Project Map
What is the Project Map?: The Project Map visualizes where EPA Partners have directly engaged with eligible renewable energy projects to meet their green power needs. Direct engagements with project-specific supply options support the reduction of emissions and air pollution which harm the environment and human health. In most cases, project-specific engagements can result in electricity cost savings to the consumer.
Using the Project Map: Placing your cursor over a project’s dot icon will reveal a pop-up box with detailed project information. To zoom in on a project, select it on the map and then click the “Confirm” button to the left of the map. Users can also control which project(s) are shown on the map by using filters, including renewable resource, supply option, project size, industry, and Partner. To reset the map to its default zoom and filter settings click the “Show All” button.
More Information: For information on the functionality of the Project Map, click on the “Tour this Dashboard” button in the upper right corner of the blue bar. For more information on the each of the filters and data elements, click on the “Information” button. Users can also download a Frequently Asked Questions (pdf) (224 KB) document regarding this map.