Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee (CHPAC) Comment Letters and Meeting Materials
The tables below contain a guide to finding CHPAC meeting materials, comment letters and historical meeting materials.
Any products produced by CHPAC found here does not necessarily represent the views and policies of EPA or any other federal agency.
Comment Letters
Year | Date | Topic | Sub-topics | CHPAC Comment or EPA Response | Docket Number |
2025 | January | Lead and Community Engagement | Lead; tribal; training | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2024-0099 |
2024 | September | Testing, lead in housing, consumer products, batteries, pregnancy | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2024-0099 | |
2024 | September | Climate Change Report | Children; climate adaptation | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2024-0099 |
2024 | February | Lead; tribal; training | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2024-0099 | |
2023 | September | Future Direction of the America's Children and the Environment (ACE) Report | National trends on children's health related data | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2023-0030 |
2023 | August | Climate Change Report | Children; climate adaptation | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2023-0030 |
2023 | May | Take-Home Pesticide Exposure | Farmworkers | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2023-0030 |
2023 | February | Future Direction of the America's Children and the Environment (ACE) Report | National trends on children's health related data | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2023-0030 |
2022 | July | Take-Home Pesticide Exposure | Farmworkers | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0054 |
2022 | November | Consideration of Legally Working Children in Pesticide Exposure Assessment | Child labor; agriculture; farmworker | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0054 |
2021 | December | Consideration of Legally Working Children in Pesticide Exposure Assessment | Risk assessments; child labor; agriculture; farmworker | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2021 | November | Protecting Children’s Environmental Health in Schools and Child Care Settings | Education; schools; child care; environmental justice | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2021 | July | Protecting Children's Environmental Health in Schools and Child Care Settings | Education; schools; child care; environmental justice | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2021 | October | Prioritization and Data Needs Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) | Chemical risk; environmental justice | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2021 | February | Prioritization and Data Needs Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) | Chemical risk; environmental justice | EPA Interim Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2021 | January |
Chemical Prioritization and Data Needs Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) |
Chemical risk; environmental justice | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0574 |
2020 | May | EPA Risk Communication for Children’s Health | Partnerships | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0573 |
2020 | February | Recommendations for Improving EPA Risk Communication for Children’s Health | Partnerships; planned communication; emergency communication | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0573 |
2018 | April | Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers 2017 Impact Report | Funding | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0571 |
2017 | December | Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers 2017 Impact Report | Funding | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | March | Highest Priorities for Childhood Lead Exposure Prevention | Disparities; lead-based paint; Lead and Copper Rule; risk communication | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | May | Highest Priorities for Childhood Lead Exposure Prevention | Safety communication | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | March | Protecting Children’s Health under Amended TSCA | Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act; Toxic Substances Control Act; risk evaluation; chemical exposure; safety factors | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | July | Protecting Children’s Health under Amended TSCA | Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act; Toxic Substances Control Act; risk evaluation; chemical exposure; safety factors | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | December | Agricultural Worker Protection Standards: CHPAC Recommendations for Outreach to Protect Children | Farm families | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2017 | March | Agricultural Worker Protection Standards | Agricultural exposures; messaging; farm families | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0570 |
2016 | January | Cyanotoxin Drinking Water Health Advisories | Microcystin; cylindrospermopsin; cyanotoxin; communication; water systems | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0568 |
2015 | October | Climate Change on Human Health | Age; asthma; research; fertility; dependence | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0567 |
2015 | January | National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Lead (Pb) | Climate change; President’s Task Force on Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children; Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units; Office of Children's Health Protection | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0567 |
2014 | August | Promoting Children’s Health | Climate change; President’s Task Force on Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children; Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units; Office of Children's Health Protection | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0566 |
2014 | April | Promoting Children’s Health | Office of Children's Health Protection; Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0566 |
2014 | December | Fish Advisory Recommendations | Mercury loading; methylmercury exposure; fish consumption; orange roughly; marlin; Food and Drug Administration | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0566 |
2014 | May | Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (To Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee) | Respiratory illness | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0566 |
