Spirit Lake Photos, January - October 2023
- October 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- June 2023
- May 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- 2022
- 2021
A pedestrian trail crossing over the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad is completed.
Hydroseeding along the pedestrian trail segment on the Delta Upland Cap is in progress.
View of the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility (CDF). Final capping of the CDF is in progress.
View of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) restoration status.
Construction continues on a trail connector from Blackmer Park in Duluth to the project site. Trails at the site are not open to the public at this time.
In October, multiple shrub species will be planted on the Delta Upland Cap as part of ongoing habitat restoration.
View of planting operations in the Shallow Sheltered Bay from the Falcon Street trail connector in the Morgan Park neighborhood.
Habitat restoration progress on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
The shoreline of Wire Mill Pond is planted with a variety of wetland species.
Planting continues along the shoreline of the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Slope stabilization work is underway near Wire Mill Pond.
Planting continues along the shoreline of the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Planting of native species is performed on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) using hydroseeding.
A trail connector is constructed to connect the onsite pedestrian trail to Blackmer Park in Duluth. Trails are under construction and are not open to the public at this time.
The Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) is seeded and covered with erosion control matting.
Planting continues in the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Helical piles are installed along the pedestrian trail. These will support interpretive signage with information about the history of the area and the Spirit Lake Project.
Planting continues along the shoreline of the Delta Upland Cap.
Erosion control blanketing is completed along the slopes of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF). Topsoil placement along the eastern side of the CDF.
Erosion protection features are constructed on the Delta Upland Cap.
Planting is performed in front of the shoreline protection logs in the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Status of topsoil placement on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility.
The topsoil layer is placed on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
A segment of the pedestrian trail at the Wire Mill Pond area is in construction.
Status of new wetland plants in the Wire Mill Pond north wetland area.
Capping continues on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
Temporary fencing at shallow sheltered bay.
Capping on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) continues.
Temporary fencing is installed in the Shallow Sheltered Bay to minimize predation on newly planted areas.
Downstream view of the restored Unnamed Creek and Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
Track work continues along portions of the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad.
Planting operations continue in the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Capping continues on the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
Plants are grown at the onsite greenhouse prior to planting in Wire Mill Pond and the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Overview (looking west) of capping of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), Unnamed Creek, and the OU-J CDF.
Planting of fringe marsh species continues in the waters of the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Clay material is placed to construct the subgrade of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility.
Crews plant native wetland plants in the Wire Mill Pond area of the project site.
Construction of the pedestrian trail continues around the Wire Mill Pond area.
A greenhouse is constructed on site to support aquatic planting activities.
Rail ties are placed across the new Unnamed Creek railroad bridge.
Aerial view of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), Shallow Sheltered Bay, and Delta Upland Cap.
Segment of the pedestrian trail in construction in the northern portion of the project area near the Morgan Park neighborhood.
Sheet piles are removed following completion of major construction of the new Unnamed Creek railroad and pedestrian bridge. Removal of the sheet pile wall will reconnect the flow between Unnamed Creek and the St. Louis River.
- The walkway and other hardware (ex. Handrails) are being installed for the Unnamed Creek pedestrian bridge.
The maximum number of media items have been selected.
Work continues on the pedestrian bridge at Wire Mill Pond.
Work continues on the Wire Mill Pond railroad bridge and pedestrian bridge.
Rock is placed to support slopes adjacent to Wire Mill Pond.
Installation of the precast components for the new Unnamed Creek railroad bridge has begun. Concrete for these components is stained to have a historic timber appearance.
Work on the pedestrian trail continues adjacent to the railroad in the northern portion of the project site.
Construction of the new Unnamed Creek rail bridge continues.
Equipment is staged at Wire Mill Pond to complete capping activities following snow removal.
A trench is made adjacent to the Delta Upland Cap to place logs for shoreline protection.
Pile driving has been completed for the new Unnamed Creek railroad bridge.
Aerial view of the Unnamed Creek corridor, Delta Upland Cap, and Shallow Sheltered Bay.