Summary of Pollution Prevention and Source Reduction Assistance Grant Awards
Since 2010, EPA has awarded nearly 700 grants totaling more than $117 million to support pollution prevention activities across all environmental media—air, water and land. Selected grantees document and share P2 best practices that they identify and develop through these grants, so that others can replicate these practices and outcomes.
The table below includes summaries of these grant activities for grants awarded 2010 through FY2024-2025. For additional information on the awarded grants, please contact the EPA Regional P2 Program listed in the table below.
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Order | Grant Program | Grant Year (FY) | Organization Name | State | EPA Region | National Emphasis Area(s) | Summary |
702 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | BRING Recycling | OR | 10 | BRING Recycling in Oregon was selected to receive P2 source reduction assistance funding to create a statewide network of member agencies that share knowledge on P2 methods and best practices. They will establish a shared online platform through the Greenbiz Tracker to measure and report on environmental impact, develop a network that can innovate and share knowledge of best practices with rural communities, and incentivize business participation through the program. ($152,520) | |
701 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | Inquiring Systems Inc. | HI | 9 | This project will advance source reduction practices by engaging East Hawaiʻi schools to reduce waste, hazardous materials, and greenhouse gas emissions. It combines a culture based educational program for students with technical assistance for school staff to promote the widespread adoption of the Hilo reusable foodware system. The project seeks to shift perspectives on disposable items, support local food initiatives, and bridge the gap between the modern-day concepts of source reduction and traditional practices that resonate with Hawaiʻi communities. This holistic approach focuses on fostering environmental stewardship among students, schools, and the broader community, leading to improved source reduction practices in East Hawaiʻi and a long-term shift in behavior at both the institutional and individual levels. This initiative honors and enhances Hawaiian traditions of land stewardship and agriculture, aligning with the current movement toward native land use practices. ($150,000) | |
700 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | High Country Conservation | CO | 8 | This project recognizes the link between greenhouse gas pollution, climate change, and Summit County, Colorado's most vulnerable residents. By providing funding to hire a Bilingual Clean Energy Coordinator, develop a culturally relevant Spanish clean energy and energy efficiency marketing campaign, and host bilingual clean energy educational events, a Regional Source Reduction Assistance grant from EPA will support local environmental justice efforts by engaging disproportionately impacted community members in programs that prevent greenhouse gas emissions. Priority outcomes include increasing access to home energy efficiency programs and providing needed education and outreach about renewable energy and electric vehicles. Through this work, they will empower underserved community members to participate in these pollution prevention activities, resulting in decreased greenhouse gas emissions. The scope includes providing clean energy and energy efficiency education and technical assistance to residents of Summit County, CO, with a focus on residents who live in communities that are defined as Disproportionately Impacted (DI) by the state of Colorado's environmental justice mapping tool, EnviroScreen. ($132,800) | |
699 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Kansas State University, with assistance from Wichita State University- Environmental Finance Center through a sub-award, will provide source reduction technical assistance and workforce training for up to 60 businesses using painting and coating processes located in up to 15 census tracts in the Wichita metro area identified as having environmental justice impacts due to toxics emissions to the air. Additionally, community forums will be held in the areas shown to have these impacts, and businesses using painting and coating processes, citizens, and workers will have the opportunity to discuss efforts to reduce air toxics impacts locally. Documents will be published and presentations hosted at various local, state and national events to promote replication of investigation and reduction activities. ($151,022) | |
698 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | City of Ann Arbor | MI | 5 | This applicant would provide technical and financial assistance to small (less than 100 employees) food retailers, including liquor stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores in Ann Arbor to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants. ($124,000) | |
697 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Illinois – Prairie Research Institute | IL | 5 | This applicant would provide direct technical assistance to 10 food-focused establishments (i.e., primarily small businesses like restaurants, breweries) within DuPage and Kane County to assist them with identifying and implementing pollution prevention opportunities, including energy efficiencies, water reduction opportunities, chemical substitution focusing on Safer Choice products, and alternative sanitation systems (i.e., aqueous ozone, dry steam). Waste reduction opportunities will also be identified. ($60,000) | |
696 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | Perpetual Use, Inc | GA | 4 | This project will use funding from EPA to support an existing development to design and implement a city-scale reusable foodware system in Savannah, Georgia to help alleviate the waste generation crisis stemming from single-use foodware. The system would provide "foodware as a service" to foodservice establishments to replace single use foodware, such as cups and takeout containers. Customers will be able to return reusable products to collection bins, where they will be cleaned, inspected, and repacked before being redistributed. Perpetual will continue providing technical guidance and expertise throughout this final phase of this project to ensure system success. ($191,801) | |
695 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2024-2025 | State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton | NY | 2 | SUNY Binghamton will build upon their research in low-lead perovskite solar technology to reduce hazardous lead pollution in the manufacturing, deployment, operation, and end-of-life management of solar panels. The applicant will optimize and test its perovskite technology which uses 85% less lead content than traditional solar technology. The applicant will then provide technical assistance, education, and outreach to its partners which include solar panel manufacturers, energy delivery companies, nonprofit organizations, local planning agencies, and disadvantaged communities. A workshop will be held at SUNY Binghamton for its partners and a case study will be generated to widely share the results of the project. ($242,000) | |
694 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Washington State Department of Ecology is looking to reduce toxic chemical releases to air, water, and land from chemical manufacturing and processing businesses. The program will focus on toxic chemical alternatives, reduction of waste, energy and water use, as well as reduction of hazardous air emissions via their Lean and Green program and manufacturing extension partnership. ($327,570) |
693 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Oregon State University | OR | 10 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Through its Oregon Sea Grant internship program, Oregon State University will work with selected interns to provide technical assistance to food and beverage, chemical, aerospace, and metal manufacturing businesses. The project will focus on reducing usage of toxic chemicals by substituting with safer alternatives and reduction of greenhouse gases, water usage and hazardous waste. ($450,610) |
692 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Western Nevada College | NV | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | Western Nevada College and greenUP! have identified a preliminary list of PFAS used in motor vehicle air conditioning systems, centrifuge chillers, foam insulation for walls, furniture, bedding, and solvents used in aerosol cleaners. The focus of the program will be providing technical assistance on safer alternatives to food and beverage, chemical, automotive, aerospace, and metal manufacturing businesses in communities with environmental justice concerns. ($700,000) |
691 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | California Air and Resource Board | CA | 9 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | California Air and Resource Board, partnering with the California Green Business Network, will be providing technical assistance to auto repair and maintenance facilities in northern California. Technical assistance will include 1:1 bilingual support. In addition to direct technical assistance, training and resources will be developed for use by a network of green business coordinators throughout the state (and beyond). The project will help improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing pollution and exposure to toxic substances in northern Central Valley, Central Coast, San Francisco Bay and East Bay areas. ($350,000) |
690 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of California – Berkeley | CA | 9 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | University of California – Berkeley program is focused on reducing toxic chemical use by conducting research to identify safer alternatives. This grant supports an industry and academic partnership that focuses on developing a path toward safer, high performing chemicals by working together to address hazards at their source. In the process, the next generation of green chemistry students will arrive in the industry with a clear understanding of how to design safer, effective chemicals for products that people use every day. ($480,939) |
689 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The Montana Pollution Prevention Program at Montana State University will continue to provide support to food and beverage manufacturing and processing businesses with their P2 summer college intern program. Interns will provide businesses with P2 best practices and will gain valuable real-world experience in implementing P2 principles and applying their food science and engineering knowledge to minimize environmental impacts. ($406,882) |
688 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Colorado Green Business Network will provide technical assistance to food and beverage, chemical, automotive, and aerospace manufacturing businesses focusing on hazardous material reduction, energy and fuel efficiency, water use, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and waste minimization. The program will also conduct trainings on P2 best practices and implement an awards and recognition program. ($507,118) |
687 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | University of Nebraska-Lincoln will provide technical assistance to food and beverage, chemical, automotive, and metal manufacturing businesses. The focus will be on identifying toxic chemical alternatives, process optimization, and water and energy conservation. The program will conduct on-site assessments as well as follow-up assessments as needed. ($298,650) |
686 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will provide technical assistance to businesses using state of the art techniques including thermal imaging assessments. The program will review existing P2 opportunities, conduct detailed assessments, and follow-up assessments of businesses. Thermal imaging assessments will focus on heat and energy loss, pinpointing building envelope issues, and equipment inefficiencies in businesses under all five National Emphasis Areas. ($331,809) |
685 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Kansas State University will identify food, beverage, chemical, auto, aerospace, and metal manufacturers releasing toxic chemicals, such as acetaldehyde, n-hexane, ammonia, toluene, benzene, ethylbenzene, and heavy metals, using EPA's Toxics Release Inventory. This grant focuses on providing technical assistance in toxics-use reduction, reducing water and hazardous waste, lowering energy and water usage, and facilitating an internship program that pairs Kansas university students with local companies to work on sustainability projects. ($231,553) |
684 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Delgado Community College | LA | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Delgado Community College has partnered with Louisiana Tech, Dillard University, Xavier University and the Love Your City Initiative to provide support to communities with environmental justice concerns in Louisiana. The project will provide training and technical assistance to reduce the use of toxic chemicals in food and beverage, chemical, and metal manufacturing businesses identified using publicly available tools. ($699,700) |
683 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | New Mexico State University will provide on-site technical assistance to breweries in communities with environmental justice concerns. The project will focus on reduction of toxic chemicals, waste, water and energy conservation practices, and reduction of emissions. They will also develop outreach materials which will be translated into Spanish, Navajo, or Tewa to broaden program engagement. ($350,000) |
682 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy | MI | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) will start a Statewide P2 Food Waste Reduction Technical Assistance program that will provide technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturing and processing businesses. They will focus on reducing the amount of organic material, hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering waste streams or released into the environment prior to recycling of discarded material, treatment, or disposal, as well as conserving the use of natural resources. ($700,000) |
681 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will be working with metal manufacturing and fabrication businesses to reduce or eliminate the use and release of PFAS through identification and substitution of safer alternatives. MPCA will use literature reviews, data analysis, and incorporate successful technical assistance activities to identify areas for potential source reduction techniques and other options through on-site assessments. ($101,111) |
680 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) promotes and encourages superior environmental performance by the state's regulated community. NCDEQ will provide training and technical assistance on environmental management system development and implementation, P2 strategies, and regulatory compliance guidance. NCDEQ will support members and other businesses under all five National Emphasis Areas. NCDEQ will also work to institutionalize, integrate, replicate, and amplify pollution prevention practices through training, technical assistance, recognition, networking, and sharing of best practices and program achievements. ($242,220) |
679 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation | TN | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation – Office of Sustainable Practices (TDEC OSP) will provide technical assistance to food and beverage and chemical manufacturing businesses throughout Tennessee, with a specific focus on those that are in disadvantaged communities and report Toxic Release Inventory data to the EPA. They will provide P2 strategies through education and outreach in the form of webinars, workshops, and a collaborative demonstration workshop with Oak Ridge National Lab's Manufacturing Demonstration Facility. Additionally, TDEC OSP will amplify P2 successes, best practices, and cases studies through its social media platforms, the Tennessee Green Star Partnership and Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards. ($200,000) |
678 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Georgia Institute of Technology | GA | 4 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Georgia Institute of Technology will be providing technical assistance to automotive and metal manufacturing businesses within or near communities with environmental justice concerns. They will focus on substitution of toxic chemicals with safer alternatives (e.g., replacing lead solder with lead-free alternatives), optimization of manufacturing processes which will reduce energy and water consumption, training and coaching employees to identify opportunities for the efficient use of materials and resources. ($441,000) |
677 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | East Carolina University will provide technical assistance to businesses in and adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns identified using publicly available tools. They will focus on reductions in toxic chemicals, hazardous air and greenhouse gas emissions, and water usage in businesses under all five National Emphasis Areas. ECU will also conduct P2 and lean manufacturing training courses and onsite training for workers and engineers across North Carolina. ($652,664) |
676 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Delaware | DE | 3 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The University of Delaware will be providing technical assistance to automotive businesses to support reduction of usage of energy, greenhouse gas emissions and toxics. The automotive businesses will include manufacturers and maintenance facilities, particularly those located in or adjacent to disadvantaged communities. In addition to providing energy audit recommendations, the program will focus on automotive business needs such as air compressors, ventilation systems, control of muffler exhaust, and replacement of pneumatic scrap collection systems with mechanical versions. ($81,000) |
675 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | West Virginia University will be developing educational materials and training to local businesses on reduction of toxic chemical use and pollution prevention best practices. WVU plans to address toxic chemicals such as ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene, and methylene chloride by conducting on-site technical assistance and providing recommendations. The program will focus on Safer Choice-certified products as safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. ($350,000) |
674 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Penn State University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Penn State University's Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) will provide P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance to midsized food, chemical, and metal manufacturing businesses located in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns and/or distressed communities. PennTAP will review utility usage and identify energy saving strategies. They will also conduct on-site assessments and make recommendations with an emphasis on reducing use of toxic chemicals, GHG emissions, and wastewater. ($351,183) |
673 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (Virginia DEQ)'s Office of Pollution Prevention will be conducting outreach under all five National Emphasis Areas by inviting businesses in communities with environmental justice concerns to participate in workshops designed to educate attendees on P2, including reduction of toxic chemical use, and conducting walkthroughs to engage with workers. EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool will be used to identify businesses. Virginia DEQ will leverage business partnerships in their Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) to attend workshops and encourage mentoring new businesses by current VEEP members. ($77,549) |
672 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Massachusetts Lowell | MA | 1 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell will work with existing industry partners needing assistance to eliminate their use of trichloroethylene or other halogenated solvents in metal working and finishing sectors. The project will demonstrate the performance of new technologies to replace toxic solvents used in vapor degreasing and provide incentive grants for the adoption of safer alternatives. Replacing these toxic solvents will also help to improve human health and the environment of disadvantaged communities. The demonstration program will allow for a more effective and efficient assessment process, eliminating duplicative efforts to identify potential alternatives, contact vendors and validate methods. ($409,551) |
671 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) will provide P2 technical assistance to Rhode Island's craft beverage sector with an emphasis on reducing environmental and health impacts for businesses and disadvantaged communities. As part of the BetterBev New England Green Craft Beverage Recognition Program, RIDEM will continue to work with other New England P2 technical assistance providers to assist craft beverage producers in implementing environmentally friendly practices which save energy, conserve water, minimize wastewater, avoid toxic or hazardous chemicals and reduce greenhouse gases. ($306,441) |
670 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) will provide technical assistance to craft beverage manufacturers in Connecticut to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, solid and hazardous waste, water pollution and toxic chemicals. The Toxic Use Reduction Institute at University of Massachusetts Lowell will test, identify and recommend safer cleaning and sanitizing products. CT DEEP will continue to work with other New England states to offer the BetterBev recognition program to incentivize businesses to carry out reduction measures. The project will prioritize Facilities in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. ($250,000) |
669 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will provide P2 technical assistance to New Hampshire's craft beverage sector with an emphasis on reducing environmental and health impacts for businesses and disadvantaged communities. As part of the BetterBev New England Green Craft Beverage Recognition Program, NHDES will continue to work with other New England P2 technical assistance providers to assist craft beverage producers in implementing environmentally friendly practices which save energy, conserve water, minimize wastewater, avoid toxic or hazardous chemicals and reduce greenhouse gases. ($265,000) |
668 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Knik Tribe | AK | 10 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The Knik Tribe, in partnership with the Alaska Forum, will conduct outreach to Alaska rural communities to educate businesses and residents on Safer Choice products. They will provide technical assistance to Alaskan Native villages and communities through in-person assistance, technical webinars, and through the Alaska Forum on the Environment's annual conference. ($349,822) |
667 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Portland State University | OR | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Portland State University's Institute for Sustainable Solutions will implement the Toxics Prevention in the Columbia Corridor program which is a community-industry-university partnership approach to P2 in industrial facilities. They will work with Neighbors for Clean Air, and the Columbia Corridor Association to conduct outreach and technical assistance to targeted businesses in the food and beverage sector and metal manufacturing and fabrication sector in the Columbia Corridor which is adjacent to numerous low and middle-income neighborhoods. ($348,050) |
666 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Washington State Department of Ecology will help to reduce worker exposure and water releases of toxic chemicals by working with companies to implement clean-in-place systems. These systems reduce the need for manual cleaning and help to minimize or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals. Washington State Department of Ecology will also be conducting virtual reality trainings to educate automotive and aerospace workers on more efficient spray-painting techniques which will reduce toxic air emissions and generated hazardous waste. ($239,961) |
665 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Nevada, Reno | NV | 9 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The University of Nevada Reno's (UNR) Business Environmental Program will be conducting a series of educational webinars for auto repair shops on spray gun cleaners and cleaning equipment, alternative basecoats, primers, and topcoats and dust reduction and control practices. Following the webinars, technical assistance will be offered to reduce worker exposure to dust and solvents high in volatile organic compounds such as methyl ethyl ketone, toluene, xylene, methylene chloride, perchloroethylene, and n-propyl bromide used in different automotive processes. The UNR Business Environmental Program will also collaborate with the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center to expand P2 West, a multi-region annual conference for P2 professionals. ($350,000) |
664 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | California Air Resources Board | CA | 9 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The California Air Resources Board, in partnership with the California Green Business Network, will be providing technical assistance to automotive facilities in Southern California. Potential approaches include switching out aerosol solvent brake cleaners for less toxic water-based alternatives, converting from handwashing parts to mechanized water-based part washers, prevention of carwash oil and solids entering the watershed, and identifying best practices for reduction of oil and antifreeze waste. ($350,000) |
663 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Utah | UT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The University of Utah's Department of Chemical Engineering will assist businesses in reducing the use of hazardous chemicals, water consumption and air emissions for a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment. In collaboration with the Department of Energy's Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center, they will provide technical assistance, resources, and training in P2 strategies. University of Utah will target business across all five national emphasis areas, including food and beverage, chemical, automotive, aerospace and metal manufacturing. ($350,000) |
662 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Montana State University will be organizing a summit of Native Science Advisors to lead an effort to improve air quality in American Indian communities using both western science and Traditional Indigenous knowledge. The program will also continue outreach and provide technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturers, including breweries, and continue their Ecostar award program, recognizing small businesses for their P2 efforts. ($349,727) |
661 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Missouri State University | MO | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Missouri State University has partnered with the Missouri Association of Manufacturers and other organizations to identify and develop an outreach program to businesses within four of the National Emphasis Areas, food and beverage, automotive, aerospace, and metal manufacturing. They will provide P2 technical assistance and training to manufacturing companies in communities with environmental justice concerns and identify green chemistry alternatives. ($336,774) |
660 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Missouri University of Science and Technology | MO | 7 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | Missouri University of Science and Technology has identified mineral mining operations as a P2 opportunity. The focus of the project will be providing technical assistance to replace conventional flocculants used in cylindrical tank thickeners (e.g., hydrolyzed polyacrylamide) with safer and more biodegradable flocculants (e.g., chitosan from crustacean shells, guar gum, starch-based polymers). The technical assistance plan will also include enhancing filtration efficiency and filtration design by using advanced materials and filtration technologies to reduce water use and toxic releases. ($349,712) |
659 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Northern Iowa | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The University of Northern Iowa will provide technical assistance to breweries including conducting pollution prevention audits and work to incentivizing breweries to participate in their program. The P2 in Breweries for TAPs (Technical Assistance Providers) Project will also provide training to technical assistance providers across the country with an interest in developing their own pollution prevention program for breweries. ($175,159) |
658 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | Kansas State University has identified Kansas businesses under all five National Emphasis Areas releasing toxic chemicals using EPA's Toxics Release Inventory. The focus of this grant is to provide technical assistance in toxics-use reduction using the Toxics Use Reduction Institute's tools, promote a green brewery initiative to help breweries adopt P2 practices, and host events to foster collaboration, raise awareness, and engage disadvantaged communities and local businesses. ($350,000) |
657 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Louisiana State University | LA | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Louisiana State University's (LSU) Agricultural Center will be working with food and agricultural processors in rural Louisiana communities (e.g., sugar mills, seafood production). These businesses will aim to create a more sustainable manufacturing footprint with limited resources. LSU will focus on chemical reduction and bio-based substitutions as well as conduct field days to educate company staff on best practices. ($350,000) |
656 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The University of Texas Arlington Extension and Extended Campus will be working with automotive businesses within communities with environmental justice concerns to conduct outreach and provide technical assistance to reduce use of hazardous materials use and air admissions. They will also conduct trainings to educate workers on handling solvents, paint thinners, and product substitutions. In addition, they will pilot an internship program to train emerging environmental professionals on P2 practices and projects. ($349,435) |
655 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Minnesota | MN | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) at the University of Minnesota will be focused on providing technical assistance to food manufacturers, including dairies, animal processing plants, and fruit and vegetable preserving businesses. They will work with businesses to reduce chemical discharges from clean-in-place systems, conserve water and energy in manufacturing processes, and minimize landfilling of organic waste. ($233,022) |
654 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The University of Illinois will be providing breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries with on-site technical assistance to reduce hazardous waste from toxic cleaning products, avoid greenhouse gases emissions from organic waste disposal, and promote circular economy by reducing single-use plastics, composting, and purchasing reusable or recycled products. ($281,280) |
653 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Central Michigan University | MI | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Central Michigan University (CMU) is partnering with the Michigan Sustainable Business Forum (MiSBF) to work with food and beverage manufacturing businesses to undertake some of the recommended actions of "The Michigan Food Waste Reduction Road Map" which was recently developed by MiSBF. The project team will provide P2 technical assistance and training to food and beverage manufacturing and processing facilities and community partners located in disadvantaged communities in Michigan. ($287,645) |
652 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Georgia Institute of Technology | GA | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The Georgia Institute of Technology will perform outreach to 230 manufacturing facilities releasing toxic chemicals to implement P2 strategies. They will focus on substitution of hazardous materials with safer and more sustainable replacements (e.g., replacing lead solder with lead-free alternatives, water-based paints that reduce volatile organic compounds emissions), environmental impact monitoring and measurement to establish their environmental footprint, closed-loop systems which reduce or repurpose toxic organic solvents, and educating employees on energy and water efficient usage. ($350,000) |
651 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Louisville | KY | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The University of Louisville Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center has partnered with the University of Kentucky James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits to provide technical assistance to Kentucky businesses. They will focus on using sustainable value stream mapping and investigate energy efficiency opportunities to provide cost savings to distillers and automotive businesses and educate novice distillers on P2 best practices. ($305,738) |
650 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Alabama | AL | 4 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | University of Alabama has identified 183 automotive and metal manufacturing and fabrication businesses located in communities with environmental justice concerns using publicly available tools. They have partnered with several local organizations including the Alabama Industrial Assessment Center, Alabama Automotive Manufacturers Association, and American Society of Safety Professionals to perform outreach and education to the identified local businesses on P2 best practices and providing technical assistance. ($295,870) |
649 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of South Florida | FL | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | University of South Florida will be providing technical assistance to reduce water and energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and hazardous air emissions (e.g., ammonia, sulfur dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, mercury) to the food and beverage manufacturing sector in Florida. Businesses will include agricultural processing, animal processing plants, bakeries, confectionaries, and beverage and ice manufacturing facilities.($349,690) |
648 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of North Carolina | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has partnered with University of Southern Maine, University of Maryland, and the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at University of Massachusetts Lowell to target technical assistance to breweries. They will focus on reducing the use of hazardous cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, wastewater production, water usage and greenhouse gas emissions.($350,000) |
647 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Maryland | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The University of Maryland will focus on creating shareable P2 resources for Mid-Atlantic breweries including best practice guides on water usage, wastewater reduction, energy efficiency, conservation, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and a virtual training with the Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI). Additionally, TURI will assist in providing customized safer chemical substitution recommendations for up to 20 breweries. The University of Maryland will develop and launch a sustainable brewery recognition program for the Mid-Atlantic Region modeled after BetterBev New England.($350,000) |
646 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | Virginia DEQ's Office of Pollution Prevention will work with auto shops which may emit dust, odors, paint, and solvent fumes. The focus will be on replacing petroleum-based or chlorinated degreasers with Safer Choice-certified products, petroleum-based or aliphatic hydrocarbon-containing lubricants and corrosion inhibitors with plant oil-based, non-aerosol and alternatives low in volatile organic compounds, and leadfree alternatives to wheel weights. They will emulate previous, successful programs, like Green Wrench. ($253,391) |
645 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | Rowan University has identified fluorinated chemicals, including PFAS, used in cryogenic distillation, liquefaction, and cryogenic freezing as a P2 opportunity. The project will construct models of equipment, research alternative processing technologies, conduct Life Cycle Assessments, and promote the alternative processes to chemical, pharmaceutical, and micro-electrics businesses in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. ($349,979) |
644 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) will partner with the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute at the Rochester Institute of Technology to provide technical assistance to chemical manufacturing, processing, and formulation businesses. Using EPA's Toxics Release Inventory, NYSDEC has identified businesses releasing toxic chemicals (e.g., xylene, toluene, methanol, heavy metals, nitrates) and will focus on green chemistry alternatives and training workers. ($253,995) |
643 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Southern Maine | ME | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The University of Southern Maine's New England Environmental Finance Center (NEEFC) will provide technical assistance to craft beverage manufacturers in Maine and Vermont. This technical assistance will include guidance for reduction in chemical use, assessments of in-house chemicals for toxicity, and recommendations for transitioning to less hazardous packaging and circular economy solutions. ($350,000) |
642 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Massachusetts Lowell | MA | 1 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | New developments in vapor degreasing technology have made safer alternatives to trichloroethylene (TCE) possible. The Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell will establish a Vacuum Vapor Degreasing Hub to identify, optimize, and validate safer alternatives, and to train potential users. In addition to evaluation of vacuum vapor degreasing, TURI will conduct research into safer solvent alternatives for TCE. ($349,899) |
641 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Massachusetts Boston | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | University of Massachusetts Boston will provide technical assistance to craft beverage manufacturers, including those in communities with environmental justice concerns. The project will focus on reducing toxic cleaners and sanitizers, energy and water usage, and single-use packaging. The project will also train business students to use sustainability benchmarking tools that identify source reduction opportunities and help businesses achieve environmental and business benefits.($350,000) |
640 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2024-2025 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The University of Massachusetts Amherst will provide technical assistance to the beverage manufacturing industry in the southern New England states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island to reduce energy, water, and toxic chemical use, and waste generation. Assistance will include site visits to production facilities to provide specific P2 recommendations, followed by ongoing implementation support. ($349,363) |
639 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | The grantee will assist industrial entities located in economically vulnerable, underserved communities in the Pacific Northwest by helping facilities reduce the amount of hazardous material, pollutants, or toxic contaminants generated due to their industrial processes. The project will be achieving source reductions by 1) hosting roundtable discussions with facility leadership and staff to impart the importance of pollution prevention within a vulnerable community and providing potential projects of interest, 2) conducting a thorough P2 assessment in each facility, 3) developing P2 recommendations based on the information identified during the assessments, and 4) providing technical assistance and guidance during the implementation of the recommendations. The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center also plans to provide training activities through partnerships with state environmental agencies in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. ($121,053) | |
638 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | greenUP! | NV | 9 | The grantee will provide P2 training and technical assistance to 30 restaurants in underserved communities in Las Vegas to develop a reusable takeout container program and encourage green certification. Grantee will also work with customers using marketing campaigns to eliminate styrofoam, plastic utensils, cups and water bottles from the landfill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Training and technical assistance will be provided in English, Spanish and Tagalog. ($115,000) | |
637 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | California Green Business Network | CA | 9 | The grantee will expand a pilot project started in the City of Seaside to eliminate and reduce consumption of single-use plastics and non-compostable bioplastics across the entire Monterey Bay Area, focusing on the cities of Salinas and Watsonville. The grantee will provide 1:1 technical assistance to up to 100 food facilities on EPA Safer Choice chemicals and reusable food ware, with at least 50 facilities adopting measurable practices. In the Central Valley, the grantee will engage with childcare facilities to help reduce or eliminate single-use plastics in favor of reusables and the use of safer janitorial products. ($115,000) | |
636 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | City of Westminster | CO | 8 | The grantee will provide technical and analytical support services and financial assistance to owners of commercial buildings to address building energy efficiencies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve their building energy performance. The City of Westminster ('City') will focus services on the approximately 115 commercial buildings of 50,000 sq. ft. or larger located in Westminster, in accordance with the State of Colorado's Building Performance Colorado (BPC) program, will report their buildings' energy use data through the EPA ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. The City's partner, Sustainable Real Estate Solutions ('SRS'), will identify the 50 buildings with the lowest energy efficiency or energy performance in Westminster, and using their Energy Performance Improvement Calculator ('EPIC™') tool, SRS will create customized cost-benefit analyses for multiple equipment replacement scenarios for each of the identified 50 low-performing buildings. These reports will provide each building owner with a coherent "business case" that compares "low-cost", code compliant HVAC and energy equipment to an "investment" in high efficiency energy equipment that will yield a superior cash flow for the building owner and maximum reductions in GHG emissions, and building owners who install HVAC and other energy efficiency equipment identified in their EPIC™ report, will be eligible for a partial rebate (up to 50% of their total project costs). Last, the City, SRS, and project partners will host several trainings for local HVAC contractors that serve Westminster and the Denver Metro Region about the installation, operation, and benefits of high efficiency and electric HVAC equipment. ($180,000) | |
635 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology | MO | 7 | The grantee (ICAST) will provide multifamily affordable housing property owners in Missouri with the necessary education and tools to pursue custom energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofits. ICAST will identify properties in underserved communities with the most acute need for this assistance with the help of Community and Housing partners. Implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects such as weatherization, beneficial electrification, and health and safety measures can conserve energy and water and reduce carbon emissions, thus improving the properties and creating health benefits for the low-income residents of the selected projects, the City's, and the State. This project will primarily provide services to metropolitan Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri. ($50,000) | |
634 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | The grantee's Pollution Prevention Institute will provide training at two Kansas Hospital Engineer Association conferences, enlist ten small and medium hospitals for on-site facility visits and review of historical energy utilization records, provide interns and experienced mentors to develop energy-saving and hazardous waste reduction plans for each participating facility, and document and publish successful procedures for greenhouse gas reduction measures. This project will provide source reduction technical assistance regarding pollution prevention practices that can help small and medium-sized hospitals by reducing their resource use, expenditures, and waste costs, while at the same time reducing their environmental footprint and helping to protect human health and the environment. ($123,500) | |
633 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | The grantee will conduct Pollution Prevention internships in Iowa industrial facilities, build a searchable online platform for its Pollution Prevention Resource Library to make it available to students, businesses, and technical assistance providers within Region 7, and update its program promotional brochure. Service outreach and delivery will be targeted to Iowa businesses within the four EPA priority areas: prevention of greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous materials source reduction, conservation of materials and resources, and environmental justice through Pollution Prevention actions. ($169,223) | |
632 |
Source Reduction Assistance Grant |
2022-2023 | Land of Sky Regional Council | NC | 4 | The grantee will deliver technical resources and on-site assistance to North Carolina businesses and institutions seeking to report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Engaging both senior engineers and interns, the effort will advance new cost-effective roadmap models and strategies for selected industrial sectors to achieve significant greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals. ($86,600) | |
631 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Louisville | KY | 4 | The grantee's Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) plans to develop and deliver guidance documentation, tools, technical education, and assistance to support the implementation of sustainable manufacturing tools. The project will enable manufacturers resources to manage resources better and reduce environmental impacts on an ongoing basis, supporting continuous improvement. The project is designed to capture and demonstrate the use and benefits of sustainable manufacturing tools at six manufacturing facilities. The results will provide metrics for improved environmental performance at participating Kentucky manufacturing facilities. In addition, guidance materials, recorded webinars and case studies will be developed for knowledge transfer and to amplify the benefits to other manufacturers and technical assistance providers. The project will target manufacturers throughout Kentucky, emphasizing supporting environmental justice for underserved communities in the Commonwealth. ($137,000) | |
630 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | The grantee (WVU) will develop a source reduction training program with tools to assist manufacturers with energy efficiency, waste reduction, emission estimation, and greenhouse gas reduction. WVU will provide specific training on application tools to assist manufacturing facilities in developing and implementing practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of hazardous materials. There will be focused training modules on various topics related to energy efficiency, waste reduction, emission estimation, and greenhouse gas reduction. ($65,000) | |
