Table of Policy Options for Smart Growth Fixes for Climate Adaptation and Resilience
This table of the policy options included in Smart Growth Fixes for Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Changing Land Use and Building Codes and Policies to Prepare for Climate Change is sortable by chapter (Overall Strategies, Adapting to Flooding and Extreme Precipitation, Adapting to Sea Level Rise, Adapting to Extreme Heat, Adapting to Drought, Adapting to Wildfire), level (Minor Adjustment, Major Modification, or Wholesale Change), and type of policy change (Collaboration/Partnerships, Education/Outreach, Incentives, Land Preservation, Pilot Program, Planning/Mapping, Regulatory). The table also lists other impacts to which a policy option might be relevant in addition to the main impact it addresses.
For more information on these policies, including examples of how they have been implemented in communities, read Smart Growth Fixes for Climate Adaptation and Resilience.
Chapter | Level | Type of Policy Change | Policy Change | Other Relevant Impacts |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping |
Use regional climate change, population demographics, transportation demand, and related projections to understand where community assets could be vulnerable.
Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping | Align land use, hazard mitigation, transportation, capital improvement, and other plans so all plans are working toward the same goals. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Incentives; Regulatory | Create a list of desired development elements in more-vulnerable areas, and encourage or require developers to implement a certain number of them. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Incentives | Evaluate development incentives to see if they encourage development in particularly vulnerable areas. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping | Conduct a safe growth audit. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Education/ Outreach | Improve public education about the risks of developing in sensitive areas. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Modest Adjustment | Education/ Outreach | Assess and address the needs of people who might be particularly vulnerable and/or are likely to be most affected, especially if they live in higher-risk areas. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping | Use scenario planning to inform local planning and policies. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Regulatory |
Adopt flexible zoning.
Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping | Incorporate fiscal impact analysis into development review, and make sure it includes costs related to climate change impacts. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Regulatory | Allow a mix of uses. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping; Incentives | Incorporate into the land use map, comprehensive plan, and economic development plan locations where it makes sense to encourage economic growth. Encourage businesses to locate there. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Major Modification | Collaboration/ Partnerships; Regulatory |
Encourage on-site renewable energy generation and storage.
Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Wholesale Change | Planning/ Mapping | Incorporate into capital projects features that enhance resilience and bring multiple other benefits. | Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Extreme heat, Drought, Wildfire |
Overall Strategies | Wholesale Change | Planning/ Mapping; Regulatory |
Plan for post-disaster redevelopment before a disaster strikes.
Flooding and extreme precipitation, Sea level rise, Drought, Wildfire |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Modest Adjustment | Pilot Program | Pilot a sustainable streetscape program with green infrastructure features. | Sea level rise, Extreme heat |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Modest Adjustment | Education/ Outreach; Incentives | Help private property owners better manage stormwater through education and incentives. | |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Modest Adjustment | Land Preservation | Design open space in flood plains for multiple amenities. | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Require new development or redevelopment to capture and infiltrate the first 1 or 1.5 inches of rain. | |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Update any Clean Water Act Section 402 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits to consider climate change. | |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping | Adopt the 500-year flood plain as the "locally regulated flood plain." | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Major Modification | Regulatory | Restrict development in areas buffering water bodies or wetlands. | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Major Modification | Regulatory | Adopt green and complete streets design standards. | Extreme heat |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Major Modification | Land Preservation | Acquire properties at risk of flooding, use the land for infiltration, and help the property owners resettle in the community. | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Major Modification | Collaboration/ Partnerships | Enter into a community-based public-private partnership to install and maintain green infrastructure. | Extreme heat |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Wholesale Change | Pilot Program | Create an overarching framework for water-related initiatives. | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Establish elevation requirements with design guidelines for streets and infrastructure. | Sea level rise |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Adopt a site plan requirement that requires all new development to retain all stormwater on-site. | |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Create sustainable funding for stormwater infrastructure. | |
Flooding and Extreme Precipitation | Wholesale Change | Education/ Outreach | Develop a municipal stormwater design manual that illustrates context-appropriate green infrastructure. | Sea level rise, Extreme heat |
Sea Level Rise | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping | Add projected sea level rise to flood zone hazard maps that are based exclusively on historical events. | |
Sea Level Rise | Modest Adjustment | Land Preservation | Designate and protect "transition zones" near tidal marshes. | |
Sea Level Rise | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Change the definition of "normal high water" for land adjacent to tidal waters to change regulatory setbacks. | |
Sea Level Rise | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping; Regulatory | Incorporate sea level rise impacts into all future land use planning and regulations using projections rather than past trends. | |
Sea Level Rise | Major Modification | Regulatory | Strengthen building codes in coastal zones by requiring additional adaptation strategies. | Flooding and precipitation |
Sea Level Rise | Major Modification | Regulatory | Modify the steep-slope ordinance to account for slopes exposed to increased moisture due to changes in precipitation and sea level rise. | Flooding and precipitation |
Sea Level Rise | Major Modification | Regulatory | Create an overlay district where flood regulations and standards would apply, or establish context-sensitive shoreline classifications with appropriate standards. | Flooding and precipitation |
Sea Level Rise | Major Modification | Regulatory | Require building-level design for disassembly/ adaptation planning. | Flooding and precipitation; Wildfire |
Sea Level Rise | Wholesale Change | Pilot Program | Designate and protect working waterfronts. | |
Sea Level Rise | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Implement rolling development restrictions. | |
Sea Level Rise | Wholesale Change | Planning/ Mapping | Begin planning for managed retreat from the shoreline. | Flooding and precipitation; Wildfire |
Extreme Heat | Modest Adjustment | Incentives | Offer financial or procedural incentives to use passive survivability. | |
Extreme Heat | Modest Adjustment | Program; Planning/ Mapping | Map "hot spots," and conduct pilot programs in these places to reduce heat. | |
Extreme Heat | Modest Adjustment | Education/ Outreach |
Support the people and neighborhoods that are most vulnerable and least able to adapt on their own.
