Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI): Database and Associated Files
EPA updated the SafeWater LCR model to estimate the compliance costs and benefits of the LCRI proposed in November 2023. The model is designed to estimate the costs and benefits of a treatment technique rule and focuses on water contamination in the distribution system. For information on how this model was utilized in the estimation of the impacts of the regulatory requirements please see the Economic Analysis for the Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements available at, Docket ID Number: EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0801 (Document ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0801-0712).
In addition to the information provided in the proposed LCRI economic analysis document and the materials in the docket for the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, the following files and data sources were used in the economic analysis of the LCRI. Zip files for the specific program files and databases may be downloaded using the links below.
SafeWater LCR User Guide and Description of Source Code
EPA provides a user guide to the SafeWater LCR model and an overview of the source code for SafeWater LCR at the link below. Please, also refer to Chapter 4 of the LCRI proposed rule Economic Analysis for additional information about the use of SafeWater LCR in the regulatory analysis.
SafeWater LCR Executables and Associated Data Files
SafeWater LCR was used in support of the proposed LCRI economic analysis. SafeWater LCR is an executable program that runs on a Windows PC. The program as well as the data used to run the program are provided in the zip file titled "SafeWaterLCR Executable and Data Files" below, including unit cost estimates and cost equations. Once received, to use the executable program and data files, please refer to the SafeWater LCR User Guide and Description of Source Code. Although not necessary to run the rule options being analyzed in SafeWater LCR, EPA has provided a Windows executable version of the software in the zip file, if a user wishes to make changes to the source code to run other options the source code will need to be re-compiled. In order to re-compile the source code a user would need access to Delphi 10.1 and a number of third-party components as described in the SafeWater LCR User Guide and Description of Source Code. In addition, EPA has provided sample files to replicate the LCRI Economic Analysis.
SafeWater LCR Source Code
In addition to the SafeWater LCR executables and user guide, EPA is providing pdf versions of the source code used for SafeWater LCR.