ERT: Information Management

Through experiences in the field and site-related activities, a variety of utilities and tools have been developed to assist EPA On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs), Remedial Project Managers (RPMs), and Task Leaders, as well as field personnel, in managing and performing site-related duties. Examples of support tools developed by The Environmental Response Team (ERT) are described below:
Scribe is a software tool developed by ERT to assist in the process of managing environmental data. The tool captures sampling, observational and monitoring field data. Examples of Scribe field tasks include soil sampling, water sampling, air sampling and biota sampling. Scribe can import Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) files including Analytical Lab Result EDD files and Sampling Location data EDD files such as GPS data.
Scribe outputs include labels for collected samples, chain-of-custody generation and analytical lab result data reports. The tool provides a flexible user interface to manage, query and view this information. In addition, it supports exporting electronic data for user services such as GIS tools and spreadsheets, so sampling data may be further analyzed and incorporated into report writing and deliverables. Scribe's Quickmap feature exports data to KML files that can then be viewed spatially using programs such as ArcGIS and Google Earth.
The Removal Cost Management System (RCMS) is a cost accounting and reporting system used on removal sites to track costs and usage of personnel, equipment, subcontractors and purchases.
VIPER is a wireless network-based communications system that enables real-time transmission of data from field sensors to a local computer, remote computer or enterprise server. The communications system also provides data management, analysis and visualization.
The VIPER system supports mobile and fixed monitoring modes with independent or clustered sensor arrays and local and/or enterprise communication strategies. Custom software (VIPER Survey Controller) assists the user in composing and controlling a field survey with great flexibility. VIPER has been used on over 450 Superfund sites to support On-Scene Coordinators and Remedial Project Managers in their decision making process.