Web Standard: Web Area URLs
- URLs are Universal Resource Locators, the address where a website lives.
- This standard refers to www.epa.gov only.
- The URLs will be in the form: https://www.epa.gov/web-area-name/page-title
- WebCMS automatically creates the URL based on the short name (defined after ODC approval when the web area is created).
- A different URL (called a 'URL overwrite') can be created, if desired.
- Any name change requires approval by ODC.
Content Requirements
- Each web area can only have one URL.
- There will not be multiple URLs for the same web area.
- Use all lowercase letters. The URL will be changed automatically to lowercase if typed with any uppercase letters.
- Using mixed- or uppercase causes issues for search engines, users, and analytics tracking.
- Use descriptive words. You want people to find the site using search.
- Water Research can be: (pick one)
- /water-research/
- /waterresearch/
- /h2oresearch/
- CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) can be: (pick one)
- /computer-aided-management-emergency-operations/
- /cameo/
About this Standard
Original effective date: 11/14/2012
Last approved on: 04/13/2022
Web Council review by: 04/13/2025 (or earlier if deemed necessary)