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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 results
PN 2022-04 - Forest Edge Development, LLC
- Geographic Locations: New York
2022-06: Carmine Istvan
EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act for Cargill Feed and Nutrition, Batavia NY, EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalty assessment
- Geographic Locations: New York
PN 2022-5Oldcastle APG Northeast, Inc.
EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act for Oldcastle_Fishers EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalty assessment.
- Geographic Locations: New York
2022-08 Forest Estates 28, LLC
- Geographic Locations: New York
Underground Injection Control Program Aquifer Exemption Denial for Aethon Energy Operating LLC, Marlin 29-21 WDW, Fremont County, Wyoming
Aquifer Exemption Denial
- Geographic Locations: Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
MOGO-Jody Field 34-1 & 34-2 Disposal Well, Pondera County, Montana, Permit #’s MT52443-12513 & MT52439-12514
UIC Draft Permit Public Notice
- Geographic Locations: Montana, Rocky Mountains
Consent Agreement with Utah County for Alleged Violations of the Clean Water Act
Public notice of public comment period on proposed consent agreement between EPA and Utah County in Utah.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Utah, Rocky Mountains
2025-9 Optimum Window Manufacturing, LLC
EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act (Act). EPA is also providing notice of opportunity to comment
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: New York
Proposed Settlement for Clean Water Act Violations in Hardin, Montana
Public notice for an Expedited Penalty Action and Consent Agreement (Consent Agreement) pertaining to a drinking water treatment plant owned and operated by the City of Hardin, which discharges wastewater in Hardin, MT.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Montana, Rocky Mountains
Clean Water Act Certification for the Grand Loop Road – Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 3 project in Yellowstone National Park
Public notice for a Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification proposed project to rehabilitate the roadway and drainage structures along Grand Loop Road within Yellowstone National Park (YNP) for approximately 1.2 miles south beginning at the Golden Gate.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Wyoming, Rocky Mountains