Renovation, Repair and Painting Program: Renovator Training
If you are a renovation firm, then we recommend you read through all of the subjects below to learn how to fulfill your legal requirements to protect yourself, your employees and your clients from the dangers of lead exposure.
Overview | Firm Certification | Renovator Training | Work Practices | Resources
EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule requires each firm to be certified, to have at least one certified renovator and for the remainder of employees involved in renovation activities to either also be certified renovators or be trained on the job by a certified renovator. This section provides information on how to become a certified renovator.

Overview of Training Requirements
Federal law requires that a “certified renovator” be assigned to each job, and that all involved individuals are trained in the use of lead-safe work practices.
- To become a certified renovator, a person must complete a renovator training course accredited by EPA or an EPA-authorized program which will teach them how to work lead-safe.
- All remaining individuals must also be trained. They can either be certified renovators (meaning they successfully completed the accredited training) or they can have been trained on the job by a certified renovator (such training must be documented and the documents must be retained).
- Locate an RRP training class or provider in your area.
Training Requirements for Certified Renovators
- Renovators are certified upon completion of an EPA accredited renovator training course.
- Their course completion certificate serves as their certification credential.
- For initial certification, renovators must take an 8-hour training that includes 2 hours of hands-on learning.
- To remain certified a renovator must complete a refresher training course before their current certification expires.
- The expiration date is based on when the course was taken (see table below).
- For recertification, renovators must take a 4-hour refresher training that includes hands-on learning every other time they take the refresher course.
- Renovators who take the online refresher training will be certified for three years; renovators who take the hands-on training in the refresher course will be certified for five years.
- If certification expires, then the 8-hour course must be taken again to regain certification.
Date Course Completed |
Expiration |
On or before March 31, 2010 |
March 31, 2016 |
From April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011 |
6 years from the date of course completion |
On or after April 1, 2011 |
5 years from the date of course completion |
Certified Renovator Responsibilities
Certified renovators are responsible for ensuring overall compliance with the RRP Program’s requirements for lead-safe work practices at renovations they are assigned.
A certified renovator:
- Must provide on-the-job training to other workers (who have not taken the certified renovator training course) on the lead-safe work practices to be used in performing their assigned tasks.
- Must be physically present at the worksite when warning signs are posted, while the work-area containment is being established and while the work-area cleaning is performed.
- Must regularly direct work being performed by other individuals to ensure that lead-safe work practices are being followed, including maintaining the integrity of the containment barriers and ensuring that dust or debris does not spread beyond the work area.
- When requested by the party contracting for renovation services, must use an EPA-recognized test kit or must collect paint chip samples, submit them to an EPA-recognized laboratory, and obtain test results from the laboratory to determine whether components affected by the renovation contain lead-based paint. Note: you must assume lead-based paint is present for housing and buildings covered by the RRP Rule, unless testing is done that determines the components affected are lead-free.
- Must be available, either on-site or by telephone, at all times renovations are being conducted.
- Must perform project cleaning verification.
- Must have with them at the worksite copies of their initial course completion certificate and their most recent refresher course completion certificate.
- Must prepare required records.