Maine Events, Public Notices and Press Releases
The latest press releases, public notices and events for the State of Maine.
Press/News Releases for Maine
Public Notices for Maine
(Draft Permit) CSX Transportation Inc., Waterville, ME, ME0036803
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for CSX Transportation Inc., Waterville, ME, ME0036803.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Maine
(Draft Permit) Jackman Utility District, Jackman, ME, ME0100978
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for Jackman Utility District, Jackman, ME, ME0100978.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Maine
(Draft Permit) Bar Harbor POTW - Hulls Cove Plant, Bar Harbor, ME, ME0102466
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for Bar Harbor POTW - Hulls Cove Plant, Bar Harbor, ME, ME0102466.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Maine
(Draft Permit) Merrymeeting Shellfish Company, LLC, Harpswell, ME, ME0037524
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for Merrymeeting Shellfish Company, LLC, Harpswell, ME, ME0037524.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Maine
Events for Maine
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