Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools Video Series
On this page:
- Indoor Air in Tribal Schools
- Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
- Healthy Tribal Schools Webinar Series
- EPA's BurnWise YouTube Videos
- EPA Region 10 Tribal Indoor Air Quality Videos
- Asthma Community Network Podcast
Indoor Air Quality, Asthma, Tools for Schools, Radon and Mold
Mansel Nelson and Graylynn Hudson of the Tribal Environmental Education Outreach Program and Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals at Northern Arizona State University, discuss the importance of assessing and managing air quality in schools and the consequences to children and school personnel when air quality is poor.
Indoor Air Quality Tribal Schools
Part of the Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools webinar series hosted by EPA Region 8–
A good indoor air quality management plan controls indoor air pollutants, brings in adequate outside air and maintains comfortable temperature and humidity levels. Participants will be introduced to the IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit. Mansel and Graylynn describe how indoor air can be 2‐5 times more polluted than outside air; the dangers of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds and radon are also discussed. Presented by Mansel Nelson; Graylynn Jaysue Hudson, Northern Arizona University
Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
(February 2012)
Green Cleaning - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Marie Zanowick, Environmental Engineer with U.S. EPA Region 8, describes how green cleaning makes good common sense, saves money and promotes and protects health. She says that "clean doesn't have a smell" contrary to popular practice in many homes and schools.
Integrated Pest Management - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Mike Daniels, Native IPM and affiliated with the North Central IPM Center, talks about the importance of identifying pests (insects, animals, weeds, etc.) in schools, determining the tolerance level and the best methods to manage pests.
Chemical Clean-Out in Tribal Schools - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Matthew Langenfeld, Chemical Initiative Coordinator for the Pollution, Prevention & Toxics Unit of U.S. EPA Region 8, provides background and how-to information on identifying and managing, including cleaning out, chemicals that are and may have been long stockpiled and forgotten in cupboards and boxes. Matthew gives examples of toxic and hazardous substances and provides tools for completing an inventory and information on proper disposal of chemicals.
Lead-Based Paint, Renovation, Repair and the RRP Rule - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Christopher (Chris) Maksimuk, Lead and Asbestos Inspector for the U.S. EPA Region 8, relates the dangers of lead exposure to children, including that children exposed to lead early in life may suffer brain damage that leads to social issues, including criminal behavior; more lead exposure may result in smaller brains. He reviews the EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule guidelines and recommendations.
Asbestos Awareness - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Christopher (Chris) Maksimuk, Lead and Asbestos Inspector for the U.S. EPA Region 8, shows where asbestos may be hiding in schools, homes and other buildings and the danger of asbestos exposure to human lungs.
PCBs in Ballasts and Caulk - Clean, Green and Healthy Tribal Schools (YouTube video)
Matthew Langenfeld, Chemical Initiative Coordinator for the Pollution, Prevention & Toxics Unit of U.S. EPA Region 8, describes the presence and danger of PCBs in schools and will provide background and how-to information on identifying and eliminating or minimizing risks for children to contaminated products.
Healthy Tribal Schools Webinar Series
(May 2011)
Indoor Air Quality in Schools (YouTube video)
Part of the Peaks to Prairies Green and Healthy Tribal Schools webinar series and workshop Presented by: Ron Schiller, EPA and Katie Loveland, MT Dept. of Health and Human Services
EPA's Burn Wise YouTube Videos
How to Buy, Split and Store Wood
Five Rules to Follow for an Efficient Fire
How to Burn Wise with an EPA Catalytic Stove
Safety and Maintenance Information for Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts
Troubleshooting Information for Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts
EPA Region 10 Tribal IAQ Videos
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Indoor Air Quality
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Indoor Air Quality
In many Alaskan communities, the cold climate means people spend a lot of time indoors in air tight homes and buildings where indoor air pollution and humidity can rise to unhealthy levels. This video highlights sources of indoor air pollution and how to address them.
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Wood Smoke
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Wood Smoke
Many people in rural Alaska use wood stoves to heat their homes and bath houses. This video summarizes the health impacts from wood smoke and provides step-by-step instructions for how to burn "small, dry and hot" to save fuel and keep the air clean.
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Diesel Emissions
Clean Air, Healthy Villages: Diesel Emissions
Diesel is used in rural Alaska to produce electricity and fuel boats, vehicles and planes. This video explains how to minimize exposure to diesel exhaust and maximize the efficiency of diesel engines.
Asthma Community Network Podcast
How Maine's Public Housing Authorities Became 100% Smoke-Free
Asthma Community Network
Learn how the Maine Smoke-Free Housing Coalition led the way for Maine to become the first in the country with smoke-free public housing policies statewide. Listen to Coalition founder Tina Pettingill and Coalition Director Sarah Mayberry's remarkable story of how they engaged tenants and property owners, and find out how you can replicate their success in your state and community.