Other resources for Class VI
On this page:
- Primary enforcement authority (primacy)
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Class VI Grants
- Class VI Carbon Capture and Storage Webinar
- Additional information for Class VI
Primary enforcement authority (primacy)
Primary enforcement authority, often called primacy, refers to EPA-approved authorization to a state, territory, or tribe to implement UIC Program responsibilities. A state, territory, or tribe with UIC primacy oversees the UIC Program within its jurisdiction. Where UIC primacy has not been granted, the EPA regions directly implement the Class VI Program.
Primacy programs for Class VI are established under Section 1422 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), which requires programs applying for primacy to have regulations that are at least as stringent as the federal regulations, as well as demonstrate the capacity and authority to oversee Class VI wells.
Please see the Underground Injection Control Primacy Page for more information.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Class VI Grants
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) makes $50 million in grand funding available to support states, territories, and tribes to seek primary enforcement and permitting responsibility (primacy) and implement existing primacy programs for Class VI.
Please see the announcement and the UIC Grants page for more information.
Class VI Carbon Capture and Storage Webinar
On August 11, 2022, EPA’s Office of Water, EPA Regions 6 and 9, and the Department of Energy (DOE) hosted an invitation-only virtual webinar on carbon capture and storage (CCS). This conversation focused on community interests and concerns. Over fifty participants, including stakeholders representing non-governmental organizations, participated in this webinar. Participants had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of DOE and EPA panelists. The webinar presentation and thematic summary can be viewed below.
CCS Webinar Presentation (pdf)
CCS Webinar Thematic Summary (pdf)
Additional information for Class VI
EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule requires reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from facilities that inject CO2 underground for geologic sequestration. Learn more about the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
Information on sequestration for further context on Class VI projects can be found at EPA’s Climate Change website.
Supporting documents related to the development of the Class VI (Geologic Sequestration) Rule can be found at Regulations.gov.
Additional information on the science of carbon sequestration can be found on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and DOE.