Off-site Stormwater Management to Promote Green Infrastructure
The multiple benefits of green infrastructure are most significant when nature-based solutions are installed throughout a community. Off-site stormwater management can provide options for operators of development and redevelopment projects to meet post-construction stormwater performance standards outside the right-of-way or limit of the area of development in some circumstances. This flexibility can facilitate achieving additional environmental and planning goals in the community, such as implementation of green infrastructure in areas not undergoing development. EPA recently developed several off-site stormwater management case studies to provide examples of a range of strategies used by local and state governments. Join EPA’s next Green Infrastructure Webcast featuring speakers from Washington, DC, Grand Rapids, MI, and St. Paul, MN who will share their experiences developing and implementing off-site stormwater management programs. Attendees will learn about different types of off-site stormwater management arrangements and how such flexibilities can promote green infrastructure.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Presentation Slides
Off-site Stormwater Management to Promote Green Infrastructure Webcast Slides (pdf)
Heather Goss, Transportation Liaison, Office of Water, U.S. EPA
Regan Wilhelm, Environmental Protection Specialist, District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment
Dan Taber, Project Engineer, City of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Elizabeth Hosch, Permit Program Manager, Capitol Region Watershed District, Minnesota
Forrest Kelley, Regulatory Division Manager, Capitol Region Watershed District, Minnesota