Municipal Resources
Municipal Resources
Welcome to the EPA's Municipal Resources guide!
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On this page:
- General Resources
- Inflation Reduction Act Resources
- Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Resources
- Technical Assistance
- Federal Funding
- EPA Webcasts, Workshops, and Meetings
The information on this page is curated from many resources, including:
- FEMA Resource Reports
- The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
- EPA Research Webinar Series
- U.S. EPA's State and Local Climate and Energy Program
- EPA Water Security Newsletter
- EPA Brownfields
- Urban Waters Federal Partnership
- EPA Water Reuse Email Updates
- EPA Trash Free Waters 'The Flow' and 'The Rapids'
General Resources
- Federal Program Inventory - a resource allowing visitors to search all federal programs that provide grants, loans, or direct payments
- EPA's Clearinghouse for Environmental Finance
- EPA's List of Water Technical Assistance Programs
- Investing in America Technical Assistance Guide
- EPA’s WIFIA Loan Program
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
- Wastewater Technology Clearinghouse
- Build America, Buy America (BABA) Waivers Open for Public Comment
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Resources
- EPA's Investing in America: Climate Action Funding Resource Guide
- HUD’s Build for The Future Funding Navigator on the HUD Exchange.
- IRS Document: Clean Energy Tax Incentives
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Resources
EPA’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Landing Page (also known as IIJA)
- Build America, Buy America Information
Technical Assistance
- The EPA’s Office of the Municipal Ombudsman provides a unique service specifically for utilities/municipalities in identifying technical assistance opportunities, brainstorming federal funding options (BIL and more!), clean water act flexibilities, integrated planning assistance, and more. Please reach out to [email protected] or 202-564-1709 to discuss your projects, permits, or other clean water concerns today - Happy to schedule a time to connect and discuss how my office might assist!
EPA’s Water Technical Assistance Programs
- EPA’s Water Technical Assistance Page includes a one-stop-shop EPA water technical assistance request form where communities can request no-cost direct water technical assistance to evaluate their drinking water, wastewater, stormwater infrastructure, and water quality improvement needs.
- See also: Water Technical Assistance Fact Sheet and list of Water Technical Assistance programs Have questions about WaterTA? E-mail: [email protected]
- WaterTA Through Engineering Support. The WaterTA Engineering Support Team will work with local engineers where available to ensure adequate local expertise and to build relationships and trust. Engineering Planning Support Services may include:
- Development of Preliminary Engineering Reports
- Quick turnaround preliminary cost estimates for SRF pre-applications and applications
- Additional engineering support may be available on a case-by-case basis
- EPA’s Environmental Finance Center Network offers free, customized support services to water and wastewater systems, decentralized systems, local governments, and others seeking technical, managerial, and financial (TMF) solutions to environmental infrastructure challenges. Our team of experts work hand-in-hand with operators, elected officials, utility directors, and other utility staff to identify barriers and address challenges head on. Request Assistance here [external with funding from EPA]
- HHS’ RCD Grant Recipient Contacts for Assistance | The Administration for Children and Families ( If you need water or wastewater assistance for your community, you can contact the Rural Community Development (RCD) grant recipient that covers your state or region. RCD grant recipients provide training and technical assistance. Please see the contact information and links to use as resources to contact RCD grant recipients. If you have additional questions, contact [email protected]
- EPA's Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities Program
EPA’s Cybersecurity Resources
- EPA’s Cybersecurity Helpdesk for the Water Sector: Need help from a subject-matter expert? Submit your questions to WICRD’s free Cybersecurity Technical Assistance Program for the Water Sector. Water systems, primacy agencies, and technical assistance providers can submit questions and request direct consultation to help address your cybersecurity questions. Request Technical Assistance Here EPA’s Water Sector Cybersecurity Evaluation Program: WICRD’s Water Sector Cybersecurity Evaluation is a free program that provides direct access to a cybersecurity professional who can conduct a virtual cybersecurity assessment. Staff can guide you through the assessment process and answer any questions you may have. Request a Cybersecurity Assessment Here
- Water and Wastewater Sector Incident Response Guide. Use this guide, co-sealed by CISA, EPA, and FBI, to gain a better understanding on how water and wastewater utility operators can expect to work with federal partners to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of a cyber incident
- Top Cyber Actions for Securing Water Systems Fact Sheet
- EPA’s Water Sector Cybersecurity Case Study
- EPA Cybersecurity Assessments and Technical Assistance: Interested water and wastewater utilities can sign up for free, confidential cybersecurity assessments and technical assistance services provided virtually - Register here
- DOT’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published a collection of technical assistance resources available from various entities or programs to support disadvantaged communities, biking, multiuse paths, and active transportation. The list includes short descriptions of the programs, website links, and primary contacts to reach out to for more information. Organizations featured include government departments and agencies, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, and the Safe Routes Partnership.
Federal Clean Energy Technical Assistance Programs
- Clean School Bus Technical Assistance: In partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Joint Office is offering technical assistance on a wide range of clean school bus deployment topics, including electric bus basics, charging equipment, utility connections, bus performance, and operational considerations like routing and maintenance. Request technical assistance here
- DOE’s Electric Bus Video Technical Assistance Series |Clean School Bus Program Webinars – to provide potential applicants with an overview of the program, relevant information and available resources. Register here| BIL Funding available for Clean School Buses -BIL provides $5 billion over 5 years for clean school buses, including electric and alternative fuel buses. Each year, $500 million will be provided exclusively for EV buses and $500 million for EV and other cleaner alternative fuel buses. Applications for assistance are open on a rolling basis through Sept. 30, 2024, giving fleets an opportunity to fully understand their needs before applying for support. This new program will reduce the burden of electrification by helping fleet managers create a step-by-step plan to transition their bus fleet. Learn more.