629 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | Villanova University | PA | 3 | The grantee will develop a publicly accessible tool to aid in siting facilities and cooling design decisions for the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) industry addressing carbon dioxide, water use and energy efficiency. Villanova will evaluate the carbon savings and water scarcity footprint associated with the location of facilities. Partnerships with stakeholders in the CEA sector will be used to maximize the project's impact. The target community includes the CEA industry but can be easily expanded to other sectors. ($80,268) | |
628 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | The Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) | DC | 3 | The grantee (CWP) will provide training on the efficient application of road salt to reduce chloride entering the environment. CWP will develop training for the District of Columbia winter maintenance professionals on best practices for more efficient road salt application. This "Smart Salting" training will include topics such as calibration, anti-icing, pre-wetting, application rates, monitoring and tracking, and equipment handling, toto reduce the impacts of excess chloride on local waterways and public health and infrastructure. The project also includes the development of a strategy to measure the impact of the training on road salt application in the District. ($61,232) | |
627 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2022-2023 | The International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology (ICAST) | DC | 3 | The grantee (ICAST) will provide multifamily affordable housing property owners in the District of Columbia (DC) with education and tools to implement custom energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofits. ICAST will use a one-stop-shop model. This project will facilitate carbon emissions reductions and improve human and environmental health. ($35,500) | |
626 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | University of Massachusetts Lowell | MA | 1 | The Toxics Use Reduction Institute's proposed project will provide technical assistance to manufacturing facilities to increase the availability and use of safer products in the pipe cement/primer and paint removal product categories. Technical assistance will include taking inventory of currently available products, providing technical P2 and financial assistance to manufacturers, conducting ASTM-based performance tests to demonstrate viability, and evaluating hazards of product ingredients. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by minimizing the use of toxic solvents at the source, reducing emissions of hazardous chemicals by product manufacturers, and significantly reducing risks to manufacturing workers and product users in communities in several states across the country. ($1,186,077) | |
625 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources | VI | 2 | The U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources' proposed project will provide technical assistance to VI businesses in the food service industry (including restaurants, bars, food trucks, concessions, marinas, charter boats, and distributors) by expanding on the existing VI Clean Coasts program, which focuses on significantly reducing the use and disposal of single-use plastics, polystyrene foam, and other pollution. Technical assistance will include on-site assessments, creating and enacting a source reduction plan, evaluating facility results, engaging stakeholders and gathering community input, and conducting a literature review of tourism and food service P2 activities. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals, pollution, and waste in historically marginalized, underserved, and overburdened VI communities. ($699,004) | |
624 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | NJ | 2 | Rutgers University's proposed project will provide technical assistance to small businesses for whom lack of information and resources impedes their ability to implement source reduction of hazardous substances. Technical assistance will include establishing a Project Working Group, which will provide on-site assistance led by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and community assistance led by community-based collaboratives that will receive financial support. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing hazards from facilities' use and release of hazardous substances in overburdened and communities near areas of high climate change impacts identified using EPA's P2 EJ Mapping Tool and Rutgers' NJADAPT suite of data tools. ($787,527) | |
623 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | West Virginia University's proposed project will provide technical assistance to industrial facilities in disadvantaged communities in West Virginia to encourage businesses to promote source reduction activities such as updating procedures, processes, and equipment. Technical assistance will include on-site and remote assessments and assistance with P2 recommendations, training, and development of P2 best practices, toolkits, training videos, self-guided modules, and interactive media. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by improving energy efficiency, minimizing waste streams, and reducing air pollution and the facilities' carbon footprint in communities identified using EPA's EJ Facility Mapping Tool. ($800,000) | |
622 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | The Center for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering's proposed project will provide technical assistance to suitable manufacturing facilities in disadvantaged communities to reduce the use and release of hazardous substances and increase water and energy efficiency. Technical assistance will include on-site general and targeted technical assessments, industry roundtable discussions, training courses (on-site and via webinar), and public outreach. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing the release of pollutants and contaminants in North Carolina communities characterized by low-income and minority populations.($563,932) | |
621 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's project will provide technical assistance to approximately 20 Twin Cities metro area businesses to increase boiler efficiency. Technical assistance will include defining the P2 impacts of boiler efficiency strategies, creating a toolkit with instructions and best practices for boiler tune-ups, and on-site advanced boiler tune-ups by certified professionals. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing criteria air pollutants PM2.5 and NOx, greenhouse gases, and conserving energy in communities in the Twin Cities metro area identified through community organizations and existing connections with the Center for Energy and Environment. ($413,480) | |
620 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Board of Trustees, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | IL | 5 | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's proposed multi-state project with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Office of Pollution Prevention Services and Missouri State University will provide technical assistance to 30 manufacturing and processing facilities across multiple business sectors to reduce water consumption, wastewater generation, energy consumption, hazardous materials/wastes, and costs. Technical assistance will include pollution prevention and energy efficiency (P2E2) assessments, support in adopting P2 recommendations, P2 monitoring support, and on-site technology demonstrations. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by improving energy efficiency, reducing reliance on fossil fuel energy sources, and eliminating or reducing greenhouse gas emissions in EJ communities primarily located in the Mississippi River geographic corridor. ($1,126,972) | |
619 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Indiana Department of Environmental Management | IN | 5 | Indiana Department of Environmental Management's (IDEM's) proposed project will provide technical assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in Indiana, especially those located within or impacting disadvantaged communities, to implement small-scale efforts such as identifying and repairing compressor leaks, proper cleanout of barrels, rag and glove management, and other P2 techniques. Technical assistance will include developing and implementing a diverse menu of P2-focused training (including training videos), peer mentoring, five or more toolkit topics, and environmental management systems planning. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by identifying and reducing the use of hazardous chemicals, water, and energy in communities identified using EPA's Target Facilities Mapping Tool and IDEM's analysis of communities that meet the requirements of its Environmental Stakeholder Inclusion program. ($325,000) | |
618 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center | LA | 6 | Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center's proposed project will provide technical assistance to manufacturing clusters located within East Baton Rouge and New Orleans East to increase P2 implementation rates (for example, promoting safer chemical substitutions). Technical assistance will include on-site water quality assessments and workshops that offer practical solutions to reduce the amount of hazardous substances released to aquifers, such as leveraging EPA's Safer Choice program. Additionally, the project includes a place-based approach to assess and empower communities to identify, track, and recognize the most impactful solutions that curb hazardous discharge to bodies of water and air. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by improving clean water and clean air outcomes in East Baton Rouge and New Orleans East, two historically disinvested regions. ($796,428) | |
617 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Curators of the University of Missouri | MO | 7 | Missouri University of Science and Technology will undertake a multi-state project with University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project will provide technical assistance to the critical minerals mining industry to prevent dust generation, enhance mining efficiency, and reduce the generation of mine waste. Technical assistance will include on-site assistance, training materials, three themed workshops, and two P2 case studies. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing air pollution and mining wastes in communities affected by significant mining-intensive activities in Missouri and Alaska. ($857,744) | |
616 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute's proposed project will provide technical assistance to industries and institutions, whose lack of information impedes source reduction, to identify ways clients can change the material, process, or technology to reduce waste at the source (including chemical substitution). Technical assistance will include on- and off-site P2 assistance and assessments, provision and implementation of P2 recommendations, training, public technical assistance seminars, case study development, and development of a virtual reality P2 gaming product with versatile applications for innovative P2 technical training. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by conserving natural resources and preventing hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants from entering waste streams or from being released in communities identified using the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) and EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool. ($547,771) | |
615 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities | 2023-2024 | California Department of Public Health | CA | 9 | The California Department of Public Health's proposed project will provide voluntary outreach for technical assistance to general aviation airports in California located in disadvantaged communities to support the reduction or elimination of leaded aviation gasoline. Technical assistance will include voluntary business roundtable discussions, training, and developing educational materials and case studies. The proposed project aims to improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing harmful lead emissions in communities from pollution sources identified through CalEnviroScreen. ($776,636) | |
614 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Vermont Department of Health | VT | 1 | Vermont Department of Health's proposed project will provide technical assistance to childcare providers serving immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers/asylees to reduce the use of conventional cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products and increase access to and use of safer, more sustainable products. Technical assistance will include reaching out to and working with community partners to identify childcare providers and training childcare providers on health issues associated with conventional cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products. During technical assistance visits, in-person product demonstrations will promote the use of safer and more sustainable products. Additionally, communities' language access needs will be met by customizing the EPA resource Green Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting: A Toolkit for Early Care and Education. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by improving indoor air quality and reducing hazardous exposures at childcare facilities in the Burlington–Winooski area, one of the more polluted areas in Vermont. ($420,297) | |
613 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center | PA | 3 | Penn State College of Medicine's proposed project will provide technical assistance to business sectors within disadvantaged communities in Pennsylvania and New York to develop a university–trade association–stakeholder partnership that increases the knowledge, demand, and use of 1,900 Safer Choice labeled products. Technical assistance will include conducting focus groups and stakeholder interviews, designing community-based solutions (packaged in "tool-kits"), and offering Safer Choice training to businesses and end-users. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing human exposure to conventional cleaning chemicals in Pennsylvania and New York communities identified with EPA EJScreen and the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST). ($1,199,108) | |
612 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE's) proposed project will provide technical assistance to environmental services and maintenance staff working in nursing homes and senior living settings to equitably increase the use of Safer Choice–certified products in disadvantaged communities. Technical assistance will include developing and implementing replicable workforce training programs, as well as audit tools focused on caustic and toxic chemical source reduction. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing caustic cleaning chemicals and improving indoor air quality in nursing homes and senior living settings within disadvantaged communities identified using EPA and MDE environmental justice screening tools. ($425,000) | |
611 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment | DC | 3 | District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment's proposed project will provide technical assistance to District cleaning service providers to transition to Safer Choice– and eco-certified cleaning products. Technical assistance will include conducting P2 assessments, providing participant support costs to cover expenses related to transitioning to eco-label cleaning products, and training on sustainable cleaning practices and procurement requirements for cleaning products and janitorial services. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing waste, workplace exposure to hazardous chemicals for cleaning personnel, the release of harmful substances, and resource consumption in Wards 5, 7, and 8 of the District of Columbia. ($500,000) | |
610 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Clemson University's proposed project will provide technical assistance to midsized businesses in the Greenville, South Carolina ("Upstate, SC") area to transition to safer packaging products identified by EPA's Recommendations of Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels. Technical assistance will include creating a comprehensive educational and community engagement plan with educational materials for business stakeholders, in-person training, webinars, and case studies to help businesses create sustainable transition plans for packaging. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by lowering the amount of toxic and persistent plastic waste that accumulates in the environment in businesses located in or adjacent to disadvantaged areas identified using the Climate and Economic Justice Screening tool, the P2 EJ Facility Screening tool, and EJScreen. ($768,950) | |
609 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Board of Trustees, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | IL | 5 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's proposed project will provide technical assistance to food service businesses (including restaurants, churches, soup kitchens, etc.) to increase the use of safer, more sustainable foodware by supporting purchasing programs for food contact materials that do not contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Technical assistance will include developing criteria and tools to identify and purchase PFAS-free foodware products; on-site assessments for 30 food businesses located in disadvantaged communities; and trainings on safer, more sustainable PFAS-free foodware purchasing for 115 businesses. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing harmful chemical exposures and human health impacts for food service employees and their customers, reducing drinking water contamination and soil pollution, and decreasing the amount of PFAS-containing products entering landfills or compost facilities. ($800,000) | |
608 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Regents of the University of Minnesota | MN | 5 | University of Minnesota's proposed project will provide technical assistance to immigrant-owned nail salon businesses and local nail salon suppliers to encourage the use of safer products (including Safer Choice products) and other indoor air P2 practices. Technical assistance will be offered in multiple languages. It will include developing a Healthy Nail Salon Recognition Program, case studies, webinars, and manuscripts tailored to different audiences (community, P2 technical providers, academics). The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by increasing the awareness and use of safer nail products in the local supply chains and reducing the environmental impact of toxic nail products in immigrant-owned nail salon businesses and suppliers (with an emphasis on Vietnamese and Somali communities). ($663,475) | |
607 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | University of Illinois Chicago, Office of Business and Financial Services | IL | 5 | University of Illinois Chicago's proposed project will provide technical assistance to Minority-Serving Institutions and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)–led restaurants to transition to reusable and compostable food contact materials that do not contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Technical assistance will include developing and piloting an interactive, data-informed, and field-tested implementation framework; executing an education and awareness campaign; and offering direct technical support and incentives to institutions and restaurants. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing plastic waste, promoting landfill diversion, reducing contamination in composting, and promoting consumer-driven sustainability in communities in Michigan, Illinois, and northern Indiana, with some outreach activities reaching a broader scale. ($683,836) | |
606 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | University of Hawai'i | HI | 9 | University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program's proposed project will provide technical assistance to businesses that make or serve food in Hilo, Hawaiʻi, to establish a safe, affordable, community-wide reusable foodware system. Technical assistance will include support for on-site assessments, the provision of written materials and online training, and outreach and engagement to businesses and members of the community. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by decreasing plastic waste and reducing human exposure to chemicals of concern in Hilo, Hawaiʻi (focusing on serving intergenerational families, the unhoused, and Native Hawaiians). ($622,992) | |
605 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles | CA | 9 | The UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program will partner with the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative and Black Women for Wellness to provide technical assistance to nail and hair salons to promote the adoption of safer products, P2, and overall environmental stewardship. Technical assistance will include outreach and training, environmental sampling, and pilot projects that track safer product use and impacts over time. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by lowering workers' exposure to chemicals linked to chronic and acute illnesses, respiratory and skin issues, memory loss, cancer, and reproductive harm in California nail salons that are primarily owned and operated by Vietnamese migrants, and in hair salons that are primarily owned and operated by Black individuals. ($800,000) | |
604 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Washington State Department of Ecology's proposed project will provide technical assistance by engaging with Hispanic/Latino community members and forty convenience stores located in central Washington to encourage the supply, demand, and/or use of safer products in the marketplace by creating an effective marketing campaign and developing on-site technical assistance. This project will be in partnership with the Commission on Hispanic Affairs. Technical assistance will include developing and facilitating community connection sessions to understand the current market of Safer Choice products at convenience stores, develop an outreach toolkit designed to help community-based organizations (CBOs) provide direct technical assistance to convenience stores, and develop an outreach toolkit designed to assist convenience stores with their Safer Choice product marketing. Direct technical assistance will include workshop trainings for CBOs to understand how to use the outreach toolkits and on-site technical assistance to convenience stores from CBOs. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals for Hispanic/Latino communities in central Washington. ($412,327) | |
603 | Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products | 2023-2024 | Portland State University | OR | 10 | This project, a partnership between Portland State University's (PSU's) Community Environmental Services unit, PSU's Institute on Tribal Governance, the Northwest Native American Chamber of Commerce, and the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, will provide technical assistance to Native-owned/-serving businesses to promote sustainable purchasing plans incorporating chemical reduction, best practices for improving workplace environmental health, and increasing the use of EPA-preferred products (including Safer Choice–certified products). Technical assistance will include co-creating a culturally relevant sustainable product and procurement policy curriculum, providing industry-specific procurement resources, offering coaching support for implementing new technologies, and holding remote trainings (live webinars) for businesses. The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by reducing pollution and exposure to toxins in Tribal communities across Oregon. ($716,494) | |
602 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to identify businesses in Washington in or around communities with environmental justice concerns and provide P2 technical assistance, translation services and third-party verifications to food and beverage manufacturers, metal manufacturers and fabricators, metal finishers, the Washington Applied Sustainability Internship Program, and the Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC). The grantee will build upon the current Washington state P2 reporting database, TurboPlan, to improve operational efficiency and reduce energy, water and hazardous substance use. ($388,262) |
601 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | OR | 10 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing; and Maintenance, Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to identify and provide P2 technical assistance to businesses in Oregon in or around communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will support a P2 Internship Program that will conduct on-site P2 research and site assessments. The grantee will also support certification assistance program that will help businesses that are interested in obtaining the Safer Choice certification of its products or having a chemical added to the Safer Chemical Ingredient List. The grantee will also support technical assistance for metals manufacturers and fabricators to reduce toxic air emissions, water discharges, water and energy use, hazardous materials generation and use, and business costs. ($575,550) |
600 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to provide technical assistance to businesses located in and around communities with environmental justice concerns in Idaho and will partner with automotive maintenance businesses, the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center, the Idaho Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and industry suppliers to increase the use of Safer Choice-certified aqueous parts washing systems and reduce the release of hazardous air pollutants through improved spray efficiency. The grantee will also partner with Tech Help Idaho and Food Northwest to continue its "green the green belt" food processing program that addresses concerns related to pollution and resource use in the food and beverage manufacturing sector, including the pH of wastewater, leaks of ammonia refrigerants and water usage rates. The program will promote the adoption of P2 practices by producing case studies through the P2 Champions program. These projects are projected to reduce hazardous materials, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and lead to financial savings for Idaho businesses. ($222,000) |
599 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Western Nevada College | NV | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation, Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses in Nevada to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals. The grantee will partner with greenUP! to support a network of organizations with expertise in P2 and environmental justice that will work with manufacturers and other businesses in Nevada as well as communities with environmental justice concerns. Technical assistance will include helping 13 businesses implement P2 practices and providing green certification to qualifying businesses. The grantee will support businesses seeking to work with EPA's Safer Choice Program and will assist companies in the development and marketing of alternatives to products with high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and toxic chemicals. The program will also provide education about chemical alternatives and P2 best practices to businesses in Nevada. ($578,541) |
598 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Yurok Tribe | CA | 9 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will generate a case study and provide P2 technical assistance to encourage treatment of invasive weeds on ancestral lands that does not require herbicides and does not generate greenhouse gases. Technical assistance will include demonstrations of treatment methods for invasive weeds that do not use herbicides or tools powered with fossil fuels. The grantee's weed treatment methods will use electric power and hand tools. The grantee's case study will inform potential future forest management projects on and near the Yurok Indian Reservation, such as those with local timber companies, to prevent or reduce the use of herbicides and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for invasive weeds treatment. ($500,594) |
597 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will deliver targeted training and technical assistance to small businesses in the food and beverage manufacturing and processing industries in Montana through a P2 internship program to identify opportunities to reduce energy and water consumption and hazardous waste. The grantee will also create educational materials on P2 best practices and case studies, help businesses achieve a Sustainable Brewery Certification and highlight P2 success stories through the Eco-Star leadership recognition program. This grant will establish a new partnership between the Montana Pollution Prevention Program and Salish Kootenai College (SKC) that will highlight traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and to support SKC's efforts on environmental justice. ($502,560) |
596 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide onsite P2 technical assistance to businesses located in or around communities with environmental justice concerns and support a P2 internship program to support P2 in the food and beverage manufacturing and processing sector. The grantee will also identify, develop, document and share P2 best practices through Colorado's technical assistance and recognition program, the Colorado Green Business Network (CGBN). ($411,440) |
595 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Nebraska Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will develop an internship-based P2 technical assistance program and provide at least ten P2 assessments of industrial facilities for food processing, chemical manufacturing or metal manufacturing and finishing, at least half of which will be in or around communities with environmental justice concerns. The P2 projects implemented through the program will aim to reduce wastewater and consumption of water, energy and materials. The project will also develop educational materials including data analysis, case studies and videos that promote P2 best practices. ($207,554) |
594 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses in Kansas, targeting food, beverage and chemical manufacturers and processers, especially those in communities with environmental justice concerns. The project will provide on-site technical assistance and training to businesses, emphasizing and amplifying P2 practices that reduce the amount of hazardous substances entering the waste stream or otherwise released into the environment. The pollutants targeted will vary by industry but will include hazardous air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. The grantee will also collect and share best management practices identified from P2 practices implemented as a result of the grant. ($318,821) |
593 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to identify industrial facilities located in communities in Iowa with environmental justice concerns and will conduct 44 P2 assessments and coordinate 14 university-level P2 internships to provide direct technical assistance to businesses. The grantee will also host roundtable events and webinars and create a video on P2 that will be distributed to industrial facilities in the state. These activities will help industries in Iowa improve their environmental performance through P2 strategies that reduce hazardous waste, energy and water use, and improve chemical safety. ($387,625) |
592 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance and convene workshops and trainings to promote source reduction through Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments in businesses located in communities with environmental justice concerns. The assessments will collect and evaluate data related to the efficiency and operation of industrial equipment including temperature, pressure, heat and water flow, and will identify P2 strategies to achieve source reduction. The grantee will conduct site visits at businesses, host workshops and disseminate success stories and findings of P2 practices through social media, websites, partner communication channels, and conferences.($498,836) |
591 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Louisiana State University | LA | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance through Louisiana's Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) program to chemical, metal and food and beverage manufacturers in Louisiana, focusing on 10 communities with environmental justice concerns including those in the corridor between Baton Rouge and New Orleans known as Cancer Alley. Technical assistance will include workshops, trainings, distribution of educational materials, and direct outreach. These efforts will be informed by a regional sustainability committee with representatives from Baton Rouge and New Orleans that will help identify best practices for P2 and equity and will be included in the grantee's assessments. The grantee will assess P2 project in partnership with communities through No Waste Louisiana. The grantee will develop an internship program with the Sierra Club chapter at Louisiana State University and faculty from Southern University's College of Business faculty to carry out P2 assessments and convene educational events for businesses and conduct follow-up on P2 projects implemented through this grant. ($415,164) |
590 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to food processors in Minnesota to conserve water and energy and reduce wastewater. At least three of the facilities that will receive technical assistance projects will be in communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will collaborate with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) to help food manufacturing businesses implement strategies to improve industrial processes that reduce environmental impacts and improve the competitiveness of businesses in the state. The grantee will conduct assessments to identify opportunities for P2 strategies and will provide support, including with interns, to implement P2 improvements. MnTAP will follow up with participating companies to document potential impacts of P2 projects and develop case studies to share among food processors and P2 practitioners in Minnesota. ($121,131) |
589 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Illinois-Chicago | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | In collaboration with the City of Chicago, the grantee will form a group comprised of representatives from the public and private sector to provide manufacturers in or adjacent to communities in Illinois with environmental justice concerns with resources and education on P2, including best practices, strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, education on the environmental impacts their facilities may have on surrounding communities and clean energy and environmental policies. In addition, the grantee will facilitate connections with federal and electric utility-based energy management programs and host events to encourage networking among manufacturers and P2 experts. The group of public and private sector experts, including staff from EPA's regional office, may serve as a model for advancing P2 practices in a way that also addresses environmental justice. ($250,000) |
588 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Illinois-Champaign's Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will identify manufacturing and processing facilities located in or adjacent to communities in Illinois with environmental justice concerns using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool and in consultation with the Environmental Justice Coordinator for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance including recommended P2 practices and then measure the impact of P2 practices implemented at the facilities, including reductions in energy and water use and generation of hazardous materials and reduced costs to businesses. The grantee will publish two case studies that highlight innovative P2 practices or technologies implemented as a result of the grantees efforts as a way to help other P2 assistance providers or businesses learn from and replicate those practices. The grantee will publish the case studies on the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center's (ISTC) website and will promote them through ISTC's newsletter and social media channels, and communication channels of the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR), EPA and other organizations. ($349,212) |
587 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation | TN | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide technical assistance to spirits producers through the Tennessee Sustainable Spirits program to implement P2 practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save businesses money. The grantee will prioritize its assistance to manufacturers that report to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and operate in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns identified using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool. Technical assistance will include workshops, roundtables and onsite support. The program will also leverage existing leadership and recognition programs, such as the Tennessee Green Star Partnership and the Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards, to serve as platforms to amplify P2 successes, best practices and cases studies. ($160,000) |
586 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | This grant will support an ongoing environmental leadership program and on-site P2 technical assistance to businesses. The grantee will host events and/or trainings on P2 and develop P2 case studies within one more of the National Emphasis Areas identified by EPA's P2 program. The grantee will provide technical assistance to members of the Environmental Stewardship Initiative of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and energy and water use. The grantee's technical assistance will employ EPA's Environmental Management System model, a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce environmental impacts and increase operating efficiency, and include on-site visits, trainings and workshops. ($209,000) |
585 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to manufacturers to reduce pollution, conserve water and save energy through lean and green practices in a way that addresses environmental justice concerns in communities in North Carolina. Technical assistance will include assessments of energy and water use and the potential for P2 practices. The grantee will also host workshops and trainings on P2 and EPA's Safer Choice program, the basics of lean manufacturing and environmental and energy management. The grantee will produce technical reports for manufacturers that include recommendations for P2 practices that could be implemented at facilities and also provide technical support to help implementation P2 practices. The grantee will also produce resources including P2 training manuals that will be shared with manufacturers during workshops, meetings and through webpages. ($348,500) |
584 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection | KY | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will develop and provide technical education and assistance to manufacturers in Kentucky identified using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to implement P2 practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use of energy and water and improves competitiveness. Technical assistance will include identifying best management practices, onsite technical assistance, trainings, and hosting roundtables. ($348,500) |
583 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to small and medium sized businesses in West Virginia and the surrounding region through training workshops, on-and off-site technical assistance, conferences and roundtables. The grantee will identify P2 best practices based on current smart manufacturing and data-driven methodologies and develop training materials and recommendations for P2 projects that can reduce costs for water, energy and waste disposal and increase overall productivity. ($247,498) |
582 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide offsite and onsite P2 technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturers. The grant will help the grantee to expand its Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) which encourages and assists facilities and organizations to reduce pollution. The grantee will host P2 workshops for manufacturers identified through EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool and in consultation with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Environmental Justice, offer onsite technical assistance to workshop participants, solicit membership in VEEP, and follow up with workshop participants to quantify the P2 projects manufacturers may have implemented. ($56,108) |
581 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance and host events based on the Economy, Energy, and Environment (E3) federal technical assistance framework for businesses in the 6 food, chemical and metal manufacturing industry sectors located in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns in Pennsylvania. This project will encourage source reduction strategies for these businesses that will save money and reduce their environmental footprint by reducing resource use, expenditures and waste including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ($239,099) |
580 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will seek to expand the Maryland Green Registry program by inviting companies identified through EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to join the registry where they can P2 technical assistance and funding opportunities. The grantee will also sponsor online advertisements that promote membership in the registry and highlight businesses and other organizations that have adopted energy efficiency measures and expand use of renewable energy. The registry recognizes the environmental accomplishments of businesses, shares and amplifies P2 best practices and connects businesses with funding for P2 technical assistance and implementation. Organizations in the Maryland Green Registry commit to P2 implementation and are supported by grantee resources, such as membership newsletters, ideas, tips, tools, events, checklists, case studies, and individual consultations. The grantee will also amplify P2 best practices by sharing profiles of businesses and the P2 actions they have taken on social media and providing updates on their newsletter. ($95,021) |
579 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | DC Department of Energy and Environment | DC | 3 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will implement a comprehensive P2 education program to reduce or eliminate water, air and solid waste pollution from automotive maintenance businesses in the District of Columbia through its GreenWrench Technical Assistance Program which provides P2 technical assistance, training at technical schools, and support to help businesses service electric and hybrid vehicles. The grantee will also promote and address environmental justice in the GreenWrench newsletter and will enlist a subgrantee to develop a pilot project to improve access to electric vehicle charging stations across the city, particularly in communities with environmental justice concerns. ($150,000) |
578 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Delaware | DE | 3 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to identify automotive manufacturing and maintenance facilities in or adjacent to communities in Delaware with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will assess energy use and waste production at these facilities and recommend ways to implement P2 practices that improve environmental performance and reduce costs. The grantee will also assist in the implementation of recommended P2 measures. ($73,500) |
577 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will assist ExxonMobil to reduce hazardous waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and use of energy and other resources, and incorporate greener and safer practices and ingredients at its facility in Paulsboro, N.J. where it manufactures lubricants and other petroleum products. The grantee will build a predictive and planning roadmap and computational tools to assess the viability of P2 strategies for petroleum, lube oil and petrochemical product processing, packaging and transportation through pipelines, including using greener and safer products and materials and increasing the efficiency of various manufacturing processes. Results and lessons learned from the grant will be shared with companies in the chemical and automotive manufacturing sectors. The grantee will also address environmental justice concerns of underserved communities by developing and distributing information to workers on proper use of personal protective equipment, many of whom live in or adjacent to the facility. ($361,816) |
576 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJ | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance to hydroponic vegetable growers in New Jersey including Geogreens, YB Farm, and Edible Garden to reduce the use of traditional chlorine disinfectant that may harm plants and human health. The grantee will evaluate the use of ozone nanobubble water, an antiseptic made of tiny bubbles of water that contain ozone, to reduce pathogens and microbial contamination on vegetables. Results and lessons learned under the grant will be communicated through websites, including YouTube channels, webinars, conference presentations, and various listservs that targeted food processing businesses in New Jersey and New York. ($332,132) |
575 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | NJ | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will use EPA's EJScreen and P2 EJ Mapping Tool and the New Jersey Environmental Justice Mapping, Assessment and Protection Tool (EJMAP) to identify food manufacturers in New Jersey that are in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will provide onsite technical assistance to these businesses that includes benchmarking of current operations and then recommending P2 practices that can reduce releases of pollutants including nitric acid, nitrate compounds, ammonia, methanol and n-hexane. The grantee will communicate results and lessons learned resulting from the grant to the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry and through roundtables and the events for food manufacturers. ($155,050) |
574 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to metal manufacturers and fabricators in communities in Rhode Island with environmental justice concerns that were identified using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool. The grantee will help these businesses reduce water use and wastewater that is discharged to publicly owned treatment facilities. In coordination with the utility company National Grid and an energy auditing firm, the grantee will assist businesses to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions including by creating an industry specific checklist to assess energy use. The grantee will share results from the grant activities, lessons learned and case studies through trainings, webinars and other forms of outreach. The grantee will also launch a green certification program for metal manufacturers and fabricators. ($284,486) |
573 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will partner with electric and gas utilities in New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Brewers Association, National Brewers Association, New Hampshire Craft Spirits Organization, and the University of New Hampshire to provide P2 technical assistance to the New Hampshire brewery, winery and beverage distillery industry located in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will work with businesses to assess energy and water use at their facilities and calculate potential cost savings from P2 projects that increase energy efficiency and water conservation, reduce water pollution and wastewater discharges and encourage the use of safer cleaning chemicals. The grantee will also host trainings and webinars and develop and distribute case studies and other documents on the P2 best practices that were identified and developed through the project and any issues or impediments businesses might have faced with implementing P2 projects. ($200,000) |
572 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will partner with food and beverage processors in communities with environmental justice concerns and in its statewide P2 initiative to provide technical assistance to identify and implement sector specific P2 practices that conserve natural resources, mitigate the effects of climate change, and advance environmental sustainability while also reducing operating costs and providing other benefits. The grantee will connect businesses to existing technical and financial resources and will track results from the project to develop best practices, case studies and success stories that will be translated into languages other than English and shared through social media, an electronic newsletter, a website and through the stakeholder networks of partner organizations that focus on equity and work with diverse populations. ($115,514) |
