Contact Us about the Healthy Communities Grants Program
On this page:
Mailing Address
The Team is located at EPA Region 1's office at:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
New England, Region 1
5 Post Office Square, Suite 100
Mail Code: OEP06-2
Boston, MA 02109-3912
(888) EPA-REG1 (toll-free phone)
(617) 565-4940 (fax)
Team Members
Please feel free to contact the team members listed below to learn more about the program, or to answer any questions that you may have.
Sandy Brownell ([email protected])
Grants and Program Support Branch
(617) 918-1797
Stacey Johnson-Pridgeon ([email protected])
(617) 918-1552
Kayla King ([email protected])
Rhode Island
(617) 918-1983
Kwabena Kyei-Aboagye ([email protected])
(617) 918-1609
Zachary Degler ([email protected])
Healthy Communities Grant Program
(617) 918-1630
Contact Us Form
Please use the form below to send us comments or questions. Be sure to include your e-mail address if you’d like a response.