2013 | April | Prenatal Exposure Messages | Communication; preconception and prenatal exposures; research; reproductive health | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | December | Prenatal Exposure Messages | Communication; preconception and prenatal exposures; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | November | Importance of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) for Children | Environmental justice; communication; community engagement | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | April | Importance of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) for Children | America's Children in the Environment; problem-specific health-impact assessments; research; environmental justice | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | August | EPA Leadership in Children’s Environmental Health | N/A | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | August | Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides: A Missed Opportunity | Drinking water; risk assessment | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | September | Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides: A Missed Opportunity | Drinking water; Health Advisory values; safety factors; age dependent adjustment factors | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | February | Childhood Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention | N/A | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2013 | July | Childhood Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention | Stakeholder engagement; communication; Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0565 |
2012 | September | Proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) | Particulate matter; monitoring | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0564 |
2012 | September | Regarding National Ambient Air Quality Proposed Standards | Particulate matter | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0564 |
2012 | March | Childhood Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention | Lead regulations; lead-based paint | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0564 |
2012 | April | Childhood Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention | Lead regulations; lead exposure; lead-based paint; blood-lead levels | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0564 |
2011 | December | Office of Research and Development (ORD) Research Strategies Supporting Sustainability | Sustainability; communication; risk assessment; chemical safety | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | March | Office of Research and Development (ORD) Research Strategies Supporting Sustainability | Sustainability; communication | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | November | Prenatal Exposures and Children’s Environmental Health | Environmental contaminants; social determinants of health; environmental justice; communication; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | May | Prenatal Exposures and Children’s Environmental Health | Environmental contaminants; social determinants of health; environmental justice; communication; research | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | November | Indoor Environments and Children’s Health Protection | Life stages; exposure; learning environment; partnerships; Affordable Care Act; indoor hazards | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | June | Indoor Environments and Children’s Health Protection | Standards; education; outreach; research; chemical management | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | March | Asthma Disparities and the Living and Learning Environments | Indoor exposure; research; regulations; interagency action | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | March | CHPAC Report: Asthma Disparities and the Living and Learning Environments | Environmental exposure; indoor exposure; Evidence-Based Interventions | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | June | Asthma Disparities and the Living and Learning Environments | Asthma; indoor environment; indoor allergens | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | March | Criteria for Identifying Chemicals of Concern for Children | Toxic Substances Control Act; preconception; prenatal; early life exposure; chemicals; partnerships; consumer products; testing; bioaccumulation | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2011 | November | Criteria for Identifying Chemicals of Concern for Children | Toxic Substances Control Act; life stages; chemical action plans; partnerships | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563 |
2010 | October | EPA Discussion of the National Research Council (NRC) Report Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment | National Academy of Sciences; risk assessment; health standards; background exposure; vulnerable populations; life stages | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562 |
2010 | November | EPA Discussion of the National Research Council (NRC) Report on Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment | Action plan | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562 |
2010 | April | EPA School Siting Guidelines | School facilities; healthy school environments; site selection; contamination; emissions | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562 |
2010 | February | CHPAC Report: School Siting Guidelines | School facilities; healthy school environments; site selection; contamination; emissions; voluntary guidelines; review; community involvement | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562 |
2010 | May | EPA School Siting Guidelines | Voluntary guidelines; capacity; involvement; contamination | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562 |
2009 | September | EPA's America's Children and the Environment (ACE) Report | Partnerships; leadership; monitoring | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561 |
2009 | September | CHPAC Report: EPA's America's Children and the Environment (ACE) Report, Third Edition | Environmental contaminants; body burden; childhood illnesses; indicators; strategic planning; research; communication | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561 |
2009 | September | EPA's America's Children and the Environment (ACE) Report | Vulnerability; health disparities | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561 |
2009 | April | Recommendations for Agency Actions Related to Children's Health | Climate change; health disparities; chemical management policy; risk assessment; life stage exposure | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561 |
2009 | September | Recommendations for Agency Actions Related to Children's Health | Interagency collaboration; Regulations and Policy Development; chemicals management; community based programs; research | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561 |
