Superfund Data and Reports
The reports and products offered below contain information on the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites.
On this page:
Superfund Data Reports
The datasets below cover active and archived contaminated sites evaluated by the Superfund program, including proposed and final National Priorities List (NPL) sites.
Document Title | Date | Document ID |
Document Title | Date | Document ID |
Collection: 33301
Sites with Potential Smelting-Related Operations (FOIA 1): This report includes sites that have smelting-related, or potentially smelting-related, indicators in the Superfund database, the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS). The report includes information on the site location as well as contaminants of concern.
Completed RODs, ROD Amendments and ESDs (FOIA 2): Displays completed Records of Decision (RODs), ROD Amendments, and Explanations of Differences (ESDs) for active and archived sites stored in SEMS.
All Proposed, Final and Deleted NPL Sites (FOIA 3, FOIA 4, FOIA 5): This dataset is comprised of sites proposed to be added to the NPL, sites on the NPL, and sites deleted from the NPL.
Lien on Property (FOIA 12): Displays Superfund lien on property activity, the lien property information, and the parties associated with the lien.
Active Site Inventory (List 8R Active): Displays site and location information at active sites in SEMS. An active site is one at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery or oversight activities are being planned or conducted. NPL sites include latitude and longitude information. For non-NPL sites, a brief site status is provided.
Archived Site Inventory (List 8R Archived): Displays site and location information at archived sites. An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program.
Contaminant of Concern Data for Decision Documents by Media, FYs 1981-2023 (Final NPL, Deleted NPL, and Superfund Alternative Approach Sites): Displays contaminant of concern data from Superfund decision documents issued in fiscal years 1981-2023. Includes final and deleted NPL sites as well as sites with a Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) agreement in place.
Remedy Component Data for Decision Documents by Media, FYs 1981-2023 (Final NPL, Deleted NPL, and Superfund Alternative Approach Sites): Displays remedy component data for Superfund decision documents issued in fiscal years 1981-2023. Includes final and deleted NPL sites as well as sites with a Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) agreement in place.
CERCLA to RCRA Site Associations (FOIA 8): Displays sites in the SEMS Active and Archived site inventories that may be associated in some manner to a RCRA facility.
Public Settlement Report (FOIA 13): Displays all valid Superfund cost recovery and response enforcement instruments program-to-date.
Superfund Alternative Approach Agreement Sites and Settlements (FOIA 14): Displays sites that have Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) Agreements negotiated. SAA agreements are equivalent to an agreement negotiated at an NPL site. The report also includes settlement details.
All Final NPL, Proposed NPL and Deleted NPL sites, for the entire United States (FOIA 15): Displays all NPL site information. This report also includes NPL date, site category, and contaminant information for each NPL site.
Industrial/Manufactured Coal Gas Plant Locations (FOIA 16): Displays all sites that have a sub category of Coal gasification (CG), Oil and Gas Refining (OR), or Oil and Gas (OG).
Superfund Site Location Information
The dataset below provides geospatial information for proposed, final and deleted National Priorities List (NPL) sites and Superfund Alternative Approach sites. Geospatial data may not yet be available for every site in the defined universe. These data represent EPA's current understanding of the total footprint of sites. As site investigation and remediation progress, geospatial information may be modified or refined accordingly.
The Agency is providing this geospatial information as a public service and does not vouch for the accuracy, completeness or currency of data. Data provided by external parties is not independently verified by EPA. These data are made available to the public strictly for informational purposes. Data do not represent EPA’s official position, viewpoint or opinion, express or implied. This information is not intended for use in establishing liability or calculating Cost Recovery Statutes of Limitations and cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. EPA reserves the right to change these data at any time without public notice.
Archived Data and Reports
CERCLIS was a Superfund data system that EPA decommissioned in 2014 following its deployment of the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS). The datasets and reports in the table below draw upon the final CERCLIS dataset, which represents program progress as of the end of fiscal year 2013. Descriptions for these products can be found under the table.
Document Title | Date | Document ID |
Document Title | Date | Document ID |
Collection: 33302
CERCLIS (.dbf) and (.txt) Record Layout File: The record layout provides field names, character types, character positions and field lengths for the CERCLIS dBASEIII+ (.dbf) and CERCLIS ASCII Text (.txt) downloadable files.
NPL Sites and Non-NPL Sites (SCAP 12): Displays the sequence of activities undertaken at all sites in CERCLIS, both National Priorities List (NPL) sites and non-NPL sites. The SCAP 12 can be customized to contain only NPL sites or non-NPL sites, as specified in the order. NPL sites include sites proposed to the NPL, sites currently on the final NPL, and sites deleted from the final NPL. Non-NPL sites include sites removed from the proposed NPL, sites withdrawn from the final NPL, sites being addressed as part of another NPL site, and all other non-NPL sites. Where available, the report includes funding information for each action, as well as site characterization data.
CERCLIS dBASEIII+Format (.dbf): This file contains 55 dBASEIII+ (.dbf) files when decompressed. These files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potential hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities across the nation. You will need a dBASEIII+ browser or program to read the files. You may also want to view the CERCLIS Record Layout to identify the named fields used.
CERCLIS ASCII Text Format (.txt): This file (, contains 55 ASCII (.txt) formatted files when decompressed. Combined these files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potential hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities across the nation.
Contaminants at CERCLIS Sites (List 10): Lists contaminants recorded for Superfund sites, including the contaminant Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number and maximum concentration level. Affected media and the cleanup action(s) associated with the contaminant are also included, as well as basic site information for the affected sites.
IC/EC in Remedy Decision Documents: This report contains data from official decision documents (e.g., Records of Decision (RODs), ROD Amendments, Explanation of Significant Differences) identifying institutional and/or engineering controls (IC/ECs) that are part of the selected remedy. This report does not indicate that the institutional and engineering controls are currently in place nor does it indicate that the ICs/ECs will be in place once the remedy is complete. It only indicates that the decision to include either of them in the remedy is documented as of the completed date of the document.