Nutrient TMDL Workshop

The following tables document the agenda of the workshop along with presentation materials.
Day 1 - Tuesday, February 15
Time | Session |
8:00 | Registration |
8:30 | Welcome |
8:45 | Workshop Purpose and Goals Menchu Martinez, US EPA Headquarters and Jim Ruppel, US EPA Region 8 |
9:00 | Overview Session 1: Programmatic and Scientific Background Moderator: Mike Haire, US EPA Headquarters |
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | Overview Session 2: Nutrient Criteria Development Moderator: Mike Haire, US EPA Headquarters |
12:15 | Lunch on your own |
1:30 | Listing Session 1: Assessing and Listing Nutrient Impairments Moderator: Kim Caviness, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
3:30 | Break |
3:45 | TMDL Session 1: Overview of the Existing Methods for Nutrient TMDL Development Moderator: Kim Caviness, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
5:00 | Adjourn |
Overview Session 1: Programmatic and Scientific Background
Time | Session |
9:00 | Nutrient Effects on Aquatic Ecology, Recreation and Drinking Water Supply: Nutrient and Key Response Indicators Michael Paul, Tetra Tech Presentation: Nutrient Effects on Aquatic Ecology, Recreation and Drinking Water Supply: Nutrient and Key Response Indicators |
9:30 | Nutrients and the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listing and TMDL Program John Goodin, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Nutrients and the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listing and TMDL Program |
10:15 | Questions and Answers |
Overview Session 2: Nutrient Criteria Development
Time | Session |
10:45 | Nutrient Criteria: National Overview/Recent Developments/Look to the Future Dana Thomas, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Status of Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development |
11:20 | Overview of EPA's Promulgated Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida's Streams, Lakes and Springs Daryll Joyner and Jan Mandrup-Poulsen, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Presentation: Overview of EPA's Promulgated Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida's Streams, Lakes and Springs |
Listing Session 1: Assessing and Listing Nutrient Impairments
Time | Session |
1:30 | Results of the National Survey Sarah Lehmann, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) Nutrient Results |
2:00 | Listings Based on Narrative Water Quality Criteria Bill Painter, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Selected Information from Watershed Branch In-House Surveys of EPA Regions -- Nutrient Listings |
2:20 | Stressor Identification Jeffery Frithsen, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Stressor Identification |
3:00 | Discussion, Questions and Answers |
TMDL Session 1: Overview of the Existing Methods for Nutrient TMDL Development
Time | Session |
3:45 | Overview of Findings from Compendium of Nutrient TMDLs Rosaura Conde, US EPA Headquarters and Jennifer Olson , Tetra Tech Presentation:Compilation of Practices Observed in Nutrient Listing and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) |
4:15 | Quantitative Prediction of Nutrient Effects on Key Response Indicators and Use Tim Wool, US EPA Region 4 Presentation: Quantitative Approaches for Linking Nutrient Concentrations to Response Indicators for TMDL Development |
Day 2 - Wednesday, February 16
Time | Session |
8:30 | Opening Remarks |
8:45, 10:45 | TMDL Session 2: Setting Nutrient Targets Moderator: Tom Stiles, Kansas Department of Health |
10:30 | Break |
12:00 | Lunch |
1:00 | Concurrent Session 1A: TMDL Modeling Applications Moderator: Joni Nuttle, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment |
1:00 | Concurrent Session 1B: State Approaches to Nutrient TMDLs Moderator: Mark Osborn, Missouri DNR |
3:00 | Break |
3:15 | Concurrent Session 2A: Technical and Regulatory Issues in TMDL Development Moderator: Joni Nuttle, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment |
3:15 | Concurrent Session 2B: TMDL Implementation Moderator: Mark Osborn, Missouri DNR |
4:45 | Adjourn |
TMDL Session 2: Setting Nutrient Targets
Time | Session |
8:45 | Developing Nutrient Concentration Targets from Narrative Criteria Bill Painter, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Selected Information from Watershed Branch In-House Surveys of EPA Regions—Nutrient Listings |
9:00 | Setting Water Quality Targets for Phosphorus and Nitrogen Michael Paul, Tetra Tech Presentation: Setting Water Quality Targets for Nitrogen and Phosphorus |
9:30 | Pennsylvania Nutrient TMDLs – Using a Weight of Evidence Approach
Elizabeth Gaige, US EPA Region 3 |