2008 | December | Chemicals Assessment and Management Program and Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program | Chemical policy management; Toxic Substances Control Act | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | November | Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Regulating Greenhouse Gases | Greenhouse gases; Clean Air Act; public health; welfare; disadvantaged children; climate change | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | November | Preliminary Regulatory Determination on Perchlorate | Drinking water; Maximum Contaminant Level; postnatal development; brain development; Reference Dose; public water supplies; physiologically based pharmokinetic model | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | November | Preliminary Regulatory Determination on Perchlorate | Health reference level; maximum containment level; physiologically based pharmokinetic model | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | January | Preliminary Regulatory Determination on Perchlorate | Drinking water; health reference level; maximum containment level | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | August | Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) | Toxic substances and disease registry; interagency responsiveness; partnerships | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | June | Proposed Rulemaking for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Lead (Pb) | Neurological effects; monitoring; standards; ingestion | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | July | Proposed Rulemaking for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Lead (Pb) | N/A | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | June | National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change | Clean water; safe drinking water; direct and indirect effects; disparities; water related health impacts | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | January | Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Lead (Pb) | Neurological developments; non-essential uses of lead; disparities; Clean Air Act | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2008 | February | Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Lead | N/A | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560 |
2007 | December | Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action (MOA) for Carcinogenicity | Carcinogens; risk assessment; early-life susceptibility; age-dependent-adjustment factors; cancer risk | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | March | Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action (MOA) for Carcinogenicity | Carcinogens; risk assessment | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | September | Proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone (O3) | Asthma; lung development; respiratory effects | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | September | Proposed NAAQS for Ozone (O3) | Air quality; asthma; lung development; respiratory effects | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | July | Evaluating Existing and New Chemicals for Potential Adverse Impacts on Children | Commerce; chemicals; screening; risk assessments; use restrictions; prevention | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | November | Recommendations on Evaluating Existing and New Chemicals for Potential Adverse Impacts on Children | Partnerships; hazard assessments; lead; PFOS, PFOA, PBDEs | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | July | EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers: Accomplishments and Opportunities for the Future | Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers Programs; communication; research; outreach; funding | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | September | EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers: Accomplishments and Opportunities for the Future | Research translation; outreach; partnerships | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | April | Ten Year Anniversary of the Children's Health Executive Order | Executive Order 10345; interagency leadership; air pollution; chemicals; drinking water; healthy environments; health disparities | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | June | Ten Year Anniversary of the Children's Health Executive Order | Executive Order 10345; Clean Air Interstate Rule; Clean Air Mercury Rule; Clean Air Non-Road Diesel Rule; non-regulatory programs; chemicals | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | March | National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone (O3): Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information | Air quality; air pollutants; respiratory effects; standards | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | April | National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone (O3) | Air quality; standards | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | February | Comments on the Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information/Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) Staff Paper First Draft for Lead (Pb) | Lead; air quality; Maximum Achievable Control Technology standard; airborne contamination; Clean Air Act | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2007 | March | EPA's review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAAQS for Lead (Pb) | Rule making; Clean Air Act; risk assessments | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559 |
2006 | December | Polybrominated Biphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) | Flame-retardants; development; exposure assessment; partnerships | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | January | Polybrominated Biphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) | Flame-retardants; Project Plan; exposure; aleternative technologies | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | June | Evaluative Feedback on the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program Pilot | Industrial chemicals; exposure; risk; accountability; participation | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | July | Feedback on the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program | Chemical exposures; program goals | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | March | Perchlorate Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) and Water Contamination | Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response; Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water; perchlorate; groundwater; Superfund; preliminary remediation goal; Maximum Contaminant Level | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | May | Perchlorate Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) and Water Contamination | Safe Drinking Water Act; maximum contaminant level; Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response; water systems | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2006 | March | Proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter | Air quality; monitoring; rural; agriculture; mining; Clean Air Act | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558 |
