EPA Funds Projects to Improve Farms, Protect Water Quality
Stories of Progress in Achieving Healthy Waters
U.S. EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division
Honey Brook, Pennsylvania • August 2019
EPA funding for farm improvement projects in two Pennsylvania counties is contributing to healthy farms and clean water.
EPA worked with the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to provide a total of $11.2 million to improve farm operations and local water quality throughout Chester and Lancaster counties.

The funding was provided by EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund though PENNVEST to the Chester County Conservation District (CCCD) and Team Ag, Inc., an agriculture consulting company.
One of the beneficiaries is Elmer Kauffman, an Amish dairy farmer with a herd of 100 cows in Honey Brook, Chester County.
He received $363,000 in funds to make a series of improvements on his operation, including a concrete manure storage structure, streambank fencing to keep his cows out of the stream, a stream crossing for his cows, and barnyard roof runoff controls. These practices help to improve efficiency of his farm operations and protect local waterways that eventually lead to the Chesapeake Bay.
“The cleanliness of my herd is noticeably better. This will also lead to better herd health,” said Mr. Kauffman.

Among the improvements, the new storage structure will collect manure from the cows, wastewater from the site’s milk house and runoff from areas of heavy use on the farm.“I am very impressed how Elmer and Team Ag worked together to develop and implement a whole farm conservation plan that addresses all of the natural resources concerns,” said Christian Strohmaier of the Chester County Conservation District.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Region 3 Water Division
Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania Progress - Farm Improvement Projects (pdf)
(310.3 KB, August 2019)
Pennsylvania Progress - Farm Improvement Projects
- EPA and PENNVEST team up to provide funding for farm improvements - helping farmers and local water quality.
- Dairy farmer Elmer Kauffman said, ‘cleanliness of herd is noticeably better.’
For additional information, contact:
Maggie Cunningham, EPA Region 3
[email protected]
Christian Strohmaier, CCCD
[email protected]