571 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will partner with the Connecticut Brewers Association and a number of utility companies in the state to provide pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance to breweries and other food and beverage manufacturers throughout the state, with an emphasis on companies in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. Through this project, five or more businesses will reduce their environmental footprint and the grantee will launch a sustainable breweries certification program. The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance to businesses to identify P2 best practices that eliminate the use of toxic chemicals and reduce energy use, water use, water discharges and solid waste. The grantee will assist one or more breweries in capturing and reusing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is produced during the fermentation process and traditionally vented into the atmosphere. Additionally, the grantee will host meetings and webinars for businesses, and produce new written materials and a case study on P2 practices. These resources, as well as best practices identified during onsite assistance, will be disseminated widely so that businesses and other states can replicate the program's P2 activities. ($200,000) |
570 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | OR | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses to minimize the generation of hazardous waste, and air and water pollution. Grant-funded activities will include assigning interns to facilities through the P2 Internship Program, meetings and trainings with industry partners and sharing information to reduce the use of toxic solvents in the metal manufacturing sector. The grantee will also partner with the Pollution Prevention Resource Center to develop a regional green chemistry collaborative that will provide technical assistance to chemical manufacturers and formulators to help them gain the Safer Choice label and expand the Oregon EcoBiz certification program to include automotive businesses in communities with environmental justice concerns. ($350,000) |
569 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to facilities to reduce Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reportable pollutants from business facilities. The grantee will build a cohort technical assistance (TA) model consisting of industry roundtables, webinars and onsite assistance. The grantee will pair P2 TA providers with businesses to develop P2 action plans specific and appropriate for each facility, and participating businesses will commit to implementing P2 actions that result in measurable reductions of the identified priority pollutant. Each business paired with a P2 TA provider will develop a ten-year baseline of use, generation, and/or release of the priority pollutant against which P2 implementation impact will be measured. ($71,550) |
568 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Knik Tribal Council | AK | 10 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will support P2 efforts at businesses located in tribal Alaskan communities to promote safer chemical use in partnership with the Alaska Forum's Green Star Outreach program. The grantee will provide onsite technical assistance at local retailers. In some Alaskan communities, these businesses are the only source of household cleaning products and other chemicals. The Green Star Outreach program will focus its efforts on supporting and promoting the use and local sale of EPA Safer Choice labeled products. ($330,000) |
567 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | AZ | 9 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the automotive manufacturing and maintenance industry to reduce the use of toxic substances and generation of hazardous waste and to conserve resources. The technical assistance will include designing an online training program and resource center targeted to automotive manufacturing and maintenance facilities in or near communities with environmental justice concerns. ($296,594) |
566 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | California Department of Toxic Substances Control | CA | 9 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide technical assistance to chemical manufacturers to reduce the use of hazardous substances in consumer products, particularly those manufactured in and adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. The technical assistance will involve developing tools to measure, model and evaluate the environmental impacts of chemicals in products and improving alternative assessment methods to prevent negative impacts from both current and future chemicals. The grantee will expand alternatives assessment (AA) practices by assessing tools for impacts in overburdened and underserved communities, piloting AA case studies, conducting a stakeholder survey and roundtable, and developing guidance and training modules on tools, databases and methodologies needed to incorporate environmental justice considerations into AA. ($350,000) |
565 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of California, Berkeley | CA | 9 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide technical assistance to product manufacturers and their formulators to reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals in the marketplace. The technical assistance will include chemical hazard and alternative assessment reports, disseminating best practices, and creating and publicizing public reports and case studies that will be distributed to businesses in the sector through webinars and roundtables with industry and communities. The grantee will identify safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in consumer products with a focus on products that can have a high impact in marginalized communities. ($344,275) |
564 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians | CA | 9 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will provide training and technical assistance to businesses on the Viejas Indian Reservation to reduce hazardous chemicals, energy and water use, and train staff and tribal colleagues. The technical assistance will involve an initial P2 assessment, implementation of P2 measures, staff trainings, data tracking focusing on reducing hazardous chemicals used in operations, reducing energy and water use while providing staff and tribal colleagues with knowledge about P2 that can be applied in homes and their communities. The grantee will also develop innovative P2 resources that will be shared with other Tribal nations using the web platform, Tribal P2 Action. ($350,000) |
563 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Montana State University, Bozeman | MT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance and training in P2 to aid the food and beverage manufacturing and processing industry and other small businesses in creating more efficient and pollution-free processes. The technical assistance will include roundtables, onsite technical assessments for businesses or organizations that have been awarded the Montana State University Ecostar award, and support for achieving a sustainable brewery certification. The grantee will create a new Environmental Justice program for Montana's tribes to design a holistic approach in incorporating P2 on tribal lands by integrating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) with P2 practices to strategically expand existing P2 programs. The grantee will also offer trainings and technical assistance to businesses in the food and beverage manufacturing industry. ($349,978) |
562 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Nebraska, Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to Nebraska businesses to reduce the use of water, energy, and materials, and cut wastewater. The technical assistance will include process assessments, sharing information on P2 best practices, data collection and analysis methods, and follow-up assessments. The 14 grantee will focus its efforts on manufacturers in communities with environmental justice concerns and will network with manufacturers in the targeted communities. The grantee will also develop videos that promote specific P2 best practices for these sectors. The proposed work will include providing P2 assessments to at least fifteen manufacturers. At least ten manufacturers will receive follow-up assessments. The grantee will also refer manufacturers in underserved communities to other related P2/source reduction grant-funded technical assistance programs. ($319,813) |
561 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Missouri University of Science and Technology | MO | 7 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the copper electrowinning (EW) industry to prevent pollution related to acid mist. The technical assistance will include research on how this pollution is generated and on alternative chemicals, case studies on the outcomes of the grant, workshops and an environmental justice teaching module. The grantee will identify an environmentally friendly acid mist suppressant alternative to the discontinued fluorochemical reagent FC-1100, a PFAS that poses environmental issues in its production and application. The grantee will convene industry roundtables with representatives from EW facilities and manufacturers of acid mist suppressants to share its research, exchange information and develop P2 practices that can be implemented in other facilities in the U.S. The grantee will also produce educational materials for current and future industry professionals on P2 best practices, the industry's environmental impacts and how it can promote environmental justice. ($347,998) |
560 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Missouri State University | MO | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to manufacturing companies in Missouri in the food and beverage, automotive, aerospace, and metal manufacturing and fabrication industries to reduce waste, air emissions, energy use, water and hazardous materials while saving money. The grantee will provide businesses with assessments and recommendations for implementing P2 strategies, potentially with the help of student interns. Through Missouri State University's (MSU) Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the grantee will provide trainings for staff from local businesses on how to perform P2 assessments and implement P2 opportunities. The grantee will also work with the Missouri Association of Manufacturers (MAM) to develop a Missouri-wide sustainability network to promote P2 best practices. ($296,424) |
559 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses in Kansas to reduce chemical use. The technical assistance will focus on businesses that use the same or similar chemicals and utilize similar industrial processes. The grantee's outreach strategies will include workshops and trainings on P2, climate change and environmental justice and partnerships with city governments. The grantee will also place interns at businesses in Kansas for ten-week terms. The grantee will prioritize the placement of interns at businesses located in or near communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will perform follow-up assessments at these businesses within a year after recommendations of potential P2 strategies were made to facility managers. ($350,000) |
558 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to Iowa businesses to conserve water, reduce hazardous waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and generate cost savings. The technical assistance will include the placement of P2 interns at businesses and assessments of business operations for potential use of P2 strategies. The grantee will follow up with businesses to assess whether recommendations were implemented, review data about business operations and provide suggestions for potential use of P2 to reduce waste and improve efficiency. The grantee will launch an online P2 training portal to provide lessons learned and best practices to engineering students and business owners and operators. ($350,000) |
557 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | OK | 6 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses in Oklahoma to reduce and replace toxic chemicals with greener alternatives to prevent adverse environmental impacts and improve human health. The grantee will develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) map to identify communities potentially impacted by pollution from the use of organic solvents at nearby businesses. The grantee will 12 identify businesses to target for P2 assistance through a decision matrix based on data from EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool, water resources maps, water supply, land use and demographic data, current and past Resource Conservation and Recovery Act compliance issues and information indicating areas that are potential vulnerable to intrusion from harmful vapors from industrial contamination. The grantee will develop a rebate program that will encourage and incentivize businesses to invest in new equipment and/or change industrial processes to reduce the use solvent or use lower toxicity solvents. The grantee will develop case studies that assess the value of these rebates as a catalyst to encourage investment in P2 practices. ($350,000) |
556 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma | OK | 6 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will develop a "Green Clean" initiative to promote chemical safety and increase the use of safer chemical products at businesses, schools, and other facilities within the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Through the initiative, the grantee will conduct assessments of chemical products used at businesses and facilities and provide recommendations to improve chemical safety. The grantee anticipates targeting 15-20 businesses and facilities every three months. The grantee will write reports detailing the changes in chemical use at these businesses and facilities. ($330,000) |
555 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma | OK | 6 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will promote P2 in underserved communities and tribal businesses to reduce pollution and hazardous wastes, conserve energy, limit water use and save money. The P2 assistance will be centered at the Concho Agency and extend to tribal communities and tribal businesses throughout the 10-county service area over the next two years. Representatives from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes' EPA department will visit twelve of the technical assistance projects with businesses in the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes historical jurisdiction. The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes' EPA department will develop and conduct trainings for custodial workers at tribally owned hotels, casinos, daycare and head start centers within the jurisdiction of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes to educate workers about lower-toxicity chemical products. ($171,000) |
554 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Prairie Research Institute | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to 15 manufacturers and processors in multiple business sectors in Illinois. The assistance will focus on reducing energy, water and hazardous materials use at industrial facilities, while also reducing business costs. The technical assistance will include training events and a publication that highlights P2 strategies and practices. The grantee will develop case 11 studies on the experiences of its industry partners who implement P2 practices. These resources will be distributed to other P2 assistance providers and interested businesses to educate them about P2 practices. ($349,197) |
553 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Smart Energy Design Assistance Center | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide on-site P2 technical assistance and trainings focused on identifying cost savings through reduction in hazardous materials, water usage and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The technical assistance will include industry specific P2 best practice checklists, on-site assessments for 16 National Emphasis Area (NEA) small to medium-sized businesses in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns, recognition for businesses that implement more than one recommended P2 practice based on the grantee's technical assistance, and P2 training for 260 businesses, including 80 businesses located in or adjacent to overburdened and vulnerable communities. The grantee will develop case studies from its experiences to highlight lessons learned and P2 best practices. The grantee will distribute the case studies through websites to P2 technical assistance providers across the Midwest and nationally who work with small businesses within target industrial sectors. ($349,999) |
552 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Illinois, Chicago | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance to staff at 20 industrial plants in Chicago with a focus on plants located in underserved communities. The technical assistance will assess industrial operations for opportunities to implement P2 best practices that save energy and reduce costs, and also reduce air and water pollution. The grantee will partner with the city of Chicago to leverage the city's funding and resources to help fund and implement P2 projects identified during assessments. At least four case studies will be developed that profile facilities that have adopted P2 technologies. ($350,000) |
551 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will work with metal fabricators, food processors and chemical formulators on ways to use P2 strategies to prevent PFAS pollution including in food products. Technical assistance will include verifying PFAS in use at facilities and site-specific assessments to identify P2 opportunities and implementation strategies. The grantee will support businesses that implement P2 strategies to reduce or eliminate PFAS from their processes and products. In addition, the grantee will create sector specific assessment guides for evaluating industrial operations for possible PFAS use. These guides will also outline opportunities for reduction or replacement of PFAS. ($343,289) |
550 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Central Michigan University | MI | 5 | Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide technical assistance to automotive manufacturers to improve their competitiveness by increasing savings, reducing water use, and the generation of hazardous material and greenhouse gas emissions. The grantee will provide on-site P2 technical assistance to selected businesses located in underserved communities in central Michigan. Technical assistance will involve a training focused on business sustainability through P2 and a roundtable on community based P2. The grantee will work with local communities and business groups to use P2 practices to promote sustainability and address environmental justice. The grantee's work will complement existing local and state efforts to address issues related to heavy industry in the area. ($135,212) |
549 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Alabama | AL | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturers in Alabama to reduce water usage, wastewater, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions while saving money and meeting corporate objectives. The grantee will also seek to reduce specific pollutants including nutrient pollution discharged to streams, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and hazardous waste including chlorine, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, sulphur dioxide, and cleaning 9 chemicals. Technical assistance will include P2 engineering assessments of seafood processing plants and P2 economic impact and cost savings assessments. The project will target facilities located in communities with environmental justice concerns. Using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool, the grantee has identified over 125 facilities within the food and beverage and processing industry that are located in or adjacent to underserved communities. The grantee will collaborate with local partners who work in overburdened and vulnerable communities and will also seek involvement from local municipalities and businesses. Separately, the grantee will work with the Alabama Beverage Association to broaden the association's existing partnership with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management which is focused on educating its members about P2 practices that reduce chemical use and increase energy savings. ($267,994) |
548 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to craft brewers in North Carolina to improve energy efficiency, reduce natural gas consumption, conserve water and to increase the use of environmentally preferable cleaning chemicals and low volatile organic compound (VOC) products. Technical assistance will consist of assessments, site visits and benchmarking reports that include prioritized recommendations and action planning, with an emphasis on providing resources to finance P2 capital upgrades, especially refrigeration equipment. The grantee will present effective P2 practices and results from the grant at the NC Craft Brewers Conference + Expo in 2024. The grantee will also develop case studies that highlight the P2 practices implemented through the grant and recommendations for craft brewers. ($350,000) |
547 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Environmental Protection | KY | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide targeted technical education and assistance to food and beverage and automotive manufacturers to encourage reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and improve resource and water conservation, P2 integration and energy efficiency to support sustainability and competitiveness at their facilities. The grantee will develop sustainable value stream maps and best management practices, and provide onsite technical assistance, training and industry specific roundtables. ($350,000) |
546 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Georgia Institute of Technology | GA | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide technical assistance to food and metal manufacturers to reduce hazardous materials, greenhouse gas emissions and water usage and to increase energy efficiency and financial benefits from P2 practices at their facilities. The technical assistance will assess current conditions and identify opportunities for implementing P2 practices. The grantee will use a cohort implementation model to teach manufacturers how to conduct source reduction assessments that lead to implementation of new and additional P2 practices. Training and support will educate manufacturers 8 about the financial benefits of P2 and the P2 tools and resources available from EPA and the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia. ($350,000) |
545 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide technical assistance to manufacturers in North Carolina to reduce energy consumption, water usage and toxic emissions at their facilities. The project will provide on-site technical assessments with a goal of reducing the environmental footprints and business costs at the facilities while also addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gasses. The grantee will also offer webinars, workshops, and one-day training courses on P2. ($349,994) |
544 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to chemical manufacturing companies to reduce hazardous waste, air pollutants, water consumption and to increase cost savings and energy efficiency at their facilities. The technical assistance will focus on projects in communities with environmental justice concerns and include on-site visits, analyses utilizing EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), facility assessments, education and facilitated roundtable meetings to identify sector specific issues and possible solutions. The grantee will measure results through follow-up surveys and/or interviews and produce a case study on best practices. ($350,000) |
543 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will target facilities in West Virginia to reduce energy and water consumption, improve manufacturing efficiency and reduce hazards to human health and the environment. Technical assistance will involve on-site assistance, roundtables and training workshops. The grantee will document and share materials and information about P2 best practices and encourage facilities to adopt P2 practices for their processes, products, raw material, supply chain and/or sale operations. The grantee will provide training and educational events for facilities in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. ($350,000) |
542 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the beer and wine sector of the food and beverage industry to adopt P2 practices that reduce waste, energy and water consumption. Technical assistance will involve trainings, roundtables and on-site visits to facilities. The grantee will provide written assessments that include recommended P2 goals and practices. The grantee will also manage a business recognition program that will promote P2 best practices and will develop a case study with the goal of amplifying adoption of P2 practices. ($59,939) |
541 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Maryland, College Park | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to help small breweries adopt source reduction practices that reduce business costs and improve environmental outcomes related to water, energy and cleaning chemicals, while also supporting the transition away from hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigeration. Technical assistance will include benchmarking and assessments and offsite P2 technical assistance through roundtables, webinars, online modules, leadership exchanges, case studies, P2 tools and best practices. The grantee will help businesses access financing to implement P2 practices by utilizing the P2 project model from the New England Environmental Finance Center and forming partnerships with other environmental finance centers (EFCs). The grantee has set a goal to provide at least 40% of the P2 technical assistance and all onsite technical assistance to breweries located in communities with environmental justice concerns. ($350,000) |
540 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Delaware | DE | 3 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance to metal fabrication and manufacturing facilities which will be identified by using EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to determine their proximity to communities with environmental justice concerns. The technical assistance will include one- or two-day site energy and waste assessments that include findings, recommendations and cost-effectiveness. The recommendations will highlight opportunities to reduce a facilities' carbon footprint, air emissions, water discharges and assess how these reductions can impact local watersheds. The grantee will also conduct follow-up visits to consult with facility managers about adopting recommended measures. ($192,000) |
539 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Slippery Rock University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will offer P2 technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturers, including through a facility assessment report that will include recommendations for reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering waste streams or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment or disposal. These activities aim to reduce greenhouse gases, reduce water loads that contribute to flooding and inform P2 trainings and tools. The grantee will use EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to identify industrial facilities in or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. ($205,000) |
538 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will meet with prior recipients of P2 and/or energy efficiency assistance to identify sector specific training needs and opportunities, develop targeted tools and materials, and conduct training seminars for businesses to promote hazardous waste source reduction, energy reduction and water conservation strategies. The project will provide assistance to community cohorts comprised of metal manufacturers and fabricators, food and beverage manufacturers and community stakeholders located within or adjacent to communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will meet with these stakeholders to capture the outputs and outcomes from its project. ($350,000) |
537 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Northampton County Area Community College | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to companies under the food and beverage, metal, and aerospace National Emphasis Areas (NEAs). The grantee will identify economically advantageous methods to reduce or eliminate the release of toxic air emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce waste created from solvent-based coatings. The project aims to improve compliance in counties in Pennsylvania that are in nonattainment under National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone and to decrease human exposure to pollutants that contribute to the severity of respiratory diseases. Half of the assistance will be directed to businesses in communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will assess whether its P2 technical assistance has reduced fugitive emissions, the use of toxic solvents and human exposure to harmful pollutants and will develop a repository of information, materials and lessons learned. The grantee will partner with Benjamin Franklin Technology Partners and an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training Institute Education Center to share technical P2 solutions and resources to identified businesses. ($225,113) |
536 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe | NY | 2 | Supporting Pollution Prevention in Indian Country and for Alaska Native Villages | The grantee will provide technical assistance to Snow and Ice Managers (SIMs) on the Saint Regis Mohawk Reservation. Reducing road salt contamination is important for preserving the biodiversity of native plants found along roadways which store greenhouse gases and filter pollution from vehicle emissions. The grantee will help SIMs identify, develop and adopt P2 practices that reduce damage to the environment, including to water quality, and to human health from roadway salt contamination. The grantee will also help SIMs implement economical practices that minimize the use of road salt, employ best practices for road salt storage, address road salt handling and application, and propose alternative, environmentally preferable products. The grantee will deploy a team of water quality/sampling and land use managers to survey and assess current storage and handling practices and document where improvements can be made. The grantee will also provide on-site training in best management practices that reduce the use of road salt and will evaluate the costs associated with conducting comprehensive water quality assessments. ($302,546) |
535 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the chemical manufacturing sector to improve P2 practices, including practices that reduce energy and water use. Technical assistance will employ a form of life cycle analysis called machine learning which estimates life cycle inventories of input and output flows to assess quantities of chemical releases into the environment when transitioning from lab-scale studies to industrial-scale production and the effects of using greener chemicals and low energy consuming technologies. This type of life cycle analysis can help facilities evaluate the use of safer chemicals and solvents, and other greener technologies in the manufacturing design phase. Through a partnership with Astra Zeneca, the grantee will test P2 strategies at an Astra Zeneca facility in Delaware. Life-cycle modeling and data analysis conducted at Rowan University will identify P2 practices that save businesses money and improve the environmental performance of chemical facilities. This information will be shared throughout the chemical manufacturing industry and elsewhere to encourage companies to adopt and implement P2 practices, particularly in and around communities with environmental justice concerns. ($314,416) |
534 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will work with Vermont food processors to evaluate packaging with the goal of reducing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and microplastics contamination in food and food waste recycling streams. The grantee will use EPA's EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool and the P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to locate food processors in communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will generate recommendations on ways to increase sustainability in packaging and evaluate the transport of PFAS and microplastic contaminants in food waste and the environment. The grantee will evaluate and characterize PFAS and microplastics concentrations within the food recycling system and identify sources of contamination. The grantee will also research, identify, develop and promote P2 practices and tools that reduce the occurrence and release of PFAS and microplastics from packaging used by food manufacturers. Findings from this work will be disseminated with recommended strategies that reduce sources of contamination. The grantee will identify data gaps and recommend additional research needed to achieve reductions in PFAS and microplastic contamination in food and food waste recycling streams and estimate the mass of PFAS and microplastics conveyed to the environment before and after P2 efforts. The grantee will also estimate the financial savings or costs associated with changes in packaging or other practices implemented by businesses and disseminate these findings through outreach materials such as reports, case studies, web content, social media content, webinars, trainings, conference presentations and in meetings with stakeholder groups. ($350,000) |
533 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Southern Maine | ME | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the Maine craft beverage industry to increase operational efficiencies, limit pollution and create a healthier working environment and community. The project team and student interns will assist craft beverage businesses to identify and implement best practices, develop benchmarking tools, identify alternative cleaners and sanitizers and develop options for financing P2 upgrades. The grantee will disseminate lessons learned from this work and P2 best practices through web postings, case studies, one or more videos, outreach events and speaking engagements. The team will also implement a New England Sustainable Craft Beverage recognition program and develop guidance for how the craft beverage sector can finance environmentally responsible equipment. ($350,000) |
532 | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Pollution Prevention Grant | 2022-2023 | University of Massachusetts, Boston | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance assessments to craft breweries in Massachusetts that are implementing pollution prevention (P2) strategies. Technical assistance will involve establishing a baseline of current costs and environmental performance and estimating savings and improvements that can be realized when facilities adopt and implement P2 practices. Beneficial P2 practices may involve the grantee recommending opportunities for the breweries to lower business costs and reduce environmental impacts (e.g., reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing water and energy consumption, reducing amount of hazardous material discharged). To target its technical assistance work, the grantee will utilize EPA's P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool to locate breweries in communities with environmental justice concerns. The grantee will train business students on how to apply P2 and sustainability benchmarking tools to achieve environmental and business benefits. The grantee will also conduct follow-up visits with each participating brewery to identify successes and impediments to P2 implementation. Details of the project will be shared through P2 conferences, webinars and workshops. A video will also be produced on a P2 case study. ($350,000) |
531 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) | CT | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses throughout the state that manufacture or process foods and beverages. The focus will be on reducing air pollution emissions, high energy and water use, toxics from chemical use, and hazardous and solid wastes, and associated costs. DEEP plans to provide on-site technical assistance to a minimum of three facilities each year for the first two years of the project. Additionally, DEEP will offer off-site technical assistance to a minimum of six businesses, and DEEP will partner with ten or more businesses to host one to two roundtables, meetings, and webinars for these businesses to learn about P2 techniques per year. This project will develop written materials such as a sustainability checklist and will be disseminated widely so that others can benefit from these strategies. ($192,451) |
530 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Southern Maine | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee and its grant partners will provide P2 technical assistance and training to small craft breweries by conducting 10 brewery site visits, creating 10 process maps, and providing recommendations to each brewery on how to implement P2 strategies. The grantee will also work to develop P2 resources: process-mapping, developing an environmental management planning guidance, a comprehensive brewery checklist, a certification program, and supplying training videos that will be posted on YouTube. In addition, three interns with the University's Tourism and Hospitality, and Environmental Science departments will be engaged in service-learning opportunities, which will give the students experience and training in P2 strategies for the food and beverage industries. The grantee will present their grant project results at the 2022 Craft Brewers Conference, New England Craft Brew Summit (NEBrew!), and the Maine Grocers & Food Producers Association event. ($127,435) |
529 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will establish a P2 program that will provide technical assistance to breweries, wineries and distilleries in Rhode Island so that these entities can implement P2 strategies to reduce water use; wastewater discharges of: biochemical oxygen demands (also known as BODs), total suspended solids (also known as TSSs), basic and acidic pH and phosphorous levels; and energy use. The grantee will also work to reduce hydrofluorocarbons from commercial refrigeration. Solid waste diversion will also be a focus of the project. The grantee will work with state and local environmental organizations, P2 expert firms, contractors, energy audit firms, energy companies, and trade associations to provide on-site technical assistance to 32 breweries, 20 wineries and 12 distilleries in Rhode Island, and develop six trainings, webinars and roundtables to discuss pretreatment technologies for wastewater and share data gathered from the on-site technical assistance. The grantee will also award participating businesses with a "green certified business" award. ($200,000) |
528 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Health Services | NH | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will continue its work with ten New Hampshire breweries, wineries and beverage distilleries, and expand its technical assistance availability to these businesses to help reduce the strength and volume of their wastewater, minimize energy and water use, and promote green chemistry. The grantee will collect baseline data and provide technical assistance and on-site energy audits with New Hampshire utilities and cost savings calculations to breweries, wineries and distilleries, as well as follow up visits, to a minimum of five facilities per year. In partnership with the New Hampshire Brewers Association and the New Hampshire Craft Spirits Organization, the grantee will provide training at conferences and workshops. The grantee will also share information, webinars and case studies provided by other sources such as other P2 programs through its network. ($190,000) |
527 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will investigate sources of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) contamination found in effluent from metal plating facilities. The grantee will characterize PFAS discharges from four to six metal finishing businesses, identify PFAS sources, and identify P2 best practices to reduce PFAS use and contribution to wastewater. The grantee will work with these target businesses to identify "green" alternatives to PFAS-containing products. This project will also provide on-site and off-site technical assistance; in-person and presentation style training; remote one-on-one assistance over phone and email; webinars and presentations; distribution of best management practices information; and outreach materials. ($181,662) |
526 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee is partnering with ExxonMobil Corporation to investigate lubricant formulation blending operations at the ExxonMobil facility in Paulsboro, New Jersey. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of downgraded oil produced from cleaning and blending operations. Phase 1 of this project consists of literature review, online meetings and in-person visits to collect preliminary data and understand the ongoing operations at the ExxonMobil facility. Phase 2 will involve a detailed evaluation of potential safer alternatives for minimizing lube oil downgrade, such as pipeline coatings, fluid blasting, vibration cleaning, inline filtration systems, solvent flushing, and base oil recovery. Phase 3 will consist of experiments to test the effectiveness of shortlisted alternatives. Phase 4 will involve detailed analysis of the experimental results, including environmental impact assessments. And, Stage 5 is evaluation and reporting of results. The grantee will visit its partners and conduct semi-annual review sessions and share results in at least four presentations at regional and national conferences, three journal publications, and several press release and newsletter articles. ($299,974) |
525 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Rutgers University | NJ | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee is partnering with public and private sector experts to provide technical assistance to New Jersey's winery industry to reduce environmental impacts through energy efficiency and water conservation measures and by identifying transferrable best management practices. The project will assess four wineries of varying types and capacities in New Jersey, quantifying their baseline energy and water consumption, and wastewater discharge amount by benchmarking. The project, after benchmarking, will provide innovative P2 recommendations to improve their environmental practices and reduce expenditures. The grantee will organize two workshops to train 20 to 25 wine industry members and hold four meetings. Additionally, Rutgers will also create four energy efficiency- and water savings-related short videos and web-based educational materials to provide comprehensive technical information. ($298,253) |
524 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment | DC | 3 | Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee's GreenWrench Automotive P2 Program will provide P2 technical assistance to automotive maintenance shops, training at technical schools, and technical support for businesses with electric and hybrid vehicles. The program will employ community-based social marketing to shift behavior, encourage innovation by directly engaging 40 businesses to change industry culture, and train automotive repair technicians on P2 best management practices. ($81,085) |
523 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Delaware | DE | 3 | Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee proposes to provide on-site energy and waste assessments for Automotive Manufacturing and Maintenance facilities. The grantee will present businesses with documented findings, recommendations, and follow-up information and technical assistance to help facility decision-making implement recommended P2 practices and improvements. Teams of subject matter experts and highly trained students will assess energy and water consumption and pollution production in the facility, perform an accurate quantification of energy, water, and pollution streams, identify potential reduction measures, and quantify the actual reductions of energy, water, pollution, and associated monetary costs to the facility. ($113,976) |
522 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Maryland Department of Environment | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will assist businesses by establishing and managing a Green Registry for the state of Maryland and establishing green teams made up of businesses. Green Registry requires members to develop online profiles describing at least five environmental practices and at least one measurable result. The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance checklists, case studies and vendor resources specific to their business, directing them to the P2 technical services and helping them define their P2 measures and calculate results. The grantee will also work with up to six businesses to create a green team to identify environmental problems, prioritizing these problems, and then identifying objectives and targets to address them. The green team is a 3-month program with an initial phone consultation, a workshop, and on-site technical assistance visits. The workshop will provide training to enhance the participants' understanding of environmental management systems also known as EMSs, including identification of problems and impacts, objectives and targets, and address the benefits of using P2 approaches to address the environmental impacts. ($134,805) |
521 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee and its partners will provide 18 P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance and six E3 events for Pennsylvania food and beverage manufacturers as well as metal manufacturers and fabricators. The grantee will help businesses reduce the amount of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants from entering waste streams by identifying best management practices to improve processes to use raw materials efficiently, increase energy efficiency and water conservation. The project's activities will also educate the next generation of engineering students. ($412,643) |
520 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to breweries and wineries participating via two workshops and develop a Virginia "green guide" documenting P2 best practices in these subsectors. The grantee will also provide technical assistance by holding three webinars for businesses participating in the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP). ($78,684) |
519 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide small and medium-sized businesses in the automotive manufacturing and maintenance and metal manufacturing and fabrication sectors in Virginia with assistance for improving their environmental performance through Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) technical assessments, workshops, and on-site assistance. ($25,200) |
518 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide comprehensive on-site technical assistance to 12 metal manufacturing and fabrication facilities. The grantee will help the facilities reduce the use of toxic materials as well as use of water, energy, and other raw materials, while also lowering their business costs. The grantee will hold five workshops to provide structured training sessions on source reduction techniques, and one conference with themed roundtables will be organized in collaboration with the local and state agencies and industrial partners to synthesize P2 opportunities and solutions that are unique to the metal manufacturing and fabrication businesses. The grantee will also provide off-site technical assistance on P2 best practices. ($217,448) |
517 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Alabama | AL | 4 | Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will identify opportunities to reduce and prevent pollution for food and beverage manufacturers and automotive manufacturers. The grantee will present P2 practices at safety professional meetings and will hold workshops for the Alabama Brewer's Guild and Alabama Automotive Manufacturing Association. The grantee will also conduct on-site technical assessments and suggest methods to reduce water use, wastewater discharge, VOCs and HAPs in air emissions, energy use, and hazardous waste generation. ($63,000) |