Extreme Heat | Modest Adjustment | Incentives | Offer incentives to plant and protect trees. | Flooding and precipitation |
Extreme Heat | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping | Include reducing heat island effects as an objective in complete streets projects. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Incentives; Regulatory | Require or encourage green or reflective roofs on new buildings with little or no roof slope. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Regulatory | Revise the zoning ordinance to allow urban agriculture. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Regulatory | Require shade trees in all municipal projects and private parking lots. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Planning/ Mapping | Adopt a tree canopy or urban forest master plan and implementing ordinances. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Incentives; Regulatory | Require or offer incentives for using cool paving in municipal capital improvement projects and private parking lots. | |
Extreme Heat | Major Modification | Regulatory | Amend site plan requirements and design guidelines to encourage light or permeable paving, shade, green alleys, vegetation, and tree canopy. | |
Extreme Heat | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Adopt an energy conservation code to establish minimum requirements for energy efficiency in buildings, or adopt a stretch or reach code. | |
Extreme Heat | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Incorporate passive survivability into the building code. | |
Drought | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Encourage compact development policies such as walkable block sizes, transit-supportive density, and high intersection connectivity. | Extreme heat, Wildfire |
Drought | Modest Adjustment | Education/ Outreach | Recommend the use of drought-tolerant plants or xeriscaping as part of water conservation, landscaping, and water waste ordinances. | Extreme heat |
Drought | Modest Adjustment | Incentives | Promote the use of WaterSense-rated plumbing fixtures through incentives. | |
Drought | Major Modification | Regulatory | Implement a water impact fee that reflects each property's consumption. | |
Drought | Major Modification | Incentives | Offer rebates or other incentives to encourage drought-tolerant plants, residential rainwater harvesting, water-efficient fixtures, or other water-saving practices. | |
Drought | Major Modification | Regulatory | Mandate graywater-ready residential development. | |
Drought | Major Modification | Pilot Program | Adopt a citywide policy promoting water recycling for nonpotable uses. | |
Drought | Major Modification | Regulatory | Require use of water-efficient fixtures through the building code. | |
Drought | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Enact a building energy and water benchmarking ordinance. | |
Drought | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Enact a water conservation or water waste ordinance to restrict the type of landscaping on new development and public properties. | |
Drought | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Mandate rainwater harvesting for all new commercial construction. | |
Drought | Wholesale Change | Collaboration/ Partnerships | Integrate water resource management with land use plans to make sure the community has enough water for planned growth. | |
Wildfire | Modest Adjustment | Collaboration/ Partnerships | Establish a task force to review building codes, development patterns, and other relevant issues. | |
Wildfire | Modest Adjustment | Planning/ Mapping | Incorporate wildfire scenario planning into local planning. | |
Wildfire | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Strengthen requirements for building and roof materials to be fire-resistant and green. | |
Wildfire | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Require sites for new emergency facilities to be outside of high-risk areas, well-connected, and easy to access. | Flooding and precipitation, Sea level rise |
Wildfire | Modest Adjustment | Regulatory | Require new developments to submit a fire protection plan during site plan review. | |
Wildfire | Major Modification | Incentives; Regulatory | Encourage or require compact development through comprehensive plans, area plans, and zoning codes. | |
Wildfire | Major Modification | Regulatory | In subdivision regulations, require clustered development that is well-connected to existing development and walkable. | |
Wildfire | Major Modification | Regulatory | Adopt wildfire hazard overlay districts with development regulations based on factors like slope, structure, and fuel hazards. | |
Wildfire | Major Modification | Collaboration/ Partnerships | Consider adopting the Firewise Communities Program. | |
Wildfire | Wholesale Change | Regulatory | Require subdivisions to have a highly connected street network with multiple connection points to the external street network. | |
Wildfire | Wholesale Change | Land Preservation | Acquire and maintain open space between dense forested areas and residential development. |