2005 | November | Protecting Farmworker Children from Exposure to Pesticides | Prevention measures; Worker Protection Standard; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | April | Protecting Farmworker Children from Exposure to Pesticides | N/A | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | November | Protecting Children as Part of EPA's Response to the Gulf Coast Hurricanes | Hurricane Katrina; Hurricane Rita; disproportionate risk; life stage vulnerabilities; chemical contaminants, air pollution; assistance; inclusion | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | February | Protecting Children as Part of EPA's Response to the Gulf Coast Hurricanes | Hurricane Katrina; Hurricane Rita; sediment testing; debris management; drinking water | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | November | Protections for Subjects in Human Research | Pesticides; intentional dosing; categorical ban | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | November | Environmental Contaminants in Fish and Shellfish | Fish advisories; contaminant data; consumer awareness; interagency discussion | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | March | EPA and FDA Activities Related to Fish Consumption Advisories | Monitoring; technical assistance; public conmunicatjon strategy | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | August | Children's Environmental Health and Climate Change | Greenhouse gasses; disparities; research; outreach; education | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | November | Children's Environmental Health and Climate Change | Greenhouse gasses; disparities; research; outreach; education | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | August | National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter | N/A | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | September | National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter | N/A | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | March | EPA Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens | Carcinogens; risk assessment; early-life exposures | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | March | EPA Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens | Carcinogens; risk assessment; early-life exposures | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2005 | January | Input into the Decision-Making Process on the Clean Air Mercury Rule | Clean Air Mercury Rule; Clear Air Interstate Rule; brain development; Deposition; Speciation; Bioaccumulation; Consumption patterns; Dose response | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557 |
2004 | December | Coordinating EPA's programs on School Environments | Healthy school environments; prevention; resources; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | April | Coordinating EPA's Programs on School Environments | Healthy school environments; assessment; partnerships | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | December | Children's Exposures and Health Risks due to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) | Flame retardants; Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program; early life stages | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | January | Children's Exposures and Health Risks due to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) | Flame retardants; Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program; early life stages; Toxic Substances Control Act | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | November | Continuing Concerns about Protecting Children from Mercury Emissions | Coal-fired power plants; standards; emissions | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | June | Full Federal Funding for the National Children's Study | Interagency; cohort; funding; childhood disease; President's Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | July | Full Federal Funding for the National Children's Study | Interagency; funding | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | June | EPA and FDA Joint Fish Consumption Advisory | Mercury contamination; fish; neurotoxins; organochlorine compounds | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | February | EPA and FDA Joint Fish Consumption Advisory | Mercury contamination; fish; PCBs; partnerships | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | June | Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens | Cancer risk; supplemental guidance; carcinogens; | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | August | Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens | Cancer risk; supplemental guidance; carcinogens; | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | January | EPA's Proposed Action to Reduce Mercury from Coal-Fired Power Plants | Interstate Air Quality Rule; technology; regulations; Mercury Action Plan | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | March | EPA's steps to Reduce Emissions from the Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Utility Sector | Interstate Air Quality Rule; utility sector; mercury; nickel; nitrogen oxides; sulfur dioxide; emission reduction strategy | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | June | Regulation of Mercury from Coal-Fired Power Plants | Mercury exposure; Cap and Trade; technology; power plants; hot spots | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2004 | July | Regulations of Mercury from Coal-Fired Power Plants | Mercury pollution; power plants; analyses; Clean Air Interstate Rule; hot spots | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556 |
2003 | July | Science Advisory Board (SAB) Bioethics Committee | Bioethics; human data; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | September | Science Advisory Board (SAB) Bioethics Committee | Bioethics; human data; research | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | March | Creation of a National Pesticide Incident Reporting System | Farmworkers; rural; Worker Protection Standards; pesticides; reporting; monitoring; risk assessment; enforcement | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | May | Creation of a National Pesticide Incident Reporting System | Farmworkers; rural; Worker Protection Standards; pesticides; reporting; monitoring; risk assessment; enforcement | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | March | EPA Sponsorship of a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Study of the Future of Toxicity Testing | Toxicity testing; toxicological data; life stages; risk assessment | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | April | Chemical Contaminants in Human Milk | Environmental chemicals; infant nutrition; chemical contaminants; monitoring; risk assessment | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2003 | August | Chemical Contaminants in Human Milk | Environmental chemicals; chemical contaminants; research; risk assessment | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555 |