516 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Georgia Tech University | GA | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will assist manufacturing communities in the food and automotive sectors. Using an Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) approach, the grantee will help manufacturers reduce hazardous chemical usage, save energy, incorporate renewable energy sources, reduce water consumption, and improve water quality by recommending improvements in processes, technology, equipment, materials, and maintenance activities. The grantee anticipates assisting 10 percent of the total food and automotive industries in Georgia, which represent the two largest industrial employers in the state. ($182,000) |
515 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Kentucky Department of Compliance Assistance | KY | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will encourage pollution prevention, energy efficiency, and waste reduction to support sustainability and improve competitiveness, with an emphasis on distilleries, breweries and automotive manufacturing and maintenance. The grantee will continue to implement the Kentucky Excellence in Environmental Leadership (KY EXCEL) program, which provides education, outreach, and recognition to businesses seeking assistance in developing environmental P2 programs. ($192,000) |
514 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee aims to increase pollution prevention adoption by manufacturers, businesses, and communities through the Economy-Energy-Environment (E3) technical assistance framework and through its environmental leadership program, enHance. The grantee will help manufacturers assess operations and identify opportunities to reduce solid and hazardous wastes, energy, and water consumption. The grantee will conduct six workshops, including enHance Environmental Stewardship workshops to provide training on E3 principles of energy efficiency, lean manufacturing practices, and environmental waste reduction measures. The grantee will partner with Toyota to deliver a workshop designed to address specific E3 opportunities for the automotive manufacturing sector. Resources will be made available through the grantee's P2 webpage and enHance resources website, fact sheets on best management practices and waste reduction opportunities, tools for analyzing P2 opportunities, and E3 case studies. The grantee will also provide on-site technical assistance such as E3 Assessments to manufacturers through a partnership with the Mississippi Manufacturers Association Manufacturing Extension Partnership. ($122,043) |
513 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will work to target high energy consumption processes in diverse facilities within that state of North Carolina for improved efficiency. The grantee will identify no-or low-cost improvements for increased efficiency at the facilities by conducting an engineering analysis. The grantee will also produce an environmental management plan for each facility with recommendations on how to prevent pollution, reduce water and energy consumption, and improve productivity. ($189,241) |
512 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide support to businesses, nonprofits, or government entities that commit to establishing an environmental management system (EMS) or set of measurable environmental performance goals. Participants in the program will receive technical assistance on pollution prevention, EMS development and implementation, compliance assistance, and help with regulatory issues. The grantee will provide training focused on EMS development, hazardous materials and waste usage and generation reductions, energy efficiency improvements, and other environmental best practices. Staff will provide on-site assistance at EMS Team meetings, EMS audits, and other P2 assistance related activities. ($192,000) |
511 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will promote P2 activities within the South Carolina metal industry by identifying sectorspecific issues and possible solutions to the release of metals to freshwater in South Carolina. The grantee will work directly with manufacturers to implement source reduction activities in metal manufacturing and fabrication. ($88,000) |
510 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation | TN | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will partner with Tennessee Sustainable Spirits (TNSS) to provide on-site technical assistance to spirits producers. The TNSS certification program requires participating spirit producers to submit the previous years' utility data, meet a certain number of sustainability practices identified on the program's sustainability checklist, and participate in an on-site assessment. Facilities will be provided with recommendations to increase facility sustainability and reduce pollution. TDEC will work with Tennessee Technological University Industrial Assessment Center to provide three workshops, six webinars, on-site technical visits, and assessments. TDEC will also partner with Middle Tennessee State University's Fermentation Science Program to start an in-facility technical assistance internship program. ($182,000) |
509 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide on-site P2 energy efficiency technical assistance to manufacturing businesses that have been historically underserved in their communities through its Illinois Conservation of Resources and Energy (ICORE) program. The grantee and its partners will identify 30 small-to-medium sized manufacturers that will benefit most from conservation practices that will reduce emissions. Proposed activities include providing a series of workshops, trainings, individualized support, and personalized waste assessments to these businesses to help them develop source reduction plans. ($323,928) |
508 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Michigan Department of the Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | MI | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; and Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide Michigan businesses, manufacturers, and communities with pollution prevention training and assistance to reduce amounts of hazardous materials, substances, and pollutants entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment. The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance and assessments to help businesses and facilities identify opportunities for energy and water efficiency, hazardous materials reduction, and cost savings. The grantee will provide off-site assistance in the form of two webinars and two workshops for partners to learn more about P2 best practices. ($178,810) |
507 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses in the metal fabrication industry. The primary goal of the project is to help businesses to reduce the use of toxic chemical by identifying safer alternatives. The grantee will also help businesses reduce water and hazardous material use; and will provide outreach and educational materials in the form of webinars and presentations to industry. ($72,406) |
506 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Ohio Environmental Protection Agency | OH | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee plans to create and distribute industry specific P2 best management practices based on actual experiences and data collected from organizations participating in its voluntary Encouraging Environmental Excellence recognition program. Ohio EPA estimates that it will recognize 20-40 businesses spanning all five NEAs during the project timeline and will conduct informational interviews and site visits with these businesses to gather information on P2 activities. This information will be used to create five case studies per NEA area, and will be added to the grantee's P2 toolkit database for reference as well as to the grantee's website for public use. In addition, the grantee plans to organize five opportunities for businesses of each NEA to present their pollution prevention strategies and savings. ($36,200) |
505 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will work to reduce the energy consumption, fuel usage associated with the manufacture of frozen food. The team will examine the energy performance of low-temperature freezing systems used in food production facilities and identify strategies to reduce energy consumption. By reducing the energy consumption associated with low temperature freezing systems, the operating cost of the freezing system will decrease, saving the facilities money while enhancing the quality of the frozen products by better managing freezing times and product moisture loss. The grantee will conduct an analysis of facilities' air flow patterns; host a freezing systems best analysis round table/workshop event to identify challenges end-users face with their existing freezing systems; provide on-site technical assistance to assess the current facility performance and identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency; and create a guidance document incorporating all P2 strategies and activities information gained from the assessments and round table event. ($411,963) |
504 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Louisiana State University | LA | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will collaborate with other local partners to assist chemical, metal, and food and beverage manufacturers in identifying P2 opportunities and implement cost-effective and energy-efficient technology-based solutions. The grantee's team will prioritize manufacturing companies in environmental justice communities with historically higher health risks and proximity to contaminated sites. The grantee will partner with its team of technical assistance providers to determine best practices for each industry; provide direct pollution prevention assistance to businesses in the region through both on-site assessments and training; expand awareness of P2 strategies through educational workshops and online videos with TAPs; recognize solutions in an awards ceremony and certification program; and document and share best practices with the network. ($368,000) |
503 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide on-site P2 technical assistance to industries and businesses by expanding its Economy, Energy & Environment (E3) program activities in southern New Mexico and West Texas. The grantee will collaborate with the state's large food and beverage manufacturing sector and develop industry sector-specific case studies that can be accessed via digital and social media platforms. The project will focus on breweries as they relate to the large amounts of energy, chemical cleaners, and water used to produce their products. ($190,386) |
502 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will work with industrial facilities to link environmental issues to core business concerns by teaching P2 techniques as part of an Energy, Economy & Environment (E3) on-site assessments and technical assistance. The grantee will make businesses aware of the relationship between operational performance and the environment to enhance implementation of source reduction projects. The grantee will partner with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, a Texas Manufacturing Extension Partnership center, which will provide on-site technical assistance and training through a public-private partnership that aims to deliver comprehensive, proven solutions to manufacturers. ($368,000) |
501 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will conduct up to 44 facility P2 assessments, prioritizing food manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, users of hazardous materials, and others looking to reduce hazardous chemical use and conserve energy and water. The grantee will also place 14 P2 interns with selected Iowa businesses to help reduce hazardous materials and conserving energy and water. The grantee will also host a series of workshops and webinars to disseminate P2 information through its Strategic Goals Program and its "EMS In Depth" webinar series. ($349,991) |
500 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will pair trained student P2 interns with businesses to provide direct technical assistance by researching current practices and recommending P2 opportunities. The P2 interns and the grantee's staff work with businesses for 10 weeks, then transfer that assistance through presentations at a roundtable and workshop, conferences, case summaries/studies, webinars, and on-site activities to promote replication. PPI will also provide specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities and will produce a video series, "60-seconds to P2" to promote P2 best practices and its P2 technical assistance approaches. PPI will also implement an awareness and recognition project to educate businesses and communities, enabling them to implement P2 practices to improve environmental stewardship by adopting more efficient, sustainable, and protective policies, practices, materials, and technologies. ($350,000) |
499 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Missouri State University | MO | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide on-site provide on-site P2 technical assistance to manufacturers and host training sessions to provide manufacturing personnel with the knowledge and skills to perform their own P2 assessments. The on-site assessments will aim to reduce waste at the source and identify opportunities for improved energy efficiency. Each assessment will generate a process map of the operations with inputs and outputs as well as written report of recommendations, and potential opportunities for student interns to assist with project implementation. ($45,710) |
498 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Nebraska at Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will leverage a partnership with the Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NMEP) and the Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center (NIAC) to provide internship-based, P2 technical assistance to at least eight manufacturers in the food processing and metal manufacturing sectors. The grantee will also develop materials to promote P2 practices for these sectors. The P3 program will also develop materials to promote P2 practices for the food and metal sectors and will provide training in source reduction techniques to college students. ($236,036) |
497 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Colorado Department of Public Health | CO | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication | The grantee will implement an Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) and a P2 internship program that focuses on food and beverage manufacturers and brewery, distillery, coffee roaster, bakery and hemp processing subsectors. The grantee will conduct a minimum of 20 on-site and off-site assessments annually to address energy use, water use, hazardous materials reduction, waste minimization, and cost savings and will create performance summaries for each site. The ELP will conduct 16 technical assessments on-site for potential program partners each year and host an annual awards and recognition event for its partners to showcase successful P2 technique implementation and results. The grantee will partner with Colorado State University to match a minimum of five interns with businesses to work directly with those businesses to utilize recommendations made in the P2 assessment or on-site visits, and work with the company to implement and/or analyze one or more of the recommendations. ($393,783) |
496 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide technical assistance to beverage and food manufacturers to foster increased efficiency and pollution prevention while strengthening partnerships. The grantee will assist businesses in developing replicable, state-of-the-art, lean and environmentally responsible manufacturing plans for their businesses. P2 activities include surveying national brewery industry leaders to identify pollution prevention opportunities and creating a Sustainable Brewery Certification program; a Pollution Prevention Internship program, which will provide students with valuable P2 training and businesses with technical assistance; and the EcoStar Pollution Prevention Award Program, which will recognize small businesses voluntarily taking steps to reduce hazardous and solid waste, maximize efficiencies, conserve energy and water, improve air quality and create a more sustainable model for businesses. ($498,217) |
495 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Arizona State University | AZ | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide technical assistance to the food and beverage manufacturing and processing and aerospace product and parts manufacturing and maintenance businesses to reduce water and energy use. The grantee will develop a protocol for virtual site assessments and deliver four virtual assessments, including recommendations and follow up. The grantee will also develop three online training courses, including course on assessing water and energy use for food and beverage manufacturers and processors, a course on using water sensors, and a course that transfers lessons learned from the grantee's food and beverage work to the aerospace industry. ($376,344) |
494 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | University of California at Berkeley | CA | 9 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication | The grantee will research safer chemical alternatives to perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in the carpet and food packaging industry sectors and educate manufacturers on their findings via webinars and roundtable meetings. The project seeks to inform these industries about the hazards found in formulations, tools to use in performing alternative and chemical hazard assessments, training in how to use the tools, and case studies of safer substitutions and a broad methodology for finding alternatives. ($194,832) |
493 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Western Nevada College | NV | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide training and technical assistance to 25 food and beverage manufacturers and another 20 businesses in auto repair and maintenance. The grantee will also encourage manufacturers and businesses to join a statewide green business program that hosts P2 trainings for brewers, generalized P2 for food manufacturers and automotive repair and maintenance shops. ($345,108) |
492 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will aim to reduce hazardous material use and air emissions in aircraft and automotive maintenance and metal fabrication. It will provide direct technical assistance to facilities that use high volatile organic compound or persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic solvents to encourage a changeover to safer alternatives and employ Spray Efficiency Techniques and Research (STAR) training. The grantee will hold P2 workshops for manufacturing businesses, utilities, local governments, and the public; a minimum of 170 direct technical assistance efforts for waste reduction; and a minimum of 50 technical assistance efforts targeting air emissions reductions. The grantee will also offer the Green the Green Belt internship program targeting food processing and aerospace manufacturing sectors. The grantee in partnership with TechHelp Idaho and North Idaho College's aerospace program will train the targeted sectors on Lean Six Sigma tools, as well as pair interns with participating companies to identify opportunities for waste reduction, facilitate the collection of data from those teams, conduct data analysis, make improvement recommendations, and report on adopted measures and outcomes. ($190,000) |
491 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | OR | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will implement an internship program that places students with businesses in the advanced manufacturing, food and beverage, and seafood processing sectors to conduct P2 research. The grantee will also train agency staff and businesses on assessing and selecting safer alternatives and approaches to reduce toxics. The grantee will offer the Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center's Transitioning to Safer Chemicals Course, alternatives assessment training to support implementation of the Toxics Free Kids Act, and training for government purchasing officials and commercial product vendors on the use of EPA Safer Choice. Continuing with work carried out from a previous P2 grant, the grantee will complete Phase II of the Metals Outreach Initiative by offering P2 best practices and tools, providing off-site technical assistance, and facilitating training and collaboration opportunities for 50 businesses. In partnership with the Pollution Prevention Resource Center, the grantee will also enhance Oregon's EcoBiz certification program. Five new partners will receive guidance on implementation of the certification program for automotive businesses. ($335,950) |
490 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2020-2021 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will partner with Washington State University Extension Energy Program and Food Northwest to conduct energy audits and environmental assessments to six to ten businesses. The grantee will also partner with Impact Washington to address the use of hazardous substances and emission of hazardous air pollutants for four to six businesses. Food Northwest will work with WDOE to provide pH training to 10 to 20 businesses in the food and beverage sector. The grantee plans to conduct visits to food processors to for Cleaning-in-Place system optimization and to identify opportunities that significantly reduce the use of the ozone-depleting refrigerants. In partnership with Pollution Prevention Assistance, the grantee will award Safer Brake Cleaner vouchers to 50 general automotive repair businesses in the state. In collaboration with the Toxics Use Reduction Institute lab, the grantee will collect ten before and after amounts of cleaning solvents to find safer alternatives for cleaning samples of parts that are currently cleaned with hazardous solvents. The grantee will also provide green chemistry training to K-12 students and teachers in Washington state and nonprofit entities. In addition, in partnership with the Pollution Prevention Resource Center, the grantee will conduct up to 20 virtual reality spray efficiency trainings. ($305,742) |
489 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | New York State Pollution Prevention Institute | NY | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee in partnership with Cornell University's Vinification & Brewing Laboratory will launch a pollution prevention (P2) assistance initiative focused on wineries in Western and Central New York. The objective is to increase P2 activities and awareness, and measurably improve the environmental footprint of the wine industry sector. The grantee plans to do this by creating a P2 indicator checklist, conducting 40 remote or on-site visits to collect baseline data on energy and waste produced by these wineries, and five on-site technical assistance projects. Additionally, the grantee will develop outreach materials to promote the environmental results program. ($174,946) |
488 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Delaware State University | DE | 3 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication | The grantee will work with several industry and agency partners to present a model for water and energy conservation in the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industry that includes facilitating pollution prevention education, informing local industry of the disparity between water supply and demand, creating a regional partnership network, and encouraging a culture of conservation. This project will employ real-time monitoring in manufacturing facilities to detect corrosion, microbial activity, salt content, and other contaminants that can adversely affect water and energy consumption. ($43,536) |
487 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Slippery Rock University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Processing and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide four food and beverage manufacturers within the greater Pittsburgh area with industrial assessments recommending actions that will minimize operating costs and reduce the use of water, energy, and hazardous substances in their processes. The grantee will also create a new intern pollution prevention program and will develop a best management practices training manual as part of this effort. ($72,146) |
486 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Northampton Community College | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will assist businesses in reducing their environmental footprint, operating expenses, and liability risk by promoting sustainable economic development, encouraging good corporate citizenship, and delivering a cleaner, safer environment. The grantee aims to demonstrate that providing for a healthy economy and a healthy environment are not mutually exclusive goals by promoting P2 technical assistance as an effective business development strategy. The project will target businesses in Pennsylvania's ozone nonattainment counties to decrease human exposure to pollutants that contribute to the severity of respiratory diseases. ($72,146) |
485 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Illinois at Chicago | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide four industrial facilities with no cost on-site energy and waste technical assistance. The grantee will engage both plant engineers and corporate staff during assessments to demonstrate the economic and environmental viability of P2 projects. Student engineering interns will be assigned to the facilities to help amplify P2 best practices. Students will be trained on how to incorporate EPA P2 tools and best practices to use in the assessments. ($95,000) |
484 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; and Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will provide on-site pollution prevention and energy efficiency technical assistance to businesses to reduce hazardous materials use and waste, reduce air emissions and water pollution, as well as conserve water and save money. Where unique or novel solutions arise, the grantee's staff will identify, document and/or demonstrate technology solutions and highlight findings in factsheets for dissemination throughout the relative sectors and the P2 community. ($99,168) |
483 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance; and Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will help Iowa businesses and industrial facilities improve their environmental performance by providing four P2 internships and produce three videos demonstrating use of P2 monitoring equipment. Videos will feature a P2 staff person demonstrating the use of a piece of equipment, explaining the equipment's purpose, and how it is used in P2 projects. The videos will also discuss how to apply the data once collected to make a P2 recommendation. The grantee will also conduct on-site assessments, follow up assistance, and other general outreach for businesses. Businesses will also benefit from the grantee's workshop series, annual webinar, electronic P2 Resources Library, and P2 Infohouse. ($93,000) |
482 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will partner with Spirit AeroSystems environmental to provide direct technical assistance that will result in replicable P2 best practices, and significant environmental, economic, and behaviorchange outcomes. The grantee will help Spirit Aerosystems establish an advisory board to reduce solvent use. PPI will provide Spirit with on-site technical assistance from trained specialists and P2 interns. The grantee will also work with Spirit to create training videos and host trainings at the International Aerospace Environmental Workgroup, at K-State, and at the Kansas Environmental Conference. ($132,000) |
481 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Boulder County | CO | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will help food and beverage manufacturing companies transition to "source reduced" packaging. The grantee will develop source reduced packaging, defined as reusable, recyclable, and compostable, that reduces toxic pollutants, use of water, energy, and other raw materials, while supporting more sustainable business models. Work will include working with consultants and stakeholders to gain more knowledge about the challenges and opportunities with sustainable packaging for food products. In addition, the grantee will provide technical assistance training to two or three companies for a pilot study to select packaging redesign materials and develop a life cycle analysis tools to measure project outcomes. ($105,000) |
480 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | greenUP! | NV | 9 | Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication; Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication | The grantee will provide a series of online trainings to promote P2 strategies and help chemical and metal manufacturers in Nevada implement pollution prevention techniques that will reduce hazardous chemical use and waste. The grantee's internship program will enlist University of Nevada Reno (UNR) engineering students and will identify projects that will result in the reduction or elimination of hazardous substances generated. The grantee anticipates recruiting 30 manufacturers through marketing programs, create two sector-specific promotional videos to help recruit manufacturers, prepare training modules to be presented online, conduct trainings with follow-up calls and recommendations, and conduct a minimum of two projects with businesses to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals. ($160,000) |
479 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2020-2021 | Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; Auto Manufacturing and Maintenance | The grantee will conduct P2 activities in partnership with states in EPA Region 10 to reduce the use of chemicals regulated under the Toxic Chemicals Control Act (TSCA) such as perchloroethylene (PERC), trichloroethylene (TCE), methylene chloride (MC) and n-propyl bromide (nPB), which are commonly used in auto repair. The grantee will provide webinar trainings, meetings and roundtable conferences, industrial on-site assessments, and educational resources such as checklists, fact sheets and case studies. The grantee will give P2 assessment training to interns and project participants, assisting as necessary with on-site P2 assessments, and advising participating businesses and interns. The grantee will conduct one webinar in safer alternatives in auto repair in the first year of the project, and a second webinar targeting breweries for P2 technical assistance in wastewater in the second year. ($119,872) |
478 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses throughout Connecticut using P2 tools at the town and regional level; provide on-site technical assistance to health care, lodgings, and manufacturing facilities; hold P2 business roundtables for skilled nursing facilities; and develop P2 training and written materials for businesses using hazardous chemicals. ($180,000) |
477 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Southern Maine | ME | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to improve and measure environmental performance in Maine's craft beverage industry by reducing pollutants. Grant recipient will also develop a new brewer metrics P2 calculator. ($71,200) |
476 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Massachusetts, Lowell | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will hold webinars, use P2 tools, provide follow-up technical assistance, and hold a conference to promote awareness and adoption of P2 to reduce chemical use, waste generation, and use of natural resources in breweries, dairy production, and seafood processing in MA and other states (in New England and within other regions). ($169,340) |
475 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide P2 technical assistance to New Hampshire brewery industry to reduce the volume of brewery discharges of wastewater pollutants, as well as implement energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction projects. ($180,000) |
474 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | Grant recipient will provide P2 trainings and educational material, which will address the hazards of conventional cleaning chemicals, and offer recommendations on environmentally-preferable chemical cleaning agents to the janitorial community in Rhode Island and southern New England. Education and training will focus on: human exposure, fate and transport in the environment, efficacy of green cleaning products, and source reduction techniques. ($110,000) |
473 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will address Vermont's P2 needs by implementing the Vermont Green Business Program, administering the Vermont Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence and P2, and assisting dairy product processors with on-site assessments, technical assistance, and process improvements. ($180,000) |
472 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJ | 2 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will address technical challenges in P2 and source reduction in metals recovery from waste lithium-ion batteries by: incorporating scientific research; supporting the development of new educational modules for professional trainings of students and industrial workers; supporting annual workshops as well as surveys and interviews with local business; and utilizing partnerships with private firms, academia and governmental agencies – e.g., New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. ($225,000) |
471 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will assist the pharmaceutical, food, and allied industries within Region 2 in applying source reduction, resource conservation, P2, and sustainable business practices using a student-faculty-industry partnership involving undergraduate and graduate-level environmental and chemical engineering programs. ($289,361) |
470 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Puerto Rico | PR | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide training to the food manufacturing industry in Puerto Rico to assist this sector in improving their environmental footprint using source reduction protocols to reduce the consumption of water, electricity, and use of hazardous materials. The grant recipient will also reduce the discharges of wastewaters and the generation of solid wastes from their facilities. ($59,330) |
469 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Delaware | DE | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide on-site energy and waste assessments for food and beverage manufacturing and processing facilities in Region 3. These will include one to two-day site assessments with documented findings, recommendations, and cost-effectiveness information to plant managers and operators. The grant recipient will also provide follow-up to assist plant decision-making for recommended measures. ($223, 232) |
468 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | DC Department of Energy and Environment | DC | 3 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance to auto body/repair shops through the GreenWrench program, manage a green certification program, provide P2 training at technical schools, and provide guidelines and recommendations for products that use environmentally-preferable chemicals. |
467 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Processing and Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will help businesses implement environmental management systems (EMSs), provide P2 assistance to food and beverage manufacturers, advise small businesses on P2, and recognize businesses within Maryland's Green Registry. ($180,000) |
466 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance by holding Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) events for Pennsylvania food and beverage manufacturers encouraging the adoption and implementation of source reduction approaches to save money by reducing resource use, expenditures, and waste while at the same time reducing food manufacturers' environmental footprint in Pennsylvania. The grant recipient will also have university engineering students participate on the project. ($320,000) |
465 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Processing Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will manage the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program, provide technical assistance to small businesses, and support the Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards Program and the Virginia Green Travel Star Program. ($80,000) |
464 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing | Grant recipient will provide P2-focused technical assistance and training to food and beverage manufacturing and processing facilities in West Virginia. The grantee will conduct on-site assistance; facilitate and manage workshops; and publish e-newsletters targeted at facilities to encourage the use of environment–friendly processes and products, the reduction of raw materials, and increased efficiency in facility supply-chains and/or sale operations. ($200,000) |
463 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Alabama | AL | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to State Indirect Discharge permit holders and the receiving publicly/privately-owned-treatment works in Tuscaloosa County. The project will look at critical aspects of water and wastewater management data and practices to find opportunities to prevent or reduce pollution. ($65,600) |
462 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance and enhance statewide recognition programs for lodging facilities and schools with an emphasis on energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, indoor air quality, and hazardous materials source reduction. ($132,000) |
461 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Georgia Tech | GA | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Food and Beverage Manufacturing | Grant recipient will support "Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia," a coordinated federal and local technical assistance initiative to help Georgia manufacturing communities in the automotive and food sectors focus on sustainability. The grant recipient will also conduct P2 assessments and offer training on the environmental and health benefits of adopting environmentally-preferable chemical alternatives in manufacturing supply chains. Process improvements will also be considered. The grant recipient will also enlist support from the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership. ($138,300) |
460 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection | KY | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will support ongoing P2 technical assistance services to Kentucky businesses/facilities. Activities will encourage source reduction approaches in the distilling and craft brewing industries in Kentucky. The focus will be on energy and water efficiency and conservation practices utilizing a combination of themed P2 roundtables and meetings, training, best management practices identification and communication, and direct technical assistance. ($138,300) |
459 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will provide waste reduction and P2 training and assistance to state industries and businesses using the Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) technical assistance framework to assess operations and identify opportunities to reduce solid/hazardous wastes, energy/water consumption, and discharges to air/water. The work will be conducted through on-site technical assistance and web-based tools focusing on food and beverage manufacturing and supporting an environmental leadership recognition program. ($138,300) |
458 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will reduce pounds of pollution, conserve water, and save energy through lean and green practices in food and beverage industries in North Carolina. The grantee will conduct eight on-site P2 diagnostic assessments, four regional seminars, and four one-day training workshops on P2, lean 100, and environmental and energy management. ($138,100) |
457 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | Grant recipient will manage an Environmental Leadership Program and offer on-site pollution prevention technical assistance, regional events, and/or trainings. ($138,100) |
456 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | Grant recipient will focus efforts on source reduction (P2) training for manufacturers in South Carolina. Broad training will occur in classroom/workshop settings. More in-depth training tailored to specific businesses will occur during on-site visits. Results will be measured in follow-up surveys/interviews and will be used to write best practice white papers tailored to various industrial sectors. These will be archived and disseminated through the university's Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) website. ($106,400) |
455 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Tennessee Department of Conservation | TN | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, roundtables, and support to Tennessee manufacturers, state agencies, and municipalities to achieve measurable results in P2 and associated cost savings. Project emphasis will be placed on food and beverage manufacturing and processing with NAICS codes 311 and 3121 and Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) registered manufacturers. This program will also recognize outstanding environmental leaders and best practices through the Tennessee Green Star Partnership (TGSP), Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards (GESA) program, and the newly formed Tennessee Sustainable Spirits (TNSS) Recognition program. ($138,100) |
454 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Tennessee | TN | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA; Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance for the food manufacturing sector. The project will work with food manufacturers that agree to comprehensively review P2 opportunities that positively impact water and air. ($60,500) |
453 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Illinois, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center | IL | 5 | Grant recipient will identify and implement water, energy, and hazardous materials reduction opportunities in food and beverage manufacturers (30 P2 assessments will be conducted). Two of the 30 assessments will be conducted in partnership with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (providing LEAN assessments) and the Energy Resources Group (providing additional energy efficiency assessments). ($338,549) | |
452 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Indiana Department of Environmental Management | IN | 5 | Grant recipient will identify chemical reductions in 15 facilities in partnership with the Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership. The waste stream mapping process will be used to identify waste and P2 opportunities at industrial facilities, including TRI facilities. ($135,000) | |
451 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | The grant recipient will receive training through the Toxic Use Reduction Institute on ways to identify and replace trichloroethylene (TCE) with other solvent options. The training will be hosted by the grantee and extended to all Region 5 state technical assistance providers. Once trained, the grantee in partnership with Minnesota's Technical Assistance Program will target 10-20 TCE users to identify alternatives through solvent testing and technical assistance. At least four TCE users are expected to implement alternative solvents. ($109,583) | |
450 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | In partnership with the Center for Innovative Food Technologies the grant recipient will provide technical assistance to 30 food and beverage manufacturers, provide two seminar training in source reduction techniques to Ohio manufacturers, and assist the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network in providing comprehensive P2 planning and implementation efforts statewide. ($220,314) | |
449 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | Grant recipient will target 10 food and beverage manufacturing facilities with ammonia refrigeration systems in partnership with the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium. Five candidate sites will be selected to identify and reduce ammonia leakage from industrial refrigeration systems. The grantee will develop a guidance explaining methods for calculating ammonia inventory in real-time (to detect leaks) and best practices for identifying and eliminating fugitive leaks. A webinar will be provided to illustrate best practices and lessons learned. ($208,622) | |
448 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | Grant recipient will motivate businesses to improve efficiency of their operations, resulting in cleaner land, air, and water by using broad and several targeted approaches to reduce chemical use, energy consumption, and waste. ($67,077) | |
447 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Louisiana Tech University | LA | 6 | Grant recipient will use Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments for manufacturers throughout Louisiana. The grantee will also conduct on-site assessments and lead workshop trainings. ($112,584) | |
446 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | Grant recipient will conduct lean and green activities for New Mexico businesses and manufacturers, continue the Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) program outreach, provide training to businesses, continue a P2 recognition awards program, and collaborate with New Mexico Brewers Guild and The Borderplex Alliance. ($279,685) | |
445 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Texas, Arlington | TX | 6 | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance and training to promote source reduction using Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments and P2 techniques. The grantee will conduct site visits, workshops, use material life extension "matchmaking," and disseminate P2 practices through conferences and its website. ($450,790) | |
444 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Grant recipient will conduct 44 P2 assessments and 14 P2 internships in Iowa industrial facilities, pilot a series of three community-focused hazardous materials source reduction workshops incorporating P2 strategies, and continue an environmental management system in-depth workshop series that offers EMS training to Iowa companies looking to develop an EMS or improve an existing EMS. ($333,633) | |
443 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Grant recipient will make specific source-reduction technical assistance available to businesses through P2 internships, on-site assistance, and training. Workshops and roundtables that use a community-based approach to hazardous materials source-reduction activities will provide specific training and opportunities to expand P2 to new industry partners. New and historical implemented P2 strategies will be evaluated and published to increase industry P2 replication. ($296,000) | |
442 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Nebraska, Lincoln | NE | 7 | Grant recipient will reduce water and energy use, wastewater generation, and other waste streams through process assessments of Nebraska businesses, focusing on food processors. This project will build source reduction capacity to analyze complex industrial processes through a partnership with the Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center, and P2RIC. The proposed tasks will result in businesses obtaining a detailed evaluation of a process and to educate six upper-level engineering students over the two-year project. ($148,932) | |
441 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Grant recipient will expand the reach of the Environmental Leadership Program, support on-site assessments and training customized to the needs of the food and beverage manufacturing and processing sector, and enhance local partnerships and recognize superior environmental achievements of Colorado businesses. ($280,554) | |
440 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Grant recipient will provide Montana small businesses in the food and beverage industry with on-site technical assistance and training. Services will include best management practices, awareness of environmentally preferable chemicals, hosting and facilitating P2 roundtables, application of source reduction techniques, and awareness of community-based P2 initiatives. The grant recipient will also support the National Center for Appropriate Technology whereby clients will receive energy audits to identify energy conservation opportunities, as well as support enhancements to the EcoStar P2 Award program, website, the MT Material Exchange, and the P2 Resource Library. ($494,926) | |
