Public Notice: EPA Begins 6th Five-Year Review of Idaho Pole Superfund Site
EPA and the state of Montana are reviewing the cleanup at the Idaho Pole Company Superfund Site. This review evaluates remedies (cleanup) to see if they continue to protect human health and the environment. This is the sixth Five-Year review and will be released in 2025.
The Idaho Pole Superfund Site is located near the northern limits of Bozeman, Montana. A small length of I-90 runs through the site. Historic wood treating practices contaminated soil and groundwater. EPA has been working to address the contamination since the early 1990s. The 2020 Five-Year review showed that the site is currently protective. However, to be protective long-term the review recommended additional sampling, revised inspection schedules, and additional treatment of contamination feeding the groundwater plume.
If you have information you think may be helpful for the five-year review, please contact EPA by June 30, 2025.
More information is available online at the Idaho Pole Superfund Site website.