Massport Logan International Airport NPDES Permit
- Final Permit
- Background
- Public Notice
- Draft Permit
- Massport Logan Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Meeting & Public Hearing
- Massport Logan Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Meeting
- Massport Logan Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Hearing
- Massport Logan Airport Fire Training Facility NPDES Permit
- 2007 Permit Documents
MassPort Logan International Airport – Final NPDES Permit
On August 24, 2023, EPA Region 1 issued a Final NPDES Permit to the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) authorizing discharges of stormwater from industrial activity and water from deicing operations from Logan Airport to Boston Harbor, Boston Inner Harbor, and Winthrop Bay, which are waters of the U.S. The Final NPDES Permit carries forward effluent limitations, monitoring, and reporting requirements from the NPDES permit that EPA issued to Massport in 2007, and establishes new, more stringent water quality-based effluent limits for pathogens and monitoring for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Additionally, the Final Permit establishes new technology-based requirements designed to significantly reduce deicing chemical use at the airport. This innovative “Blend-to-Temperature” program is designed to significantly reduce deicing chemical use and will result in long term reduction in glycol as part of an overall Deicer Discharge Reduction Plan. This plan, coupled with new, enhanced monitoring and reporting requirements throughout the deicing season ensures that water quality will be protected, thereby maintaining the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Water Quality Standards.
- Final Permit (pdf)
- Response to Comments (pdf)
- Attachment A - Revised Marine Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol (pdf)
- Attachment B - Logan International Airport NPDES Permit - MA0000787 2023 NPDES Co-Permittees (pdf)

On April 12, 2021, U.S. EPA issued a draft NPDES permit under the Clean Water Act for wastewater and stormwater discharges from Massport's Logan International Airport. The draft permit proposes to limit the amount of pollutants entering Boston Harbor, Boston Inner Harbor, and Winthrop Bay. When finalized, the permit will update and replace an existing permit issued in 2007. The proposed permit has several provisions to enhance protection of the environment and public health, in line with current Clean Water Act permits issued within Massachusetts and surrounding states. The updated permit provisions, when implemented, will improve water quality in the surrounding areas.
The industrial activities conducted at the airport include aircraft and runway deicing, aircraft and vehicle fueling, aircraft and vehicle maintenance, lavatory waste handling, runway rubber removal and others. Massport and its Co-Permittees are subject to an extensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which contains Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are designed to address all activities at the airport and minimize the discharge of pollutants from such activities. In addition, Massport is required to conduct a comprehensive outfall monitoring program from various outfalls at the airport. The draft permit also contains new requirements to reduce the overall discharge level of glycols from deicing operations, and meet new bacteria limits as a result of the State Water Quality Standards and Boston Harbor Pathogen Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is issuing a similar permit to Massport Logan under the state's Clean Waters Act. Further information, including copies of the draft permit, public notice, and key historical documentation is available on this web site using the links below. Documents may be downloaded and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
For more background on this permit reissuance, EPA has provided a brief community information sheet below.
- Massport Logan Airport Community Information Sheet (pdf)
- 麻州港务局洛根机场社区信息表 (Chinese) (pdf)
- Fèy Enfòmasyon Kominote Èpòt Massport Logan (Haitian Creole) (pdf)
- Folha de informações da comunidade do Aeroporto de Massport Logan (Portuguese) (pdf)
- Hoja de información la Comunidad del Aeropuerto de Massport Logan (Spanish) (pdf)
Public Notice
EPA provided notice of a 60-day public comment period for the draft NPDES permit on April 12, 2021. The public notice is provided below.
- Massport Logan Airport Public Notice (pdf)
- Massport Logan Airport Public Notice (Chinese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Airport Public Notice (Haitian Creole) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Airport Public Notice (Portuguese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Airport Public Notice (Spanish) (pdf)
The comment period was extended for 30 days and closes on July 11, 2021.
Draft Permit
On April 12, 2021, EPA issued the draft NPDES permit for Massport's Logan International Airport for a 60-day public comment period. The draft permit is provided below:
If you have further questions concerning this permit, please contact: George Papadopoulos, Industrial NPDES Permits ([email protected] or (617) 918-1579).
Massport Logan International Airport Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Meeting & Public Hearing
EPA is accepting comment on the draft permit for 90 days, until July 11, 2021. EPA has scheduled an informational public meeting on May 10, 2021, and a formal public hearing on the draft permit, on May 24, 2021.
Closed captioning as well as interpretation services into Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Cantonese (Chinese) will be provided at both meetings.
The meeting and hearing will be hosted through Zoom for Government. For the best experience, attendees may wish to download the Zoom for Government application on your device. Participants may also join by telephone. Details will be included with your registration.
If you have questions concerning EPA's virtual public meeting and hearing, need special assistance, or need help registering, please contact Eric Wortman ([email protected] or (617) 918-1624).
By participating in EPA hosted virtual meetings and events, you are consenting to abide by the agency's terms of use. In addition, you acknowledge that content you post may be collected and publicly disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, litigation requirements, and/or any other public disclosure obligations.
Massport Logan International Airport Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Meeting
EPA hosted a virtual public meeting on May 10, 2021. During the meeting EPA presented an overview of the draft permit and responded to clarifying questions from meeting participants. To view a recording of the meeting, see
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Informational Meeting (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Informational Meeting (Chinese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Informational Meeting (Haitian Creole) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Informational Meeting (Portuguese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Informational Meeting (Spanish) (pdf)
Massport Logan International Airport Clean Water Act Permit Virtual Public Hearing
EPA hosted a virtual public hearing on May 24, 2021, at 7:00 PM (ET). During the hearing EPA accepted oral comments from any interested person on the draft permit. EPA did not respond to comments or questions, other than procedural questions, during the May 24, 2021 virtual public hearing.
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Public Hearing (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Public Hearing (Chinese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Public Hearing (Haitian Creole) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Public Hearing (Portuguese) (pdf)
- Massport Logan Internation Airport Draft NPDES Permit Public Hearing (Spanish) (pdf)
Massport Logan Airport Fire Training Facility NPDES Permit
A separate individual NPDES permit and fact sheet for the Logan Airport Fire Training Facility can be accessed here:
- 2021 Fire Training Facility Final Permit, Fact Sheet, and Response to Comments (pdf)
- 2021 Fire Training Facility Letter and Minor Modification (pdf)
2007 Permit Documents
The 2007 permit and associated supporting documentation are provided below.