439 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance audits and recommendations with a focus on food and beverage manufacturers and processors throughout Wyoming. The grantee will work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Wyoming Business Council, and the University of Wyoming Manufacturing Works to implement audit findings. The grantee will also complete follow-up audits to determine impacts of energy efficiency recommendations implemented. ($40,300) | |
438 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Arizona State University | AZ | 9 | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to food and beverage manufacturing facilities to assess their water and energy use. The project will also build a network of food and beverage personnel to share best management practices. ($312,150) | |
437 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Pala Band of Mission Indians | CA | 9 | Grant recipient will provide replicable training and technical assistance to eight businesses for two tribes focusing on the reduction of hazardous and chemical substances, energy, water, and related costs. ($238,200) | |
436 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | University of California, Berkeley | CA | 9 | Grant recipient will produce and disseminate a replicable best practices methodology for the chemical assessment of Stereolithography (SLA) printing resins and alternative formulas. ($374,213) | |
435 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Knik Tribal Council | AK | 10 | Grant recipient will perform at least 24 on-site technical assistance assessments, complete follow-up technical assistance from the site visits, and support businesses who strive to accomplish the Green Star® Award and Certification process. ($299,060) | |
434 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Grant recipient will provide outreach and technical assistance to businesses on low-volatile organic compound brake cleaners, spray efficiency, and alternatives to methylene chloride and N-methylpyrrolidone. The project will support core P2 programs that include Clean Air Zone, Idaho Chemical Roundup, and the Idaho Environmental Guide. In addition, the grantee will partner with TechHelp, the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center, the University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab, and Boise State University to provide P2 technical assistance to a variety of food processers. ($189,000) | |
433 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality | OR | 10 | Grant recipient will implement an Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience Internship Program that places students with businesses to conduct on-site P2 research, train Oregon agency staff and businesses on assessing and selecting environmentally preferable chemicals, green chemistry approaches, and supporting regional pilot projects for priority chemicals and industry sectors through the Safer Chemical Alternatives Training and Assessment Pilots. The grant recipient will also engage businesses and partners to design the first phase of a technical assistance outreach program, the Toxics Reduction Outreach Initiative for Metal Finishing, Coating and Manufacturing. This activity will identify chemical and process alternatives and promote source reduction within the sector, targeting reductions in the use and emissions of chemicals. ($250,447) | |
432 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2018-2019 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Grant recipient will expand business technical assistance and staff training on environmentally preferable chemicals, interstate green chemistry collaboration, and source reduction opportunities for communities; increase the availability of chemical hazard assessments tools and alternatives assessments for businesses; support regional and national efforts on creating a community of alternatives assessments providers; promote awareness of environmentally preferable products; host Kata lean training events in partnership with Impact Washington and identify supply chain P2 opportunities; plan and conduct regional roundtables; and utilize spray efficiency trainings that use "virtual paint" equipment developed by IA Waste Reduction Center to reduce hazardous substance use during painting at businesses. ($395,739) | |
431 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Erie County Department of Planning & Environment | NY | 2 | Grant recipient will work with the Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable (SBR) and partners to encourage business to adopt clean production and launch Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) chemical education and training. ($100,000) | |
430 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | New York State Pollution Prevention Institute | NY | 2 | Grant recipient will offer P2 tools to craft breweries to reduce water and energy use, which will involve conducting 10 on-site assessments and assisting with one implementation of a P2 solution, which will serve as a case study. A guidance document will be created as a tool for other breweries to "self-implement" P2 strategies. The grant recipient will also host a summit to disseminate best practices and provide a forum to exchange ideas and network with environmental experts. ($99,758) | |
429 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Illinois, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center | IL | 5 | Grant recipient will provide on-site pollution prevention technical assistance through training, education, and demonstration of innovative techniques to Illinois food and beverage manufacturers to encourage water conservation, reduce energy and chemical usage, and reduce business costs. ($99,762) | |
428 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Minnesota | MN | 5 | Grant recipient will target three businesses and will utilize their fleet of vehicles to create an economic and environmental P2 project that aims to help businesses apply for grant or loan funding to retrofit or replace diesel powered transport refrigeration units with refrigeration units capable of operating on electricity during periods of stationary operation. The project encourages air quality reduction of PM2.5 (fine particulate matter), NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides), and other air pollutant emissions resulting from operating refrigeration units using diesel power while parked at their home base. Project partners will also develop a procedure for replicating this work at additional facilities to increase its impact beyond the project period. ($57,350) | |
427 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | City of Albuquerque | NM | 6 | Grant recipient will reduce emissions of specific air pollutants from the metal fabrication and metal finishing sources in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. ($123,500) | |
426 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | University of Texas, Arlington | TX | 6 | Grant recipient will improve the environmental footprints of businesses and /or local governments through the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems (EMSs) in EPA Region 6. The grantee will perform and promote its work through on-site training, research development and dissemination of P2 practices through the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Network, and local or national conferences. ($66,881) | |
425 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Grant recipient will develop and implement a chemical toxics reduction program to carry out P2 technical assistance through research, investigations, training and studies to disseminate business-based P2 solutions with an emphasis on eliminating the use of harmful chemicals and reduce hazard exposure to local communities. ($170,108) | |
424 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Montana Department of Environmental Quality | MT | 8 | Grant recipient will provide on-site Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments to Montana's Food and Beverage Industry. Assessments will target emission, waste, and water processing/discharge reductions, as well as potential energy efficient upgrades to facilities. A minimum of one facility will be selected for installation of an innovative solution/technology to implement an identified process upgrade. ($98,308) | |
423 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance audits and recommendations to interested parties for energy use reduction and other P2 related activities. These technical assistance audits will focus on food and beverage manufacturers and processors throughout the state. The grant recipient will work in association with the Wyoming Business Council and the University of Wyoming Manufacturing Works, and local energy providers to implement audit findings. Grant funding will be used to complete follow-up audits to determine impacts of energy efficiency recommendations implemented. ($54,625) | |
422 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Western Nevada College | NV | 9 | Grant recipient will launch a green business pilot program for Nevada. Thirty manufacturers in food processing and electronics that include Hispanic communities will be trained on chemical alternatives, water reduction, energy efficiency, and environmental best practices. Ten Western Nevada College interns will be trained to conduct on-site visits and provide technical assistance to these manufacturers. Outcomes will be measured by creating a statewide environmental outcomes database for Nevada as part of this project. ($180,000) | |
421 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Okanogan Conservation District | WA | 10 | Grant recipient will attempt to reduce high concentrations of air pollutants and carbon emissions by providing local community leaders with technical assistance and environmental safer alternatives to burning landscaping debris. The grant recipient will also investigate barriers and alternatives to burning debris for public agencies. ($53,549) | |
420 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | Grant recipient will perform six activities—for four of the six activities the recipient will partner with EPA region states (AK, ID, OR and WA) to reduce exposure to chemicals. The other two activities will support environmental services requested by PPRC's state partners, the Clean Boating Foundation and the Northwest Marine Trade Association. The grant recipient will also develop a case study analysis, perform research, provide training and education, and use research studies. Project results and data will be captured, reported, and replicable regionwide. ($191,104) | |
419 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2018-2019 | Sustainable Living Center | WA | 10 | Grant recipient will engage businesses through the $mart Business Partners Program to address cost benefits of reducing energy and water along with toxic materials and waste. ($65,000) | |
418 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will address energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from nursing facilities, provide P2 and climate resiliency assistance to businesses, develop outreach materials (newsletters and case studies), and support a green lodging project and energy efficiency activities at Connecticut hotels. ($160,000) |
417 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Massachusetts, Lowell | MA | 1 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will reduce energy, water and chemical use in the food and beverage manufacturing and processing sector with an emphasis on seafood processing and dairy pasteurization businesses. ($80,000) |
416 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will promote a reduced environmental footprint for the hospitality industry through energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction projects, and also promote stormwater P2 by helping businesses throughout New Hampshire install rain gardens. ($160,000) |
415 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will evaluate aboveground storage tanks for P2 and risk preparedness within high risk, flood-prone coastal communities that are subject to storm surge and projected sea level rise in Rhode Island. ($129,080) |
414 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses through Vermont's Green Biz Program using outreach/assistance on food processing and manufacturing; address regulatory issues for dairy processors (providing assistance with water and energy use, as well as reducing chemicals in cleaning); and assist conditionally exempt hazardous waste generators in applying compliance guidelines using P2 methods. ($159,697) |
413 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | College of New Jersey | NJ | 2 | State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide training on reducing hazardous chemicals to businesses located in flood-prone areas of New Jersey, develop best management practices and outreach material, and train and offer technical assistance to governments and businesses in New Jersey. Project results will be disseminated through the Sustainable New Jersey Certification program and promoted nationally through a network of sustainability organizations. ($197,023) |
412 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | NJ | 2 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will train high school students in Cape May County, New Jersey on water conservation techniques. Students will provide technical assistance to businesses on water conservation practices and products. The project will focus on Cape May County aquifers threatened by saltwater intrusion. ($104,000) |
411 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide P2 assistance to the Nestle Corporation facility by implementing green engineering strategies to reduce water, energy use, release of hazardous materials, and business costs. The recipient will also develop case studies and host seminars to disseminate best management practices and share results through presentations and publications. ($98,335) |
410 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Puerto Rico, Jardin Botanico South | PR | 2 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide P2 technical assistance to a rural community and local water service cooperative to reduce water and energy use, as well as reduce use and release of hazardous materials and realize cost savings. ($164,956) |
409 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez | PR | 2 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide P2 outreach to businesses by offering best management practices on water conservation, energy efficiency, and stormwater management using P2. The project will target restaurants, beauty salons, and auto body shops, based on pollutants of concern identified in EPA's Stormwater Management Plan. Grant recipient will also develop sustainability tools that can be replicated elsewhere in Puerto Rico. ($283,709) |
408 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Maryland Department of Environment | MD | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to Maryland businesses by establishing a green team that will develop annual P2 goals to monitor and record how food processors adopt and implement P2 techniques; set up a P2 internship program, whereby interns offer P2 technical assistance to participating businesses; and recognize businesses' P2 activities through Maryland's Green Registry. ($160,000) |
407 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) events to Pennsylvania manufacturers with an emphasis on helping the food industry to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). ($180,000) |
406 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will expand and enhance outreach through Virginia's P2 programs –Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP), Virginia Tourism program, and Governor's Environmental Excellence Award program – by encouraging participation and offering technical assistance on how to identify the problem and apply P2 methods. ($48,000) |
405 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide Virginia food manufacturers with assistance in improving environmental performance through environmental assessments, workshops to reduce GHGs, and Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) technical assessments. ($90,000) |
404 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | West Virginia University | WV | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will deliver on-site Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments targeting energy, environment, and process waste; provide post-assessment recommendations using the P2 Knowledge Center; and promote the implementation of P2 activities. ($180,000) |
403 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Georgia Tech | GA | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will coordinate a federal and local initiative to help a Georgia community adopt sustainability practices. P2 assessments and training will be delivered to teach green principles to achieve process improvements and enhance environmental performance using energy efficiency and reduce GHGs. ($160,000) |
402 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance and Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center | KY | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will develop and deliver targeted technical education and assistance to encourage GHGs reductions, water conservation, P2 integration, energy efficiency, and waste reduction to support sustainability and improve competitiveness. ($160,000) |
401 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide waste reduction training and technical assistance to businesses and industries using Mississippi's newly revised Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) technical assistance framework. Project focus will be on food manufacturing and processing sector. ($155,510) |
400 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide P2 audits, on-site training, and technical assistance to food and beverage industries in North Carolina as well as reduce pounds of pollution, conserve water, and save energy through Lean and Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) practices. Project results will be used to develop resources/tools to "green" North Carolina's food and beverage production. ($136,491) |
399 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will manage an environmental leadership program, offer on-site P2 technical assistance, and sponsor regional P2 events and/or trainings. ($160,000) |
398 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Clemson University, South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, and Duke Energy will form a partnership to perform Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessments using energy efficiency and Lean and Green technical assistance techniques for small and medium-sized manufacturing firms. ($98,300) |
397 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation | TN | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, and roundtables while supporting Tennessee businesses, government entities, food, pet, and other manufacturing sectors to reduce GHGs. The recipient will recognize outstanding environmental leaders through Tennessee's Green Star Partnership and Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award program. ($190,165) |
396 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Illinois, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center | IL | 5 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to 30 facilities in underserved communities, with a focus on targeting food manufacturers. Six facilities will receive technical assistance from the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center and Energy Resources Group to identify and implement additional process improvement and energy efficiency strategies within the facility. ($329,465) |
395 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to four-to-six facilities in food processing industry using Toxics Release Inventory data and form a partnership with University of Minnesota's Technical Assistance Program to evaluate cleaning procedures for reducing the usage of chemicals. The recipient will also identify water conservation opportunities (leak reduction, hot water use optimization) and facilitate partnerships between a food processor, local utilities, and an engineering firm to conduct one large-scale refrigeration audit to reduce ammonia leaks and energy use. ($94,626) |
394 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to 30 small and medium-sized Ohio businesses, deliver four seminar trainings in source reduction techniques to Ohio manufacturers, and assist the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network in providing P2 planning and implementation efforts statewide. ($223,744) |
393 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will partner with University of Arkansas to conduct a P2 internship program to enlist engineering students, support the Zero Waste Network in delivering P2 101 training to businesses, provide site assistance visits to Arkansas businesses, and evaluate the effectiveness of Arkansas' Environmental Stewardship Award and Environmental Technology Award programs. ($85,000) |
392 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Louisiana Tech University and Life City | LA | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will expand the Value Louisiana program to reduce the use of chemicals and provide source reduction assistance to chemical or food manufacturers participating in the Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) program through on-site assessments and workshops. ($85,000) |
391 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | New Mexico Environmental Department | NM | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide on-site environmental assessments, P2 trainings, and source reduction project assistance through a P2 internship program as well as develop a sustainability management plan for Rio Rancho Public Schools. ($50,000) |
390 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will perform new and continue existing multimedia P2 activities with New Mexico's businesses, industry, and communities. The recipient will also continue: Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) program outreach and training with partners in TX; Lean and Green activities with food manufacturing sector and others; and IEE's Environmental Design Contest to recognize P2 efforts. ($184,000) |
389 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | OK | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide assistance to small businesses in Oklahoma by offering waste reduction, energy efficiency, site assistance visits, waste management, compliance, technical assistance, workshops, training, and tools for improving environmental performance. ($120,000) |
388 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Texas, Arlington | TX | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) and P2 techniques to businesses; develop and enhance source reduction approaches through engaging state, local, and business partners with local communities; and continue existing partnership with New Mexico State University to implement E3 projects in El Paso and Las Cruces, Texas. ($348,890) |
387 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will conduct 44 P2 assessments and 12 P2 internships with businesses interested in environmental management system (EMS) protocols, initiate two environmental management system workshops to help achieve reductions in GHG emissions and hazardous materials, and assist food manufacturers in reduction of environmental impacts while producing cost savings. ($297,232) |
386 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will make technical assistance available to businesses through P2 internships, on-site assistance, and training. Implemented strategies will be published to increase project transferability. The recipient will also conduct and facilitate a P2 business roundtable for food processors and other businesses using trichloroethylene (TCE). The roundtable will train businesses to seek environmentally preferably chemical alternatives by using P2 methods. ($297,791) |
385 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Missouri | MO | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will disseminate P2, renewable energy, and sustainability education through undergrad training as well as offer P2 services and assistance to Missouri business development program and the University's College of Engineering. ($87,127) |
384 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Nebraska, Lincoln | NE | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will focus on reducing energy use and other waste streams through assessments for Nebraska's businesses, increase capacity to analyze industrial processes through partnership-building, and include P2 education for five students and five internships. ($136,592) |
383 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will fund an environmental leadership program and P2 program, provide technical assistance and outreach to businesses, and integrate P2 concepts into regulatory framework and further develop state-wide use of P2 concepts. ($196,161) |
382 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Montana Department of Environmental Quality | MT | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance to Montana businesses and local governments on energy and resource efficiency. Energy assessment reports will be developed to implement resource efficiency measures and practices. ($250,000) |
381 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will fund existing P2 infrastructure, including Ecostar's P2 award program for small businesses, provide technical assistance and training on solar hot water systems use, and create a P2 Potential Partners workshop. ($285,077) |
380 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will fund existing efforts to help promote and provide P2 practices, tools, and training to businesses to reduce or eliminate hazardous chemicals utilizing the Toxics Release Inventory and P2 database as a resource and tool. ($91,572) |
379 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will fund P2 audits in food processing and manufacturing facilities, specifically focusing on slaughterhouses and meat processing facilities. ($44,188) |
378 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Bureau of Department of Environmental and Coastal Quality | MP | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses on source reduction opportunities, identify tools to support conserving resources, and conduct workshops to assist businesses in understanding sustainable practices. ($250,000) |
377 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | AZ | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will expand outreach activities and technical assistance to Arizona facilities by partnering with University interns to target the hotel and hospitality industry in Arizona and promote reductions in waste, energy and water. ($146,385) |
376 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | California Air Resources Board | CA | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will partner with the California Green Business Network to deliver in-person P2 technical assistance and training to small businesses, including food manufacturers. ($173,479) |
375 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Nevada, Reno | NV | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide statewide on-site technical assistance to businesses to prevent pollution and technical assistance to Clark County and Washoe County school districts to reduce hazardous custodial cleaning products. ($261,000) |
374 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Knik Tribal Council | AK | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and chemicals. Source reduction will be accomplished through the Green Star Award/Certification Program. Project will focus on dry cleaning, automotive repair, seafood processors, and brewery sectors. ($186,136) |
373 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses in targeting GHG refrigerants and promoting the Clean Air Zone and Anti-Idling program. Green chemistry outreach through business workshop/roundtables and Green Belt Lean courses to food processors will be offered. Recipient will also develop and post project case studies. ($189,000) |
372 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | OR | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will support green chemistry projects by expanding Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) efforts, offer ODEQ staff and businesses training on environmentally preferable chemicals, and support a P2 internship program. ($202,724) |
371 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2016-2017 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance and training on the use of environmentally preferable chemicals training, conduct technical assistance visits, and perform chemical hazard and Lean assessments. ($298,122) |
370 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Erie County Department of Planning & Environment | NY | 2 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance in P2 to western New York businesses to carry out four projects, which will coordinate company screening and selection for technical assistance projects; conduct site assessments at manufacturing facilities throughout western New York; provide outreach and technology transfer of P2 techniques; and perform program metrics, reporting and evaluation. ($259,964) |
369 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | DC Department of Energy & Environment | DC | 3 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide pollution prevention/source reduction technical assistance to auto body and mechanic shops in the District of Columbia to reduce pollution. ($149,453) |
368 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Virginia Green Travel Alliance | VA | 3 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | Grant recipient will provide air emission reductions and energy efficiency opportunities to the restaurant industry by networking with Mid-Atlantic sustainability resources and organizations to provide technical assistance and education opportunities, as well as initiate projects addressing environmental topics for the industry. ($60,000) |
367 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Louisville | KY | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide educational and technical assistance in green engineering to Kentucky's small and medium-sized manufacturers to minimize material and energy use, promote sustainability, prevent pollution, reduce waste, and increase cost savings to manufacturers. ($130,000) |
366 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Land of Sky Regional Council | NC | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | The grant recipient's Waste Reduction Partners (WRP) will assist Cherokee businesses by offering energy efficiency strategies to reduce air emissions. The recipient will also work with partners to leverage financial resources and facilitate a community engagement program to include: workshops, on-site survey, and mentoring assistance for businesses statewide. ($80,000) |
365 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | National Center for Manufacturing Sciences | MI | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will conduct P2 pilots at Detroit metal plating facilities to identify new innovations; survey metal finishing facilities; conduct P2 audits for facilities based on survey results; and develop a reference book containing P2 options categorized by topic and metal finishing processes, as well as a guide for implementation and measurement. ($88,380) |
364 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | University of Minnesota | MN | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to small (10-20) and large (2-6) businesses in Minneapolis to identify sources of air emissions using Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data and permit reviews, develop strategies to reduce air releases into surrounding neighborhoods, and initiate efforts to implement reduction options. City of Minneapolis' resources will be used for analyzing public business records and air monitoring data as a source for financial assistance to encourage project implementation. ($155,020) |
363 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology (ICAST) | Multi-State | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will conduct a demonstration project for greening existing multifamily affordable housing properties to make them more efficient and help reduce air emissions. ($126,855) |
362 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Manomet | Multi-State | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide surveys/workshops and on-site training for 30-40 grocery stores in Region 6. The recipient will survey and implement best management practices to reduce energy use and prevent greenhous gas emissions (GHGs) and reduce hazardous materials. Each on-site visit will be personalized to deliver one-on-one training. ($126,000) |
361 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Iowa Dept of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions; Food Manufacturing and Processing and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will identify six P2 internships for an Iowa Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) project and provide source reduction assistance to TRI reporters. The grant recipient will also hold a TRI presentation as part of a P2 compliance-based workshop. Activities will be used to reduce environmental impacts while producing significant cost savings. ($169,556) |
360 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Manomet | Multi-State | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will support P2 training and assessments for grocery stores in Region 8 using surveys, employee training, and research. ($118,780) |
359 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions | Grant recipient will fund activities that include baseline audits and provide training to local small businesses, while continuing to promote environmental stewardships through the state's recognition and awards program. ($59,646) |
358 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Manomet | Multi-Region | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to the grocery sector by delivering on-site environmental assessments and employee training. During this process, the grantee will assess 40 grocery stores, train store and corporate office staff on energy and water conservation techniques, and encourage behavioral change and implementation. ($120,000) |
357 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Okanogan Conservation District | WA | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will conduct community demonstration projects to reduce open backyard burning practices; provide technical assistance to fruit tree growers; and work with partners to develop and implement an outreach plan to reduce particulate matter 2.5 emissions from residential and agricultural vegetative burning in Okanogan County, including the Colville Reservation. ($33,681) |
356 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2016-2017 | Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention | WA | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation – Prevention of GHG Emissions and State/Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | Grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses in Region 10, including auto body repair shops, to promote conversion from solvent-based to water-based paints and coatings to reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions; support a Region 10 P2 roundtable; develop P2 factsheets and webinars; and facilitate outreach and communications with states. ($95,000) |
355 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials | The grant recipient will perform the following activities: 1) encourage energy efficiency for nursing homes; 2) work with drycleaners to reduce toxics and greenhouse gas emissions by replacing traditional drycleaning services with environmentally-preferred professional wet cleaning; 3) publish the P2 View: A Pollution Prevention Newsletter; 4) administer the Connecticut Green Lodging/Tourism Program to bring at least 10 new hotels into the program; 5) foster continuous improvement in P2 by improving website information, web-based resource tools and outreach materials; and 6) coordinate with Connecticut's Climate Change office and other state programs to integrate P2 and sustainability into the state's climate action and resilience strategies for businesses. ($80,000) |
354 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance | MA | 1 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will work with state regional planning agencies to educate local emergency planning commissions and facilities handling and storing hazardous chemicals to incorporate toxics use reduction into their emergency preparedness plans. This effort will aim to reduce risks of chemicals released into the environment due to extreme weather events or floods. ($142,000) |
353 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will: 1) work with 37 micro-breweries in New Hampshire to help reduce waste and minimize energy and water use, and; 2) provide climate change mitigation and preparedness training for hazardous waste generators in the state. ($80,000) |
352 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will perform the following activities: 1) manage Vermont's environmental leadership program for small businesses; 2) administer the Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence and Pollution Prevention; and 3) provide outreach and assistance to the food manufacturing sector targeting 400 food processing and manufacturing businesses. ($80,000) |
351 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Rutgers University | NJ | 2 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to small and mid-sized businesses in the food-manufacturing sector with a focus on food production, processing, storage, and distribution in Newark and the surrounding region. Businesses will receive assistance in ammonia refrigeration and other refrigeration alternatives, guidance on conducting energy efficiency assessments, and strategies for increasing water conservation practices. The recipient will work with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Small Business Environmental Assistance Program and food industry associations to reach sector businesses. ($79,234) |
350 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Pennsylvania State University, PennTAP | PA | 3 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to manufacturers, including one E3: Economy, Energy and Environment assessment, with a focus on food manufacturers, as well as offering P2 training to engineering interns. ($90,000) |
349 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide P2 outreach and training and on-site technical assistance. ($40,000) |
348 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide E3: Economy, Energy and Environment and other technical assistance to manufacturers with a focus on food manufacturers. ($60,000) |
347 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will conduct three projects to provide technical assistance and enhance statewide recognition programs for marina, lodging and school sectors with an emphasis on reducing hazardous waste released from storms or floods. The grant recipient will also train universities and local government staff on P2 and promote environmentally-preferred cleaning products. ($79,327) |
346 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Georgia Tech University | GA | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will perform the following activities: 1) support the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia – a coordinated federal and local technical assistance program and 2) conduct P2 assessments and training on green principles to enhance environmental performance through energy efficiency and improved resource usage. ($80,000) |
345 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection | KY | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and education related to: (1) Toxics use and greenhouse gas reductions, (2) Resource and water conservation, (3) Promoting P2 integration, and (4) Using energy efficiency and waste reduction techniques to support sustainability and improve competitiveness. ($80,000) |
344 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide waste reduction training and technical assistance to businesses and industries in the state. The environmental stewardship program will use the E3: Economy, Energy and Environment technical assistance framework to assist manufacturers with assessments of operations to reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent pollution. ($72,807) |
343 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | NC | 4 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will support the environmental stewardship initiative to manage an environmental leadership program and offer: technical assistance, regional events on P2 and training opportunities. ($80,000) |
342 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will support a two-year partnership with the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University, the Department of Industrial Engineering at Clemson University and Duke Energy. The partnership will perform E3: Economy, Energy and Environment assessments that include energy, Lean and green technical assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in South Carolina. ($80,000) |
341 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation | TN | 4 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, roundtables and support to Tennessee businesses, government entities and food manufacturers. This work will be aimed at achieving measurable results in P2 while also reducing costs and focusing on climate change, as it relates to greenhouse gas reductions in the food manufacturing sector. The program will also recognize outstanding environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star program. ($80,000) |
340 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing | The grant recipient will work with Illinois industrial facilities (including food manufacturers) and communities to conserve energy, reduce water consumption and wastewater generation, reduce carbon emissions and save money. In addition, it will help facilities identify and implement practices and technologies that reduce hazardous materials and waste. The grantee will partner with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center to bring Lean assessments into the P2 and energy work. ($133,000) |
339 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will conduct an E3: Economy, Energy, and Environment pilot to provide direct technical assistance on painting and coating processes used in manufacturing to achieve natural resource (water and materials) reductions, time, motion and energy efficiencies, and cost savings. In addition to working with manufacturers engaging in painting and coating processes, the grantee will work with the manufacturers' supply chains. Environmental, energy efficiency and Lean assessments will be provided. The grantee will follow up with companies participating in the pilot to determine steps that were taken as a result of the assessments and the outcomes. ($75,000) |
338 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing | The University of Toledo's Department of Engineering and its partners, Center for Innovative Food Technology, or CIFT, and TechSolve, an organization that provides consulting services to manufacturers, will achieve greenhouse gas reduction, toxic and hazardous materials reduction, and resource conservation by holding no-cost seminars and using graduate-level interns to assist with P2 assessments at small- and medium- sized businesses in the food, service and manufacturing sectors in Northwest Ohio. ($46,888) |
337 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Wisconsin State Energy Office | WI | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Through a contract with Sustain Dane, a not-for-profit organization based in the Dane County/Madison area, the Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation will provide technical assistance to businesses in the greater Madison area. The MPower Business Champions Program with Sustain Dane will utilize state and local resources to support businesses to implement P2 practices, including energy efficiency, while saving costs. During the two-year grant, Sustain Dane will target 25 businesses that will identify, document, and implement a series of projects. A total of 125 technical assistance projects will be led during the grant period. ($102,190) |
336 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing, State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to cheese manufacturers and printers based on facilities that have reported source-reduction practices in EPA's Toxic Release Inventory Database, develop a scoping study to determine heat-loss prevention opportunities in Wisconsin manufacturing facilities, identify Wisconsin manufacturers in or near floodplains that are at risk for spills/releases, and offer P2 assistance for safer substitutions or reduced use of materials in those areas at risk. ($142,804) |
335 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will perform the following activities: 1) partner with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to develop a summer P2 internship program for engineering students; 2) partner with the Zero Waste Network to present P2 101 training; 3) continue to partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on E3: Economy, Energy and Environment projects and the bimonthly Putting Green to Work lunch series; 4) conduct P2 site assistance visits to Arkansas businesses – specifically, targeting food manufacturers; and 5) evaluate the Arkansas Environmental Steward Award applications. ($36,481) |
334 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | University of Texas at Arlington/Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center | TX | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will use technical assistance and training to promote source reduction through the use of E3: Economy, Energy and Environment and P2 techniques with partners in EPA Region 6. The plan calls for developing and enhancing source-reduction approaches by engaging state, local and business partners. The grant recipient will also continue its partnership with New Mexico State University providing E3 assessments for businesses in the El Paso and Las Cruces areas of Texas and New Mexico. ($103,000) |
333 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Otoe-Missouria Tribe | OK | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will provide training and technical assistance for seven tribal businesses and three departments within the tribal government. Training topics include P2, energy use awareness, energy and water conservation and chemicals and hazardous materials. ($38,000) |
332 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | New Mexico Environment Department | NM | 6 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide on-site environmental assessments, P2 trainings, and source-reduction project assistance. Grant funding will also support the state's environmental recognition program, the Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program and the P2 Intern Program. ($77,519) |
331 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | New Mexico State University – Institute for Energy and the Environment | NM | 6 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will support new and existing approaches by: 1) continuing Lean and Green activities with the manufacturing sector; 2) continuing E3: Economy, Energy and Environment program outreach and training – working collaboratively with partners in Texas; 3) introducing E3 activities into New Mexico's food manufacturing sector; and 4) continuing to collaborate with the New Mexico Environment Department's Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program and P2 internship program. ($54,729) |
330 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will conduct 22 P2 assessments and partner with Iowa's food manufacturers to identify and implement P2 opportunities through four P2 internships. ($135,454) |
329 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment | KS | 7 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will partner with Kansas State University to provide a P2 internship program with a food manufacturing focus, provide direct technical assistance to businesses and raise P2 awareness and recognition within the business community. Project outputs will include P2 internships, site visits with P2 recommendations, P2 awards and P2 sessions at Kansas' Environmental Conference. ($159,449) |
328 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will focus on the beef processing industry to assist at least three food processing manufacturers in measuring and mapping their water and energy use and wastewater production; allocating costs and identifying relevant waste reduction strategies. ($76,414) |
