Contact Us: Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs)
EPA Headquarters Contact
Lauren Mosesso ([email protected]) (202) 564-1012
Nate Sienkiewicz ([email protected]) (202)564-3197
EPA Regional Contacts
Region 1: Boston (serving CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT)
Janet Deshais ([email protected])
Phone: (617) 918-1667
Region 2: New York City (serving NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)
Andrea Coats ([email protected])
Phone: (212) 637-3850
Region 3: Philadelphia (serving DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, and WV)
Leah Martino ([email protected])
Phone: (215) 814-3262
Region 4: Atlanta (serving AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, and TN)
Sam Sampath ([email protected])
Phone: (404) 562-9229
Region 5: Chicago (serving IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI)
Michael Kuss ([email protected])
Phone: (312) 886-5482
Cheryl Burdett ([email protected])
Phone: (312) 886-1463
Region 6: Dallas (serving AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX)
William Cooper ([email protected])
Phone: (214) 665-6443
Region 7: Kansas City (serving IA, KS, MO, and NE)
Mark Matthews ([email protected])
Phone: (913) 551-7635
Region 8: Denver (serving CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY)
Qian Zhang ([email protected])
Phone: (303) 312-6267
Region 9: San Francisco (serving AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau)
Becky Mitschele ([email protected])
Phone: (415) 972-3492
Region 10: Seattle (serving AK, ID, OR, and WA)
Nicholas Peak ([email protected])
Phone: (208) 378-5765
Steven Potokar ([email protected])
Phone: (206-553-6354)
State and Territory Agency Contacts
Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Office of Field Services, Field Operations Division
Richard Hulcher ([email protected])
Phone: (334) 394-4311
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Gene McCabe ([email protected])
Phone: (907) 269-7580
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Spencer York ([email protected])
Phone: (602) 771-4509
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
Jamal Solaimanian, Ph.D., P.E. ([email protected])
Phone: (501) 682-0620
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 – North Coast Region
Cherie Blatt ([email protected])
Phone: (707) 576-2755
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 – San Francisco Bay Region
Laurie Taul ([email protected])
Phone: (510) 622-2508
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 3 – Central Coast Region
Sheila Soderberg ([email protected])
Phone: (805) 549-3592
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 – Los Angeles Region
Mazhar Ali ([email protected])
Phone: (213) 576-6652
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 – Central Valley Region
Doug Patteson ([email protected])
Phone: (559) 445-5116
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 – Lahontan Region
Jehiel (Jay) Cass, P.E. ([email protected])
Phone: (760) 241-2434
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 7 – Colorado River Basin Region
Kai Dunn ([email protected])
Phone: (760) 776-8986
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 8 – Santa Ana Region
Jawed Shami ([email protected])
Phone: (951) 782-3288
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 – San Diego Region
John Odermatt ([email protected])
Phone: (619) 521-5906
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment / Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability / Environmental Agriculture Program
Chad DeVolin ([email protected])
Phone: (303) 692-3520
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection / Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance / Water Permitting and Enforcement Division
Robin Long ([email protected])
Phone: (860) 424-3280
Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control / Division of Water / Surface Water Discharge Section
Bryan A. Ashby ([email protected])
Phone: (302) 739-9946
District of Columbia
US EPA, Region 03 (Permitting Authority for DC)
Kelly Shenk ([email protected])
Phone: (410) 267-5728
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Mary K. Smith ([email protected])
Phone: (850) 245-8591
Georgia Environmental Protection Division / Water Protection Branch
Jill Causse ([email protected])
Phone: (404) 675-1616
Jamila Norman ([email protected])
Phone: (404) 675-1687
US EPA, Region 09 (Permitting Authority for Guam)
Becky Mitschele ([email protected])
Phone: (415) 972-3963
Hawaii Department of Health / Environmental Management Division / Clean Water Branch
Darryl Lum ([email protected])
Phone: (808) 586-4352
US EPA, Region 10 (Permitting Authority for Idaho CAFOs while recently published NPDES permit goes through appeal process)
Nicholas Peak ([email protected])
Phone: (208) 378-5765
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (Permitting authority for Idaho)
Larry Waters ([email protected])
Phone: (208) 373-0151
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Mitch Vermeer ([email protected])
Phone: (208) 332-8550
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency / Division of Water Pollution Control / Permit Section, Industrial Unit
Darin LeCrone ([email protected])
Phone: (217) 782-0610
Indiana Department of Environmental Management / Office of Land Quality
Charles Grady ([email protected])
Phone: (317) 234-6965
Indiana Department of Environmental Management / Office of Land Quality / Permits Branch / Confined Feeding Permits Section
Joe Williams ([email protected])