10:00 | Michigan Approach to Setting Nutrient Targets Based on Biological Impairments Sylvia Heaton, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Presentation:Developing Nutrient Targets for TMDLs: Biological Thresholds and Predictive Modeling |
10:45 | Identification of Nutrient Concentrations and Enrichment Indicators for Application in a Weight- of-Evidence Based Nutrient Water Quality Standard for Ohio Bob Miltner, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Presentation: Development of Nutrient Water Quality Standards for Ohio Surface Waters |
11:15 | Development of Biologically Based Total Maximum Daily Loads for Nutrients in the Upper Midwest Shivi Selvaratnam, Indiana Department of Environmental Management and Jeff Frey , USGS Presentation: Nutrient Targets for Development of Biologically Based Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Upper Midwest |
11:45 | Panel Discussion |
Concurrent Session 1A: TMDL Modeling Applications
Time | Session |
1:00 | Nutrient Modeling Overview Dr. Mazdak Arabi, Colorado State University Presentation: Nutrient Modeling Overview |
1:45 | Using Load Duration Curves in Nutrient TMDLs Bruce Cleland, Tetra Tech Presentation: Nutrient TMDLs: Using Duration Curves to Develop Nutrient TMDLs |
2:05 | Water Quality Modeling – Technical Applications Using Mechanistic Models Tim Wool, US EPA Region 4 Presentation: Mechanistic Models in Nutrient TMDL Development |
2:40 | Nutrient TMDLs for Reservoirs with Limited Data: Assessing Uncertainty Using Monte Carlo Simulation Andrew Fang, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Presentation: Nutrient TMDLs for Reservoirs with Limited Data: Assessing Uncertainty Using Monte Carlo Simulation |
Concurrent Session 1B: State Approaches to Nutrient TMDLs
Time | Session |
1:00 | Nutrient TMDLs Issues in Kentucky Andrea Fredenburg, Kentucky Division of Water Presentation: Nutrient TMDL Issues in Kentucky |
1:20 | Nutrient TMDL Development and Implementation in New Mexico Shelly Lemon, New Mexico Environment Department Presentation: New Mexico's Approach to Nutrient Impaired Waters |
1:40 | North Carolina Nutrient TMDLs: Integrating State and Federal Programs Pam Behm, North Carolina Division of Water Quality Presentation: North Carolina Nutrient TMDLs: Integrating State and Federal Programs (PDF) |
2:05 | Los Angeles Area Lake TMDLs Valentina Cabrera-Stagno, US EPA Region 9 Presentation: Los Angeles Area Lakes EPA TMDLs: “Simple” TMDLs Developed Using the NNE BATHTUB Model |
2:30 | Expressing Load Allocations for Nutrient TMDLs with Direct Linkage to Implementation Tools Kevin Kirsch, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Presentation: Expressing Load Allocations with Direct Linkage to Implementation Tools |
Concurrent Session 2A: Technical and Regulatory Issues in TMDL Development
Time | Session |
3:15 | Linking Nutrients and Sediment Oxygen Demand, Souris River TMDL Heather Husband Duchscherer, North Dakota Department of Health Presentation: Linking Nutrients and SOD, Souris River TMDL |
3:45 | Cutler Reservoir's Phased TMDL for Nutrients & Dissolved Oxygen Michael Allred, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Presentation: Bear River-Cutler Reservoir TMDL |
4:15 | Convergence of the Clean Water Act and a Federal Civil Works Project – the Central and South Florida Project Canals Kevin Carter, South Florida Water Management District Presentation: The Clean Water Act and the Central and South Florida Project Canals |
Concurrent Session 2B: TMDL Implementation
Time | Session |
3:15 | Addressing Uncertainty in TMDL Implementation Tom Davenport, US EPA Region 5 Presentation: Addressing Uncertainty in Watershed Management |
3:45 | Development of a Water Quality Trading Framework in Wisconsin for Phosphorus Kevin Kirsch, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Presentation: Development of a Water Quality Trading Framework in Wisconsin for Phosphorus |
4:15 | Grand Lake St. Mary's Lake Restoration Russ Gibson, Ohio EPA and Tom Davenport , US EPA Region 5 Presentation: Implementing Grand Lake St. Marys Nutrient TMDL |
Day 3 - Thursday, February 17
Time | Session |
8:30 | Opening Remark
Implementation Session |
9:00 | Point Source Reduction Strategies Joh Kang, Tetra Tech Presentation: Point Source Strategies for Nutrient Reduction |
9:30 | Implementation Strategies for Reducing Nonpoint Source Nutrient Impacts Russ Gibson, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Presentation: Implementation Strategies for reducing NPS Nutrient Impacts |
10:00 | eRAMS – A Tool to Integrate Point and Nonpoint Source Reduction Strategies Dr. Mazdak Arabi, Colorado State University Presentation: eRAMS - A Web-Technology for Conservation Planning and Watershed Management |
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | Multi-Jurisdictional Efforts Moderator: Chris Lewicki, US EPA Headquarters |