327 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will support the Beyond Compliance Award and Recognition Program and a P2 program, including P2 technical assistance and outreach to businesses, integration of P2 concepts and regulatory framework and development of state-wide use of innovative P2 concepts. ($119,400) |
326 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will support the Ecostar Pollution Prevention Award program for small businesses, promote new initiatives that offer technical assistance and training on solar hot water systems, and will create a P2 Potential Partners workshop. ($165,059) |
325 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will help businesses adopt and implement P2 tools and techniques and provide technical assistance to water utilities to reduce storm water pollution. ($94,041) |
324 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to agricultural businesses – six swine and dairy concentrated animal feeding operations and a beet sugar processing facility to analyze energy use and provide recommendations to increase energy efficiency and create an energy management plan. ($64,309) |
323 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | AZ | 9 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will expand outreach activities and technical assistance to Arizona facilities required to submit P2 reports based on Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) by partnering with student interns from Arizona State University. ($161,561) |
322 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | California Air Resources Board | CA | 9 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will provide in-person technical assistance and training for businesses in under-served and disadvantaged areas as identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency's CalEnviro Screen version 2.0. The program will increase participation from businesses representing under-served and disadvantaged communities (DACs) where green business programs exist. The recipient will also establish a new California certified green business program in a DAC city or county. ($107,517) |
321 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Knik Tribal Council | AK | 10 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses, support the Green Star Communities Program and Green Star Business Certification program – focusing on breweries and housing management. ($96,300) |
320 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses, support E3: Economy, Energy and Environment projects, green chemistry, refrigerant alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support the Green Air Zone program, a green chemistry school certification program and the Idaho Environmental guide. ($85,000) |
319 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Portland State University | OR | 10 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance for idle reduction and electrification for food distributor companies with refrigeration units. ($95,000) |
318 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2015 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Food Manufacturing and Processing and Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will provide training for businesses and Washington State Department of Ecology staff on toxics use reduction, safer chemical alternatives and chemical hazard assessments. ($105,700) |
317 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | New York State Restaurant Association Educational Foundation | NY | 2 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide P2 technical assistance to restaurants in areas at risk of climate change impacts during storms or other catastrophic events. The recipient will work with New York City food manufacturers and restaurants to reduce hazardous materials in their cleaning and pest control practices by conducting group and on-site trainings, and by designing brochures and hosting webinars. The primary targets are businesses in communities that are highly susceptible to flooding, such as Red Hook, Brooklyn and the Rockaways. The recipient will share lessons learned from trainings in New York City with members of the Puerto Rican Restaurant Association. The recipient will also continue to provide green restaurant training to 350 restaurants to assist them in reducing water and energy consumption, reduce hazardous material releases, and realize cost savings. A green restaurant handbook will be distributed to restaurants through the recipient's website. In addition, the recipient will offer training to restaurants on sustainability planning. ($34,750) |
316 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Manomet | Region-Wide | 2 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance to approximately 40 Wakefern grocery store managers in EPA's Region 2 area on applying best management practices. The training will focus on energy conservation and reduction of the generation and release of hazardous materials. The stores will receive instructional workbooks specifically tailored to the particular grocery stores. The recipient will also provide on-site technical assistance to approximately five dairy farm managers on energy conservation and reduction of the generation and release of hazardous materials. The dairy farms will receive hands-on workbooks specifically tailored to the particular dairy farms. In their technical assistance to grocery stores and dairy farms, the recipient will also promote their use of EPA voluntary programs such as GreenChill, Food Recovery Challenge, WasteWise and Energy Star. ($33,894) |
315 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Villanova University | PA | 3 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will determine methods to improve energy efficiency in corporate and educational dining facilities. ($35,972) |
314 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Penn State University | PA | 3 | State or Community Based Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will promote the reuse of solvents to reduce hazardous materials. ($25,000) |
313 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection | KY | 4 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will encourage the development of sustainable food systems and promoting green practices to those involved in the production, transport, use and reuse of local food. The recipient plans to develop a farm certification program through the KY EXCEL program to help recognize producers who are working to identify source reduction opportunities. ($45,000) |
312 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | University of Tennessee | TN | 4 | Food Manufacturing and Processing | The grant recipient will fund source-reduction technical assistance and guidance to a food manufacturer over a two-year period. The assistance will enable the participating firm to develop and implement a source- reduction playbook and scorecard that can serve as a guide for other food manufacturers across the country. The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services, in partnership with several state universities and other service providers, will provide technical assistance and use this experience as a basis for future training and assistance for the food manufacturing sector. ($45,000) |
311 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will identify and implement water and energy reduction measures in industrial facilities located in Cook and DuPage counties, focusing on environmental justice communities. P2, Lean, and energy efficiency assessments will be conducted for five facilities. The Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center will conduct Lean assessments; utility companies, ComEd and Nicor will conduct energy efficiency assessments. ($61,750) |
310 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | TechSolve | Region-Wide | 5 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will recruit and train student interns to provide P2 technical assistance to 12 businesses. The grantee will also conduct 24 bi-monthly manufacturer roundtables that will serve as an educational, community-based forum to discuss approaches to hazardous materials source reduction. ($52,250) |
309 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will conduct research using a new ring-carbonyl-containing zeolitic imidazolate to advance low-cost carbon capture and storage that will help alleviate the threats from global climate change. ($52,353) |
308 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will focus on newer hydraulic fracturing (fracking) techniques, seeking up-to-date source techniques for these operations; provide outreach and education to companies; and develop methods for upstream oil and gas producers to reduce pollution at the source. ($96,368) |
307 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will conduct three P2 internships to assist Iowa industry to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and provide a webinar for instruction and assistance in reducing GHG emissions. ($65,053) |
306 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | NB | 7 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance for Nebraska agricultural producers to reduce water, energy use for pumping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater nitrate contamination. Work will be accomplished by using P2 educational tools and resources and assistance from three student interns. ($59,845) |
305 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Yellowstone Teton Clean Energy Coalition | WY | 8 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will increase electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, including education and outreach on P2 techniques to visitors and residents. ($67,207) |
304 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Clean Water Fund | Region-Wide | 9 | Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | The grant recipient will: reduce the use of disposable tableware at large catering operations; develop a calculator to measure greenhouse gas reductions from implemented changes; and develop environmentally preferable purchasing guidelines to reduce toxics in disposables tableware. ($55,298) |
303 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2015 | Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction | The grant recipient will: host and facilitate the annual Region 10 Roundtable; provide technical assistance to Region 10 states on E3: Economy, Energy and Environment resources and tools, outreach and communication strategies; and manage state and community-based projects that focus on reducing toxic materials released into the environment. ($117,600) |
302 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will work to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from health-care facilities; reduce toxics in cleaning products in schools; publish P2 View and Your Environmental Connection quarterly newsletters; promote green lodging; develop case studies on water conservation for businesses; and support greening of state government initiatives. ($80,000) |
301 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | University of Massachusetts, Lowell | MA | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will integrate P2 practices into the visual arts business community. ($69,181) |
300 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 and compliance assistance outreach to small businesses generating hazardous wastes and will offer energy efficiency and waste reduction assistance to the hospitality and grocery sectors. ($80,000) |
299 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management | RI | 1 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will enhance an existing P2 program targeting environmental sustainability within the turf management industry. ($61,000) |
298 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to the vehicle service and repair sectors, manage Vermont's environmental leadership program for small businesses and support and administer Vermont's statewide environmental excellence awards program. ($80,000) |
297 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will assist the specialty chemical industry in source reduction, P2 and green engineering design through their engineering clinic outreach program. The grantee will build upon a previous P2 grant that focused on pharmaceutical companies and will apply its expertise to specialty and performance chemical manufacturing sectors by providing P2 technical assistance to a DuPont facility in New Jersey. The grantee and DuPont will work to reduce hazardous solvent waste within the DuPont facility's batch-based processing. The grantee will also collaborate with DuPont to publish a case study to share lessons learned with stakeholders in the specialty chemical industry. ($90,383) |
296 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Rutgers University | NJ | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will develop an on-line portal of geospatial mapping tools that identify industrial facilities for P2 technical assistance in New Jersey. The geospatial tools will allow state, federal and local government agencies, communities and P2 technical assistance providers to identify industrial facilities that may be especially vulnerable to releases and discharges of hazardous materials due to storm surges. The grantee will work with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Rutgers Small Business Development Center to apply these geospatial tools to target and implement P2 technical assistance within vulnerable facilities. ($117,279) |
295 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Empire State Development | NY | 2 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will establish a Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable that will serve as a central resource to assist western New York businesses in reducing their environmental impact. The grantee will collaborate with the Erie County Department of Environment Planning (ECDEP) to provide training and P2 technical assistance to businesses. The grantee and ECDEP will work with businesses to create sustainability plans and will assist businesses implementing them in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease hazardous material generation, improve water conservation and realize cost savings. ($179,630) |
294 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 services and recognition to Maryland businesses, support P2 internships, and provide environmental management training and outreach to minor league baseball stadiums and vehicle maintenance facilities. ($101,520) |
293 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Pennsylvania State University | PA | 3 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will support manufacturers in implementing a green engineering materials management plan to promote reuse of high-value solvents. ($180,000) |
292 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will promote the Southwest Virginia Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) framework and provide E3 assessments to businesses. ($50,000) |
291 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | University of Alabama | AL | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide on-site training opportunities through the University's P2 intern program. Through the program, interns will provide P2 technical assistance to Alabama manufacturers on addressing operational efficiencies through energy and environmental waste reduction activities. ($65,000) |
290 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will utilize services of retired engineers to provide P2 technical assistance to local businesses to help enhance Florida's Green Lodging and Clean Marina programs. ($45,000) |
289 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Georgia Tech University | GA | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will renew and expand Georgia's P2 Partners Program. The grantee will also collaborate with the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership to encourage industries, utilities, communities and other institutions to reduce pollution, conserve water and improve energy performance through technical assistance. ($60,000) |
288 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance | KY | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver P2 technical assistance and education on toxics and greenhouse gas reductions, resource and water conservation and promote P2 integration of energy efficiency to support sustainability efforts and improve local business competitiveness. ($70,000) |
287 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will provide waste reduction training and P2 technical assistance to industries – focusing on automotive suppliers; manage an Environmental Leadership Program; provide energy efficiency workshops for commercial business sector and provide on-site Economy, Energy and Environment assistance for Mississippi industries to Lean and Green their operations. ($65,000) |
286 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 audits and follow-up P2 technical assistance to the brewing and wine industries in North Carolina. ($55,000) |
285 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | North Carolina DENR- Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach | NC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will continue to manage its Environmental Leadership Program, offer Lean and Green on-site training and support regional P2 events. ($70,000) |
284 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Clemson University | SC | 4 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will collaborate with Duke Energy to perform P2 and Lean and Green assessments for non-residential customers of Duke Energy. ($40,000) |
283 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation | TN | 4 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, and symposia and support Tennessee facilities, government entities and nonprofits to achieve environmental results in P2 while reducing costs. The grantee will also recognize outstanding environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star Partnership Program. ($40,000) |
282 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois | IL | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will identify and implement water and energy reduction measures in municipalities and industrial facilities in East St. Louis, Illinois. The grantee will also conduct 13 site assessments to assist companies establish best management practices baselines and goals for implementing P2. Two of the 13 facilities participating in the assessments will also participate in an Economy, Energy and Environment assessment. ($116,137) |
281 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Michigan Department of Environmental Quality | MI | 5 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will provide Economy, Energy and Environment P2 technical assistance to eight small manufacturers and integrate environmental management system protocols into P2 technical assistance planning. Two training workshops in toxics use reduction and environmental management systems will be offered to manufacturers. Under this project, manufacturers will work to reduce operational waste, water usage, hazardous substances and energy costs. ($84,320) |
280 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance and training to 12 small and medium-sized businesses in Ohio. The project supports P2 planning and implementation statewide through the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network which works to improve awareness of environmental and economic benefits statewide. ($96,966) |
279 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | University of Wisconsin's Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center | WI | 5 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will catalog and use data provided in EPA's Toxic Release Inventory database and similar environmental databases to target companies that report significant wastes/processes/emissions. The grantee will then use this information to offer P2 technical assistance to these companies wishing to improve their environmental performance. ($66,914) |
278 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality's (ADEQ) Pollution Prevention (P2) program will partner with the department's Hazardous Waste Division to provide source reduction training in six locations around the state. The director of the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable will present P2 101 training. The P2 program will partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on Economy-Energy-Environment projects and the bimonthly Putting Green to Work lunch series. P2 site assistance visits will be provided to Arkansas businesses. ADEQ's P2 Program will bring in a speaker to promote the Green Sports Alliance at the Arkansas School Plant Management Association's annual conference. The Arkansas Environmental Stewardship Award applications will be evaluated. ($40,390) |
277 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | New Mexico State University – Institute for Energy and the Environment | NM | 6 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will continue its partnership with the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) to collaboratively provide training and outreach on efficient manufacturing practices ("lean") and related P2 and energy efficiency practices ("green") for the manufacturing sector in New Mexico. Under this partnership, the grantee proposes on-site assistance on issues to locally owned and operated hospitality facilities in rural New Mexico. The grantee will also continue to administer the Economy, Energy and Environment framework to deliver outreach and technical assistance to the manufacturing sector in New Mexico and west Texas. ($141,922) |
276 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | University of Texas at Arlington – Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center | TX | 6 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee and its statewide Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers will conduct "Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) Plus" site assistance which adds a chemical alternatives assessment and material life review at six sites in the Region 6 area, which includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. The grantee will also propose to continue delivering E3 Program outreach and technical assistance to the manufacturing sector in New Mexico and west Texas, with assistance from New Mexico State University. This partnership also includes the New Mexico MEP, and the New Mexico Environment Department Pollution Prevention Program, with the anticipation to expand the partnership to other agencies engaged in the E3 Memorandum of Understanding. The grantee will also work with the national and regional partners to create one new training module, which can be used to train industry on source reduction techniques using material life extension. ($198,688) |
275 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will conduct 22 environmental assessments by collaborating with Iowa's publicly owned treatment work facilities through its P2 internship program. Interns will assist large-scale industrial manufactures by identifying and implementing P2 opportunities to reduce industrial discharges. ($150,000) |
274 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Kansas Department of Health & Environment | KS | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses; work with facilities within the healthcare sector to implement environmentally preferable purchasing; educate the public on P2 by promoting a P2 conference; offer P2 recognition awards; and publish a P2 newsletter. ($100,000) |
273 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | The Curators of the University of Missouri | MO | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will coordinate communication activities, services development and delivery of the Missouri's Economy, Energy and Environment framework to food producers and manufacturers. The grantee will also work to disseminate P2 and renewable energy education through workforce development programs delivered by community colleges; and integrate P2 services and assistance through the statewide Missouri Business Development Program and the University of Missouri's College of Engineering. ($99,979) |
272 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Board of Regents, University of Nebraska- Lincoln | NE | 7 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will promote water use reduction and associated energy costs to lessen the risk of nitrate contamination in groundwater. Tasks will include: (1) agricultural irrigators implementing an irrigation water management plan which includes monitoring water in soil to determine when and how much water to apply, (2) gauging what to estimate trends in crop water use, and (3) evaluating the system in terms of energy efficiency. The grant also will support to two P2 interns who will provide technical assistance to businesses. ($122,375) |
271 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Board of Regents, University of Nebraska – Omaha | NE | 7 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will measure the motivations, barriers, action and knowledge regarding environmentally preferable purchasing among distributed purchasers at five colleges / universities. It will provide training and measure implementation of environmentally preferable purchasing, which includes source reduction. ($40,100) |
270 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will: 1) continue efforts to reduce the release and volatilization of nitrogen compounds and ammonia from agricultural sources by implementing the second phase of an early warning system to predict up-slope conditions that will inform agricultural producers on ways to integrate P2 best management practices; 2) track and evaluate the effectiveness of their activities by analyzing behavioral changes.3) provide P2 and environmental management system P2 technical assistance to environmental members and potential members of leadership programs who commit to going beyond environmental compliance to achieve significant environmental benefits and incorporate P2 into regulatory programs. The focus will be placed on high impact sectors – e.g., entertainment venues and national parks. ($100,833) |
269 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will: 1) create, maintain and promote a localized building social forum site to spread awareness of P2 issues; 2) organize and market P2 in a residential building webinar series covering best management practices case studies and topic areas, including hazardous/special waste reduction, sustainable design, energy efficiency and material reuse; and 3) continue to support existing core P2 initiatives including the Ecostar P2 Award Program for small businesses, Montana Material Exchange Program, Montana Sustainable Agriculture and Economy listserv. ($147,462) |
268 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will: Promote cost-effective energy efficiency actions, best management practices, metrics and measurement tools for water utilities and businesses regulated by the department. Promote participation in the grantee's Clean Utah Program, provide P2 technical assistance to members to establish environmental improvement projects and promote tools for tracking and reporting metrics and support an award recognition program. Continue to develop and promote P2 tools and resources to businesses on the grantee's BizHelp website targeting auto salvage yards, municipalities and industrial sites. ($89,972) |
267 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | California Air Resources Board | CA | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will collaborate with the California Green Business Program (CAGBP) to increase environmental outcomes of its P2 program activities; revitalize the process for issuing environmental certifications to businesses; and expand the geographic reach of the grantee's P2 program in cities and counties within California. ($180,000) |
266 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Department of Toxics Substance Control | CA | 9 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide manufacturers, industry and retailers with training on alternatives analysis process and tools to reduce chemicals of concern in priority consumer products. ($105,000) |
265 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Board of Regents, University of Berkley | CA | 9 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will combine P2 technical assistance with workforce training to help businesses reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in products and manufacturing and provide career experience in green chemistry and chemical selection to prospective chemists, engineers, product designers and environmental health scientists. ($115,406) |
264 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Board of Regents, University of Nevada | NV | 9 | Hazardous Materials Source Reduction Approaches in States or Communities | The grantee will provide businesses with rapid-response source reduction and P2 assistance, target specific sectors for preventing pollution and will incentivize business efficiency by initiating a merit-based environmental recognition awards program. ($190,000) |
263 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Alaska Department of Environmental Quality | AK | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance with a focus on hospitality; support Economy, Energy and Environment and Green Star assessments; provide business certification with a new emphasis on greener alternatives and green chemistry). ($91,000) |
262 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will support Economy, Energy and Environment assessments, encourage safer solvent alternatives, promote Clean Air Zone, promote green chemistry curriculum development and environmentally preferable purchasing in schools. ($85,000) |
261 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Portland State University | OR | 10 | Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing | The grantee will expand the Eco-Biz certification for landscapers and automotive service sectors to include additional communities. ($102,000) |
260 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2014 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting TSCA | The grantee will conduct P2 site assessments, support Economy, Energy and Environment and Technical Resources for Engineering Efficiency (TREE) assessments and provide safer chemistry technical assistance to businesses. ($104,000) |
259 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | New York State Pollution Prevention | NY | 2 | The grantee will collaborate with the Alliance for Manufacturing and Technology to implement green engineering solutions at manufacturing companies located in the southern region of New York. The grantee will focus their outreach on manufacturers of fabricated metal products, machinery and printing products. The grantee has identified four companies within the aforementioned industry sectors that will explore green chemistry and green engineering opportunities as a method to reduce or eliminate the use of solvents and acids. ($44,377) | |
258 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership | MD | 3 | The grantee is introducing the concept of Energy, Economy and Environment to Maryland businesses through engaging employees at all levels of the company and providing technical assessments. ($75,000) | |
257 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | The grantees is expanding the opportunity for Energy, Economy and Environment technical assessments to eleven additional Virginia counties. ($75,000) | |
256 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Georgia Tech University | GA | 4 | The grantee will expand the Georgia Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) initiative by training local businesses on source reduction tools, Lean and Green principles and E3 concepts that will introduce them to information and tools to reduce hazardous waste, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, energy consumption, and associated business costs. The grantee will also launch a P2 project to encourage industries, utilities, communities and other institution to reduce pollution, conserve water, improve energy performance, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and realize cost savings using P2 practices. ($30,000) | |
255 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Southface Energy Institute | GA | 4 | The grantee will work with local businesses participating in green and energy efficiency programs in Georgia's southeast region to quantify, track and report energy and water reductions and associated greenhouse gas emissions, and realize cost savings using P2 practices related to new construction and existing residential projects. Performance results will be shared with industry stakeholders, governmental agencies and the public to increase environmental awareness of P2. ($39,188) | |
254 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection Division of Compliance Assistance | KY | 4 | The grantee will target and train Kentucky colleges (in particular small, independent colleges) on P2 concepts and tools to help them reduce environmental impacts at their collegiate sporting venues. The training will provide environmental assessments that offer P2 technical assistance on conserving energy and water usage, reducing solid and hazardous waste, reducing nonpoint source runoff and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ($40,000) | |
253 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Indiana Department of Environmental Management | IN | 5 | The grantee will conduct an Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) assessment to support sustainable manufacturing. Targeted manufacturers will learn to reduce waste, water usage, hazardous substances and energy costs. The grantee anticipates conducting five to 11 E3 assessments. ($96,670) | |
252 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois | IL | 5 | The grantee will collaborate with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center to assist industrial facilities (located in South Cook County) in implementing P2 by using the Economy, Energy and Environment framework as a guide. ($53,147) | |
251 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Regents of the University of Minnesota | MN | 5 | The grantee will target 10 - 25 business facilities to introduce them to safer degreasing solvents using EPA's Program for Assisting the Replacement of Industrial Solvents (PARIS III) tool to identify safer chemical alternatives. ($29,927) | |
250 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences (located in Massachusetts) | Region-Wide | 6 | The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to the grocery sector within EPA Region 6 by providing train-the-trainer workshops and P2 assessments. ($66,365) | |
249 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Value NOLA | LA | 6 | The grantee will implement an Economy, Energy and Environment pilot project in Southeast Louisiana. ($80,520) | |
248 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center | Region-Wide | 8 | The grantee will work with Small Business Development Centers located in Region 8 (among other partners) to provide educational information on shale energy supply chain opportunities and the importance of considering the Energy, Environment & Economy (E3) framework when starting or growing a business. The grantee will transfer knowledge to Region 8 states where there is also current and proposed shale activity. The project will be delivered in two phases. Phase I will include shale energy supply chain sustainability education through workshops using the E3 framework. Phase II will include conducting E3 assessments at two to three selected small to medium manufacturers in Region 8. ($25,000) | |
247 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Denver Housing Authority | CO | 8 | The Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver (DHA) will use the grant for funding for Sun Valley District Energy and Infrastructure Planning project. The area of study includes Sun Valley Homes, DHA's largest public housing development. DHA will use funding to assist in the analysis and design for district energy and district infrastructure solutions. This work will include modeling for alternate district based energy solutions and green infrastructure measures with small region impacts and solutions. ($25,000) | |
246 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Yellowstone – Teton Clean Energy Coalition | WY | 8 | The grantee will provide three workshops, one webinar and provide financial assistance to promote alternative fuel vehicles and introduce P2 strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The grantee will target the hospitality industry and the national parks in Greater Yellowstone. ($31,332) | |
245 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2014 | Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | The grantee will support eight P2 projects that include: sponsoring a P2 Regional Roundtable; providing businesses with P2 coordination planning; conducting Economy, Energy and Environment assessments; promoting EcoBiz and safer chemical usage, supporting the Puget Sound Stormwater project, Green Sports activity, and helping to update the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange website. ($147,000) | |
244 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Conservation | CT | 1 | The grantee will provide P2 and compliance assistance to the health care industry (including nursing homes); provide Pit Stops P2 Training for state agency inspectors of vehicle repair stations (including state agencies with repair facilities); publish the P2 View newsletter and Your Environmental Connection electronic newsletter; provide training to the Connecticut green lodging and green tourism industry; and convene a statewide green team for the purpose of promoting P2 and sustainability in purchasing, operations and resource use to state agencies. ($80,000) | |
243 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance | MA | 1 | The grantee will revise and update a guidance document on P2, enlist best management practices and improved compliance for auto-care shops; and conduct an outreach effort for targeted communities to revive interest in reducing waste at the source and understanding links between improving business efficiency and environmental performance. ($60,000) | |
242 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | The grantee will provide P2 assistance and training to small businesses that generate hazardous waste. The training will strengthen the business communities understanding of environmental compliance and broaden awareness of using P2 to reduce hazardous waste. The grantee will also work with the state government to launch energy efficiency efforts. ($86,000) | |
241 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center | NH | 1 | The grantee will enable municipal officials, owners of businesses, design engineers and contractors to achieve quantified P2 reductions associated with non-structural best management practices such as regulations and ordinances governing future development and redevelopment activities. The grantee will also develop a green business award program to communicate results to businesses and commercial development or redevelopment entities by recognizing their compliance to achieve higher stormwater P2 standards. ($68,000) | |
240 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | The grantee will: 1) provide technical and administrative support to Vermont's Business Environmental Partnership (a technical assistance and business recognition program) and to the Vermont Governor's Awards Program for Environmental Excellence; and 2) provide outreach and assistance to colleges, high schools and middle schools on safe laboratory chemical management. ($80,000) | |
239 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJ | 2 | The grantee will provide P2 outreach to manufacturing businesses in Newark, NJ. In partnership with the Ironbound Community Corporation, the grantee will visit small businesses to study their manufacturing processes and provide recommendations for modifying process procedures using greener technology. The recommendations will aim to reduce pollution and reduce operation expenses. ($180,000) | |
238 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Rutgers University, New Jersey Small Business Development Centers | NJ | 2 | The grantee in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDP) and Sustainable Jersey will provide outreach to small and medium-sized businesses on ways to reduce hazardous material releases, energy and water use and increase sustainability practices. Also, in partnership with NJDP and Sustainable Jersey, the grantee will develop a "New Jersey Sustainability Business Registry" which will provide a reputable means of recognition and distinction for companies that achieve high levels of environmental performance. ($106,269) | |
237 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | The grantee in partnership with the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute and the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance will provide P2 outreach to reduce the risk of toxic exposures associated with climate change impacts on industrial waterfront communities in New York City. The grantee will also focus its P2 outreach efforts on the South Bronx section of New York; conduct 60 P2 assessments at industrial facilities; and provide on-site technical assistance to two local companies. ($75,000) | |
236 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | PA | 3 | The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance to businesses to reduce pollution, with a special emphasis placed on methanol and solvent waste generators; and 2) educate engineers on P2 and Economy, Energy and Environment techniques. ($179,987) | |
235 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | The grantee will make enhancements to the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program and Economy, Energy and Environment initiative to improve data management activities; will host a statewide conference; and encourage Green Suppliers Network activities. ($80,000) | |
234 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Wytheville Community College, Manufacturing Technology Center | VA | 3 | The grantee will conduct environmental assessments; workshops; and conduct Economy, Energy and Environment projects. ($38,000) | |
233 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection | WV | 3 | The grantee will encourage and enhance existing sustainable communities; promote sustainable school efforts; support itravelgreen and Economy, Energy and Environment activities; and encourage stakeholder capacity building. ($75,013) | |
232 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | The grantee will support Florida's effort to: improve resource conservation; implement P2 techniques; and increase operating efficiencies through direct technical assistance provided by Florida's Retired Engineers Technical Assistance Program. The grantee will focus on working with waterfront facilities and implementing a water conservation technical assistance program. ($53,000) | |
231 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Florida – Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations | FL | 4 | The grantee will assist a local community become a green destination. The grantee will accomplish this by offering training to participating properties; provide resources and outreach materials; determine a property's greenhouse gas emissions rating; encourage reductions in energy, water and hazardous materials; encourage business efficiency; and establish an environmental management system framework to implement and measure sustainable practices and operations. ($39,974) | |
230 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Control | KY | 4 | The grantee will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and education on reducing toxics use, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, reducing resource and water usage and promoting P2 integration into energy efficiency and waste reduction operations to support sustainability efforts and improve business competitiveness through the Economy, Energy and Environment initiative and Kentucky Excel Program. ($80,402) | |
229 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance and source reduction training to industries, with a focus on automotive suppliers; 2) manage an environmental leadership program; 3) provide energy efficiency workshops for commercial businesses; and 4) provide on-site Economy, Energy and Environment assistance to Mississippi manufacturers. ($80,402) | |
228 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach | NC | 4 | The grantee will continue to implement North Carolina's Environmental Stewardship Initiative, which encourages North Carolina facilities to go beyond compliance and continue to improve their environmental performance through annual pollution reduction goals, annual public reporting on progress towards those goals and implement an environmental management system. The grantee will also provide member facilities with one-on-one technical and environmental management system training, Lean and Green training and provide mentoring services to program members. ($78,000) | |
227 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Tennessee Department of Conservation | TN | 4 | The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, mentoring opportunities to support Tennessee businesses to achieve P2 results and business efficiencies. The grantee will also continue to recognize environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star Partnership Program. ($70,000) | |
226 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois | IL | 5 | The grantee will: 1) identify and implement water and energy reduction measures at facilities statewide; 2) conduct site assessments; and 3) offer technical assistance to help companies establish baselines and goals to implement P2 efforts. ($109,000) | |
225 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Michigan Department of Environmental Quality | MI | 5 | The grantee will provide technical assistance, tools and training to assist manufacturers in using P2 techniques. Assistance will be coordinated the Michigan Industrial Assessment Center to identify energy efficiency opportunities and with Michigan's Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program to identify process efficiencies. ($106,233) | |
224 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | The grantee will conduct an Economy, Energy and Environment pilot focusing on the fiber-reinforced plastics sector. ($138,612) | |
223 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | The grantee will provide technical assistance and training for small to medium-sized Ohio manufacturers on P2 techniques. The project will also support P2 planning and implementation statewide through the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network to improve awareness of environmental and economic concepts and methods. ($97,155) | |
222 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses that lack the expertise to implement source reduction measures and support other businesses upon request and partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on the "Putting Green to Work" lunch series. In addition, grant funding will support a P2 coordinator who will: 1) provide technical assistance to businesses; 2) deliver a two day environmental training taught by the Zero Waste Network; 3) evaluate Arkansas' Environmental Stewardship Award applications; and 4) participate in public outreach, trainings and relevant meetings. ($12,500) | |
221 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Southeastern Louisiana University | LA | 6 | The grantee will: 1) target southern Louisiana facilities through recruitment, surveys and technical support training; 2) organize toxic use reduction planning materials for businesses; 3) encourage identified industries to use non-toxic chemicals and more efficient facility equipment; and 4) sponsor and facilitate training events to teach local dry cleaners source reduction principles and techniques. ($23,000) | |
220 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | New Mexico Environment Department | NM | 6 | The grantee will:; 1) provide technical assistance to businesses; 2) conduct waste management assessments; 3) provide P2 training and on-site technical assistance; 4) continue on-going activities under the Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program; 5) work with the construction industry; and 6) work with the Las Cruces Public School District to develop and implement a district-wide environmental management system. ($31,000) | |
219 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Regents of New Mexico State University /Institute for Energy and the Environment | NM | 6 | The grantee will enhance its Institute for Energy & the Environment program by engaging in multimedia P2 activities with local businesses, industries and communities. These efforts will entail: 1) encouraging Economy, Energy and Environment initiatives statewide; 2) conducting P2 site visits; 3) facilitating workshops; 4) developing environmental management system protocols for businesses and industries; and 5) conducting Lean and Green training. ($50,000) | |
