FY 2022-2026 Data Quality Records
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, required by the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010 (Public Law 11-352), includes long-term performance goals EPA is using to monitor and sustain progress towards the Plan’s programmatic goals and cross-agency strategies. The long-term performance goals are supported by Data Quality Records (DQRs) which EPA uses to comply with the Office of Management and Budget’s Circular No. A-11 requirement for verification and validation of performance data.
Goal 1: Tackle the Climate Crisis
Objective 1.1: Reduce Emissions that Cause Climate Change
- Objective 1.1 DQR - Reduce expected annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 545 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) (pdf)
- Objective 1.1 DQR - Promulgate final rules to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from light duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty vehicles; electric utility generating units; and the oil and gas industry (pdf)
Objective 1.2: Accelerate Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts
- Objective 1.2 DQR - Implement all priority actions in EPA’s Climate Adaptation Action Plan and the 20 National Program and Regional Climate Adaptation Implementation Plans (pdf)
- Objective 1.2 DQR - Assist at least 400 federally recognized Tribes to take action to anticipate, prepare for, adapt to, or recover from the impacts of climate change (pdf)
- Objective 1.2 DQR - Assist at least 450 states, territories, local governments, and communities, especially communities that are underserved and disproportionately at risk from climate change (pdf)
Objective 1.3: Advance International and Subnational Climate Efforts
Goal 2: Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights
Objective 2.1: Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels
- Objective 2.1 DQR - Provide capacity-building resources to communities with environmental justice concerns to support their ability to meaningfully engage and provide useful feedback (pdf)
- Objective 2.1 DQR - Include commitments to address disproportionate impacts in all written agreements between EPA and Tribes and states (e.g., grant work plans) implementing delegated authorities (pdf)
- Objective 2.1 DQR - EPA programs with direct implementation authority will take at least 100 significant actions that will result in measurable improvements in Indian country (pdf)
- Objective 2.1 DQR - All state recipients of EPA financial assistance will have foundational civil rights programs in place (pdf)
- Objective 2.1 DQR - Increase by 40% the number of Office of Research and Development activities related to environmental justice that involve or are applicable to Tribes, states, territories, local governments, and communities (pdf)
Objective 2.2: Embed Environmental Justice and Civil Rights into EPA’s Programs, Policies, and Activities
- Objective 2.2 DQR - Reduce disparities in environmental and public health conditions represented by the indicators identified through the FY 2022-2023 Agency Priority Goal (pdf)
- Objective 2.2 DQR - 80% of significant EPA actions with environmental justice implications will clearly demonstrate how the action is responsive to environmental justice concerns and reduces or addresses disproportionate impacts (pdf)
- Objective 2.2 DQR - All EPA programs that work in and with communities will do so in ways that are community-driven, coordinated and collaborative, support equitable and resilient community development (pdf)
- Objective 2.2 DQR - All EPA programs and regions will identify and implement areas and opportunities to integrate environmental justice considerations and achieve civil rights compliance (pdf)
- Objective 2.2 DQR - All EPA programs and regions will implement program and region-specific language assistance plans (pdf)
- Objective 2.2 DQR - All EPA programs and regions will implement program and region-specific disability access plans (pdf)
Objective 2.3: Strengthen Civil Rights Enforcement in Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns
- Objective 2.3 DQR - Initiate 45 proactive post-award civil rights compliance reviews to address discrimination issues in environmentally overburdened and underserved communities (pdf)
- Objective 2.3 DQR - Complete 305 audits to ensure EPA financial assistance recipients are complying with nondiscrimination program procedural requirements (pdf)
- Objective 2.3 DQR - Complete 84 information sharing sessions and outreach and technical assistance events with overburdened and underserved communities and environmental justice advocacy groups on civil rights and EJ issues (pdf)
Goal 3: Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance
Objective 3.1: Hold Environmental Violators and Responsible Parties Accountable
Objective 3.2: Detect Violations and Promote Compliance
- Objective 3.2 DQR - Send 75% of EPA inspection reports to facilities within 70 days of inspection (pdf)
- Objective 3.2 DQR - Conduct 55% of annual EPA inspections at facilities that affect communities with potential environmental justice concerns (pdf)
Goal 4: Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities
Objective 4.1: Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts
- Objective 4.1 DQR - Ensure U.S. consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) is less than 76.2 tons per year of ozone depletion potential (pdf)
- Objective 4.1 DQR - Reduce ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) from electric power generation sources by 21% from the 2019 baseline of 390,354 tons (pdf)
- Objective 4.1 DQR - Improve measured air quality in counties not meeting the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) from the 2016 baseline by 10% (pdf)