2002 | December | EPA Aging Initiative and Permanent OCHP Director | Guidance; program effectiveness; Aging Initiative; funding; permanent leadership | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | May | Aging Initiative and Permanent OCHP Director | Guidance; program effectiveness; Aging Initiative; funding; | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | March | EPA Smart Growth Initiatives | Built environment; transportation; land use | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | March | Smart Growth Initiatives | Built environment | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | August | America's Children and the Environment (ACE): A First View of Available Measures | Environmental exposures; national progress | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | October | America's Children and the Environment (ACE): A First View of Available Measures | Environmental exposures; national progress; interagency review | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | August | CHPAC Health Outcome Approach- The Children's Health Risk Matrix: Technical Background Paper | Environmental exposure; chemicals; multi-factor health outcomes; risk assessment | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | October | CHPAC Health Outcome Approach- The Children's Health Risk Matrix: Technical Background Paper | Environmental exposure; risk assessment | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | August | EPA's Cumulative Risk Assessment Methods | Multiple pathways of exposure; cumulative risk assessment; Food Quality Protection Act; safety factor; transparency | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | May | Recommendations on EPA's Cancer Guidelines | Cancer risk assessment; guidelines; early life stages; Margin of Exposure | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | August | Recommendations on EPA's Cancer Guidelines | Cancer risk assessment; guidelines; early life stages | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | May | Improving the Indoor Environment of Schools for the Nation's Children | Indoor contamination; asthma; learning disabilities; ventilation; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | July | Indoor Environment of Schools for the Nation's Children | Indoor contamination; pesticides; research; air quality | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | March | Collecting, Analyzing, and Disseminating Relevant Data for Children's Environmental Health | Environmental health tracking; environmental data; exposure data | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2002 | July | Collecting, Analyzing, and Disseminating Relevant Data for Children's Environmental Health | Information gaps; toxic chemicals; research; environmental contaminants | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554 |
2001 | March | Strengthening EPA Staff for Human Reproductive and Developmental Health | Pediatric epidemiology; Task Force on Children's Environmetal Health and Safety | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553 |
2001 | November | Strengthening EPA Staff for Human Reproductive and Developmental Health | Task Force on Children's Environmental Health and Safety; Department of Health and Human Services; pediatric health | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553 |
2001 | March | Suggesting Greater Efforts to Recruit Pediatric Experts as Core Members of EPA Advisory Committees | Federal Advisory Process; Advisory Committees; liaison; capacity; pediatric expertise | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553 |
2001 | March | EPA Administrator Leadership Role on Children's Environmental Health Issues | Disparities; leadership; Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children; research; partnerships; education; outreach | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553 |
2001 | August | Administrator Leadership Role on Children's Environmental Health Issues | Partnerships; Children's Research Centers; Longitudinal Cohort Study; Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program; Exchange Network; Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children; education | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553 |
2000 | October | Recommendations for Protecting Children's Health in the 21st Century | Asthma; lead poisoning; methyl mercury; leadership; research data; economic analysis; preventative care programs; education | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | January | Recommendations for Protecting Children's Health in the 21st Century | Research; data; asthma; lead poisoning; economic analyses; preventative care programs; education | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | October | Children's Environmental Health Data Needs and Right-to-Know Blueprint | Annual reports; indicators; biomonitoring; susceptible subpopulations; indoor air quality; children's products; longitudinal cohort study | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | January | Children's Environmental Health Data Needs and Right-to-Know Blueprint | Annual reports; indicators; biomonitoring; susceptible subpopulations; indoor air quality; children's products; longitudinal cohort study | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | October | How EPA Assesses Risks to Farmworker Children | Pesticides; Worker Protection Standards; risk estimates; agriculture; risk communication | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | January | How EPA Assesses Risks to Farmworker Children | Farmworkers; pesticides; Worker Protection Standards; risk assessment; education | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | October | Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report Pesticides: Improvements Needed to Ensure the Safety of Farmworkers | Pesticides; farmworkers; Office of Pesticide Programs ; Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; Worker Protection Standards; risk assessment | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | September | Propose Guidance on Cumulative Risk Assessment of Pesticides that Have a Common Mechanism of Toxicity | Pesticides; cumulative risks; exposure assessment; susceptible life stages | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | April | Additional CHPAC Comments on EPA's Draft Strategy for Research on Environmental Risks to Children | Susceptibility; epidemiological studies; longitudinal cohort study; developmental neurotoxicity | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | June | Revised EPA Strategic Plan | Task Force on Children's Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children; scientific data; sound science; EPA Strategic Plan; institutionalization | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | January | Revised EPA Strategic Plan | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 | |
