Spirit Lake Photos 2024
Wire Mill Pond restored with emergent and fringe marsh vegetation.
View south along the pedestrian trail adjacent to the shallow, sheltered bay.
View east across the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) and portion of restored Unnamed Creek.
Irrigation operations continue in the restored Unnamed Creek corridor.
Emergent plants along the Shallow, Sheltered Bay are protected by predator exclusion fencing to promote survival and establishment.
Newly planted emergent fringe marsh plants along the Shallow Sheltered Bay shoreline will create habitat and provide erosion protection.
View from one of the scenic pause points on the Delta Upland Cap across part of Spirit Lake.
Topsoil is placed on top of the completed clay layer on the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
View of the St. Louis River from one of the new fishing access points on the Delta Upland Cap.
Representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U. S. Steel , City of Duluth, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency speak at a press event held onsite on July 10, 2024 to celebrate the opening of the pedestrian trail to the public.
View of the pedestrian trail with native plant restoration.
Fishing and scenic pause points are accessible on the Delta Upland Cap.
Emergent wetland vegetation is establishing in Wire Mill Pond.
Maintenance seeding and erosion control blanketing are installed alongside the pedestrian trail.
Shrubs are planted near the pedestrian trail on the Delta Upland Cap.
Additional seeding maintenance is performed along the Delta Upland Cap trail. Trails remain closed to the public.
Clay is placed on the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility.
The crew is fusing a pipeline for the irrigation system that is set up to water upland planted areas around the site.
View of vegetation growth at Wire Mill Pond.