- EPA’s AVERT Tool updated to Model Energy Storage and Update Power Sector Data. EPA released version 4.3 of the AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT). This update adds energy storage as a new resource for users to model in scenarios. The new functionality includes options for users to model solar-plus-storage, standalone storage, and storage with one or more of the existing resources in AVERT—solar, wind, energy efficiency, and electric vehicles.
- The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program, has launched the Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Playbook.
- The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation’s Utility Finder (U-Finder) Tool. U-Finder is a web-based tool that provides a list of local utility providers, contacts, and available incentives that support transportation electrification
- The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (DOE/DOT) provides technical assistance on planning and implementation of a national network of EV chargers and zero-emission fueling infrastructure as well as zero-emission transit and school buses. Find resources and learn more about technical assistance for states and communities.
- DOE’s Clean Cities Coalition Network Technical Assistance to assist with alternative fuels, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies
- U.S. Housing and Urban Development Technical Assistance Resources:
- HUD’s Community Compass program -Offers technical assistance to help grantees navigate complex housing and community development challenges. The Community Compass program aims to empower communities so that successful implementation is sustained over time.
- HUD’s Distressed Cities and Persistent Poverty Technical Assistance Program. Maintains a library of resources relevant to DCTA recipients and smaller distressed communities. It features a wide range of reports, webinars, guidance, and funding opportunities useful to small governments, tribal organizations and non-profits.
- HUD Exchange Portal
- FEMA: Center for Domestic Preparedness The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) enhances the resiliency of U.S. communities by teaching responders to prepare for and safely respond to a wide range of natural and manmade disasters. The advanced, all-hazards training is free and delivered on the CDP campus in Alabama, at sites around the nation, and online
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Technical Assistance Page. USACE primarily provides technical assistance through its Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) program and Planning Assistance to States and Tribal Nations (PAS) program, under which USACE staff are funded to conduct technical analysis and services.
- DOT Navigator’s Technical Assistance Resource Database
- DOT/ FHWA provides comprehensive transportation training and technical assistance to Tribal communities through its Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP), See brochure on Tribal Funding: Transportation Funding Opportunities for Tribal Nations
Federal Funding
- DOD's Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot (DCIP) Program
- Search EPA’s Clearinghouse for Environmental Finance and Fed FUNDS (Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Utilities in National Disasters (Fed FUNDS)) for more funding opportunities
- EPA/State Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
- Contact the DWSRF program in your state for more information on how to apply
- Contact the CWSRF program in your state for more information on how to apply
- Check with your State CWSRF to see when OSG grants will be offered: EPA Announces $50 million in Available Grants to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure - funding through the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant program (OSG) to help communities address stormwater and sewer infrastructure needs. States may now apply for grant assistance to fund projects that will help municipalities strengthen their stormwater collection systems against increasingly intense rain events made worse by the climate crisis and prevent contaminants from polluting waterways.
- EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program - a federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
- Learn more about the WIFIA program's eligibility requirements, and benefits, application process, and portfolio. Also, check out the WIFIA Fund Facts Dashboard
- USDA's Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants. USDA Rural Development provides funding in the form of low-interest loans and grants to develop essential community facilities in eligible rural areas, including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands. Guaranteed Loan Options are also available. Application Deadline: Ongoing
- USDA’s Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program USDA Rural Development provides funding in the form of low-interest loans and grants to develop essential community facilities in eligible rural areas, including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands. Guaranteed Loan Options are also available. Application Deadline: Ongoing
- USDA's Water and Environmental Programs. Through Rural Utilities Service Water and Environmental Programs (WEP), rural communities obtain the technical assistance and financing necessary to develop drinking water and waste disposal systems. Application Deadline: Ongoing
- USDA’s Watershed & Flood Prevention Operations (WFPO) Program. The program provides for cooperation to prevent erosion; floodwater and sediment damage; to further the conservation development, use and disposal of water; and to further the conservation and proper use of land in authorized watersheds. Applications accepted year-round.
- USDA’s SEARCH - Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Grant. This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects. Application Deadline: Ongoing
- EDA’s Open Funding Opportunities
- Delta Regional Authority (DRA) Funding DRA’s eligible entities include those geographically located in 252 counties and parishes in parts of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee – along the lower Mississippi River region and Alabama Black Belt:
- Strategic Planning Program Funding, Applications accepted on a rolling basis. This program gives public entities access to strategic planning funds to address long-standing issues and develop a roadmap for economic growth and opportunity. Eligible plans include, but are not limited to, economic development plans, utility rate studies, transportation plans, workforce development plans, and broadband deployment plans.
- See other DRA programs
- DOE’s Notice of Intent - DOE Technical Assistance for the Adoption of the Latest and Zero Building Energy Codes or Standards - $1 billion. The Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) anticipates funding state and local efforts to update building energy codes, or equivalent standards, and to develop effective code workforce, training, compliance and enforcement programs.
EPA Webcasts, Workshops, and Meetings
- On Demand: Clean Water State Revolving Fund Webcasts
- On Demand: EPA Research Webinar Series
- On Demand: WIFIA Webcasts
- On Demand: Watershed Academy
- On Demand: Green Infrastructure Webinars