Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring Reports
EPA Region 4, often in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducts oceanographic surveys to identify appropriate locations for ocean disposal sites and to monitor the impacts of regulated dumping at the ocean disposal sites. Region 4 monitors Charleston, SC Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site to ensure that unexpected or significant negative effects are not occurring from past or continued use of the disposal site and to verify regulatory and permit compliance.
- An Environmental Monitoring Study of Hard Bottom Reef Areas Near the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, 2006 (pdf)
- An Environmental Assessment of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site and Surrounding Areas, 2005 (pdf)
- Utilizing Gamma Isotope Tracers to Determine Sediment Sources at Reef Sites Near the Charleston ODMDS (Phase II), 2005 (pdf)
- Utilizing Gamma Isotope Tracers to Determine Sediment Sources at Reef Sites Near the Charleston ODMDS (Phase I), 2004 (pdf)
- An Environmental Assessment of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site and Surrounding Areas, 2002 (pdf)
- Disposed Material Mobility and Transport in the Vicinity of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, 2002 (pdf)
- Analysis of Sediments and Habitat in the Areas Surrounding the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, Including Unauthorized Disposal Operations, 2001 (pdf)