- Objective 4.1 DQR - Strive to ensure all people with low socio-economic status (SES) live in areas where the air quality meets the current fine particle pollution (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (pdf)
Objective 4.2: Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air
Goal 5: Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities
Objective 5.1: Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure
- Objective 5.1 DQR - Reduce the number of community water systems still in noncompliance with health-based standards since March 31, 2021 from 752 to 500 (pdf)
- Objective 5.1 DQR - Leverage an additional $45 billion in non-federal dollars through EPA’s water infrastructure finance programs (CWSRF, DWSRF and WIFIA) (pdf)
- Objective 5.1 DQR - Reduce the number of community water systems in Indian country still in noncompliance with health-based standards since March 31, 2021 from 110 to 70 (pdf)
- Objective 5.1 DQR - In coordination with other federal agencies provide access to basic sanitation for an additional 36,500 American Indian and Alaska Native homes (pdf)
- Objective 5.1 DQR - Provide 2,203 Tribal, small, rural, or underserved communities with technical, managerial, or financial assistance to improve operations of their drinking water or wastewater systems (pdf)
Objective 5.2: Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds
Goal 6: Safeguard and Revitalize Communities
Objective 6.1: Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities
- Objective 6.1 DQR - Bring human exposures under control at 60 additional Superfund sites (pdf)
- Objective 6.1 DQR - Clean up an additional 650 brownfields properties (pdf)
- Objective 6.1 DQR - Make an additional 425 RCRA corrective action cleanups Ready for Anticipated Use (pdf)
- Objective 6.1 DQR - Conduct an additional 35,000 cleanups at Leaking Underground Storage Tank facilities (pdf)
- Objective 6.1 DQR - Complete 225 Superfund cleanup projects that address lead as a contaminant (pdf)
Objective 6.2: Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination
Objective 6.3: Prepare for and Respond to Environmental Emergencies
Goal 7: Ensure Safety of Chemicals for People and the Environment
Objective 7.1: Ensure Chemical and Pesticide Safety
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Complete at least eight High Priority Substance (HPS) TSCA risk evaluations annually within statutory timelines compared to the FY 2020 baseline of one (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Initiate all existing chemical TSCA risk management actions within 45 days of the completion of a final existing chemical risk evaluation (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Review 90% of risk management actions for past TSCA new chemical substances reported to the 2020 Chemical Data Reporting Rule (CDR) compared to the FY 2021 baseline of none (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Recertify before the expiration date 36% of lead-based paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) firms whose certifications are scheduled to expire compared to the FY 2021 baseline of 32% (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Complete pesticide registration review for 78 cases (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Consider the effects determinations or protections of federally threatened and endangered species for new active ingredients in 90% of the risk assessments supporting pesticide registration decisions (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Consider the effects determinations or protections of federally threatened and endangered species in 50% of the risk assessments supporting pesticide registration review decisions (pdf)
- Objective 7.1 DQR - Support Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) pesticide safety training for 20,000 farmworkers annually compared to the FY 2018-2020 annual average baseline of 11,000 (pdf)
Objective 7.2: Promote Pollution Prevention
- Objective 7.2 DQR - Reduce a total of 6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) released attributed to EPA pollution prevention grants (pdf)
- Objective 7.2 DQR - EPA’s Safer Choice program will certify 2,300 products compared to the FY 2021 baseline of 1,892 total certified products (pdf)
Cross-Agency Strategies
Cross-Agency Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making
- Cross-Agency Strategy 1 DQR - Increase the annual percentage of Office of Research Development (ORD) research products meeting partner needs to 95% from a baseline of 93% in FY 2021 (pdf)
- Cross-Agency Strategy 1 DQR - Implement 131 actions for scientific integrity objectives that are certified by Deputy Scientific Integrity Officials in each EPA program and region (pdf)
Cross-Agency Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations
Cross-Agency Strategy 3: Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity
- Cross-Agency Strategy 3 DQR - Initiate all priority climate resiliency projects for EPA-owned facilities within 24 months of a completed facility climate assessment and project prioritization (pdf)
- Cross-Agency Strategy 3 DQR - Award 4% of EPA contract spending to small businesses located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones) compared to the FY 2018-2020 average annual baseline of 2.2% (pdf)
- Cross-Agency Strategy 3 DQR - Automate the major EPA permitting programs (pdf)
- Cross-Agency Strategy 3 DQR - EPA will be in full compliance with the five high-priority directives in Executive Order 14028 - Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (pdf)
- Cross-Agency Strategy 3 DQR - Automate all priority internal administrative processes (pdf)