Municipal-Specific Technical Fact Sheets
EPA has compiled Municipal-Specific Technical Informational Fact Sheets for each community in all three watersheds that provide more information about the upcoming RDA permits. These fact sheets include information about the land use types expected to receive RDA permits and the estimated amount of phosphorus pollution coming from each municipality by those land use types (which include certain commercial, industrial, and institutional entities).
Each municipality below has a fact sheet^, municipalities with an asterisk are located in two or more watersheds and have more than one fact sheet.
- *Arlington (pdf)
- Ashland (pdf)
- Bellingham (pdf)
- *Belmont (pdf)
- *Boston (pdf)
- Brookline (pdf)
- Burlington (pdf)
- *Cambridge (pdf)
- Canton (pdf)
- Chelsea (pdf)
- *Dedham (pdf)
- *Dover (pdf)
- Everett (pdf)
- *Foxborough (pdf)
- Franklin (pdf)
- Holliston (pdf)
- Hopedale (pdf)
- Hopkinton (pdf)
- *Lexington (pdf)
- Lincoln (pdf)
- Malden (pdf)
- *Medfield (pdf)
- Medford (pdf)
- Medway (pdf)
- Melrose (pdf)
- Mendon (pdf)
- Milford (pdf)
- Millis (pdf)
- Milton (pdf)
- Natick (pdf)
- Needham (pdf)
- Newton (pdf)
- Norfolk (pdf)
- Norwood (pdf)
- Quincy (pdf)
- Randolph (pdf)
- Reading (pdf)
- Revere (pdf)
- Sharon (pdf)
- Sherborn (pdf)
- *Somerville (pdf)
- Stoneham (pdf)
- Stoughton (pdf)
- Wakefield (pdf)
- *Walpole (pdf)
- Waltham (pdf)
- *Watertown (pdf)
- Wayland (pdf)
- Wellesley (pdf)
- Weston (pdf)
- *Westwood (pdf)
- Wilmington (pdf)
- Winchester (pdf)
- Winthrop (pdf)
- Woburn (pdf)
- Wrentham (pdf)
^The numbers, graphics, and technical calculations and conclusions set forth in this technical information fact sheet are pre-decisional, subject to change, and may be different than the final calculations relied upon in the draft and final permits. EPA will publish its draft RDA permit and RDA determination in the Federal Register for public comment and will consider all significant public comments.