aerial view of the sediment processing area and water treatment plant. (8/9/2021)
The field crew prepares for dredging activities by placing a silt curtain in the water around the work area with lights to warn boaters not to enter the work area. The curtain will prevent sediment from leaving the work area. (8/9/2021)
A hydraulic cutting head is attached to the dredge equipment in preparation for the dredging activities. (8/9/2021)
Processed material is placed in the OU-J confined disposal facility. (8/9/2021)
Removal of contaminated material in the Unnamed Creek area of the Spirit Lake cleanup. (1/13/2021)
Restoration of the upstream Unnamed Creek and adjacent floodplain area.
Planting of the upstream Unnamed Creek and adjacent floodplain area. (5/13/2021)
Surveys being conducted prior to dredging of contaminated material in the Wire Mill Delta offshore area.
View of Upland confined disposal facility construction.