10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production

One of the important programmatic outcomes from the U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012 was the adoption of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) — commonly referred to as the 10YFP. The One Planet network, a multi-stakeholder partnership for sustainable development, was formed to implement the 10YFP.
The One Planet network was initiated to promote resource efficiency and sustainability, and has done this through facilitating knowledge exchange on specific topics, funding related projects, and connecting a diverse group of global stakeholders which includes governments, businesses, NGOs, and technical experts.
- Sustainable public procurement
- Consumer information
- Sustainable food systems
- Sustainable lifestyles and education
- Sustainable buildings and construction
- Sustainable tourism
EPA's Role in the One Planet Network
EPA serves as the U.S. National Focal Point for the One Planet network and U.S. Alternate to the 10YFP Board, representing the Group of Western European and Other States (WEOG). EPA coordinates an interagency group to provide a “whole of government” perspective on the relevant One Planet network programs, and to leverage cross-cutting expertise from different departments and agencies.
EPA is currently focused on four key areas in support of the One Planet network:
- Inputs to the One Planet Network Knowledge Centre. The Knowledge Centre is the key information exchange and global networking platform supporting the One Planet network.
- The One Planet network Sustainable Public Procurement Programme. EPA was a founding member of this UNEP-led initiative launched at Rio+20, and formerly served on the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee. EPA remains engaged with several of the program's Working Groups.
- Collaboration on Development of a Global Network of Interoperable Life-Cycle Assessment Databases. Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a touchstone feature of the 10YFP. This project was advanced under the International Forum on LCA Cooperation and is part of the One Planet Network Consumer Information Programme.
- Cooperation on Reducing Wasted Food. EPA works with the UNEP Regional Office for North America to promote recovery of wasted food (e.g. for donation to food banks) and food waste recycling (e.g. for industrial applications, anaerobic digestion and composting) to divert it from landfill disposal and reduce methane emissions. The project considers regional and international best practices and supports objectives of the One Planet network Sustainable Food Systems Programme.
Additional information:
- Visit the official website of the One Planet network (hosted by UNEP)
- Learn more about the U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
- Learn more about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the SDGs
- Explore all of EPA's Partnering with International Organizations