Region 4 Tribal Program
The EPA Region 4 Tribal Program works with the six federally recognized tribes in the southeast to protect the human health and environment in Indian country. We work government-to-government with Region 4 tribes to develop, implement and support tribal environmental programs consistent with EPA’s authorities, the federal trust responsibility and EPA’s 1984 Indian Policy.
Final 2025 Notice of Availability of Tribal Program Funding (pdf) (1.01 MB)
- Indian General Assistance Program (GAP)
- Tribal Consultation and Coordination
- Federally recognized tribes in Region 4
Indian General Assistance Program (GAP)
GAP is guided by the Guidance on the Award and Management of General Assistance Agreements for Tribes and Intertribal Consortia. See the regional GAP information below for further details on the administration of GAP in Region 4.
Tribal Consultation and Coordination in Region 4
Under the EPA Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, EPA consults on a government‐to‐government basis with federally recognized Tribes. Contact Katherine Pugh, Tribal Consultation Advisor, for more specific guidelines on consultation with Tribes in Region 4.
EPA Region 4 Consultation Policy Standard Operating Procedures (pdf) (1.48 MB)
The following links exit the site
Federally Recognized Tribes in Region 4
Region 4 Tribal Contacts
Katherine Pugh, Region 4 Tribal Relations Coordinator/Tribal Consultation Advisor
[email protected]
(404) 562-8351
Bianca Jaikaran, Attorney-Advisor
[email protected]
(404) 562-9680