11:45 | Closing Remarks John Goodin, US EPA Headquarters |
12:00 | Adjourn Workshop |
Multi-Jurisdictional Efforts
Time | Session |
10:45 | Update from the Gulf of Mexico Alliance and the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Nutrient Task Force Kim Caviness, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Presentation: Reducing Nutrient Impacts: Activities of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance and the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Nutrient Task Force |
11:05 | Multi-Jurisdictional TMDLs – Chesapeake Bay and Others Mike Haire, US EPA Headquarters Presentation: Developing Multijurisdictional TMDLs: An Update on the Effort to Develop a National Policy Memorandum |
Presentation Documents
- Nutrient Effects on Aquatic Ecology, Recreation and Drinking Water Supply: Nutrient and Key Response Indicators (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrients and the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listing and TMDL Program (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Status of Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Overview of EPA's Promulgated Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida's Streams, Lakes and Springs (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) Nutrient Results (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Selected Information from Watershed Branch In-House Surveys of EPA Regions -- Nutrient Listings (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Stressor Identification (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Compilation of Practices Observed in Nutrient Listing and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Quantitative Approaches for Linking Nutrient Concentrations to Response Indicators for TMDL Development (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Setting Water Quality Targets for Nitrogen and Phosphorus (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Developing Nutrient Targets for TMDLs: Biological Thresholds and Predictive Modeling (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Development of Nutrient Water Quality Standards for Ohio Surface Waters (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrient Targets for Development of Biologically Based Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Upper Midwest (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrient Modeling Overview (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrient TMDLs: Using Duration Curves to Develop Nutrient TMDLs (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Mechanistic Models in Nutrient TMDL Development (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrient TMDLs for Reservoirs with Limited Data: Assessing Uncertainty Using Monte Carlo Simulation (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Nutrient TMDLs Issues in Kentucky (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- New Mexico's Approach to Nutrient Impaired Waters (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- North Carolina Nutrient TMDLs: Integrating State and Federal Programs (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Los Angeles Area Lakes EPA TMDLs: “Simple” TMDLs Developed Using the NNE BATHTUB Model (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Expressing Load Allocations for Nutrient TMDLs with Direct Linkage to Implementation Tools (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Linking Nutrients and Sediment Oxygen Demand, Souris River TMDL (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Bear River-Cutler Reservoir TMDL (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- The Clean Water Act and the Central and South Florida Project Canals (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Addressing Uncertainty in Watershed Management (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Development of a Water Quality Trading Framework in Wisconsin for Phosphorus (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Implementing Grand Lake St. Marys Nutrient TMDL (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Point Source Strategies for Nutrient Reduction (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Implementation Strategies for Reducing NPS Nutrient Impacts (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- eRAMS - A Web-Technology for Conservation Planning and Watershed Management (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Reducing Nutrient Impacts: Activities of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance and the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Nutrient Task Force (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)
- Developing Multijurisdictional TMDLs: An Update on the Effort to Develop a National Policy Memorandum (Nutrient TMDL Workshop) (pdf)