218 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Texas at Arlington, Manufacturing Assistance Center | TX | 6 | The grantee will use technical assistance and training to promote source reduction through the use of Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) initiative and provide P2 techniques to partners in Region 6. Activities include: 1) providing on-site technical assistance (including chemical alternative assessments); 2) conducting six E3 management systems site assessments along with providing a chemical alternatives assessment; 3) providing E3 trainings and outreach supporting the entertainment sports sector; 4) work more closely with E3 partner agencies to strengthen coordination efforts; 5) update and enhance university training modules; and 6) strengthen P2 measurement work in coordination with the Zero Waste Network. ($93,000) | |
217 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Curators of the University of Missouri | MO | 7 | The grantee will: 1) encourage more colleges and university departments to collaborate and partner with Missouri's P2 intern program; 2) work to institutionalize P2 into the services and assistance offered through Missouri's network of business counselors; and 3) promote business efficiency through P2 training and assistance. ($121,649) | |
216 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | NE | 7 | The grantee will provide on-site source reduction technical assistance to agricultural producers (and rural golf courses) that perform a substantial degree of irrigation work. Special focus will be placed on reducing water usage associated with energy use, reducing risk of nitrate groundwater contamination and ensuring public and environmental health. ($38,141) | |
215 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Nebraska – Omaha | NE | 7 | The grantee will conduct an assessment to measure barriers to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) within participating organizations. Upon completing its assessment the grantee will design and implement strategies to encourage EPP activities. Strategies will be devised to create a culture of greener purchasing by encouraging organizations to incorporate EPP measures and change organizational behavior practices. ($88,009) | |
214 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | The grantee will work to: 1) reduce the release and volatilization of nitrogen compounds and ammonia from agricultural sources on the eastern plains using a P2 approach.; 2) provide technical assistance to Colorado's Environmental Leadership Program members; and 3) partner with the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division to collaborate on a healthy hospitals initiative to increase the number of facilities that implement environmental management systems. ($112,000) | |
213 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | The grantee will promote and increase P2 in agriculture through the expansion and utilization of local food systems. These efforts will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hazardous waste, increase resource efficiency to reduce water and energy use, and create business efficiencies for economic and environmental benefits. The grantee will also sponsor a recognition program to recognize small-sized businesses and organizations which are voluntarily taking steps to reduce solid and hazardous waste, maximize efficiencies, conserve energy and water, and improve air quality. ($108,000) | |
212 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | The grantee will: 1) provide on-site technical assistance to the oil and gas industry; 2) promote participation in the Clean Utah Program using P2 technologies and techniques to achieve mandatory environmental improvement; 3) promote participation in the Utah Clean Air initiative to improve air quality throughout the state of Utah; and 4) encourage the use of sustainability tools and resources for businesses to reduce emissions, hazardous materials and conserve natural resources. ($102,000) | |
211 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | The grantee will: 1) promote energy savings and hazardous materials use reduction or elimination by the hospitality sector; 2) assist local ranchers and farmers by conducting assessments on well head irrigation pumps to determine energy used/saved for irrigation by implementing mitigation techniques; and 3) implement a pilot project with the Wyoming Motor Vehicle Management Service to track the data from five natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and document the benefits of NGVs compared to similar gasoline fueled vehicles. ($51,000) | |
210 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians | CA | 9 | The grantee will: 1) train over 1,700 tribal business employees on P2 practices and opportunities; 2) assist businesses in implementing cost-effective P2 measures; 3) develop P2 data collection and reporting systems; and 4) share P2 project results with outside partners and stakeholders. Training and technical assistance will focus on P2 strategies that will reduce the use of energy, water, and toxic cleaning chemicals; improve purchasing practices; and decrease greenhouse gas emissions and waste products. ($63,207) | |
209 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | State of Hawaii, Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism | HI | 9 | The grantee will increase participation in the Hawaii's Green Business Program and Lead By Example Resource Efficiency Checklist Program by adding 22 new or re-enrolled businesses and agencies statewide. Specifically, the grantee will focus on: green hotels/resorts, green restaurants/food service, and green office/retail programs. Additional areas of focus involve a green grocery store and developing green schools checklists. ($50,000) | |
208 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | University of Nevada, Board of Regents | NV | 9 | The grantee will support and expand the activities of the Western Sustainability P2 Network (WSPPN) within Region 9. WSPPN will offer training on source reduction techniques via webinars, create new video training modules, and add information resources to the WSPPN website including case studies, best practice materials, and green business checklists. ($180,000) | |
207 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | AK | 10 | The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance with emphasis placed on the hospitality and tourism sectors; 2) conduct Economy, Energy and Environment assessments; and 3) conduct a Green Star business certification. ($93,000) | |
206 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | The grantee will: 1) conduct Economy, Energy and Environment assessments; 2) expand the Clean Air Zone program to include hospitals; and 3) participate in a green chemistry school certification program. ($85,000) | |
205 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Oregon State University | OR | 10 | The grantee will participate in an Economy, Energy and Environment consortium to provide assessment services on wood products; and analyze activities at breweries and high tech industries. ($91,000) | |
204 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2013 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | The grantee will conduct two Economy, Energy and Environment alternative assessments and provide green chemistry technical assistance and scoping for a P2 intern program. ( $105,000) | |
203 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Charles River Watershed Association | MA | 1 | The grantee will assist with implementing multiple stormwater treatment systems resulting in direct removal of phosphorus from stormwater runoff. The grantee will engage residents in stormwater management and has a concrete goal to construct thirty residential rain gardens. In addition, the grantee will develop and maintain a rain garden website for Charles River Township and develop a preassembled rain garden installation package for homeowners and provide training and outreach to residents and town officials. ($16,000) | |
202 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | New York State Restaurant Association Educational Foundation | NY | 2 | The grantee will continue its efforts to green the restaurant industry, as it builds upon its previously-funded EPA-funded grant activities that provided P2 outreach to restaurants in Manhattan and Long Island, New York. In this project, the grantee will work with the New York City Business Acceleration Team to provide P2 outreach to new, start-up restaurants. The grantee will also distribute its green restaurant workbook to restaurants, provide training to hospitality students and provide on-site technical assistance to established restaurants. ($30,000) | |
201 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Pennsylvania State University-Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Provider | PA | 3 | The grantee will conduct Economy, Energy and Environment activities with an emphasis on reducing solvent waste, promoting by-product synergy and encouraging building re-tuning. ($109,810) | |
200 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center | KY | 4 | The grantee will collaborate with stakeholders to implement a community-based Kentucky Economy, Energy and Environment initiative to help integrate energy efficiency, lean practices, waste reduction and water conservation into the operations of small-to-mid-sized manufacturers. ($40,000) | |
199 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Waste Reduction Partners | NC | 4 | The grantee will provide on-site Lean and Green assessments to North Carolina small enterprises; demonstrate innovative technical assistance delivery; and empower clients to carry on Lean and Green reviews within their businesses. ($40,000) | |
198 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Livable Memphis | TN | 4 | The grantee will reduce hazardous air emissions by creating business efficiencies in best management practices and increase neighborhood connectivity using community-led business innovation practices. ($40,000) | |
197 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center | TX | 6 | The grantee will provide technical assistance and training to local governments to identify and understand the concepts for creating an energy management system for water and wastewater plants in Region 6. ($73,073) | |
196 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | The grantee will use an Economy, Energy and Environment framework to engage Austin area business communities to reduce waste in the hospitality industry. Special emphasis will be placed on reducing food waste, building partnerships, and achieving measurable environmental outcomes. ($47,927) | |
195 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | In partnership with the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, the grantee will: 1) perform on-site reassessments of clients assisted through P2 intern programs; 2) survey all reassessed clients to ascertain their motivations for implementing P2 recommendations; and 3) analyze the data to determine the types of clients and P2 recommendations that result in the greatest implementation, and gain a better understanding of the factors that motivate clients to implement different types of P2 recommendations. ($53,165) | |
194 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | University of Nebraska | NE | 7 | The grantee will provide source reduction technical assistance and research expertise by enlisting student interns to help Nebraska's agricultural irrigators and producers achieve multi-media source reduction. Special emphasis will be placed on reducing water use and energy consumption. The project will also provide assistance to agricultural production businesses and rural golf courses. Based on projections from past data, the work will generate a P2 cost savings of $118,000 per year; reduce water use by approximately 300 million gallons; and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 245 MTCO2eq. ($73,916) | |
193 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | The grantee will provide statewide implementation of 12-15 Economy, Energy, and Environment assessments in Montana's agriculture operations. Each assessment will generate a set of lean, energy and P2 recommendations resulting in environmental benefits and cost savings upon completion. ($90,480) | |
192 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | The grantee will conduct P2 assessments for two hospitals to address their economic and energy consumption, and their affects on local environments. The focus will be on energy conservation, water conservation, fuel reduction, waste reduction, and reduction of hazardous materials. ($25,000) | |
191 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2013 | Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | The grantee will support the Northwest Pollution Prevention (P2) Network; Economy, Energy and Environment initiatives; provide P2 technical assistance to the sports industry and focus on toxics use reduction work through green chemistry and an Oregon eco-certification program. ($104,300) | |
190 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Conservation | CT | 1 | The grant recipient will address pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from hospital buildings, air solvent and metals emissions, chemical-contaminated dust from sanding, shop wastewater and hazardous waste from vehicle repair at public works garages; publish the P2 View quarterly newsletter; and encourage environmental and energy conservation and protection at Connecticut hotels. ($80,000) | |
189 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Massachusetts, Lowell | MA | 1 | The grant recipient will encourage and educate auto body and auto repair shop owners and workers to switch to solvent alternatives. The program will also assist enrolled shops in the Massachusetts communities of Springfield, Holyoke, Lowell, Fall River and New Bedford with trial equipment that will reduce solvent use for specific cleaning activities and will monitor air quality before and after trials. ($82,460) | |
188 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | The grant recipient will establish an initiative to educate and assist New Hampshire grocery stores to reduce their waste and energy use; implement green cleaning and proper universal waste management practices; and institute stormwater management techniques. The recipient will also support the New Hampshire Sustainable Lodging and Restaurant Program by participating in third-party certification audits, workshops, conferences and promotion; support the Sustainable Hospitality Certification Program; and support the University of New Hampshire and the Department of Environmental Services P2 Internship Program. ($80,000) | |
187 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance and support to the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership and the Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence and P2; provide on-site technical assistance to the Vermont Small Business Development Center; develop and implement a green grocers recognition program; and offer outreach, assistance and recognition initiatives for various business sectors including marinas, hospitality, golf courses and auto body refinishing. ($80,000) | |
186 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Vermont Agency of Agriculture | VT | 1 | The grant recipient will provide on-site assistance to small farms to implement non-point source reduction practices with emphasis on reducing nutrient run-off impacting water bodies. The grant will provide funding for activities related to education and technical assistance to Vermont small farmers and farm operators through their statewide "Agriculture Resource Specialist (ARS)" program. This program is aimed at improving water quality and reducing pollution at the source through improved techniques for manure management, compliance education and awareness about available funding sources. ($86,679) | |
185 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New Jersey Meadowlands Commission | NJ | 2 | The grant recipient will provide P2 outreach to restaurants in the New Jersey Meadowlands area. The recipient will hold four training workshops for restaurateurs and hospitality personnel; will conduct case studies of four to eight restaurants; and will develop and distribute a green restaurant workbook. ($49,600) | |
184 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | The grant recipient will provide green chemistry training to high school teachers in New York state in order to reduce the amount of hazardous and toxic chemicals that are purchased, used, stored and disposed of in school chemistry departments. The recipient will conduct chemical inventories and hygiene plans in schools and provide workshops for teachers on green chemistry lab training. ($90,000) | |
183 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | The grant recipient will provide pollution prevention outreach to supermarkets in New York state to assist them in reducing energy consumption, conserving water and reducing the use of hazardous cleaning chemicals. The recipient will conduct site assessments, develop case studies and will present webinars on pollution prevention to supermarkets. ($27,500) | |
182 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Puerto Rico (UPR) | PR | 2 | The grant recipient will provide training on energy conservation to businesses, universities and the local community in Puerto Rico. UPR will use a campus building that has implemented energy conservation measures as a case study training tool. UPR will provide a series of workshops to businesses, universities and the community that will provide technical assistance on source reduction through energy conservation. ($47,089) | |
181 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | The grant recipient will assist Maryland businesses in implementing Environmental Management Systems and Lean & Clean Manufacturing, support P2 summer interns, provide Energy Efficiency Assessments focused on electronics and administer the Maryland Green Registry. ($80,000) | |
180 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | The grant recipient will enhance existing Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) and the Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) initiative through projects that address better data management, conference support and green supplier network efforts. ($86,500) | |
179 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | The grant recipient will support Florida's effort to improve resource conservation; implement P2 techniques; and increase operating efficiencies through direct technical assistance provided through the Retired Engineers Technical Assistance Program. ($70,000) | |
178 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Georgia Department of Natural Resources | GA | 4 | The grant recipient will support Georgia's performance-based environmental leadership program and the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia and provide on-site P2 technical assistance to partners through the use of student interns. ($53,000) | |
177 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Control | KY | 4 | The grant recipient will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and education related to: toxics use and greenhouse gas emission reduction; resource and water conservation; and promoting P2 integration of energy efficiency and waste reduction. The project is aimed at supporting sustainability and improving competitiveness through the Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) initiative and the Kentucky Excel program. ($83,000) | |
176 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | The grant recipient will support the Municipality Stewardship Initiative (a state performance leadership program) which integrates P2 practices into municipal operations and will support the Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Reduction program adopted for state buildings. ($74,000) | |
175 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources | NC | 4 | The grant recipient will support the state's Environmental Stewardship Initiative which encourages facilities to go beyond compliance and strive for continual improvement through implementing environmental management systems and expanding lean and green techniques. ($78,000) | |
174 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | SC | 4 | The grant recipient will provide multi-media technical assistance; manage the state's Environmental Excellence Program; and develop tools and workshops to assist businesses with implementing sound P2 programs. ($63,000) | |
173 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Tennessee Department and Conservation | TN | 4 | The grant recipient will support technical assistance; and P2 and resource conservation work through the Tennessee P2 Partnership Program. ($54,000) | |
172 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | The grant recipient will identify and implement water and energy reduction measures at municipal and industrial facilities throughout Illinois. Site assessments, P2 technical assistance and energy efficiency activities will assist companies in establishing baselines, goals and P2 implementation. ($109,000) | |
171 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Michigan Department of Environmental Quality | MI | 5 | The grant recipient will develop best management practices and training materials on sustainable lab practices. The work will be implemented by five participating labs in Michigan. ($27,128) | |
170 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | The grant recipient will: target bisphenol A (BPA) chemicals in retail receipts by having businesses provide customers with e-receipts instead of paper receipts; survey the use of formaldehyde in building products; and survey the use of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylate in detergents for future projects. ($79,884) | |
169 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance and training to small and medium-sized manufacturers on source reduction techniques in Ohio. The recipient will also coordinate a steering committee to strengthen and promote P2 efforts within the state. ($97,021) | |
168 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | The grant recipient will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses in Wisconsin interested in greening their facility; develop a database for green chemistry assessment tools and mark their use; and assist businesses in adopting greener alternatives to coal tar asphalt sealants. ($101,156) | |
167 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | The grant recipient will perform site assessment visits to businesses; work with the Arkansas Industrial Energy Clearinghouse to highlight energy conservation and efficiency; work with the hospitality industry within Arkansas; hold presentations geared toward businesses wishing to involve consumers in P2 efforts; continue to promote and implement environmental management systems initiatives; participate in the Arkansas Energy Efficient State Government Working Group; and support conferences and meetings promoting the benefits of P2. ($39,000) | |
166 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New Mexico Environment Department | NM | 6 | The grant recipient will conduct site assessment visits; provide technical assistance; support the Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program; and provide lean and green training to local manufacturers. ($55,000) | |
165 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | The grant recipient will conduct site assessment visits focusing on air toxins, particulate matter, water conservation and mercury abatement within the health care industry; continue to work with manufacturing extension partners within the state and implement Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) projects. ($124,000) | |
164 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | The grant recipient will use technical assistance and training to promote source reduction through the use of Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) and P2 projects in Texas and New Mexico. ($175,000) | |
163 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Iowa Department of Economic Development | IA | 7 | The grant recipient will establish a program to assist and recognize businesses and industry efforts in energy and water conservation within Iowa; with the goal of improving management decision-making on efficiency issues. ($74,110) | |
162 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | The grant recipient will partner with Iowa's solid waste agencies to aid them in achieving P2 impacts in key areas through their service area. The recipient will also conduct 22 P2 assessments. ($148,364) | |
161 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment | KS | 7 | The grant recipient will provide multimedia P2 technical assistance to businesses; develop a P2 intern course at Kansas State University; continue to manage the intern program to assist companies to implement P2 projects; educate the public on P2 and sustainability through an environmental conference; offer P2 awareness; and publish a newsletter. ($70,873) | |
160 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Missouri | MO | 7 | The grant recipient will institutionalize P2 into services and assistance offered through statewide Missouri Business Development Center programs to integrate P2 courses and internships in higher education and to advance efforts to develop a Missouri Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) partnership. ($118,308) | |
159 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | The grant recipient will implement greening state government practices; recognize environmental leaders in protecting air, water and land through the state's environmental leadership program; conduct Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) assessments; and continue to promote and implement and environmental management system practices. ($168,662) | |
158 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Montana State University Extension Service | MT | 8 | The grant recipient will continue the EcoStar P2 Recognition Program; support sustainable agricultural operations and production practices throughout Montana; and track and measure environmental results. ($115,429) | |
157 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | The grant recipient will support the Governor's U-CAIR initiative to improve air quality throughout the state; provide businesses with P2 strategies to reduce emissions, use of hazardous materials and use of natural resources; continue the state's business recognition program; continue greening the state's environmental program by promoting sustainable practices; promote sustainability tools and resources; and participate in the annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit. ($108,909) | |
156 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of California San Francisco | CA | 9 | The grant recipient will reduce environmental impacts from products using an integrated environmental information procurement database for five California universities that identifies environmentally friendlier product alternatives. ($120,000) | |
155 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | University of Nevada, Reno | NV | 9 | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to Nevada businesses and government entities on P2 practices and disposal of hazardous chemicals. ($275,900) | |
154 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | AK | 10 | The grant recipient will provide technical assistance for businesses and tribal organizations; enhance P2 capacity in state programs with a focus on entertainment venues, hospitality and Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) projects and P2 networking. ($123,875) | |
153 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | The grant recipient will support Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) projects; the Clean Air Zone program and chemical reduction efforts; and energy and environment partnerships (EEP) in schools. ($85,000) | |
152 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2012 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | The grant recipient will provide early intervention and technical assistance through Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) projects which will be integrated with the state's Safe Chemistry Challenge. ($190,249) | |
151 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Clean Water Fund | RI | 1 | The grant recipient will develop a sustainability plan which can be used by Rhode Island communities for meetings, events, trade shows and conferences. Training on the plan will be conducted for local government, businesses and event planners, and a case study will be developed after implementing it. The plan will seek to integrate the sustainability efforts of the community, local businesses and event planners with sector-based-P2 efforts. ($15,000) | |
150 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Beyond Benign | NJ and NY | 2 | The grant recipient will provide a three day workshop to train faculty from colleges and universities in New Jersey and New York on green chemistry. Faculty will be trained on ways to use less toxic or hazardous materials in their laboratories, and to implement green chemistry principles in their curricula to prepare their students with the skills to design greener chemical products and processes. ($48,727) | |
149 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | University of Turabo | PR | 2 | The grant recipient will provide training to hotels in Puerto Rico to reduce their hazardous material releases, energy and water consumption. They will create case studies of how different size hotels can green their operations and will hold seven training sessions for hotels. ($73,494) | |
148 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | West Virginia Research Corporation | WV | 3 | The grant recipient will provide Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) assessments for eight facilities over a two-year period. Ergonomic and worker health assessments will be included, along with ongoing sustainable manufacturing meetings. ($60,416) | |
147 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Small Business Development Corporation | PA | 3 | The recipient will work to improve operation of the shale gas drilling supply chains within Philadelphia. The recipient will conduct 10 simplified assessment and three in-depth assessments, along with providing implementation support and training. ($74,655) | |
146 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Georgia Conservancy | GA | 4 | The recipient will work with Mothers & Others for Clean Air and the U.S. Green Building Council, Georgia chapter, to develop a school siting training curriculum for the public and local community members to heighten awareness on: issues influencing school siting decisions (i.e., socioeconomic, environmental and location) and elevating the public's role in school siting decisions. The work will also focus on reusing existing schools and repurposing underutilized community assets. The work builds on a previous curriculum developed to educate school board members and school leaders on school siting issues. ($30,000) | |
145 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | East Carolina University | NC | 4 | The grant recipient will help to "green" coastal vacation and rental properties by addressing the needs of vacation and rental properties through improving baseline information and creating additional P2 resources for vacation rentals. ($30,000) | |
144 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Land of Sky-Waste Reduction Partners | NC | 4 | The grant recipient will build upon existing North Carolina green hospitality work by providing on-site greening assessments, create best practice videos, and document economic and environmental savings achieved under the North Carolina Green Travel initiative. ($30,000) | |
143 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | The grant recipient will identify and implement source reduction in five facilities in DuPage County. The recipient will conduct Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) site assessments (including lean and green and energy efficiency) and provide technical assistance in establishing baselines, goals, and implementing results. ($52,056) | |
142 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | TechSolve | OH | 5 | The grant recipient will pair trained college students with host companies in southwest Ohio to assist manufacturers with implementation of source reduction activities. ($56,626) | |
141 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Santa Fe Watershed Association | NM | 6 | The grant recipient will implement P2 practices in the hospitality industry through a demonstration project to train pilot lodging facilities in green lodging practices. ($49,774) | |
140 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | A Nurtured World | TX | 6 | The grant recipient will develop a new and innovative approach for using P2 to address emerging environmental challenges, by forecasting projections on future environmental conditions over the next several decades. The project will be developed in the Austin and Fort Hood/Killeen areas. ($87,723) | |
139 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | The grant recipient will support two interns to work with Iowa's food processors and support two interns to work with Iowa's health care facilities. The projects will provide environmental outcomes through energy and water conservation, solid waste reduction and mercury abatement. ($34,724) | |
138 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | University of Nebraska | NE | 7 | The grant recipient will provide source reduction education for three upper level engineering and science students who will provide expert on-site source reduction technical assistance for agricultural producers that perform irrigation with a focus on reducing demand for water and energy use while ensuring public and environmental health. ($59,833) | |
137 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | The grant recipient will fund Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) assessments and training at five Montana agricultural operations to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the use of hazardous material, increase resource efficiency to reduce the use of water and energy in agricultural operations, and create business efficiencies for economic and environmental benefits. | |
136 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Institute for Research and Technical Assistance | CA | 9 | The grant recipient will field test low volatile organic compounds (VOC), low toxicity graffiti paint removal chemicals and methods (e.g., CO2 pellets) and anti graffiti paint. Field tests will occur in southern California working with South California Edison and in north California working with the city of San Francisco. ($74,500) | |
135 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2012 | Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | The grant recipient will provide regional P2 technical assistance, information products and training to support the state's Northwest Technical Assistance Provider Network and regional green chemistry work. The recipient will also launch Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) projects; green sports initiatives and conduct eco-certifications. ($111,300) | |
134 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Connecticut's DEP proposes to assess pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from hospitals; provide technical assistance to auto body shops on air solvent and metals emissions, chemical-contaminated dust from sanding, shop wastewater and hazardous waste; produce the P2 View quarterly newsletter; evaluate energy conversation and environmental protection at hotels; evaluate pollution from the chemical and agricultural sectors; and provide metrics on all projects to track progress. ($80,000) | |
133 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Maine Department of Environmental Protection | ME | 1 | Maine's DEP will partner with Maine businesses to create a sustainability program that mirrors the national Stewardship Action Council. The program will provide on-site technical assistance to Maine businesses that will help them comply with environmental regulations, employ innovative technologies, reduce energy and chemical usage and save money. The DEP will also create a Sustainability Action Council for the state of Maine; administer environmental leader certifications; administer Maine's Clean Government Initiative; and administer the P2 Compliance Advisory Panel. ($87,000) | |
132 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | New Hampshire's DES will implement an environmental resource program to evaluate and address environmental concerns at golf courses across the state of New Hampshire. The DES also intends to work with concrete production facilities to address stormwater concerns and stormwater regulatory requirements; participate in EPA New England's Green Chemistry Challenge; and continue supporting the University of New Hampshire's P2 Internship Program. ($80,000) | |
131 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Rhode Island | RI | 1 | The University of Rhode Island will promote green chemistry initiatives in a variety of commercial applications that include methanol replacement in wastewater treatment facilities and other processes encountered as a result of their collaborative industry technical assistance program. The university will improve compliance and encourage P2 and green chemistry options for golf courses and the auto body industry using existing tools from environmental results programs. ($67,000) | |
130 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Vermont's DEC will provide administrative and technical assistance support for the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership and the Governor's Awards Program for Environmental Excellence and P2. These P2 outreach and recognition initiatives will be implemented for various business sectors including marinas, hospitality, golf courses, auto body refinishing businesses and auto dismantlers. The DEC will also provide partnerships to support the Vermont Small Business Development Center and on-site technical assistance and administration for existing green hotels, clean marinas, green restaurants and the green links programs. ($80,000) | |
129 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJ | 2 | The grantee will develop an online training toolkit that will train supermarket facility personnel on ways to reduce resource consumption and pollution through the adoption of best management practices. The toolkit will focus on reducing energy through lighting upgrades; Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) controls; and reducing hazardous material releases by reducing refrigerant leakages. ($89,030) | |
128 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | NJ | 2 | The grantee will provide P2 outreach to limited service hotels in Atlantic and Cape May counties housing less than 100 rooms. The P2 outreach will involve developing educational materials, conducting surveys, providing technical assistance site visits and performing ten P2 audits. ($90,000) | |
127 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | MDE will assist Maryland businesses with establishing and using ISO 14001-based emergency management systems, support a P2 internship program and measure and publicize P2 activities and results. ($48,500) | |
126 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | PA | 3 | Pennsylvania DEP will conduct Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) projects for four manufacturers, educate engineering students, host two E3 events and provide workshops and training. ($150,637) | |
125 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | VA | 3 | Virginia DEQ will expand and enhance core P2 programs, namely the Virginia Excellence program, the Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards program, the Virginia Green Tourism program and the Southwest Virginia Economy, Energy and the Environment initiative. ($80,000) | |
124 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | The college will offer technical assistance to industry through its Manufacturing Technology Center. Assistance will target industrial clients to better understand and implement environmental assessments. The college will offer training through workshops, conferences and Economy, Energy and the Environment projects. ($76,000) | |
123 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | Florida's DEP will work to improve resource conservation of business, implement P2 techniques and increase operating efficiencies. DEP will employ members from the Retired Engineers Technical Assistance Program to provide technical assistance. ($53,000) | |
122 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Georgia Department of Natural Resources | GA | 4 | Georgia's DNR will sponsor a performance based environmental leadership program, support the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia and provide on-site technical assistance to partners by employing P2 interns. ($82,000) | |
121 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center | KY | 4 | Kentucky's DCA and KPPC will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and educational outreach to support sustainability and improve business competitiveness. Assistance will focus on reducing toxics and greenhouse gas emissions, promoting resource and water conservation and promoting P2 integration by applying energy efficiency and waste reduction. ($92,000) | |
120 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Mississippi's DEQ will support a state performance leadership program named the Enhance and Municipality Initiative. The program integrates P2 practices into municipal operations. DEQ will also support the Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Reduction program which rates the environmental utility of state buildings, ($68,305) | |
119 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources | NC | 4 | North Carolina's DENR will support an Environmental Stewardship Initiative named the Lean and Green Techniques to Achieve Sustainability. The initiative encourages facilities to go beyond compliance and strive for continual improvement by establishing and using environmental management systems and expanding lean and green techniques. ($73,000) | |
118 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | SC | 4 | South Carolina's DHEC will provide multimedia technical assistance, manage the Environmental Excellence Program and develop tools and workshops to assist businesses with implementing P2 programs. ($63,500) | |
117 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation | TN | 4 | Tennessee's DEC will provide on-site technical assistance and resource conservation tools through its Tennessee P2 Partnership Program. ($60,138) | |
116 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Indiana Department of Environmental Management | IN | 5 | IDEM will examine six industrial water users representing small, medium and large facilities. The facilities are in close proximity to publicly owned treatment works facilities that are named on the sewer ban list or the early warning list. A contractor will identify water conservation options and educate water facility employees to help them monitor and minimize water use. During the first year IDEM will conduct facility assessments, in the second year IDEM will conduct performance surveys, compile data and share project information. ($75,500) | |
115 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | With assistance from the Illinois Conservation of Resources and Energy Program, the university will provide technical assistance to achieve measurable energy and water conservation by Illinois businesses and communities. ($75,000) | |
114 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Michigan Department of of Environmental Quality | MI | 5 | Michigan's DEQ will work with the state's By-Product Synergy Program to assist with the reuse of one company's unused materials as raw material for another company. It is anticipated that the program will provide a cost benefit to businesses and the government of Michigan. ($60,000) | |
113 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Minnesota's PCA project provides for implementation of outreach, a demonstration, pilot trials, workshops and a stakeholder meeting to promote green chemistry and design through technology diffusion within the reinforced plastics composites industry in Minnesota and development of Green Chemistry and Design curriculum at the post secondary level. ($70,000) | |
112 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | The university will conduct a series of activities to supplement the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network (OSEN) and their existing pollution prevention efforts. The OSEN provides environmental assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturers. ($54,100) | |
111 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | The university will provide technical assistance to Wisconsin area businesses to reduce pollution from solid waste and hazardous materials, decrease greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. The university will employ interns to provide outreach and educational tools to businesses involved with the Milwaukee Economy, Energy and the Environment project. ($84,390) | |
110 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | AR | 6 | Arkansas' DEQ will conduct site assessment visits and work with the Arkansas Industrial Energy Clearinghouse to highlight energy conservation and energy efficiency. Separate work will involve partnering with the hospitality industry in Arkansas to promote resource conservation, continue promoting the value of environmental management systems and working with the Arkansas Energy Efficient State Government Working Group. ($20,500) | |
109 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | NMSU will continue to conduct site assessment visits, promote environmental management system work and monitor EMS implementation in order to expand the practice throughout the university. Separate work will involve: working with the New Mexico National Institute for Standards and Technology, Manufacturing Extension Partnership to expand collaboration and training in lean and green principles and techniques; conducting a pilot project using a health care or educational facility for its environmental monitoring project; and developing a new environmental sustainability course based on the New Mexico Climate Masters program. It is anticipated the course will be offered in fall 2012. ($55,000) | |
108 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | OK | 6 | Oklahoma's DEQ will: continue to conduct site assessment visits to small and medium-sized businesses; and expand its Encouraging Conservation in Oklahoma (ECO) program to marina operators and boat owners. ECO offers training, education, certification and marketing support targeted to travel related businesses. Part of the outreach will be made through the state's Clean Marinas Program and the Clean Boatyards Program. Additional work will involve partnering with other state environmental media (air, water, waste) programs to integrate P2 concepts into state regulatory programs. ($40,930) | |
107 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | 6 | The university will conduct ten Economy, Energy and the Environment (E3) management system assessments. These assessments combine normal E3 assessments (lean, p2 and energy) with training in management systems and quality control. The university will also utilize the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) to conduct trainings and workshops on implementing P2 and offering lean principles and techniques. The university will develop training modules, update current modules and launch a new one. These modules will allow partners to use TMAC training courses. Separate work will involve data collection activities. ($97,143) | |
106 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | IDNR will help Iowa companies establish and implement environmental management systems and it will conduct twenty-two client follow-up assessments to improve environmental performance. IDNR anticipates these activities will lead to energy and water conservation, elimination of hazardous waste and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. IDNR will also report business savings resulting from the implementation of P2 efforts. ($149,178) | |
105 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment | KS | 7 | KDHE will provide: multimedia (P2 and energy efficiency) technical assistance to businesses; manage an intern program to assist companies with implementing P2 and energy efficient projects; educate the public on P2 by including a P2 track for its environmental conference offering P2 recognition awards; and publish a P2 newsletter. ($77,838) | |
