EPA's Transportation Stormwater Permit (MS4) Compendium
Stormwater discharges from roadways, including those within defined urbanized areas, are often covered under the NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) regulations. State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) may be co-permittees with Phase I MS4s under a Phase I permit or small MS4s under either an individual or general Phase II MS4 permit. These permits typically include requirements related to pollution prevention, public education, public involvement, construction, post-construction for new development and redevelopment, and illicit discharge detection and elimination. Because transportation stormwater management differs from traditional MS4 stormwater management in several ways, transportation MS4 permit requirements are sometimes written differently.
This webinar featured EPA’s “Transportation Stormwater Permit Compendium,” a compendium of excerpted permit language from MS4 permits and other resources that can be used and/or tailored for transportation-specific MS4 permits. The webinar discussed characteristics specific to transportation MS4s and roadway runoff and provided example excerpts of State DOT MS4 permits addressing various aspects of stormwater management for linear infrastructure projects.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
1:00 - 2:30 pm EST
Heather Goss, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Susan Jones, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration