National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
New and Notable Resources
- Stormwater Centers of Excellence Grants
- Case Studies of Successful Approaches to Off-Site Stormwater Management
- Understanding Nutrient Management Plans Learning Modules
- Off-Site Stormwater Management MS4 Compendium: Compendium Part 7: Off-Site Stormwater Management (pdf)
- Off-Site Stormwater Management
- Addressing PFAS Discharges in NPDES Permits and Through the Pretreatment Program and Monitoring Programs (pdf)
- Implementing Case-by-Case Technology-Based Effluent Limitations in NPDES Permits (pdf)
- Public Participation in the NPDES Permit Issuance Process (pdf)
- Low Flow Statistics Tools Handbook
- FAQs for Control Authorities on Dental Rule
- Online Training: Permit Writing Tips and Best Practices
- Compendium of State Approaches for Manure Management
- MS4 General Permit Remand Rule