104 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | NE | 7 | The university will provide source reduction education for senior level engineering and science students. The students will provide on-site technical assistance for agricultural producers, with a focus on reducing water and energy use. The university will also partner with the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality to encourage best management practices and tools targeted to businesses with an interest in self-directed environmental performance improvement. ($44,741) | |
103 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | CO | 8 | CDPHE will continue its Greening Government program across Colorado's sixteen state agencies; sponsor an Environmental Leadership recognition program; provide technical assistance and support to the P2/sustainability component of the economy, energy and the environment assessments for Colorado businesses; and continue to measure environmental costs and resources. ($194,885) | |
102 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | The university will establish a statewide agricultural P2 outreach partnership consisting of agriculture commodity groups and organizations; provide environmental management system self-assessments to Montana agriculture producers and processors; sponsor the EcoStar P2 Recognition program and measure the impact of P2 in the agricultural sector. ($111,004) | |
101 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | DEQ will implement entry level (bronze) for the Clean Utah program to encourage one environmental improvement project, work with Davis/Ogden/Weber Chambers of Commerce and Davis/Ogden/Weber Applied Technology Colleges and Weber State University to promote sustainability tools, resources and technical assistance to businesses, use and promote EMSs as the preferred approach to environmental protection and pollution reduction, assist with DEQ's greening the government efforts and promote, track and measure DEQs P2 activities. ($88,111) | |
100 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | South Coast Air Quality Management District | CA | 9 | South Coast Air Quality Management District will identify, develop and demonstrate safer alternative mold cleaners and release agents with 8 industrial firms making products that rely on the use of metal and plastic molds. The results will be used to reduce the use of toxic compounds and establish a VOC limit for mold cleaners and release agents in the South Coast Basin. ($100,000) | |
99 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Hawaii | HI | 9 | The University of Hawaii will develop irrigation water and nutrient best management practices to optimize water and nutrient use efficiencies for turf grass to protect Hawaii's ecosystem. Best Management Practices and irrigation scheduling tools for turfgrass systems will be disseminated statewide. ($76,000) | |
98 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | University of Nevada, Reno | NV | 9 | The University of Nevada will provide and expand training and networking opportunities for technical assistance programs. Training will be provided through webinars, educational and informational videos, workgroups and online forums. ($82,349) | |
97 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Alaska Department of Environment Conservation | AK | 10 | Alaska's DEC will partnering with Green Star and the University of Alaska to provide technical assistance that includes Economy, Energy and the Environment concepts to businesses and governments involved in hospitality tourism and greenhouse gas prevention. ($110,000) | |
96 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Idaho's DEQ will promote Economy, Energy and the Environment concepts, encourage chemical reductions in schools and develop an environmental guide for the state. ($85,000) | |
95 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2011 | Washington State Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses. Assistance will examine metals of concern, greenhouse gas mitigation, toxics in storm water and green business initiatives. ($212,000) | |
94 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Beyond Benign | MA | 1 | The grantee will work to transform high school chemistry curriculum by reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in classrooms. The work will involve developing new lesson plans for teachers that focus on green chemistry alternatives and greener classroom principles. The lessons will focus on using environmentally preferable chemical alternatives as a means to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in classrooms. The grantee will design five lesson plans intended to replace the five most hazardous high school lessons used in classrooms today. ($29,977) | |
93 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Healthcare Without Harm | MA | 1 | The grantee will use funds to implement and support two model environmental programs. The first program will substitute toxic chemicals with safer alternatives in up to 190 medical research labs in Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The second program will replace standard petroleum-based plastics with bio-based plastics in up to eleven hospitals across Massachusetts which are part of the Partners HealthCare group. The goal for both programs is to replicate the activity at other medical facilities across the New England region and influence behavioral change in the health care sector. ($30,001) | |
92 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Berkshire Regional Planning Commission | MA | 1 | The grantee will create a benchmark of hospitality industry source pollution through a survey and site visit methodology. The project will provide educational materials on alternative products for the hospitality industry, track reductions and educate municipal inspectors and boards of health about P2 practices for the hospitality sector in the Berkshire area. ($25,000) | |
91 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | New York State Pollution Prevention Institute | NY | 2 | The grantee will utilize its sustainability tool, entitled "Lean, Energy and Environment," to assist manufacturers in reducing their energy and water usage, hazardous material releases and operational costs. Through this tool, NYSP2I will provide pollution prevention outreach, with a focus on reducing air toxics, to manufacturers in Tonawanda, NY. ($65,000) | |
90 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | New York State Restaurant Association Educational Foundation | NY | 2 | The grantee will build upon its current grant in which they are training New York City restaurants to green their operations by expanding to restaurants in Nassau and Westchester counties in New York state. The grantee will provide training sessions on pollution prevention techniques such as using water-saving devices, eco-friendly cleaning products and energy-efficient equipment and will disseminate a green restaurant workbook. ($41,900) | |
89 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | The grantee will support industrial clients in energy and resource conservation through energy audits, energy workshops, lean and clean efforts and conferences. ($100,000) | |
88 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Orange County Environmental Protection Division | FL | 4 | The Orange County Green Lodging initiative will create a reproducible model of voluntary state and local partnerships that will enable local government partners to augment the state of Florida's Green Lodging program. The initiative will train local partners to provide technical assistance and conduct site assessments on sustainable lodging and hospitality. ($28,000) | |
87 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center | KY | 4 | KPPC will initiate a Kentucky Energy, Economy and the Environment initiative to help integrate energy efficiency, lean practices, source reduction and water conservation into daily operations of small-to-mid sized manufacturers. It is anticipated that these activities will enhance manufacturers' environmental consciousness, boost their competitiveness and spur job growth to improve regional economies. ($40,000) | |
86 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Land of Sky Regional Council | NC | 4 | Waste Reduction Resource Partners will provide on-site assessments to North Carolina's hospitality and tourism businesses, teach best management practices in P2, calculate economic and environmental savings and document a transferable analysis of P2 efforts in North Carolina's hospitality sector. ($35,000) | |
85 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | SC | 4 | The grantee will initiate a South Carolina Energy, Economy and the Environment initiative help integrate energy efficiency, lean practices, source reduction and water conservation into daily operations of small-to-mid sized manufacturers. It is anticipated that these activities will enhance manufacturers' environmental consciousness, boost their competitiveness and spur job growth to improve regional economies. ($20,000) | |
84 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois Sustainability Technology Center | IL | 5 | ISTC will conduct site assessments of area manufacturing facilities to generate P2 results. The grantee use its databases to determine which facilities to approach. ($45,722) | |
83 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | University of Minnesota, Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) | MN | 5 | The specific objective of this project is to reduce solid and hazardous waste in hospital surgical tool sterilization procedures. A life cycle analysis will be done comparing reusable (hard case) containers and blue wrap. A replication model will be developed as guidance for other hospitals to use in adopting hard case sterilization containers. ($88,174) | |
82 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Lakeshore Technical College | WI | 5 | The grantee will conduct a geographic web-based networking project to heighten social awareness and influence behavioral change. The project is part of the college's Sustainability Living Laboratory program. The project will result in energy conservation, GHG emission reductions and cost savings. During the first year the college will purchase and implement power management software and hardware, resulting in automatic powering down of computers. As the grant progresses, the grantee will allow communities and businesses to be exposed to the project through campus tours, publications. ($23,004) | |
81 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | The IDNR's P2 Services program will employ two P2 interns to Iowa hospitals; work with Iowa partners to provide technical information at Iowa hospital webinars and workshops; and it will upgrade the P2 Services database. It is anticipated that these projects will provide environmental outcomes via energy conserved, water conserved, solid waste reduced and mercury abated. ($57,465) | |
80 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Drury University | MO | 7 | The university will work with four hospitals in southwest Missouri to refine and implement a sustainability program tool designed to improve hospital operations, reduce waste and conserve resources. The sustainability program tool will provide training for hospital employees on P2 methods and planning. ($56,684) | |
79 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmental (CDPHE) | CO | 8 | CDPHE along with the Colorado Association for Manufacturing Technology and other partners will: provide Energy, Economy and the Environment training and assessments across Colorado to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; reduce the use of hazardous material; increase resource efficiency to reduce water and energy usage by manufacturing facilities; and create business efficiencies for economic and environmental benefits. ($130,000) | |
78 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | The university will train local and state governments on implementing greening strategies to reduce air emissions, energy and water use, waste generation and water pollution. ($14,947) | |
77 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | University of Nevada | NV | 9 | The university will hold a P2 and Sustainability Conference in EPA Region 9. ($58,347) | |
76 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2011 | Pollution Prevention Resource Center | WA | 10 | PPRC will provide northwest P2 network support through a P2 roundtable; provide training and communications support; provide regional support for the Energy, Economy and the Environment pilots; and focus on toxics reduction through promoting green chemistry, developing a storm water initiative and designing an eco-certification program. ($125,500) | |
75 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection | CT | 1 | Connecticut DEP will work to: reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from hospitals through the Connecticut Hospital Environmental Roundtable; reduce pesticide and fertilizer use under the Organic Land Care Project; publish the P2 View quarterly newsletter; encourage environmental and energy conservation and protection through a green hotels project; encourage green government practices and be a model for other government agencies through its Greening Government Leadership Project; and report metrics on these initiatives. Results from these projects are aimed at encouraging source reduction and other P2 technologies across air, water and land. ($80,000) | |
74 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Maine Department of Environmental Protection | ME | 1 | Maine DEP will further work in the Green Business program area by providing in-depth technical assistance to businesses and organizations interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and toxics. The recipient will also encourage energy and water conservation. Specific projects include: the Environmental Leader Green Certification Program for Maine's lodging businesses and restaurants; integrating P2 practices within Maine's state government through source reduction, environmentally preferable procurement and energy efficient initiatives; promoting and administering the Governor's Carbon Challenge; promoting environmental management system facilitation; and developing and maintaining an advisory panel. ($48,292) | |
73 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Massachusetts, Lowell – Toxics Use Reduction Institute | MA | 1 | TURI's project will educate dry cleaners about professional wet cleaning techniques and inform auto shops about cleaning solvent alternatives. TURI's program will engage the dry cleaning and auto body and repair sectors to help drive technology shifts away from solvent use, in a variety of applications and toward safer and healthier processes. Project objectives include: persuading dry cleaning facilities to convert to wet cleaning by using a wet cleaning demonstration facility; reaching out to the auto body and repair sector to educate facilities on wet cleaning practices; and expanding the Boston Safe Shops Program to include educating auto body and repair shops across New England about using safer solvent alternatives in their shops. ($32,208) | |
72 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | NH | 1 | NHDES will support P2 in three areas of hospitality, work with the regional ski resort areas and support the University of New Hampshire's (UNH) P2 Student Intern Program. Specifically, NHDES will: implement P2 certifications for New Hampshire's lodging facilities; develop a similar certification program for the restaurant industry; work with ski facilities to determine their responsibilities under stormwater runoff, alteration of terrain and above ground storage tank and underground storage tank usage to insure they are in compliance. The university will also develop a template facilities may use to achieve compliance and will continue to support the UNH/NHDES P2 Internship program. ($67,000) | |
71 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Rhode Island | RI | 1 | The university of Rhode Island will promote National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) compliance, promote P2 and provide technical assistance to the Rhode Island auto body sector. Specifically, the university will develop a life cycle analysis of recently improved waterborne coating systems, administer workshops and launch enterprise research planning certifications. Fact sheets, training and on-site technical assistance will be used to achieve waste reduction and improve environmental performance. To promote green jobs, a senior level/graduate level P2 course and internships will be planned to train future engineers on the benefits and importance of P2 and materials life cycle analysis. ($88,000) | |
70 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | VT | 1 | Vermont DEC will provide administrative and technical assistance support to the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership (VBEP), a technical assistance and business recognition program. DEC will also support the Governor's Awards Program for Environmental Excellence and the promotion of P2. P2 outreach, technical assistance and recognition initiatives will be implemented for various business sectors including marinas, restaurants and auto body refinishing businesses. The project will provide partnership support to the Vermont Small Business Development Center for business conferences, on-site technical assistance and the administration of the VBEP, including the existing Green Hotels Program, Clean Marinas Program and Green Restaurants Program. ($80,000) | |
69 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | NYSDEC will build upon a previous EPA-funded project in which college students performed P2 assessments at businesses. NYSDEC will train college students to identify P2 opportunities in pharmaceutical facilities with a focus on water conservation and minimizing pharmaceutical releases to the water supply. ($60,000) | |
68 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | NY | 2 | NYSDEC will reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals used, stored and disposed in NYS high school laboratories by developing a chemical hygiene plan and a green chemistry guide for high school science teachers. The green chemistry guide would promote the adoption of green chemistry practices to encourage the use of more environmentally benign reagents and solvents. ($45,000) | |
67 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Rowan University | NJ | 2 | The university will build upon a previous EPA-funded project in which Rowan students performed assessments at pharmaceutical facilities. Based on this experience, the university will develop transferable tools that will assist pharmaceutical companies in their effort to identify source reduction opportunities, obtain necessary technical information and design cost effective P2 strategies. ($53,097) | |
66 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Rutgers University, Center for Advance Energy Systems | NJ | 2 | The university will implement a smart electrical metering system and energy management protocol on two university campuses to reduce energy consumption. This project will serve as a demonstration for schools in the university system and within other higher learning institutions in New Jersey. ($25,000) | |
65 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Rutgers University, Cooperative Extension | NJ | 2 | The university will implement a project, entitled the "Water Champions Program," in which high school students will be trained to conduct water audits at their schools and will recognize participating schools at Water Champions. Through this program, the schools will be able to identify water conservation opportunities in their facilities. ($75,000) | |
64 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Maryland Department of the Environment | MD | 3 | MDE will provide technical assistance and recognition of P2 activities through administration of the Maryland Green Registry. ($38,500) | |
63 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | PA | 3 | Pennsylvania DEP will provide P2 energy efficiency (P2E2) information to 200 businesses, perform 250 customer site assistance visits, conduct seminars and develop eight P2E2 success stories. ($89,980) | |
62 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Temple University, Water and Environmental Technology Center | PA | 3 | The university will visit twenty child care and preschool facilities spread across the region to document cleaning agents used on toys and furniture. It will then perform swipe tests to determine if chemical residue is found. The project will generate a report and a paper for a peer-review scientific journal. P2 recommendations, a website and a one-page flyer describing the results of the project will be published. ($125,000) | |
61 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Wytheville Community College | VA | 3 | The recipient will conduct four training sessions (materials, conference, workshops) to industrial clients in energy conservation, energy audits and support Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality Virginia Environmental Excellence Program. ($38,000) | |
60 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | FL | 4 | Florida DEP will focus on lean strategies for the hospitality sector by implementing the principles of lean methodologies. This project will strive to duplicate lean successes from other sectors (e.g., manufacturing, health care) to increase the efficiency and efficacy in the delivery of hospitality services while reducing impacts on natural resources. The project will include training workshops for the hospitality sector on basic lean methodologies and information on how to apply them. Florida DEPA will also use lean principles in two on-site demonstration projects and in its training modules. ($39,000) | |
59 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division | GA | 4 | Georgia P2AD will: support Georgia's performance-based environmental leadership program, the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia; and provide on-site P2 technical assistance to partners through the use of retired engineers, environmental professionals and student interns. ($82,000) | |
58 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center | KY | 4 | The recipient will support the KPPC —Kentucky's source for technical assistance and education related to waste reduction, energy efficiency and sustainability. Specifically, KPPC's projects include: providing P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance for on-site assessments and supporting the Kentucky EXCEL leadership program. ($94,000) | |
57 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality | MS | 4 | Mississippi DEQ will focus on the following projects: promoting energy efficiency through Energy Star in schools and municipal buildings; launching a Sustainable Cities initiative to promote multi-media P2 activities for cities; and providing lean and green manufacturing assistance to promote business efficiency and natural resource conservation. Mississippi DEQ will also continue existing toxics reduction efforts through the state's Mercury Initiative. ($65,000) | |
56 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources | NC | 4 | North Carolina DENR will focus on continued development of North Carolina's leadership program called the Environmental Stewardship Initiative. The program encourages facilities and institutions to go beyond compliance and strive for continual improvement in environmental performance through the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). This year, the program will offer new training and support using lean production tools and techniques along with the EMSs to achieve further environmental reductions, also known as lean and green. ($72,000) | |
55 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | SC | 4 | South Carolina DHEC will provide multi-media technical assistance through South Carolina's leadership program called the South Carolina Environmental Excellence Program and will develop tools and workshops to assist businesses and institutions in implementing P2 programs. ($63,500) | |
54 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation | TN | 4 | Tennessee DEC will provide networking, technical assistance and support to encourage P2 and resource conservation projects through the Tennessee P2 Partnership program. ($61,500) | |
53 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Illinois | IL | 5 | The university will continue an existing project to provide P2 assistance to achieve measurable water and energy efficiency. ($103,288) | |
52 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Purdue University | IN | 5 | The university will support sustainable health care projects in Indiana in order to build capacity to support health care P2 initiatives. ($25,000) | |
51 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment | MI | 5 | Michigan DNRE will promote an E3 Michigan project – a strategic manufacturing and supply chain alliance to measure waste outputs, greenhouse gas emissions and cost benefits of environmental protection. ($84,938) | |
50 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth | MI | 5 | Michigan DNRE will launch an E3 student internship program – a project to be carried out in close coordination with the Michigan DNRE project to maximize measurable benefits. ($25,701) | |
49 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | MN | 5 | Green Chemistry/Green Design Year 2 and performance measures follow-up – continuation of grant to build capacity for green chemistry and green engineering. ($85,794) | |
48 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Toledo | OH | 5 | The university will continue to promote its manufacturing extension partnership's P2 assessments. The projects will build upon existing efforts and expand on technical assistance by providing P2, energy conservation and renewable energy promotion to the hospitality and manufacturing industries. ($63,145) | |
47 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Wisconsin | WI | 5 | The university will continue to support sustainable health care and sustainable marinas initiatives. The projects will train and place up to six student interns in health care facilities. An additional intern will be assigned to assist in identifying interested marinas and coordinating waste assessments. ($73,863) | |
46 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Arkansas Department of Equality | AR | 6 | ADEQ's P2 program will provide technical assistance to businesses for which a lack of information is an impediment to source reduction and to other businesses upon request. ADEQ's P2 program coordinator will lead the agency's environmental management system and document the results in its annual audit. The P2 coordinator will participate in the Committee for Executive Order 09-07, an Executive Order that encourages the reduction of energy consumption by state agencies and assesses the environmental impact of state agency operations. ADEQ will also promote the Arkansas Environmental Stewardship Award Program and will evaluate applications. Source reduction data will be collected and reported to EPA Region 6 and the National P2 Results Data System. The P2 coordinator will also participate in public outreach and training activities and attend regional meetings and training events. ($40,000) | |
45 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | New Mexico Environment Department | NM | 6 | NMED will continue its Green Zia Program – a P2 program that consists of conducting site assistance visits that focus on small and medium-sized businesses and will begin the process of creating an environmental management policy for the New Mexico Environment Department. The NMED P2 Program will also work with the New Mexico Navajo Housing Authority to implement and provide waste minimization techniques to underserved areas within New Mexico and will continue its work with the Village of Angel Fire and the Angel Fire Ski Resort to expand current waste minimization practices. The NMED will also continue to work with the New Mexico Roadrunner Pretreatment Association to provide P2 training and resources to identify and reduce pollutants and focus on industries harmful to the environment. ($50,000) | |
44 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | New Mexico State University | NM | 6 | NMSU'S Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) program will: continue providing P2 technical assistance to industry and communities to reduce air toxins, including particulate matter to reduce exposure to children and asthma patients; conserve water in manufacturing; and eliminate mercury as a waste stream in the health care industry. The goals include continuing IEE's on-site P2 technical assistance to New Mexico's industries, businesses, health care facilities, public entities and tribes; introducing and implementing benefits of environmental management systems to public entities; organizing and implementing lean and green trainings for New Mexico's manufacturing sector; and continuing participation in regional and national P2 efforts. ($75,000) | |
43 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry | OK | 6 | ODAFF will work with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in the state to reduce the amount of phosphorus entering rivers, lakes and streams. This project will provide on-site technical assistance to poultry farmers as means for farmers to adopt best management practices outlined in ODAFF's Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP) and in its Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) that lays out guidelines for storage and land application of poultry waste in watersheds of eastern Oklahoma. These projects will also serve as models for similar technical assistance efforts that are part of Oklahoma's overall CAFOs efforts. ODAFF will also follow-up on potential enforcement violations after training and technical assistance efforts are completed. ($67,000) | |
40 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | OK | 6 | Oklahoma DEQ will continue its P2 technical assistance work, focusing on tourism through a continued partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation to promote, encourage and develop sustainable travel practices in Oklahoma. Oklahoma DEQ will also partner with Green Corps in Northeast Oklahoma City to develop and distribute educational material on environmental protection laws to lower income residents and will provide training to residents on how to make more environmental sound choices. ($60,000) | |
39 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Texas at Arlington – Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center | TX | 6 | UTA/TMAC will partner with the Zero Waste Network to provide direct, phone and online P2 technical assistance. The assistance will include training on basic P2 techniques, continue environmental management system training and will promote lean and green business practices. In addition, the grant recipient will begin to focus on E3 (Economy, Energy and Environment) initiatives and look to create new opportunities in this area. ($150,000) | |
38 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | Iowa DNR will provide technical assistance to Iowa's Environmental Management Systems pilot program and conduct P2 and follow-up assessments. The pilot project will help set a standard of continuous improvement of environmental activities by establishing goals to accomplish reductions and improvements in four key environmental areas – greenhouse gas reduction, water quality improvement, toxicity reductions and waste reduction. ($95,000) | |
37 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment | KS | 7 | The KDHE will promote a P2 awareness and recognition program, provide technical assistance and support intern staff positions in P2 and energy efficiency. The goal of this grant is to provide businesses and institutions with the P2 technical services needed to accomplish sustainability goals. ($95,500) | |
36 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Missouri | MO | 7 | The university will: complete an online conversion of P2 engineering courses; expand the P2 intern program across the state through strategic partnerships; market P2 course modules for professional development through the College of Engineering's continuing education program; promote and measure the best management practices for dental amalgam (mercury), water and energy efficiency and waste reduction; and promote P2 through direct technical assistance and outreach. ($94,621) | |
35 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | University of Nebraska | NE | 7 | The university will launch a two week education course in P2/source reduction techniques and sustainability; provide on-site technical assistance and service learning to educate students about on-site technical assistance using the service learning model; and will assess output and outcome data from technical assistance, education and reassessment efforts. ($96,000) | |
34 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment | CO | 8 | CDPHE will: improve energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction within the department; work with the Governor's Energy Office to provide greening the government technical assistance to sixteen state agencies to implement greening the government policies and programs to enhance efficiencies and minimize environmental impacts from state agencies; sponsor an environmental leadership program to encourage program members to focus on issues important to their communities, take creative approaches to solving local problems and employ partnerships and network with neighborhood citizens to achieve environmental goals. ($105,000) | |
33 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Montana State University Extension Service | MT | 8 | The MSU Extension Service will establish a statewide agricultural P2 Outreach Partnership consisting of agricultural commodity groups and organizations; provide environmental management system self-assessments and offer education and training to Montana agricultural producers and processors; document environmental impacts of adopting and applying agricultural pollution practices; and support the EcoStar P2 Recognition Program to recognize the integration and implementation of P2 in Montana agricultural practices. ($92,000) | |
32 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality | ND | 8 | North Dakota DEQ will assist at least five private businesses and five government agencies, universities, and schools in learning how to reduce their environmental footprint with respect to electronic equipment. In coordination with the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources DEQ will: assist in matching area businesses with experts in geothermal technology for geothermal building opportunities; facilitate a Green Building Committee to draft an environmental awareness policy; implement energy audit recommendations; and continue to work with the automotive salvage industry to emphasize the removal of mercury containing devices and incorporate other P2 initiatives. ($43,319) | |
31 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Utah Department of Environmental Quality | UT | 8 | The Utah DEQ will: continue to provide technical assistance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease the use of hazardous materials and conserve natural resources; provide resources to advance environmental sustainability; promote environmental management systems (EMS) as the preferred approach to environmental protection and pollution reduction; promote "Clean Utah" to businesses as a way to increase EMS usage and recognize successes; continue to green DEQ facilities that can be used as a model program for other government agencies; and participate in activities that encourage P2 awareness. ($84,631) | |
30 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality | WY | 8 | Wyoming DEQ will: document P2 cost savings in four large motor pool fleets, conduct 10 on-site technical visits to businesses and eight on-site P2 assistance inspections; and launch an Environmental Awards Program to encourage and recognize small businesses in Wyoming that implement P2 practices. ($70,050) | |
29 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | State of Hawaii – Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism | HI | 9 | The grant recipient will support an intern program to leverage the support and expertise of partners across Hawaii to develop a future workforce and expand the Hawaii Green Business Program. Emphasis will be placed on hotels and the Green Government Challenge, which focuses on waste reduction, P2 and resource conservation work. ($71,355) | |
28 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | AK | 10 | Alaska DEC will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses and governments; and target sectors—tribal, building and construction industries in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ($108,000) | |
27 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | ID | 10 | Idaho DEQ will: conduct "lean and the environment" work (with manufacturing extension partnerships) within the manufacturing sector; conduct chemical cleanouts in schools, develop an Idaho environmental guide and document environmental outcome measures. ($71,000) | |
26 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Portland State University | OR | 10 | The university will promote the "EcoBiz" business labeling program for the automotive and landscape sectors. ($87,187) | |
25 | Pollution Prevention Grant | 2010 | Washington Department of Ecology | WA | 10 | The grant recipient will promote toxics use reduction work (focusing on metals of concern) and will launch P2 energy champion initiatives. ($67,645) | |
24 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Charles River Watershed Association | MA | 1 | CRWA will work with municipal officials in the Charles River watershed to reduce phosphorus pollution in stormwater runoff. CRWA will host a series of workshops detailing ways municipalities can effectively reduce their use of products that contain phosphorus. Workshops will also focus on helping municipalities improve their operational "good housekeeping" practices. CRWA will provide simple tracking systems designed to help quantify annual phosphorus loading and track progress. Following the workshops, in-depth training will be provided to two to three interested municipalities to further reduce their phosphorus runoff. ($22,021) | |
23 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Maine Department of Environmental Protection | ME | 1 | The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will provide technical assistance to restaurants to establish a metrics database to quantify environmental reductions resulting from sustainable initiatives. The restaurant business sector has an enormous opportunity to reduce its environmental footprint from which quantitative data can be measured. The goal of this project is to provide technical assistance to restaurants and to establish a metrics database and tools to allow restaurants to quantify the environmental reductions they achieve through sustainable practices. ($24,500) | |
22 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Center for Economic Environmental Partnership – Boston Green Tourism | MA | 1 | The Center for Economic Environmental Partnership (CEEP), through its Partner Boston Green Tourism, will train Maine and Vermont hoteliers and restaurateurs to reduce their use of energy, water and toxic products and reduce their waste through the use of seminars, resource documents and technical assistance. CEEP's goal is to maximize the number of hotels and restaurants that are green certified under each state's green hospitality program. ($18,400) | |
21 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | New York State Pollution Prevention Institute | NY | 2 | NYSP2I will promote the use of wet cleaning instead of solvent-based dry cleaning in New York state by assisting dry cleaners in converting their operation to wet cleaning. NYSP2I will provide technical assistance and funding for equipment costs to two dry cleaners and will use them as demonstration case studies for other dry cleaners in New York State. ($65,000) | |
20 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Florida Atlantic University | FL | 4 | The university will develop Phase I of a best management practices decision support tool for the hospitality sector. Activities will include: finalizing the decision support tool and providing training to the lodging, hospitality and small business sectors that support the hospitality sector. The tool will allow users to track energy use, water consumption, reduce harmful air emissions and monitor waste generation to record environmental benefits. ($25,000) | |
19 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Sustainability Division | GA | 4 | The division will create a green lodging program for Georgia's hospitality industry as part of the "Partnership for Sustainable Georgia," (PSG) which assists businesses reach better environmental results while aiming to lower costs. The division will tap into a renewed interest surrounding green lodging in the state of Georgia in order to provide the lodging sector with information to learn from other businesses that have had a positive impact on the environmental performance of Georgia's hospitality industry. Activities will include: 1) outreach/program evaluation; 2) development of the PSG Green Lodging Track; 3) PSG Green Lodging Track Pilot Implementation; 4) Green Lodging Launch & Workshop/Training; and, 5) reporting. The workshops and trainings will be used as a recruitment/orientation tool to bring in new lodging partners and to provide technical learning. ($30,000) | |
18 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources | NC | 4 | The recipient will provide Economic, Energy and Environment (E3) technical assistance to identified E3 manufacturers in North Carolina. ($55,000) | |
17 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation | TN | 4 | The recipient will implement the Tennessee Sustainable Tourism Certification Program to encourage the state's hospitality industry to become leaders in the implementation of energy, water and waste conservation, P2 and other sustainable business practices. This program will seek to work with internationally-recognized certification programs and use EPA hospitality guidelines to offer participants dual certifications and establish a regional model. ($30,000) | |
16 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | TN | 4 | The grantee will conduct lean and hospitality workshops focusing on providing information on how guests view sustainability initiatives and whether they see them as value-added or non-value-added activities in the lodging industry. ($18,933) | |
15 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | University of Illinois, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center | IL | 5 | The project merges the expertise of ISTC and the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center into a holistic resource to improve the sustainability of Illinois manufacturing facilities. The partners will provide direct P2 and energy efficiency assistance to at least six Illinois industries to improve manufacturing processes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use of hazardous materials, water use and production costs. ($48,000) | |
14 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Indiana Department of Management | IN | 5 | The project will provide direct P2 technical assistance and achieve measurable results by training facility operators, demonstrating energy efficiency improvements and tracking resulting greenhouse gas reduction at municipal water and wastewater utilities. ($38,520) | |
13 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Techsolve | OH | 5 | Techsolve will enhance an existing regional internship program to select, train and place qualified advanced college students with committed host manufacturers to undertake research, study and implementation of P2 and source reduction strategies. In addition to the two county solid waste districts, the partnership will expand to include the University of Dayton, Industrial Assessment Center to improve energy efficiency assistance. ($61,938) | |
12 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Iowa Department of Natural Resources | IA | 7 | IDNR will provide technical assistance to Iowa's food processors and to state health care facilities by utilizing pollution prevention interns. The recipient will also host a regional Hospitals for Health Environment workshop – coordinating with the Kansas State University's Pollution Prevention Institute and the Kansas City Area Healthcare Engineers. ($52,725) | |
11 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Kansas State University | KS | 7 | KSU will offer source reduction assistance for two sectors – health care and lodging facilities. The recipient will provide the assistance using professional engineering staff and pollution prevention interns. The project will place particular emphasis on mercury reduction and/or elimination. KSU will also promote recognition efforts through EPA's stewardship programs. ($63,066) | |
10 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Drury University | MO | 7 | The university will work with 10 organizations in southwest Missouri to identify and implement opportunities to reduce waste, conserve energy and promote sustainability through their Ozarks Green Score model. ($36,838) | |
9 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Denver Civic Venture, Inc. | CO | 8 | The recipient will quantify reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and support future reductions in energy and water consumption from 100 commercial office buildings and/or hotels, 5,000 square feet and above, in the Denver Metro area. The Energy Star program will be used to measure consumption and reductions. ($25,000) | |
8 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | University of Colorado, Denver | CO | 8 | The university will develop a demonstration microbial fuel cell for direct waste-to-electricity conversion for the Colorado Convention Center. The reactor will be used as a prototype to conduct life cycle assessment and material flow analysis. The benefits in waste treatment, bioenergy recovery and greenhouse gas mitigation will be evaluated. ($24,998) | |
7 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Montana State University | MT | 8 | Multimedia tools will be developed to educate local and state governments to implement greening strategies to reduce air emissions, energy and water use, waste generation and water pollution. Implementation of energy efficiency and greening strategies will be identified and environmental measures achieved will be reported. ($52,238) | |
6 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | North Dakota State University | ND | 8 | The university will demonstrate the bio-methane potential of dairy manure alone and co-digested with canola mean in North Dakota climatic conditions and management practices. Large amounts of manure will be converted into biomethane, a renewable energy source, through anaerobic digestion. ($22,084) | |
5 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Utah State University | UT | 8 | The university will quantify the extent of nitrogen and phosphorus removal of commonly found in wetland plant species at a field demonstration site in one of 24 segregated detention bays. The results will be evaluated among various wetland species differing in the extent of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, biomass production and evapotranspiration rates and their ability to survive in sparse rainfall conditions characteristic of climatic zones in EPA Region 8. ($25,000) | |
4 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | City and County of San Francisco, Department of the Environment | CA | 9 | The recipient will create multilingual (English, Spanish and Chinese) training modules and materials (videos and brochures) for custodial companies and their staff to help them employ green cleaning practices and products that reduce the impact to their health and the environment. The project will also create a green business standard for janitorial companies to be used by green business recognition programs throughout EPA Region 9 and beyond. The materials will be developed via a pilot with two custodial service companies. ($75,463) | |
3 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition | CA | 9 | The recipient will promote a campaign to address the potential environmental and health hazards of solar energy products in manufacturing and throughout their lifecycles. It will survey solar energy companies, work to develop panel take-back recycling programs and reduce the use of hazardous materials in solar photovoltaic products. ($21,000) | |
2 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Oregon Environmental Council | OR | 10 | The recipient will promote the Oregon Safer Alternative Assistance program to inform state technical assistance providers and businesses on reducing toxics. ($15,500) | |
1 | Source Reduction Assistance Grant | 2010 | Pollution Prevention Resource Center | OR | 10 | PPRC will provide P2 assistance, sponsor networking conferences and provide tools and information products to state technical assistance providers. ($110,000) |