Phone: (317) 234-3540
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Reza Khosravi ([email protected])
Phone: (515) 725-8408
Kansas Department of Health & Environment / Bureau of Water / Livestock Waste Management
Tara Mahin ([email protected])
Phone: (785) 296-5550
Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection / Division of Water
Sara Beard ([email protected])
Phone: (502) 564-3410
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Todd Franklin ([email protected])
Phone: (225) 219-3209
Maine Department of Environmental Protection / Bureau of Land and Water Quality / Division of Water Resource Regulations
Gregg Wood ([email protected])
Phone: (207) 287-7693
Maryland Department of the Environment / Animal Feeding Operations Division
John Sullivan ([email protected])
Phone: (410) 537-3332
US EPA, Region 01 (Permitting Authority for Massachusetts)
Damien Houlihan ([email protected])
Phone: (617) 918-1586
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy / Water Resources Division
Amanda Bosak ([email protected])
Phone: (517) 599-9820
Bruce Washburn ([email protected])
Phone: (269) 330-6079
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Lisa M. Scheirer ([email protected])
Phone: (218) 846-8122
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Bryan Collins ([email protected])
Phone: (601) 961-5239
Missouri Department of Natural Resources / Water Protection Program
Greg Caldwell ([email protected])
Phone: (573) 526-1426
Montana Department of Environmental Quality / Water Protection Bureau
Jon Kenning ([email protected])
Phone: (406) 444-0420
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality / Water Quality Division / Agriculture Section
Benjamin Miller ([email protected])
Phone: (402) 471-0282
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection / Bureau of Water Pollution Control
Bonnie Hartley ([email protected])
Phone: (775) 687- 9502
New Hampshire
US EPA, Region 01 in New England (Permitting Authority in New Hampshire)
Damien Houlihan ([email protected])
Phone: (617) 918-1586
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services / Wastewater Engineering Bureau
Stergios Spanos ([email protected])
Phone: (603) 271-6637
New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection / Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control
Bruce Friedman ([email protected])
Phone: (609) 633-7021
New Mexico
EPA Region 6 / Water Quality Division (Permitting Authority in New Mexico)
William F. Cooper ([email protected])
Phone: (214) 665-6443
New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation / Division of Water
Sara Latessa ([email protected])
Phone: (518) 402-8279
North Carolina
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality / Division of Water Resources
Christine Lawson ([email protected])
Phone: (919) 807-6354
North Dakota
North Dakota Department of Health / Division of Water Quality
Marty Haroldson ([email protected])
Phone: (701) 328-5234
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency / Division of Surface Water
Chris Monroe ([email protected])
Phone: (614) 644-2007
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food and Forestry
Teena Gunter ([email protected])
Phone: (405) 522-4576
Oregon Department of Agriculture / Natural Resources Division
Wym Matthews ([email protected])
Phone: (503) 986-4792
Department of Environmental Protection
Kate R. Bresaw ([email protected])
Phone: (717) 772-5650
Puerto Rico
US EPA, Region 02 (Permitting Authority for Puerto Rico)
Andrea Coats ([email protected])
Phone: (212) 637-3850
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management / Office of Water Resources
Eric Beck ([email protected])
Phone: (401) 222-4700
South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control / Bureau of Water
Rob Devlin ([email protected])
Phone: (803) 898-3798
South Dakota
South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources / Feedlot Permit Program
Dan Gerhardt ([email protected])
Phone: (605) 773-4647
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation / Division of Water Resources
John Newberry ([email protected])
Phone: (615) 532-7743
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality / CAFO Permitting
Charles Schneider ([email protected])
Phone: (512) 239-1379
Utah Department of Environmental Quality / Division of Water Quality
Don Hall ([email protected])
Phone: (801) 536-4492
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Chris Gianfagna ([email protected])
Phone: (802) 490-6174
Virgin Islands
US EPA, Region 02 (Permitting Authority for the U.S. Virgin Islands)
Andrea Coats ([email protected])
Phone: (212) 637-3850
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality / Animal Feeding Operations Program
Betsy K. Bowles ([email protected])
Phone: (804) 698-4059
Washington State Department of Ecology
Chelsea Morris ([email protected])
Phone: (360) 407-6563
Washington State Department of Agriculture / Dairy Nutrient Management Program
Chery Sullivan ([email protected])
Phone: (360) 902-1928
West Virginia
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection / Division of Water and Waste Management
Megan E. Grose ([email protected])
Phone: (304) 926-0495
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Tyler Dix ([email protected])
Phone: (608) 220-2096
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Jason Thomas ([email protected])
Phone: (307) 777-5504
WYDES Program Manager, Acting
Jon Deutscher ([email protected])
Phone: (307) 675-5635
Nutrient Management