EPA Reaches Agreement with Soulard Second Street, LLC, to Redevelop Portion of Former J.F. Queeny/Monsanto/Solutia Facility in St. Louis
Environmental News

The agreement reflects EPA’s priorities of incentivizing parties to remediate sites, encouraging private investment in cleanups, and promoting the revitalization and reuse of properties across the country.
“Environmental revitalization leads directly to economic opportunity,” said EPA Region 7 Administrator Jim Gulliford. “EPA is dedicated to working with property developers who share our commitment to the environment by reaching agreements that allow for economic development, while also protecting and restoring the environment.”
The Administrative Settlement and Covenant Not to Sue requires Soulard Second Street, LLC, to take response actions at the property to ensure that future development and use of the property are conducted in a manner that will protect human health and the environment.
Installation of a vapor mitigation system on the property
- Installation of a protective cap over polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-impacted areas
- Preparation and implementation of a soil management plan
- Placement of permanent survey markers at the corners of areas containing residual waste
- Installation of warning layers to notify future excavators of the presence of hazardous contaminants in the soil
- Proper maintenance of the site remedy
Soulard Second Street, LLC, enters into this Agreement under the “bona fide prospective purchaser” (BFPP) liability protection provision in the Superfund law. A BFPP may acquire and use contaminated property without incurring liability, if it meets certain conditions.
Monsanto originally owned the facility from 1901 to 1997, when it was sold to Solutia. In 2006, operations at the facility ceased and Solutia prepared a risk assessment that determined that releases of solid and hazardous wastes, including trichloroethylene (TCE), from four solid waste management units posed risks to human health and the environment. The actions that Soulard Second Street, LLC, agreed to conduct address the risks posed by contamination at the site.
The agreement was subject to a 30-day public comment period prior to finalization. EPA received no substantive comments during the comment period.
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