Resources for Businesses, States, and Local Governments
Tools and Resources
- Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines help businesses purchase recycled materials.
- Waste Reduction Model (WARM) helps solid waste planners track and report greenhouse gas emissions reductions from various waste management practices.
Circular Economy
- Circular economy webpages provides information and resources circular economy, the National Recycling Strategy, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
- Sustainable Management of Food webpages provide resources to help organizations prevent and divert wasted food.
- Sustainable Management of Electronics webpages include information about responsible electronics management (e.g., donation, reuse, recycling, etc.).
- Federal Green Challenge webpages provide resources for federal agencies to lead by example and reduce their environmental footprint.
Industrial Materials Recycling
- Construction & Demolition Materials website provides resources to encourage the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition materials.
Hazardous Waste Recycling