2000 | January | Residential Exposure Standard Operating Principles | Food Quality Protection Act; science policy; monitoring; epidemiological studies; data collection | CHPAC Comment |
EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | January | CHPAC Comments on EPA's Draft Strategy for Research on Environmental Risks to Children | Risk assessment; science needs; research | CHPAC Comment |
EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | October | CHPAC Comments on EPA's Draft Strategy for Research on Environmental Risks to Children | Risk assessment; science needs; research; grants; hazard identification | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | December | EPA's Rule Writers Guidance for Considering Risks to Children | Rulemaking; leadership; institutional change; data gaps; standard operating procedures; technical assistance; risk assessment | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | December | EPA's Rule Writers Guidance for Considering Risks to Children | Rulemaking; technical support; risk assessment; Agency Award Board | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | September | EPA's Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment | Peer review; research; preconception and in utero exposures; linear and non-linear models | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | March | EPA's Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment | Research; linear and non-linear models; risk quantification; pesticides; chloroform | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
2000 | March | Valuing Children's Health in Economic Assessments | Economic analysis; institutionalization; benefit-cost analyses | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552 |
1999 | May | Children's Longitudinal Cohort Study | Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals; longitudinal cohort study; dietary intakes; nutrition; | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | August | Children's Longitudinal Cohort Study | Task Force on Children's Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | May | Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA): Acute Dietary Exposure for Children | Dietary intake; pesticides; probabilistic assessment; diet | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | May | To: Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regarding the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Acute Dietary Exposure for Children | Dietary intake; pesticides; probabilistic assessment; diet | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | May | Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment | Cancer guidelines; linear dose response relationship; pediatric cancer; risk assessment; exposure assessment; chloroform; data gaps | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | July | Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment | Cancer guidelines; pediatric cancer; risk assessment; exposure assessment; chloroform; data gaps | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | June | To: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) - Six Guiding Principles for Communicating Children's Environmental Health and Safety Risks | Risk communication; parental responsibility; community responsibility; regulations; cultural factors; discussion analysis | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | February | EPA's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for Residential Exposure Assessments | Food Quality Protection Act; Standard Operating Procedures; residential exposure assessments; physiology; behavior; pesticides; biomonitoring | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | March | EPA's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for Residential Exposure Assessments | Food Quality Protection Act; Standard Operating Procedures; residential exposure assessments; pesticides | EPA Response | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | February | To: Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) - EPA's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for Residential Exposure Assessments | Food Quality Protection Act; physiology; behavior; pesticides; biomonitoring | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1999 | January | To: Office of Research and Development (ORD) - EPA Children's Health Research | Hazards; exposure; research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551 |
1998 | December | Residential Lead Standards for Children's Health | Lead poisoning; disparities; national standards; health-based standards; risk mitigation | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379 |
1998 | October | EPA's responsiveness to CHPAC Recommendations | Bureaucracy; Advisory Committees | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379 |
1998 | September | To: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) - Identification of Dangerous Levels of Lead | Proposed rule; comment period | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379 |
1998 | July | Funding for Children's Health Research | Clinical research | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379 |
1998 | July | President's Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risk to Children and the Federal Asthma Initiative | Interagency; ambient air hazards; second-hand tobacco smoke | CHPAC Comment | EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379 |
Meeting Materials
Additional materials, including meeting presentation slides, biographies, attendance reports, federal register notices, public comments, charter and membership announcements, and other supporting and related documents can be found in the associated meeting docket.
Find historical meeting materials.
Historical CHPAC Meeting Materials
Historical CHPAC meeting material dockets contain all content associated with that year including any available CHPAC meeting agendas, minutes, presentations and more.
- 2011: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0563
- 2010: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0562
- 2009: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0561
- 2008: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0560
- 2007: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0559
- 2006: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0558
- 2005: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0557
- 2004: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0556
- 2003: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0555
- 2002: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0554
- 2001: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0553
- 2000: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0552
- 1999: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0551
- 1998: Docket #EPA-HQ-OA-2022-0379